Alchemy Forum 0651-0700From January 25th 1996, the Alchemy forum was restructured and the messages were sequentially numbered. This is an unedited extract of messages 651-700.Go to next 50 messages . Back to forum archive. Fri Apr 12 21:05:11 1996 Subject: 0651 Cinnabar, Caro's way From: John Reid Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 18:08:24 -0400 (EDT) Was the stone that you wrote about put through three revolutions of the wheel or only one. JHRIII On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, Alchemy forum wrote: > From: Beat Krummenacher > Date: 09 Apr 96 18:29:41 EDT > > > Dear Manfred, > > you wrote: >The so-called Way of Cinnabar has been thaugt by the French > alchemist Roger Caro who lived in South France and died few years ago.< > > Have you practically examined the way? As far as I am informed, the process > actually is very simple. Only the preparation of the necessary raw materials for > the work is costly. Thereby the production of the salt fire presents the most > time-consuming work. But also this is to be made... > > The problem: Good friends of mine have re-enacted dozens of times the union of > the three essential alchemical principles of this work. Thereby they exactly > followed the statements of Caro. The described and also in photos captured color > changes which Caro observed really are reproducible. Only: The product was not > the philosopher's stone! One received a red powder, which however did not own > the characteristics being attributed to it. > > Do you know more about it? > > Best regards > Lapis Fri Apr 12 21:05:20 1996 Subject: 0652 Cinnabar, Caro's way From: Petra Gottlieb Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 09:21:33 GMT Dear Manfred, When you answer Beat Krummenacher's last post, please don't go into private conversation, but post it onto the alchemy forum, because I am also very interested in what you have to say. Please include me. Kind regards, --- Petra Christiane Gottlieb petrag@iaccess.com.au --- WO KEIN LIEB, DA IST KEIN KUNST! (Paracelsus) WITHOUT LOVE THERE IS NO ART! Sat Apr 13 14:11:48 1996 Subject: 0653 Alchemy - Golden Dawn Statement From: Pat Zalewski Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 11:45 NZST Regarding the post and Golden Dawn Alchemy. In the old order they did not teach the practical but encouraged adepts to apply the Z2 formulea to all alchemical studies. In short, they wanted to do full ritual with alchemical work . Today however, there are GD temples popping up all over the place and each one applies the system differently. As far as the original GD went it was the application of magic that was important, the practical was often left to ones own devices to sort out. An ideal situation would be for the students to study a course such as the Philosphers of nature and use the GD ritual applications to it. At any rate it is good to see that some temples are doing more than simply applying magical studies but are emplying more practical alchemical methods as well, and this makes the GD system more balanced than before. Pat zalewski Sat Apr 13 14:13:14 1996 Subject: 0654 Calhhh and "all" From: Petra Gottlieb Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 10:19:28 GMT Dear Jose, You write: >>If you have a clear definition of Alchemy that no one else could refute, let us know. But please provide your own definition, not what others have written about it.<< If I use another's text or definition it is because I am of the same opinion, and I choose it because I have to admit that he/she can say it better than I can. --- Petra Christiane Gottlieb petrag@iaccess.com.au --- WO KEIN LIEB, DA IST KEIN KUNST! (Paracelsus) WITHOUT LOVE THERE IS NO ART! Sat Apr 13 14:13:26 1996 Subject: 0655 Jose Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 00:33:47 -0400 From: photopro Dear Jose...I wrote that piece that so disturbed you. It is my truth. No one has to agree. I state my way of life. Please do inform me of your beliefs as I would be glad to read and understand where you are coming from. I do not have to agree but I'll give you respect.And please do tell me why you are so upset. You have read my meditated truths not dogma. Please do include what you believe is the purpose of Alchemy. This is very important for me to become wise. Wisa of Photopro Sat Apr 13 14:13:48 1996 Subject: 0656 The Law of Reciprocal Action From: OISPEGGY Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 08:42:01 -0500 (EST) >From: douwe >It may not be appropriate for me to answer on this, because I haven't >been following the former discussions on this topic. >(I have only been subscribed for one day) >But still I have some thoughts regarding karma. Thanks for your comments, douwe; I enjoyed reading them. And welcome to the Alchemy Forum. I particularly liked the way you tied "solve and coagula" in with the discussion on Karma. Regards, - Peggy - PS: I would have sent this in email but your email address was not on your post and the listserv strips out all other addresses. Sat Apr 13 14:13:57 1996 Subject: 0657 Alchemical Music From: AstroVisuals Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 09:30:03 -0600 One more offering re: Alchemical music. Robert Fripp's "The Catalogue of Metals." It's on an album by Robert Fripp and Brian Eno called Evening Star. It's electronic music, quite beautiful and strange. Starts out very high and fine, like hydrogen and helium, then gradually descends into denser, weightier vibrations. As it reaches its heaviest point, the high tones imperceptibly return. Robert Fripp is, I believe, "into" the philosophy of Gurdjieff. But I think this music fits into an alchemical mindset. Also, Patrice, I don't believe you are insulting the Royal Art. You experience personal transformation and self-becoming through your music. That is your tool and your gift, and we can only (and _must_) work with what we are given. Music and alchemy seem like a natural combination to me, since both work with vibration (number), the basic structures of matter and energy. Martha Sat Apr 13 13:41:06 1996 Subject: Lacuna in the alchemy forum My apologies for the slight lacuna in the Alchemy forum mail. I have been in London on Thursday and Friday so haven't been able to repost the messages to the forum. Now there is a lot of stuff to catch up on!!! Adam McLean Sat Apr 13 14:14:11 1996 Subject: 0658 Twentieth Century Alchemy From: Patrick J. Smith Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 11:27:48 -0600 Here is a short biography of Jean-Julien Champagne/Fulcanelli. While much of this information is well known, I've added a few points which may not have been widely considered before, so, perhaps I can be forgiven for taking the least obscure 20th Century alchemist. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% During the 1930s, an investigation into the identity of Fulcanelli was conducted by Robert Ambelain, a student of the occult who had been inspired by Fulcanelli's books. Having written a book of his own, Ambelain went to see Jean Schemit, the original publisher of Fulcanelli's works. While there Schemit told him that, in 1926, he was visited by a stranger who had not given his name, but had engaged him in conversation about the hermetic symbols encoded in Gothic architecture. A few weeks later, Canseliet appeared with the manuscript of `Le Mystere des Cathedrales', which, Schemit noted, was filled with the same ideas and phrases used by his vistor of a few weeks before. Later, Canseliet returned with Jean-Julien Champagne, the illustrator, whom Schemit immediately recognized as the visitor. In his presence, Canseliet often referred to Champagne as his Master, and so, from these and other clues, Schemit became convinced that Fulcanelli and Champagne were one and the same. Ambelain's attention was again drawn to Champagne by an article in which Champagne described one of his illustrations in clearly alchemistical terms, while Canseliet had always passed him off as a talented illustrator with no particular knowledge of alchemy. Hence, following his talk with Schemit, Ambelain decided to follow up his inquiries. Champagne was born on January 23, 1877. He was interested in art from an early age, and is said to have begun his alchemical work at the age of sixteen. In 1916 he met Eugene Canseliet, who was then seventeen years old, and took him on as a student. In 1921, according to Ambelain's account, Champagne became the teacher of the sons of his friend, Ferdinand de Lesseps, who was setting up a laboratory at Bourges. Champagne had boasted that within six months he would be able to manufacture gold, but succeeded only in losing about 60g of the metal. In 1922, Champagne met Jules Boucher, and was persuaded to take him and Gaston Sauvage on as students. It was Jules Boucher who later gave Ambelain much of his information. Boucher told Ambelain that his Master (Champagne) was the one who had corrected the proofs to both of Fulcanelli's books, and had made all the decisions concerning their production. From the beginning of 1925, Champagne and Canseliet lived at the same address in Paris (#59 rue Rochechouart) in sixth floor attic rooms. During this period Champagne established a secret society known as the Freres d'Heliopolis to whom both of Fulcanelli's works were dedicated. This group, however, was limited to Champagne, Canseliet, Sauvage, Boucher, and a couple of others. It was through this group that the first mention of Fulcanelli was made. Over the years, Champagne had told many people, both in writing and in person, that he was Fulcanelli, and even thus signed Boucher's copy of `Le Mystere des Cathedrales'. Evidently, he also left clues in Fulcanelli's books. Ambelain observed that on the last page of the original edition of `Le Mystere' was a shield with the motto: UBER CAMPA AGNA, which is a phonetic approximation of Hubert Champagne (according