EMB32. Woodcut illustration from an edition of St Augustine's 'City of God'. |

EMB33. Woodcut of griffin, Durer, 1515.

EMB34. Woodcut by Jost Amman from Jacob Rueff, De conceptu et generatione hominis, Frankfurt, 1587.

EMB35. Emblem 45 from George Withers A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Modern, 1635.

EMB36. 17th Century French engraving. |

EMB37. Woodcut of witches by Hans Baldung Grien, Strassburg, 1514.

EMB38. Engraving from Achilles Bocchius Symbolicarum quaestionum, Bologna, 1555.

EMB39. Ladder from the senses to the Word of God from Robert Fludd Utriusque cosmi historia, II, 1619.

EMB40. Engraved emblem from Otto Vaen Q. Horati Flacci Emblemata, Antwerp, 1607. |

EMB41. P. Aquila Imagines veteris ac Novi Testamenti a Raphaele Sanctio, 1675.

EMB42. P. Aquila Imagines veteris ac Novi Testamenti a Raphaele Sanctio, 1675.

EMB43. P. Aquila Imagines veteris ac Novi Testamenti a Raphaele Sanctio, 1675.

EMB44. German woodcut, c. 1490. |

EMB45. Engraving from Johann Wurffbain Salamandram super triplici ararum foco, Altdorf, 1676

EMB46. Emblem from George Withers A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Modern, 1635.

EMB47. Emblem from George Withers A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Modern, 1635.