Alchemical Music
The pages below automatically play the midi files attached to them if you have a midi synthesizer set up on your sound card.
You can choose to save the midi file and play on a bettere quality midi sequencer.
The 'fugue' plays three times.
Play fugue 1 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 2 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 3 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 4 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 5 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 6 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 7 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 8 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 9 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 10 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 11 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 12 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 13 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 14 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 15 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 16 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 17 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Play fugue 18 from Atalanta fugiens Save the midi file to your computer
Alchemical imagery
Graphic signs for
substances and processes
Images of alchemical
apparatus, from Greek,
Arabic and European
Alchemical emblematic
imagery from books and
Paintings on alchemical themes
Other material:
Enochian, Rosicrucian or Elemental Chess
Alchemical music [from Atalanta fugiens
Study Courses

Alchemical, astrological and
emblematic art prints

Alchemy and art

Art books Series

Study course on Bosch's
Garden of Earthly Delights
New Hieronymus Bosch Website