to Boucher, his full name was Jean-Julien Hubert Champagne). When Ambelain called at Canseliet and Champagne's old address in 1936, he found their ex-concierge, Mme. Labille, still there. She told him that in all the time Champagne had lived there he had only ever received three visitors: Canseliet, Boucher and Sauvage. Throughout his life, Canseliet steadfastly denied and dismissed the evidence pointing to Champagne. Jacques Sadoul also dismissed it for an interesting reason: that Champagne is certainly dead, and therefore couldn't be Fulcanelli. To understand this arguement, we turn to the year 1937, when Jacques Bergier was working as an assistant to the scientist M. Hellbronner, who was later killed by the Nazis. They were engaged in experiments relating to low level nuclear transmutations in an apparatus which employed high power electrical discharges in an evacuated tube. One afternoon in June of that year Bergier was visited by a stranger who said that he was an alchemist and proceeded to warn him of the perils facing humanity from nuclear energy, and read a passage from Soddy's `Interpretation of Radium' to make the point. He also stated that: Geometrical arrangements of extremely pure substances suffice to loose atomic forces without the use of electricity or the vacuum technique... Throughout his life, Bergier believed that the stranger was, in fact, Fulcanelli, and the story, which has been repeated in a number of publications, has become part of the legend. Years later, Bergier learned that the *atomic pile* could be described as a `geometrical arrangement of extremely pure substances' and indeed required neither electricty nor the use of a vacuum to loose nuclear forces. Bergier concluded that the stranger must have been decades ahead of official science. The problem with this is that there is a much simpler explanation. The alchemical opus was generally described as a series of purifications which aim to produce a substance which is purer than anything found on earth. The Aristotelian elements which we perceive in the mundane world were thought to be corrupted to a greater or lesser extent, and thus were only poor approximations to the *ideal* elements of earth, water, air, and fire, much as in the allegory of Plato's cave, the shadows on the cave wall are mistaken for reality they only represent. The object of the alchemical work was to purify the elements, and the Philosopher's Stone was often described as a species of gold, purer than the purest. It was also described as a solid, heavy, *crystalline* substance, and was believed to possess the power of nuclear transmutation. Now, if a self-admitted alchemist explains that a geometrical arrangement of extremely pure substances suffice to loose atomic forces, the obvious conclusion is that he is describing the *Philosopher's Stone!* However, faced with this circumstance, Bergier thought that he must have meant an atomic pile, even though such had not yet been invented. For this, Bergier, who had little knowledge of alchemical philosophy, might be forgiven. But the story is repeated uncritically by Jacques Sadoul, Kenneth Johnson, and others, all of whom spent years studying alchemy! Of course, this doesn't prove that the stranger wasn't Fulcanelli, although it does suggest that Bergier's visitor did not anticipate twentieth century nuclear physics, but had a conventional understanding of alchemy. The identity of the stranger remains unknown. But his ideas, as related by Bergier, bear little resemblance to those of Fulcanelli, and there is really no evidence linking the two. Thus Jacques Sadoul's objection, based on the premise that Fulcanelli remained alive, begins to appear unsupportable. But Canseliet also claimed to have seen Fulcanelli in 1954, twenty-two years after the death of Champagne. In that year, according to friends of Canseliet (who related the story to Kenneth Johnson), he was compelled to pack his bags and travel overland to Seville, Spain, where he was taken by a long, circuitous route to a large castle, somewhere in the mountains. On arrival, he was greeted by his old Master, Fulcanelli, who had not physically aged over the intervening years. Canseliet was conducted to the upper floor of a turret overlooking a broad courtyard where, later, he saw a number of children dressed in the style of the sixteenth-century. He was allotted a laboratory for his experiments, in which he became engrossed. Occasionally, Fulcanelli would appear and speak with him briefly. One morning, Canseliet descended the staircase to the bottom of the turret and, while standing in an archway that opened onto the courtyard, was approached by three women wearing long, flowing, sixteenth-century styled dresses. As the women walked by, one of them turned, looked at him, smiled, turned away, and walked on. Canseliet was stunned---the face of the woman was that of Fulcanelli! Canseliet eventually returned to France with only a vague, dream-like recollection of the events. He never again saw Fulcanelli. The incredible nature of this story aside, the embedded alchemical symbolism is unmistakeable. In fact, without entering into a discussion of its exact symbolic meaning, it's interesting that similar alchemical analogies appear in `Le Mystere des Cathedrales'. For instance, on pg. 44 of the Neville-Spearman or Brotherhood of Life edition of the Sworder translation, footnote #8, Fulcanelli wrote: It is said that Tireseas was deprived of his sight for revealing to mortals the secrets of Olympus. However he lived `for seven, eight or nine ages of man' and is supposed to have been successively man and woman. Alchemists often symbolized alchemical operations or sequences under the guise of a journey, and Fulcanelli was well aware of this, as he had analyzed Flamel's symbolic journey in his first book. There, he described the Traveller or Pilgrim as emblems of the principle of Mercury. Though there is evidence that Canseliet did actually travel to Spain, his account of the events while there was almost certainly symbolic, and hence there is no reason to believe that Fulcanelli, whoever he was, survives. Champagne died in 1932 of absinthe. Although a third Fulcanelli book was later rumoured, nothing more was ever printed. Jean Schemit died in 1945. Jules Boucher died in 1957. Jacques Bergier in 1978. Eugene Canseliet pursued the alchemical quest throughout his long life, but, in the end, admitted failure. He died in the mid 1980s. And thus came to a close a strange chapter in the strange history of alchemy. If Fulcanelli really was someone other than Champagne and yet survives, as some care to believe, it's difficult to understand how he could have let all his old friends and colleagues die when he had the power to save them. It is much easier to believe that Canseliet faithfully kept a promise to conceal the true identity of Fulcanelli, and over the years managed to keep his old friend and mentor alive in the minds of other men. -Patrick Sat Apr 13 14:14:26 1996 Subject: 0659 20th Century Alchemy From: calhhh Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 13:37:18 -0400 Dear Forum Members : Jose B. Escada Jr. wrote on his message 0641 20th century Alchemy : > ORCIS, could you please provide us more information about this > group and, if possible, their address in Spain ? > I deeply agree with this comments about Simon H.: his work is known > in far lands, like Brazil where I live. His books are amongst the > most clear alchemical literature I had seen (and I had studied > hundreds of them), full of information you can't find in other > writings and without the symbolism commonly found even in other > 20th Century authors. His books deserve learning Spanish just to > read them as I did. Indeed Jose, SIMON H.'s books are very plainly written and I also found them to be EXTREMELY revealing. I started reading about alchemy related books in my teens and at that time I found them to be extremely difficult to understand all its simbolisms and ciphered terminology. After several years of reading I had come to the conclusion that Alchemy was strictly a Spiritual path, but that laboratory work towards the obtainment of The Stone or The Alkahest, was not possible. For me the lab side of Alchemy became at that age like a beautiful and complex but unattainable dream. It was not until about two years ago (about 20 years later) that through the reading of SIMON H. book, where he reported that after many years of hard work he had obtained THE RED STONE, that I became convinced that 'practical laboratory alchemy', (meaning the succesful completion of The Great Work), was really attainable. As a result I retook my quest, now being aware that Alchemy's path in its fullest meaning meant a twofold road of practical and spiritual alchemy, walking hand in hand, the feet on the earth and the head on heaven, requiring lots and lots of hard, consistent and dedicated work, lots of prayer (in its best sense ..), and then perhaps, and by the Grace of God, the goal may be obtained. Anticipating a response, I will also say that NO, I AM IN NO WAY ILLUMINATED nor yet hold the knowledge for the completion of this path, nor feel that I own The Truth or only possible meaning of Alchemy. Furthermore I truly and deeply respect any other interpretation of the Alchemical path, and also truly believe that the Spiritual Evolution, is in any case the most important reason of anyone's existence. So, spiritual (internal) alchemy, as well as many others, are perfectly OK ! I am just stating my believe as to what alchemy is all about ... Indeed there is a valid and important space for alchemical music and art in general. Alchemy pretends to teach us how Nature works, and nature is full of music, sights and sounds, as well as free energy, medicine, architecture, we just have to learn to go with the flow of It, and then once we may recognize its laws, to act as an able assistant (alchemist ..) to help whenever possible to accelerate its processes for the benefit of Humankind. This has been stated by Paracelsus and many others, and indeed many present alchemists are working in different aspects of this, my beloved DIVINE ART. So I am just a beggining but eager student .... Coming back to SIMON H., and this not being an advertisement of any kind, for those of you that may be interested, his books are the following : 1) LA PUERTA CERRADA - Diario de un alquimista (The closed door - Diary of an alchemist). First published in 1981. In this book he states that finally he was able to accomplished The Great Work, and gives lots and lots of helpful insights. 