Lists of sequences of alchemical emblems
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There are a number of series of emblems in printed books and manuscripts on alchemy. These include:-
- The Hermetic Garden of Stolcius - 160 images.
- The Rosarium philosophorum - 20 images.
- The Mylius version of the Rosarium philosophorum - 20 images.
- The Splendor solis - 22 images.
- The Pretiosissimum Donum Dei - 12 images.
- The Buch der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit or Pandora series - 18 images.
- The Book of Lambspring - 15 images.
- The Atalanta fugiens of Michael Maier - 50 images. [Emblems 1-10 here.]
- Edward Kelley's Terrestrial Astronomy - 16 images.
- Mylius' Philosophia reformata - 28 images.
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - 12 images.
- The Petrus Bonus series - 14 images.
- The Red Lion of van Vreeswyk - 15 images.
- The Green Lion of van Vreeswyk - 18 images.
- The Gold Lion of van Vreeswyk - 17 images.
- The Cabinet of Minerals of van Vreeswyk - 17 images.
- The twelve figures of Orthelius - 12 images.
- Hieroglyphic figures of Nicholas Flamel - 7 images.
- Eleazar's version of Flamel's figures - 7 images.
- Eleazar's series - 15 figures.
- The Hermaphroditic Sun and Moon child - 12 images.
- The Crowning of Nature - 67 images.
Alchemical imagery
Graphic signs for
substances and processes
Images of alchemical
apparatus, from Greek,
Arabic and European
Alchemical emblematic
imagery from books and
Paintings on alchemical themes
Other material:
Enochian, Rosicrucian or Elemental Chess
Alchemical music [from Atalanta fugiens
Study Courses

Alchemical, astrological and
emblematic art prints

Alchemy and art

Art books Series

Study course on Bosch's
Garden of Earthly Delights
New Hieronymus Bosch Website