AST46. Thannstetler Wiener Praktik, Vienna, 1524. |

AST47. Le Grant Kalendrier et Comport des bergiers, Nicolas le Rouge, Troyes, 1496. |

AST48. Hans Holbein Canones super novum Instrumentum Luminarium, Sebastiean Munster, Basle, 1534. |

AST49. 18th Century engraving. |

AST50. Image of Ptolemy from Godfridus. The knowledge of things unknown : shewing the effects of the planets, London 1679. |

AST51. An ancient astronomer from a 19th century illustration. |

AST52. Woodcut from George Peuerbach Tabulae eclipsicum, Vienna, 1514. |

AST53. Arabic astronomers from Macrobius In somnium Scipionis, Venice, 1513. |

AST54. Sebastian Munster Organum Uranicum, Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1536. |

AST55. Johann de Sacrobosco Textus spherae materialis, Leipzig, 1509. |

AST56. Woodcut from Icy est le Compost, 1493. |

AST57. The seven planets from the Shepherd's Calendar, 1503. |

AST58. Queen Elizabeth, 16th Century woodcut. |

AST59. Saturn, ruler of Time, Heaven and Earth, woodcut, 1499. |

AST60. Illustration of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter from a 15th century work of Johannes Lichtenberger. |

AST61. Astrologers casting horoscope as woman gives birth. |