2) LAS PALOMAS DE DIANA Y LA MEDICINA UNIVERSAL (Diana's Doves and the Universal Medicine). A beautifully illustrated book, recently reissued with many simbolic paintings full of meaning. It discusses the Mercurial Phase, with a lot of information. 3) EL LIBRO DE ORO DE LA ALQUIMIA. (Alchemy's golden book). Full color pictures of the different stages of the Work, up to the first Wheel. Also discusses the Athanor, and a lot of other helpful insights. 4) ALQUIMIA - EL ENIGMA DE LOS TIEMPOS (Alchemy . Enigma of the Ages) He mentions a little about alchemy's history and shows some corre- lations among the classical authors, making some general comments. He also clarifies his possition against working in metallic trans- mutation, since he feels the main and true purpose of Alchemy is the obtainment of the Universal Medicine. He respects anyone's right to take this path, but states the fears for the tremendous consequences this could bring for the world economy in general and to the alchemist in particular. He feels the right alchemical path is towards the obtainment and refinement of The Elixir, which he feels that sometime in the rather near future will be useful for the regeneration not only of health but of nature as we know it. He touches the subject of the lab and give a couple of exercises that may give the reader some very general but helpful insights of basic principles. 5) ALQUIMIA - LOS SIETE TIEMPOS (Alchemy - The seven times) A beautiful and revealing collection of 7 paintings with their respective texts, that pretend to give the reader insights, acting as truly alchemical mandalas. I will gladly send the publishers information to those whom may be interested in obtaining them, but I am not sure if all may be available at this time, since most of them were published in the 1980's. ( By the way... No, I am not related to the publishers in any way, nor I would profit at all for the reference ...) I know that through the Ages, many people has claimed to be Adepts, and most of them have only been charlatans. That is why I had not mentioned in my previous message more details about this author, since I did not want it to sound as an endorsement. The only thing I can attest to, is that after extensive correspondence, I met some of the members of the group, that they seem extremely sincere and truthful, that they showed me some of their work and that in my opinion they are definetely not searching for the shine of Gold, nor fame or publicity. On the contrary they are rather humble, but do come accross as being very sure of what they are doing. They do hold the traditional mystical and secretive view of alchemy, but also feel that the time has come for Alchemy to slowly start regaining its "proper" position within the "scientific" world; not as a cold repeatable set of experiments, understanding that the experimenter influence the outcome of the experiment (as quantum physics now accepts ..), but as a new way of spiritual science; a Science with a Conscience. That is why they have subjected small samples of The Stone for lab analysis at a very reputable spanish university, bringing as a result after extensive tests, that the material in question was= UNIDENTIFIABLE. I was able to review a book by the name of LA FASCINANTE HISTORIA DE LA ALQUIMIA - ESCRITA POR UN CIENTIFICO MODERNO (THE FASCINATING HISTORY OF ALCHEMY - WRITTEN BY A MODERN SCIENTIST) written in 1991 by DR. CIRO ARRIBAS JIMENO, professor emeritus and cathedratic of analitical chemistry, an international known and well respected chemist, whom under the auspices of the UNIVERSITY OF OVIEDO (SPAIN) wrote this book making a historical overview of alchemy, and which contains many positive commentaries about Simon H., stating that the author truly considers him to be a 20th century ADEPT. Even though I do not own a copy of this book, I do have the bibliographic references for anyone interested. For whatever is worth, my feeling towards them and their work is VERY GOOD !!! Just to finish this already TOO LONG and perhaps somewhat personal message I will say that for what I was able to learn about them, the group of SIMON H., is composed of very few disciples and work very low profile, but with continuing and intensive research. I compromised not to give their address, but if anyone wishes to contact them, I will be very glad to receive via email any messages, and then to forward them via snail mail to their destination. Messages should include a mailing address so that they may write back if so choose to do it, since for what I know Simon H. is not connected to the Net. Sorry for taking your time, but since several people requested more info. I decided to post it in the forum. Receive my fraterly love, ORCIS calhhh@mail.pananet.com "MONTES FIDES MOVETO" Sat Apr 13 14:14:36 1996 Subject: 0660 20th Century Alchemy From: al4302 Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:23:23 +0100 >Re: that portion that states above "the Stone could be found only as a >result of divine favor..." This is true of all the creative genius >tangents into "Divine Art". And in reference to my two other posted >E-mails today, may I state that I did not mention my agreement in this >belief. For Man might elect and strive but without "BLESSINGS/GRACE" >there will be hinderance in the processing of Desire / Quest toward >Wisdom/Stone/Transmutation. > > Wisa / PhotoProse Why do you call yourself PhotoProse, has it for you an alchemical significance, do you refer to the preperation of the Prime Matter or are you one of those New age types that think that the Alchemical process takes place on a transendental level only. Regards Lenns Sat Apr 13 14:14:45 1996 Subject: 0661 Books on Klossowski de Rola From: calhhh Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 12:31:53 -0400 Dear Forum Members : I recently read a book by Stanislas Klossowski de Rola called "ALCHEMY The Secret Art (Thames and Hudson, New York reprinted 1992) which I truly enjoyed by its content as well as its wonderful illustrations. I would like to learn more information about this author, as well as to purchase his other works, so I would appreciate greatly any insights as to his work, and also the bibliographic references of his other books. I recently saw mentioned in the forum another of his books by the name of "Le Jeu d'Or", published in English as "The Golden Game" but no references about publisher, etc. were given. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. ORCIS calhhh@mail.pananet.com "MONTES FIDES MOVETO" Sat Apr 13 14:14:54 1996 Subject: 0662 20th Century Alchemy From: tim scott Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 10:33:37 -0700 > > Shall we revisit the Hudson papers? They are pure 20th century. > > With WPG wishes, > > Charlie. Dear Friends: I know this list is not a democracy *:^>) but if you want my opinion I would for my part be very depressed if this subject started going around again. Don't the WPG/Hudson/et al gang have their own places to discuss this? I implore Adam to not let this forum be taken over again by this. In my opinion Hudson may be "pure 20th century", but pure 20th century fraud and/or delusion. On the other hand, the post by calhhh really intrigued me, as I did not know of the deep research on alchemy being done in Spain. I would gladly welcome more information from that direction. Although my personal bias is towards laboratory, "classic" and oriental alchemical works, traditions and methods, I understand that the word "alchemy" can mean pretty much whatever one wants it to mean. As they say , "YMMV" (Your Mileage May Vary.") Thanks for reading. Tim Scott Sat Apr 13 14:15:03 1996 Subject: 0663 20th Century Alchemy - Hudson In reply to Tim Scott's view that it would depress him if the Forum got tied up again in the Hudson material, I would like to say the following. Discussion of Hudson's work in the context of alchemy is of course allowed on this forum, however, there is now a forum dedicated just to exploring all the ramifications of the Hudson material, and it is best if people especially interested in Hudon subscribed to that forum as they can follow up points in detail with people who have studied the Hudson material in some depth. The two previous phases when the Alchemy forum became swamped with material on Hudson, arose because there was a growing interest in discussing Dave Hudson's work and the Alchemy forum seemed a natural place in which to address these questions. With the formation of a specialist forum, the alchemy forum will no longer be taken over by this subject for a month or two as happened late last year, but there will no doubt be occasions when people want to raise questions about Hudson's work in an alchemical context and that I am sure will be okay for most of the members of this forum. Best wishes, Adam McLean Sat Apr 13 14:15:24 1996 Subject: 0664 20th Century alchemists From: douwe Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 23:07:31 GMT On Fri, 12 Apr 1996 21:05:56 +0000, you wrote: >From:Pat Zalewski >Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 07:55 NZST >>Archibald Cochren was also supposed to have made the philosophers stone. >People who visited him