DA09. Woodcut 9 from Durer's Apocalypse
series of fifteen, 1511. |

EMB01. Emblem from Andreas Friedrich Emblemes nouvelles, Frankfurt, 1617.

EMB02. Emblem from Andreas Friedrich Emblemes nouvelles, Frankfurt, 1617.

EMB03. Emblem of Microcosm/Macrocosm from Jan Moerman De cleyn-werelt Amsterdam, 1608.

EMB04. Woodcut from Agricola De re metallica Basle, 1556.

EMB05. Woodcut in Vincenzo Cartari Le imagini de gli dei Padua, 1608

EMB06. Engraving by Bolswerth (1580-1634) of the allegory of Barlaan
EMB07. Woodcut from Simon Vostre, Hore Beate Marie, Paris, 1502.

EMB08. Woodcut of Temptation of Adam and Eve, France, around 1500

EMB09. Engraving from Gründliche Nachricht von den Frey-Maurern, Frankfurt, 1738.

EMB10. Woodcut Days of creation from Coverdale, Miles The Bible, Antwerp, 1535.
EMB11. Engraving from Gottleib Märker Schema Universale, 1772.

EMB12. Woodcut title page from Robert Recorde The Castle of Knowledge, 1556.

EMB13. Frontispiece engraving Henry Hawkins Partheneia sacra, Rouen, 1633.

EMB14. Woodcut of the tree of the liberal arts, by Master D.S., 1508.
EMB15. Image 33 from Tarocchi of Mantegna circa 1460.