saw it growing, but alas he also did not last long. >We have two alchemists who have claimed to have made the stone, and both of >them died under normal circumstances. >There was no prolonging of life here. >I do not think both of them were liars. This seems to pose more questions >than answers. If the ability exists to manufacture the Stone, then you must have mastered the same quality spiritually. If this is the case then dbr> Wed Apr 10 10:50:40 1996 absolute liberation') to you. douwe darus@xs4all.nl Sat Apr 13 14:15:36 1996 Subject: 0665 20th Century alchemists From: al4302 Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 00:11:49 +0100 At 21:05 12/04/96 +0000, you wrote: >From:Pat Zalewski >Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 07:55 NZST > > > >>Archibald Cochren was also supposed to have made the philosophers stone. >People who visited him saw it growing, but alas he also did not last long. >We have two alchemists who have claimed to have made the stone, and both of >them died under normal circumstances. There was no prolonging of life here. >I do not think both of them were liars. This seems to pose more questions >than answers. > >Pat zalewski > The observers of Mr Cochren's stone were in a small way incorect in that it was not his stone that they were witness to but rarther an alchemical tree grown in a flask. The tree is matalic and produces silver and gold leafs and a flower, it is not the stone but rarther an aplication of it, it serves no purpose but to amuse the alchemist. Anyone can grow such a tree, the procedure can be given in the form of a recipe but there is one ingrident that is not available to most and that is the seed. The existance of this tree in the possesion of Mr Cochren bears witness to the fact that he knew the secret for the tree is not posible without the seed and the seed is not posible without the stone. However it is possible that the seed was provided by another probaly his teacher for in such a case the tree grows at the same rate as the student. The tree epitomises the the work and demostates that the stone is made via a process of growth not reduction to an essence. The existance of Mr Cochren's tree was confirmed to me by his sister in law who is still alive and witnessed the tree first hand. I would add that in all probability there are just as may adepts around today as there has always been and I would be willing to bet that one or two are tuned into this forum. It is an unlucky alchemist that becomes known. Sat Apr 13 14:15:48 1996 Subject: 0666 20th Century alchemists From: RawnClark Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 23:18:44 -0400 In a message dated 96-04-12 18:21:46 EDT, you write: >There was no prolonging of life here. >I do not think both of them [Roger Caro & Archibald Cockren] were liars. >This seems to pose more questions than answers. > >Pat zalewski Did anyone ask these folks if they had actually employed the Stone personally for such a use? It is after all, a matter of choice at such a juncture, no? There are also considerations of personal karma when the issue of prolonging life arises. Though the Stone may return the body to a state of health, I see many ways in which that would not necessarily equal prolonging the life of said body. It would be very enlightening to hear from folks who conversed with these Alchemists, whether or not they ever stated their preferences or expectations in this matter. Great achievement, does not necessarily require that the achiever use the fruits of their labor in the ways another might expect, or even understand. Yet, we all tend to judge the results of others by the standard of our own level of understanding. Human lives are not as simple as chemistry, not as predictable, because we can never grasp the entirety of another's experience and perspective. How then are we to judge another's claim of completion of the Great Work without physical evidence of transmutation (or any other accepted test of the Stone)? We certainly have no such concrete evidence remaining with which to judge the writings of the Sages. Yet somehow we judge, as is our human way. Without physical evidence to examine, or witnesses to such an examination, we must call upon our intuition and our rational intellect, and then personally decide......or not. :) Rawn Clark 12 Apr 96 Sun Apr 14 12:55:41 1996 Subject: 0667 20th Century alchemists From: al4302 Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 16:44:53 +0100 >On Fri, 12 Apr 1996 21:05:56 +0000, you wrote: > >>From:Pat Zalewski >>Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 07:55 NZST > > >>>Archibald Cochren was also supposed to have made the philosophers stone. >>People who visited him saw it growing, but alas he also did not last long. >>We have two alchemists who have claimed to have made the stone, and both of >>them died under normal circumstances. >>There was no prolonging of life here. >>I do not think both of them were liars. This seems to pose more questions >>than answers. > > >If the ability exists to manufacture the Stone, then you must have >mastered the same quality spiritually. >If this is the case then death is a welcome change (or better 'an >absolute liberation') to you. > >douwe > >darus@xs4all.nl > Do you mean death of the Philosophical Death? Sun Apr 14 12:55:50 1996 Subject: 0668 Twentieth Century Alchemy From: al4302 Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 17:34:51 +0100 If Fulcanelli really was someone other than Champagne and >yet survives, as some care to believe, it's difficult to understand >how he could have let all his old friends and colleagues die when he >had the power to save them. >-Patrick The tincture is only medicine for the one who makes it. Sun Apr 14 12:55:58 1996 Subject: 0669 20th Century alchemists - Ingaleses From: calhhh Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 12:54:26 -0400 Rawn Clark (message 0666) said : >Did anyone ask these folks if they had actually employed the Stone personally >for such a use? It is after all, a matter of choice at such a juncture, no? >There are also considerations of personal karma when the issue of prolonging >life arises. Though the Stone may return the body to a state of health, I >see many ways in which that would not necessarily equal prolonging the life >of said body. Rawn, for what I have been able to read of the Ingaleses they did not believe in ingesting the Stone to prolong life. They even stated that in order to prolong life, ingesting the Stone was not sufficient but a complete regimen of Life must be undertaken. I will look up the exact reference and post it. However, they did report of ingesting a STONE perhaps at an inferior level of purification, in order to regain health. In their reports of working with their group of friends, I recall even a narration of resucitating the deceased wife of one of their friends about half hour after her death. Notwithstanding, I feel that having somekind of a medicine, if they indeed were able to obtain the Stone, they should not have been in the poor state of health that is reported they died in, as per Tim's info. One thing is to choose not to prolong life, and other, supposedly having the knowledge that they did, to suffer the consequences of all those kind of diseases. I truly believe in personal freedom to choose using or not a given medicine, but to suffer innecesarily just does not make sense, at least to me ... But those are just my thoughts from this distant point of reference. Reports of people that may have known the Ingaleses would be very interesting. Best Regards, ORCIS calhhh@mail.pananet.com "MONTES FIDES MOVETO" Sun Apr 14 12:56:10 1996 Subject: 0670 20th Century Alchemists From: calhhh Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 12:54:55 -0400 20TH CENTURY ALCHEMISTS > PURIFICATION LEVELS OF THE STONE DOUWE (message 0664) wrote: > If the ability exists to manufacture the Stone, then you must > have mastered the same quality spiritually. > If this is the case then death is a welcome change (or better 'an > absolute liberation') to you. DOUWE seems to argue that to manufacture THE STONE the operator must have achieved "the same quality spiritually". Do you mean that in order to make the stone you must be illuminated in the sense of having an extraordinary spiritual advancenment ? ? I feel that the energy (vibratory level/spiritual evolution) of the alchemist strongly affects the different phases of The Great Work, particularly in the initial phases, where the Stone in the process of being made requires lots of energy from the Seed as well as from its "Creator" (alchemist). However, as once I understood Lapis to say, even without the spiritual advancement of the operator, something of great value/power could be obtained since otherwise there was no sense for the secret and allegory that always accompanied The Royal Art. Besides, I do feel that not two STONES are necessarily alike with respect to its potency and capacities. An interesting subject of discussion would be the different concepts among the western/eastern traditions with regards to the meaning of THE WHITE STONE, THE RED STONE, THE ELIXIR (And even according to the Chinese tradition a MINOR ELIXIR and a GREAT ELIXIR which was the one that could prolong life ..), THE QUINTAESSENCE, etc. For example, a RED STONE of the first Wheel could definetely not have the same purity and consequently the same potency that the result of the third Wheel .. and even then, further purifications have been discussed by the Great Masters. Furthermore, some Masters (for what little I know) have only reported work with the Stone on certain specific areas and not in others. For example, FLAMEL seems to have work only on the metallic transmutatory properties of THE STONE but not on the manufacture of the MEDICINE, which Paracelsus seems to have dominated quite well. So what was/is the final objective of an alchemist ? ? Which is the ultimate purification of THE STONE possible ?? Many things have been said about it. Some have argued that in its ultimate level of purification (and for this stage I do feel that the Alchemist MUST have evolved at the same time/level that THE STONE) and if he decided to ingest/drink it ... a total transmutation would occur .... His physical/spiritual bodies would be transmutated becoming an integral part of the TRUE ADEPTHOOD, and breaking the necessity for the cycle of incarnations ? ? This same type of experience have been reported in different times and cultures. Final initiation was many times compared or illustrated as a potent beam of white inefable light that would pass through the body of the seeker, bringing as a result one of three things ... : Illumination, Death, or Crazyness, the last two as a result of not being able to stand the high vibratory frequencies. Were all these narratives just fables, speculations, etc. ? ? Or was it indeed ILLUMINATION the final Goal of an alchemist ?? Perhaps illumination came as a consequence of the two : ingesting THE STONE, to help raise the vibratory level, AS WELL as the knowledge learn through the path of Understanding the Work of Nature ... Just to finish, I will say that I agree with DOUWE that if Illumination is attained, the body would become somewhat a limit of your endless possibilities, therefore "prolonged life" whithing the physical vessel would not be necessarily desired, unless as justified by a specific "mission" or goal to be achieved, which at that level, should surely be related to benefiting and being of service to others ... Your thoughts, opinions and comments (criticisms and all ...) will be greatly appreciated ! DOUWE, WELCOME TO THE FORUM. LOVE TO ALL, ORCIS calhhh@mail.pananet.com "MONTES FIDES MOVETO" Sun Apr 14 12:56:19 1996 Subject: 0671 20th Century Alchemy-Lenns Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 18:46:52 -0400 From: photopro >>Re: that portion that states above "the Stone could be found only as a >>result of divine favor..." This is true of all the creative genius >>tangents into "Divine Art". And in reference to my two other posted >>E-mails today, may I state that I did not mention my agreement in this >>belief. For Man might elect and strive but without "BLESSINGS/GRACE" >>there will be hinderance in the processing of Desire / Quest toward >>Wisdom/Stone/Transmutation. >> >> Wisa / PhotoProse > >Why do you call yourself PhotoProse, has it for you an alchemical >significance, do you refer to the preperation of the Prime Matter >or are you one of those New age types that think that the Alchemical >process takes place on a transendental level only. > >Regards Lenns I am not New Age. I am a mystic on The Western Path Of Return in the tradition of Golden Dawn/Rosicrucian/ Masonary/Cabalah (various spellings are accepted.) This includes Alchemy, Astrology, divination, music, math., meditation,Tarot, recollection, balance in every day living, ritual and much more...No way have I mastered these subjects. I do believe that we do the best we can and continue on... into infinity. The ultimate can bring a state that is Divine Immortality and True Wealth but the definations of this state may not be the same for everyone. Sadly for some, I believe, you can not achieve it by just going for those goals to achieve eternal life and not transcending your old ideas about what is True Value. But one can't change TRUTH and that will prevail. We all come from a different place, have a different Identity. There is no judgement. There is respect for all apiration, for all the tangents into these arts and eventually, as all is one, there will be a spread of genius (individual tangents into Knowledge and Wisdom). Therefore I believe that the physical alchemy is do-able but the Identity of the chemist is of *** prime importance. I also believe that the Spiritual Ideal whether achieved through any of these or other tangents not mentioned (i.e. writing/drama/acting/singing/gardening ..name it) can eventually be spiritually uplifting (literally). In my readings and in some classes taken. there has been mentioned The Stone Of The Wise as having been made successfully. I forget which book but I remember the image of success achieved (was it MA Atwood?). So I do believe this can be done. AS to who can benefit from it. That's a good question. I also believe that this can be accomplished along a transcendental spiritual path. Photoprose is part of my E-Mail address which was shortened to Photopro due to limitation of number of letters allowed. I am a photographer who writes inspirational poetry and metaphysical meditational essays. WISA is my persona name in the Work.( Roots in Wisdom and Vista.) Thank you for your inquiry. There is not enough room to give all my thoughts on THE GREAT WORK. But we are all on it - by any name. WISA Sun Apr 14 12:56:30 1996 Subject: 0672 Calcination From: douwe Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 21:11:18 GMT I wouldn't mind to discus the topic of calcination, because it has been my finding that a good share of attention needs to go to Proper calcination I am particularly interested in techniques of closed calcination and as it has been known in Jewish alchemy for instance, and I wondered if any of you managed to reproduce a similar calcination at home, and if so, what materials you have used to produce the required effect. douwe darus@xs4all.nl Sun Apr 14 12:56:39 1996 Subject: 0673 Twentieth Century Alchemy From: Pat Zalewski Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 11:19 NZST Patrick J. Smith, what clear concise statement you made about Fulcanelli. You are to be congratulated for your clarity of thought. It clearly shows that Fulcanelli and Champagne are one and the same and the truth appears to be that the stone was not achieved by any of them (Champagne or his group) although the mythology surrounding Fulcanelli says otherwise but good rational detective work wins the day! Pat zalewski Sun Apr 14 12:56:49 1996 Subject: 0674 The stone or not the stone From: Pat Zalewski Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 11:08 NZST Okay I'll bite!. Cochren did grow a tree which was not the stone, but because he grew the Tree he had the stone or knew how to make i,t but since he died naturally he did not partake in its virtues.Is that what you meant to say? The bottom line here is he died a natural death. Now the Inaglasses also had the stone and described the different versions of it and purportedly actually brought someone back to life with it. Either they were liars or nutter or telling the truth. I am not sure which, but, they also died a natural death. What I am getting it is that we a romantised concept of the stone and what it stands for. My question is, is the reality of the stone like the mythology (or truth) surrounding it. Does it prolong life? Now before everyone jumps on the bandwagon citing platitudes from ancient texts the next question is has anyone ever see the real stone? Now seeing it and saying wow! What an alchemist so and so is! The real test to confirm it, and that is to test it on a live subject near death or an elderly person who is restored youth. Until that is shown then there is no positive proof that it is the stone. Now I am sick of hearing of people who have almost got the stone or in the last steps of it. I have heard that since I first started studying alchemy. When talking of the stone you always get the attitude of` I know somone who has it and I am not going to tell you his or her name'concept That usually means someone is deluding themselves. If a person claims to have the stone and is not the youthful looking hermes we expect from somone taking it, then there is more than agood chance that that person is either lying or in delusion states of awareness. Personally I believe in romantised concepts but before excepting the reality of it I'd want to put the end result to some very thorough testing. Also we must consider that makinga powder that transmutes lead into gold perhaps (and I say perhaps) is not the same formula that prolongs life, take Falmmel as an example. He transmuted everything in sight and made heaps of money then died. Apart from the tales of him popping up all over the place afterwoods, the powder to transmute did not help save his life and that of his wife's. Looking at the Inaglasses again. They died owing money yet they describe various states of the stone that some texts show they could have transmuted material and made pots of gold. Personally I think there are a great many alchemists from the past who have written about the stone but have never achieved it. Just check the length of the lives of the famous alchemical writers on the subject of the stone . Now we come to paracelsus who describes the stone (like many others after him) yet died young also. Even is he was killed, check the portraits of him and unless I am mistaken he is partly bald. Now taking the stone would have restored his hair to full growth and colour? . What i am saying is that a number who have written about the stone have not really acheived it so it still remains a mystery! Pat zalewski Sun Apr 14 22:56:11 1996 Subject: 0675 Calcination From: Jfruther Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:46:19 -0400 I usualy use two fireproof porcelan dishes, the lower is holding the materia, the upper is used as the top. For sealing the two dishes, I use two methods: a) mix ordinary flour with water and seal the dishes from outside whit this natural glue. This is the traditional jemenitic way. b) do the same whit clay. After it is sealed I put it on a ordinary prpoane camping burner and let it burn for about a day or more. Sometimes I use moist materia and let it dry in the sun, sometimes I just burn the alcohol off and then close the dishes. V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Sun Apr 14 22:55:35 1996 Subject: 0676 Archibald Cochren From: Beat Krummenacher Date: 14 Apr 96 13:34:06 EDT Dear Pat, In case of Archibald Cochren an important point is to be attached. I remember that an acquaintance of Cochren has seen the philosophical egg on the occasion of a visit. He emphasizes, that the work has stood in a late stage. Cochren have noticed, that he expect the stone being perfect in a few weeks or months. This acquaintance writes in addition, that Cochren couldn't more harvest the fruits of his work, because he died in the bomb hail at the attack of London. The death of Cochren thus is not against having completed the stone perhaps still shortly before his death. This message is found at the end of a book, whose author and title I cannot remind. At this passage a further strange event is found by the way. Cochren have had once a fused phial in the lab, which he wanted to open now. He did not know indeed, how he could cut off the thick glass neck so, that the flask did not break up. Completely engaged with this thought he went out. As he returned, the neck of the flask was neatly and tidily cut off, so that he could move on with his work. Never Cochren found out, who had cut off the neck of his flask... Lapis Sun Apr 14 22:55:48 1996 Subject: 0677 20th Century alchemists From: douwe Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:54:17 GMT >>>>Archibald Cochren was also supposed to have made the philosophers stone. >>>People who visited him saw it growing, but alas he also did not last long. >>>We have two alchemists who have claimed to have made the stone, and both of >>>them died under normal circumstances. >>>There was no prolonging of life here. >>>I do not think both of them were liars. This seems to pose more questions >>>than answers. >> >> >>If the ability exists to manufacture the Stone, then you must have >>mastered the same quality spiritually. >>If this is the case then death is a welcome change (or better 'an >>absolute liberation') to you. >> > >Do you mean death of the Philosophical Death? > I mean a physical death, after you have died a philosophical death before. In a way this kind of death cannot be called death because there is nothing (not much anyway, and you all should know how reductable the physical body is) left which can die anymore. (Hence 'eternal life'). It Is possible to sustain life for a longer amount of time, but why would you want to when you are consciously aware of a better place? It is more important to live the time you have in good health, which you earned by the truth of inner liberation anyway. douwe darus@xs4all.nl Sun Apr 14 22:55:58 1996 Subject: 0678 Roger Caro's work From: Beat Krummenacher Date: 14 Apr 96 13:34:02 EDT Dear John, you asked me: >Was the stone that you wrote about put through three revolutions of the wheel or only one?< This is a good consideration. To the best of my knowledge, the work was always interrupted after the union of the three materials, and after the mixture had gone through a series of color changes. If one gives together the three alchemical principles of this work in a hermetically locked flask, so it must be shaken well. During the first phase of the work the mixture becomes very hot. The work is quite dangerous, since the flask can explode. Then one digests the mixture during a ten-day period, whereby it goes through the following colors: red, brown, black and green black. What was made indeed after this first stage with the vessel, I don't know. Some time I will ask the concerning people, how the process was continued. Your question could explain the failure of the experiments. I have personally thought quite never about this possible momentous error. Presumably the first rotation was quite never properly finished. Whether several rotations were made with the same mixture, I do not know. Perhaps the success would have arisen, if always the work would not have been interrupted too early, and one would patiently have digested further. Thank you very much for your reference! Lapis Mon Apr 15 09:52:39 1996 Subject: 0679 Calcination From:Paul Bartscher Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 15:35:25 MDT >From: douwe >Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 21:11:18 GMT >I wouldn't mind to discus the topic of calcination, because it has >been my finding that a good share of attention needs to go to Proper >calcination >I am particularly interested in techniques of closed calcination and >as it has been known in Jewish alchemy for instance, and I wondered if >any of you managed to reproduce a similar calcination at home, and if >so, what materials you have used to produce the required effect. >douwe Dear douwe, I have been working with the concept of closed calcinations for a few years now. I do not understand what you are asking for when you ask what materials to use to produce results. Do you mean what kind of a set-up for the operation or what herbs, minerals, etc., to use to make products. You can use whatever herbs or minerals you desire. I'm not trying to be obvious. My oppologies. I am hoping you are asking about equipment or set-up for the opperation. I attempted a half 500 mL flast as a helmut and a ceramic evaporating dish as the calcination dish, but this set-up required using a vacuum pump in order to maintain a draw through the cooling system to the receiver flask. The results were not as good as I had desired. I have since modified the design to use a Corning Visionware dish to replace the ceramic evaporating dish and received some silicone sealant to temporarily bind the helmut to the Visionware dish. First attempts were very successful so far. No vacuum pump is necessary and the sealant is reported to be good up to 200 degrees Celsius with a potential to go to somewhat higher temps. I am looking for a better luting agent but for now at least I've got this. If you are interested in a better design description of the set-up and information as to where to get some of the required glassware, send me a note at: Al-Kemi, 1807 Second Steet, Suite 9, Santa Fe, NM, USA 87505. Actually, all you would have to do is send to our email address: alkemi@Rt66.com. We are putting together a catalog of this and other alchemical glassware for interested parties and it is available upon request. Our intent is to have the catalog available over our fax line - hopefully this will be ready next month. Also, if any alchemists are passing through Santa Fe, give us a call at 1-505-988-7315, stop by see our "operation," at our lab, etc. (have some wine?) For now you may have to bring your own bottle. Zum Leben Hoch, Marcus, Paul, und Micah Mon Apr 15 09:52:50 1996 Subject: 0680 20th Century Alchemists From: douwe Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:12:16 GMT >> If the ability exists to manufacture the Stone, then you must >> have mastered the same quality spiritually. >> If this is the case then death is a welcome change (or better 'an >> absolute liberation') to you. >DOUWE seems to argue that to manufacture THE STONE the operator >must have achieved "the same quality spiritually". Do you mean >that in order to make the stone you must be illuminated in the >sense of having an extraordinary spiritual advancenment ? ? That is correct, although I wouldn't call the spiritual advancement extraordinary... The stone possesses a certain quality about which can be read at many places...possessing these same qualities in a spiritual way, enable you to perform the art in the noble way. The 'not so noble way', is the way of inspiration...but still even this is a gift which should be regarded as a precious one, because it is like a map for various spiritual landscapes, of which the endgoul is the most absolute enlightenment. To my opinion this is the one and only purpose of alchemy... it is a research into the higher laws of nature, trough which one may gain knowledge to leave these very same laws of nature. Every other purpose is a waste of precious energy which could be devoted to more noble causes. 'The proper preparation is a eye opener and a glorification to 'the way', and doesn't have anything to do with proof as sometimes has been claimed' >I feel that the energy (vibratory level/spiritual evolution) >of the alchemist strongly affects the different phases of The >Great Work, particularly in the initial phases, where the Stone >in the process of being made requires lots of energy from the >Seed as well as from its "Creator" (alchemist). The term 'without putting on hands' applies here. All the energy that You put in it comes from you, and this will make a product as 'perfect' or 'non-perfect' as you are yourself. The energy of the Seed exists fully beyond our energy, we may conduct the energy, but then only to transfigurate, or transmutate ourself. (Once you have been transfigurated in threefold way, by the radiation of this seed then you will be able to conduct the energy in a perfect harmonious way.) This same omnipresent energy will lead the process in the flask for as long you follow its ways naturally. Even the word energy has been chosen badly... it is more that it is beyond energy... and this is what makes It hard to catch with matter... <...> >So what was/is the final objective of an alchemist ? ? Which is >the ultimate purification of THE STONE possible ?? Many things >have been said about it. Some have argued that in its ultimate >level of purification (and for this stage I do feel that the >Alchemist MUST have evolved at the same time/level that THE STONE) >and if he decided to ingest/drink it ... a total transmutation >would occur .... His physical/spiritual bodies would be transmutated >becoming an integral part of the TRUE ADEPTHOOD, and breaking the >necessity for the cycle of incarnations ? ? This same type of >experience have been reported in different times and cultures. This will only possible and useful to the already spiritually advanced... and then to give a strong foothold... Taking something externally will not liberate in any kind of way, it may only ease the process. <...> >if Illumination is attained, the body would become somewhat a limit of your endless >possibilities, therefore "prolonged life" whithing the physical vessel >would not be necessarily desired, unless as justified by a specific >"mission" or goal to be achieved, which at that level, should surely >be related to benefiting and being of service to others ... >Your thoughts, opinions and comments (criticisms and all ...) will be >greatly appreciated ! DOUWE, WELCOME TO THE FORUM. > Thanks for your welcome. douwe. darus@xs4all.nl Mon Apr 15 09:52:59 1996 Subject: 0681 20th Century alchemists From: al4302 Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:38:19 +0100 >>If the ability exists to manufacture the Stone, then you must have >>mastered the same quality spiritually. >>If this is the case then death is a welcome change (or better 'an >>absolute liberation') to you. >> >>douwe >> >> > >Do you mean death of the Philosophical Death? Sorry. I meant to say death or Philosophical Death? Mon Apr 15 09:53:09 1996 Subject: 0682 The stone or not the stone From: al4302 Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 18:21:21 +0100 At 13:08 14/04/96 +0000, you wrote: >From: Pat Zalewski >Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 11:08 NZST > >Okay I'll bite!. Cochren did grow a tree which was not the stone, but >because he grew the Tree he had the stone or knew how to make i,t but since >he died naturally he did not partake in its virtues.Is that what you meant >to say? The fact that he died a natural death sugests, if true, that he did not make his own medicine. But if this is the case he would have to have had someones, probably his teacher's powder. The fact that he grew a tree is for me beyound doubt. >The bottom line here is he died a natural death. Now the Inaglasses also >had the stone and described the different versions of it and purportedly >actually brought someone back to life with it. Either they were liars or >nutter or telling the truth. I have never consider these people as bonafide >I am not sure which, but, they also died a >natural death. What I am getting it is that we a romantised concept of the >stone and what it stands for. My question is, is the reality of the stone >like the mythology (or truth) surrounding it. Does it prolong life? Now >before everyone jumps on the bandwagon citing platitudes from ancient texts >the next question is has anyone ever see the real stone? Now seeing it and >saying wow! What an alchemist so and so is! The real test to confirm it, >and that is to test it on a live subject near death or an elderly person >who is restored youth. Until that is shown then there is no positive proof >that it is the stone. Have you considered that the stone may just slow age down and that the effects may not be imediatly apparent. In my own experiance, I started out very skeptical but as I progress I find the truth to be stranger than fiction. >Now I am sick of hearing of people who have almost got the stone or in the >last steps of it. I have heard that since I first started studying alchemy. >When talking of the stone you always get the attitude of` I know somone who >has it and I am not going to tell you his or her name'concept That usually >means someone is deluding themselves. Yes but sometimes they maybe telling the truth. >If a person claims to have the stone >and is not the youthful looking hermes we expect from somone taking it, then >there is more than agood chance that that person is either lying or in >delusion states of awareness. Personally I believe in romantised concepts >but before excepting the reality of it I'd want to put the end result to >some very thorough testing. Also we must consider that makinga powder that >transmutes lead into gold perhaps (and I say perhaps) is not the same >formula that prolongs life, take Falmmel as an example. He transmuted >everything in sight and made heaps of money then died. Apart from the tales >of him popping up all over the place afterwoods, the powder to transmute did >not help save his life and that of his wife's. The medicine is only for the one who makes it. How do you think that all this relates to the Philosophical Death. The main problem is that alcemists will not be drawn on this subject, the truth of the matter seems to be something they gaurd most closely. I have some reason to think that they sometimes fake there death but i'm not sure. Mon Apr 15 09:53:18 1996 Subject: 0683 20th Century Alchemy-Lenns From: al4302 Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:08:41 +0100 Wisa , Thankyou for your upright response to my inquiry. In general I would agree with you except that perhaps I think that Alchemy includes Golden Dawn/Rosicrucian/ Masonary/Cabalah :-) It is at the very core of western tradition ( I note that you include Masonry something lost on many. Along with there 12th Century forebearers they are often overlooked.)and has given rise to many branches including the Christian Church it's just that some branches are closer to the trunk and the trunk springs forth from the root of all things. The lable Photopro is interesting, as a photographer you will be aware that certain metals absorb light and will retain an image. Have you not considered that this may have an alchemical significance. We know from recent research on the Turin Shroud that the properties of these metals was know long before the 19th Century. Regards Mon Apr 15 09:53:28 1996 Subject: 0684 WPG is not the philosopher's stone! From: Beat Krummenacher Date: 14 Apr 96 19:06:33 EDT Dear Tim, you wrote: >In my opinion Hudson may be "pure 20th century", but pure 20th century fraud and/or delusion.< I am not so sure whether a so sharp judgment is justified. I have examined the patent of Hudson and studied further documents of his research. It seems very probable that Hudson has described a novel state of matter. The physical data are quite convincing in part, though I mean, they would have to be seriously examined by independent laboratories. I understand your dislike opposite the Hudson gang, if one considers the exaggerated enthusiasm of many disciples of Hudson. However I recommend you to be a little more tolerant. Never forget: It can only be helped whom, who wants to be helped! If somebody especially is inclined to the Hudson work, so this may correspond to his current state of development. He must and will pick up his experience, which will teach him, that there are still other and perhaps much better things. You must distinguish between the right at the Hudson material and the nonsense, which by Hudson and especially eager disciples has been spread for marvels. What bothers me at the monatomic gold is the fact, that it should have a white color in pure form. If one considers the further characteristics of this gold and compares it to the characteristics of the philosopher's stone, so the great differences become evident. The philosopher's stone is not white! The monatomic gold is not the philosopher's stone! You may therefore quietly return again into your lab and follow up your own works... Consider well: Everybody is right somewhere and somehow. Therefore also at Hudson something will be found, which is worth to know. I suppose that monatomic gold could be valuable as raw material for alchemical works. But the philosopher's stone is not found with the discovery of the monatomic state of matter. Perhaps the whole story can teach us, how we can better understand real alchemical processes. Lapis Mon Apr 15 09:53:37 1996 Subject: 0685 Archibald Cochren From: Pat Zalewski Date: Mon, 15 Apr 96 12:03 NZST Thanks for the info Beat. I must have had it wrong, for I thought Cochren survived the war and died of natural causes. Pat zalewski Mon Apr 15 09:53:46 1996 Subject: 0686 20th Century alchemists From: Pat Zalewski Date: Mon, 15 Apr 96 12:17 NZST I think that if somone had made the stone the first thing he or she would have done was test it to see if it was the stone. The only person left to test it on without the probability of doing harm (in case it was not the stone) is the creator. If the alchemist tested it on him/herself then they would have to do it over a period of time and that test, if positive would produce good physical results if the all the concepts associcated to the stone that have been bandied about are correct. A youthful appearance (includinga good head of hair if you are bald) would be one. Unfortunately though some of the best geniuses of say music were the worst type of people. I am yet unsure about the alchemist who produces the stone to be of high spiritual worth. I have seen too many people produce a vertible miracle l in their respective chosen fields ,and yet even to a dumbdcluck, their evolvement on the spiritual plane appeared little. Check out some of the behaviour of our best rock musicians who live hard and some of the beautiful gems they have produced. Painters are yet another field where a real ethereal quality comes through but the person in many instances the person who creates this type of effect should have been locked up. I have seen the opposite also. Many people who would be a model to live by end up creating nothing significant at all (including alchemists) again another paradox. Pat zalewski Mon Apr 15 09:53:59 1996 Subject: 0687Growing trees From: Gilbert Arnold Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:58:58 -0400 There is at least 3 ways to "grow trees" in the laboratory that I am aware of that do not require a "Philosopher's Stone" to do so. To whoever is interested, I would suggest a review of the "Heaven of the Philosopher's", the RAM version, the metallic PON course and a copy of John French's Art of distillation along with Newton's Clavis. It is a long painfull work, and in my opinion, unless you are very skilled at not getting poisoned by mercury fumes, not worth the trouble. Please do not ingest the result. According to the "Heaven of the Philosopher's it is only yet another seed. I also recall that someone mentioned to me a way to do a similar thing with Iron. Mon Apr 15 09:54:11 1996 Subject: 0688 Twentieth Century Alchemy From: Jerry Bujas Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:36:36 -0500 > From: al4302 > If Fulcanelli really was someone other than Champagne and > >yet survives, as some care to believe, it's difficult to understand > >how he could have let all his old friends and colleagues die when he > >had the power to save them. > >-Patrick > > The tincture is only medicine for the one who makes it. > This is an interesting comment. I would like to know your opinion on whether someone could use someone else's powder to carry out the transmutation. I understand that only an initiate can make the Stone, but anyone else can use it for the projection, if he knows how, as many reports testify. Why should the properties of the tincutre be so radically different from the powder? Could you please elaborate? jerry@interlog.com Mon Apr 15 09:54:20 1996 Subject: 0689 Voie de CARO From: ducreux thierry Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:21:59 +0200 The stone obtain after the first rotation is "the false prophet" After a first multiplication this is normally the stone. After three multiplications you can have the quintessence (le sang du dragon). These are CARO's terms and you can find them in : Appocalypse revelation alchimique - Jean de clairefontaine. If anyone has experimented this way you can write me : tducreux@ufrima.imag.fr Mon Apr 15 09:54:31 1996 Subject: 0690 Making of the Stone From: Petra Gottlieb Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:56:30 GMT Calhhh/ORCIS writes: >>>...,where the Stone in the process of being made requires lots of energy from the Seed as well as from its "Creator" (Alchemist).<<< Can you alaborate on that a bit further. Where do you get the seed from if not from within the Alchemist? Petra Christiane Gottlieb petrag@iaccess.com.au --- WO KEIN LIEB, DA IST KEIN KUNST! (Paracelsus) WITHOUT LOVE THERE IS NO ART! Mon Apr 15 09:54:42 1996 Subject: 0691 20th Century alchemists - Fulcanelli From: Peter Van den Bossche Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 07:31:30 +0100 Following the discussion on Fulcanelli on this list, I can recommend the excellent book on the matter (in French): Fulcanelli devoile by Genevieve Dubois. This book attributes the great works published under the pseudonyme Fulcanelli to a team of three: J. Champagne, E. Canseliet and P. Dujols. It contains valuable information on these personalities, as well as on R. Schwaller de Lubicz. The importance of Fulcanelli's works for the development of the alchemical movement in the 20th century is clearly recognised. Peter Mon Apr 15 11:40:31 1996 Subject: 0692 The Philosophers Stone From: Jason Johns Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 02:16:53 PDT Just out of curiousity, has anyone though what the "Eternal Life" the Philosophers Stone really is??? Perhaps it does not mean physical life? Mon Apr 15 16:03:04 1996 Subject: 0693 The stone or not the stone From: OISPEGGY Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:43:29 -0500 (EST) In regard to what the stone does or doesn't do (assuming it does something). Perhaps it has a positive effect on health, and prolongs life, but does not fully restore youth or avoid death. This would make it even more difficult to say who did or did not have it. Maybe a person who lives until 85 took the stone and without it would have died at 60. That sort of thing. Let's face it, those who do know will not say, so we each have to discover this (or try to) ourselves. Regards, - Peggy - oispeggy@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu Mon Apr 15 16:03:15 1996 Subject: 0694 Twentieth Century Alchemy From: OISPEGGY Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:17:45 -0500 (EST) >From: Pat Zalewski >Patrick J. Smith, what clear concise statement you made about Fulcanelli. >You are to be congratulated for your clarity of thought. It clearly shows >that Fulcanelli and Champagne are one and the same and the truth appears to >be that the stone was not achieved by any of them (Champagne or his group) >although the mythology surrounding Fulcanelli says otherwise but good >rational detective work wins the day! You being sarcastic, right? FWIW, I didn't see any words that proved anything one way or the other. Regards, - Peggy - oispeggy@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu Mon Apr 15 16:03:25 1996 Subject: 0695 20th Century alchemists - Ingaleses From: OISPEGGY Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:34:10 -0500 (EST) Orcis: >Notwithstanding, I feel that having somekind of a medicine, if they indeed >were able to obtain the Stone, they should not have been in the poor >state of health that is reported they died in, as per Tim's info. One >thing is to choose not to prolong life, and other, supposedly having the >knowledge that they did, to suffer the consequences of all those kind >of diseases. I truly believe in personal freedom to choose using or not >a given medicine, but to suffer innecesarily just does not make sense, at >least to me ... But those are just my thoughts from this distant point >of reference. We really are not in a position to judge. As Rawn pointed out, an adept may have reasons to choose suffering; reasons we are not in a position to understand. At the same time, I can't help but guess why someone who could save themselves would willingly choose suffering, and my guess is that it has to do with compassion. There is something about compassion that I think becomes a very-big-deal once a person reaches the point where they could become an adept. I can't say why, but I think its important. It makes no sense to me why someone would willingly choose suffering, because I most definitely would not, but if someone did do this my guess is it has something to do with compassion or learning compassion. (Either that or I'm still full of my childhood catholic programming and don't know it.) This is not to say I think they had the stone (or didn't). I cannot judge that, just speculating on why an adept would choose suffering. Regards, - Peggy - oispeggy@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu Mon Apr 15 19:55:20 1996 Subject: 0696 20th Century alchemists From:OISPEGGY Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:03:00 -0500 (EST) Pat Zalewski: >Many people who would be a model to live by end up creating >nothing significant at all (including alchemists) again another paradox. Maybe this shows that being is more important than creating? Regards, - Peggy - Mon Apr 15 19:55:29 1996 Subject: 0697 Fulcanelli From: ducreux thierry Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:14:17 +0200 For the pseudonyme of FULCANNELI from the book of DUBOIS : - le mystere des catedrales : Schwaller de Lubicz (essentiellement) - les demeures philosophaes : DUJOLS (essentiellement) avec CHAMPAGNE For this way you can find in a french book la chrysopee de DUJOLS a very good description (en clair). Thierry. Mon Apr 15 19:55:41 1996 Subject: 0698 20th Century Alchemy From: George Randall Leake III Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:33:27 -0500 *Is this kind of personal vitriol really necessary? And your ill-defined term "New age types" (insert "satanic" in another context maybe?) implies that transcendental aspects of alchemy are the result of some recent fad. Is this true? >From: al4302 >Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:23:23 +0100 >Why do you call yourself PhotoProse, has it for you an alchemical >significance, do you refer to the preperation of the Prime Matter >or are you one of those New age types that think that the Alchemical >process takes place on a transendental level only. > >Regards Lenns Mon Apr 15 19:56:22 1996 Subject: 0699 Alchemy - Golden Dawn Statement From: George Randall Leake III Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:43:25 -0500 >From: Pat Zalewski >Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 11:45 NZST >Regarding the post and Golden Dawn Alchemy. > In the old order they did not teach the practical but encouraged >adepts to apply the Z2 formulea to all alchemical studies. In short, they >wanted to do full ritual with alchemical work . Today however, there are GD >temples popping up all over the place and each one applies the system >differently. As far as the original GD went it was the application of magic >that was important, the practical was often left to ones own devices to sort >out. An ideal situation would be for the students to study a course such as >the Philosphers of nature and use the GD ritual applications to it. At any >rate it is good to see that some temples are doing more than simply applying >magical studies but are emplying more practical alchemical methods as well, >and this makes the GD system more balanced than before. ***Pat--wouldn't you say that a vital influence of Alchemy in the Golden Dawn and its various offshoots is the use of its symbolism/inconographic dimension? -G.Leake, 512-471-9117 taliesin@mail.utexas.edu "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child." -Cicero "Oh age! oh letters! It is a joy to be alive!...Woe to you, barbarians!" -Ulrich von Hutten, 1518, Poet Laureate of the German Empire Mon Apr 15 19:56:31 1996 Subject: 0700 Acemannon From: Byrun Fox Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:30:10 -0700 To whom it may interest. I am currently manufacturing Acemannon. anyone interested can find it at www.vru.com and click on white gold. Byrun Fox. byrun_fox@mindlink.bc.ca |