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Database of alchemical manuscripts - Bodleian - Ashmole

Updated Dec 13 1995.
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494. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 57.
123 folios. Quarto. 16th Century [1577.]
The Ordinall of Alchimy written by Thomas Norton of Bristoll.
[Transcribed by John Dee in 1577.]

495. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 58.
1. 'The pleasant Founteine of Knowledg: first written in French Anno 1413, by John de la Founteine [Fountain] of Valencia in Henault, and translated, 1644, by Wm Backhouse of Swallowfield in com. Berks esqr.'
2. 'Planctus Naturae. The Complaints of nature against ye erronious Alchymist, by John de Mehung. Here Nature her complaint doth show'.
3. 'The Alchimist's Answer to Nature. Meeke and milde y Artist you see'.
4. 'A treatise of ye Philosophers Ston wrighten by Synesius ye Greeke abbot; taken out of ye Library of ye Emperor'.

496. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 208.
Simon Forman manuscript.
2. A discourse 'Of Cako' and 'Opus magnum'.
3. A discourse 'Of the mineral stone'.
4. 'Opus Minerale'.
5. 'Of the vegitable stone'.
6. Fragment on the composition of the Elixir, and of Mercury.

497. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 343.
206 folios. Octavo. 17th Century.
IV. 2,4,5,6,7 [Recipes and directions for alchemical processes.]

498. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 358.
II. 'Aurora Sapientiae. That is to saie the Daiebrak of Wisdom. Of the three principles and beginning of all in the mysterie of wisdome...
IV. Tractatus de Auro potabili, et usibus Auri in medicina.
V. 'Philiatros and Pyrosophilus; or Helmont disguised...'

499. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 390.
Short section. f.132v.
'De visione vel somno' or his dream, 18 May, 1591, about the philosopher's stone.

500. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 537.
Ashmole's MSS. notes on, and collations of, and alchemical treatise, called 'The Way to Bliss, in three books.

501. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 756.
108 folios.
'De Signatura Rerum, Liber Harmonicus Theosophicus et Philosophicus. In quo ex ipso aeternitatis abysso omnium rerum origines conformatio et complementum per 7 Formas omnium proprietatum productivas deducuntur, quomodo angeli, diaboli, mundus externus, et homo creati sunt. dequ hominis lapsu et restitutione, metallorum generatione et perfectione...

502. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 759.
151 folios. 15th Century.
1. Prooemium.
2. 'Qui Dicitur Donum Dei hic incipit liber primus... Omne datum optimum et omne mineralem'.
3. Four alchemical precepts.
4. Of saturn and mercury.
5. A treatise of searching for the Philosopher's Stone.
6. Alchemical verses.
7. Coqu M. solum in vase vitreo cooperto.
8. Description and use of the furnace.
9. Tractatus alchemicus.
10. Sentences of sundry masters of the hermetic art, partly in Latin and English verse.
11. 'Hic incipit liber qui dicitur Prosa Perhennis'.
12. A rhapsodical tract of alchemy.
13. An alchemical poem of the red and white stone.
14. The Mistery of Alchymists, by George Ripley.
15. Allegoriae duae alchemicae, seu enigmata.
16. De operatione et inventione lapidis.
17. Take erthe of erthe erthis broder and in grene hewe clerely distilled.
18. Richard Carpenter's work.
19. Pearce the Black Monk upon the elixir.
20. 'Here folowithe thexposicion of erthe of erthe'..
21. 'Hic incipiunt dicta Philosophorum plurimorum. Whereof Hermes was the first...'
22. 'Secreta philosophie'.
23. 'Here begynnyth the tretise of Hermes calyd Artel and Senyor of Secretis..'.
24. Various chemical receipts and directions, in Latin and English.

503. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 760.
129 folios. 17th Century.
The Way to Bliss. [In the hand of Ashmole.]

504. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 766.
17th Century.
I. 'Fyrste an epistle dedicatorye of the book of Armory of Claudius Paradyne. A dyscourse uppon ye create of the Lorde Burghley.
Another discourse uppon the Philosophers Armes.' By Francis Thynne.
II. 'Truths goulden Harrow... written by Doctor Robert Flood [Fludd], and with his owne hand'.
III. 1. Ten alchemical processes.
2. 'The vision of John Dastyne'.
IV. 'The Key of Raymund Lully'.
V. 'A certen booke of Alkimy written by an unknowne author... Translated out of Latyne into Englishe by Roger Howes for Mr Gawyn Smithe gentleman. the xxiiijth of July 1593. R.H.'.
VI. A commentary on some parts of Genesis.
VII. Alchemical Notes collected and written by Dr. Forman.

505. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 782.
'Anthopologia, or a treatis containing a short description of Man in two parts: the first Anatomical, the second Psychological'.
[Missing ?].

506. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 846.
I. 'This conteineth the lively picture of that famous philosopher Philippus Theophrastus Paracelsus...'..
II. 'Isaac Holland his characters'.

507. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 971, 972.
17th Century.
[Notes on the 'Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum'.]
5. [Note about two translations of Ripley's Medulla.]
10. 'Thomas Charnock his pose, Upon the white and the red rose'.
11. 'The following account [of the chief events in Charnock's life and history]...'.
12 'This is a draught of what was painted in the litle dore of Mr Charnock's Athanor roome'.
13. Further account of Charnock.
16. Verse 'written at the bottome of Ripley's Scrowle, between the King and the Pilgrim - In the name of the Trenitie'.
'At the end of the scrowle - Thomas Mundy wrought this scrowle, maye 10th anno 1578'.
17. Two stanzas from 'David Ramsay' beginning 'Whosoever will make the Philors Stone'.
21. 'Sepultura Georgii Ripley' drawing of his tomb at Bridlington, bearing alchemical emblems, from the Cottonian MS. Vitell. E.X. (p.459).
22. About projections made at the Hague in 1666, and by Wincenslaus Seilerus.
25. A fragment of Charnock's, relating to the year when he learned alchemy.
26. Story about a glass full of tincture found in pulling down some of the wall of Bath Abbey, related by Mr. Richard Wakeman.
30. Charnocke's curious account of a 'booke off philosophie' dedicated by him to Queen Elizabeth.

508. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1149.
17th Century.
III. p87 'A treatise on the Soule, by Sr. Walter Rawleigh knight.
V. 'Responsio et Cynosura, sive vra Prophetarum proba Philippi Ziegleri.
VI. Argumentum Origenicum, de statu praesenti et futuro usque ad extremum Judicium... Auctore Philippo Zi[e]glero..'.

509. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1155.
16th Century.
'D. Andreae Alciati Med. Jur. ad iti. De verb. oblig. Lib. xlv. Pand. Comment. Prologomena. Stipulatio est verborum conceptio quo ad rogatum daturos facturosve nos congrue respondemus'.

510. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1382.
17th Century.
Second Part.
4. 'G. Ripley's Bosome-Book'.
5. 'Tractatus alchimiae ex antiquo libro manuscripto, Anglice ab Author scripto, et postea in Latinum verso'. 'This book I hear was found in the treasury of Glastonbury Abby at the time of the suppression of the Abbey'.
6. A collection of Alchemical recipes and directions.
7. Seven Chemical Receipts 'Out of an old written book of Gilles'.
8. 'Pisces of the inferior Zodiac, or the of phylosophicall solution' inscribed 'Unto the whole societie and fellowship of Philosophers, by Lucas Rodargius' (13 cal. Jun. 1563).
10. A dialogue 'betwixt Son and Father' being alchemical verses. [Unfinished copy of Ripley's Mistery of Alchemists.]

511. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1384.
138 folios. Vellum. Mid 14th Century.
1. ff1-64 Geberi Arabis de arte alchymica libri sex.
2. ff65-74v 'Incipit liber [de opere lapidis philosophorum] qui vocatur Lilium.
3. ff74v Magistri cujusdam de opere lapidis versus 16 leonini.
4. [Inserted paper folio] 1v [Verses.]
5. [Inserted paper folio] 1v Prima dispositio naturarum est coitus etc [with 6 verses.]
6. ff76-79 De dictis obscuris Philosophorum de natura et opere lapidis, libellus, Discipuli ad Magistrum.
7. ff79r [Brief example of the work of the stone.]
8. ff79v-82v Dialogus inter Magistrum et Discipulum, de 'Secretis Naturae' vel 'Occultis' Philosophorum. et deceptione multifaria in opere alchymistico.
9. ff83-5 [A short work on the making of the stone.]
10. ff85v-90 'Incipit liber Alfidij ad filium suum [de scientia alchimiae.]
11. ff90v-91v 'Incipit Calid filius Ysidri.'
12. ff91v-93 'Incipit epistola Allexandri. Dicunt philosophi quod ars dirivata sit ex creacione hominis cui omnia insunt'.
13. ff93r [Short alchemical piece.]
14. ff93r [Another short alchemical piece.]
15. ff93v-95 'Visio Edwardi. Ego Edwardus fessus studendo et practizando in secretis philosophie majoris. quadam nocte sompniando quasi mirabilem vidi visionem.'
16. ff95v-97v [Alchemical tract\on the sayings of the Philosophers.]
17.(1) ff98 'Incipit Liber primus Mineralium, qui est de lapidibus.
17.(2) ff109 'Incipit Liber secundus qui est de lapidibus preciosis.

512. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1392.
124 + 64 pages. 17th Century.
1. pp7-57 A mystical treatise of occult Philosophy, or the philosopher's stone, by Christopher Taylour; addressed to a Lady'.
2. pp63-101 'A briefe treatise or hypothesis of one booke called Speculum Universi, or Universal Mirrour'.
[In Ashmole's hand.]

513. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1393.
70 folios. 15th Century.
Short fragments of 15th century MSS. containing some alchemical recipes.

514. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1394.
16th and 17th Centuries.
I. An alchemical treatise, in two parts or books, the former treating chiefly of the elixirs, in 9 chapters: and the second, about projection.
II. 1. 'Cantilena Georgii Riplaei'.
2. 'De lapide philosophico seu de Phenice' [Ripley].
III. 1. An account of the manner in which 'A certayn Coppr-smith in the land of Moores' transmuted silver into gold written '1576. Martij 12' by Dr John Dee.
2. Process of preparing a water for projection on mercury to make it perfect silver; from 'Peter Italus'.
3. Another preparation for making silver, by projcting on copper; entitled 'the Jewe'.
IV. 'The Philosopher's Stone found out'; an alchemical tract, being an exposition of allegorical verses [See Theatrum p.436].
V. 1.The making of the philosopher's earth and the white stone.
2. Another preparation.
4. Genealogical scheme of the production of stones and elixirs from the elements.
VI. 1-10. Various alchmical experiments.
11. 'Sr Edward Kelleys versis'. [Theatrum pp.332-2].
VII. Various alchemical notes on equipment and symbols.
VIII. 'Exposicio supra verba Hermetis incipientia 'Verum sine mendacio''.
IX. 'For turpetum minerale'. recipe.
X. 1. A tract on 'The maner [or seven degrees of transmutation], and what transmutation of mettels is'.
2-3. Chemical recipes.
XI. Questions and answers about alchemy, out of 'Janus Lacinii'.
and 'Magister Firovanto'.
XII. 1. 'Intentio summaria vel Repertorium'.
2. 'Apertorium de veri lapidis compositione'.
3. 'De practica animae transmutationis pars prima'.

515. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1395.
223 pages. 17th Century.
The Golden Fleece, or the Flower of Treasures. In wch is succinctly and methodically handled, the stone of ye philosophers, his excellent effectes and admirable vertues; and, the better to attaine to the originall and true meanes of perfection, inriched with Figures representing the proper colours to lyfe as they successively appere in the pratise of this blessed worke. By that greate philosopher Solomon Trismosin, Master to Paracelsus. [English translation of 'Splendor solis', but lacking the figures.]
[In Ashmole's hand.]

516. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1399.
I. [Various medical and some alchemical recipes.]
II. [Miscellaneous remains of Theodoricus Gravius.]
[Various theological notes.]
14. Theologiae Mysticae, seu Theosophiae Jacobi Bohemi, compendium.
19.[ Letter of Henri vom Steenwijch to Gravius. (18th May 1632). With the draught of his answer.]

517. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1400.
Early 17th Century.
Various alchemical recipes and short tracts.

518. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1406.
93 folios + 120 + 173 + 194 pages 16th and 17th Century.
1. ff35-66v Bernardi Trevirensis as Thomam se Bononia, medicum regis Catoli Octavi, Responsio.
2. pp1-2 Compendiolum Alchemicum, 'Ingeniosissimo viro Petro Drovet medico doctiss. Robertus Vallensis Rugl.'
3. pp2-6 Antiquorum philosophorum breves sententiae, axiomata et aenigmata, quibus elixiris seu pulveris philosophici [scientiam] involverunt.
4. pp6-8 Indes rerum et vocam insigniorum quae libello respo[n]cionis Bernardi Trevirensis continentur.
(1)-(10) pp11-41 [Various conjurations for fairies and spirits.]
(11) pp43-83 John Isaak [Hollandus] his great worke of Saturne, translated out of Flemish into Latine, by James de Sommers of Gaunt [and again into English.]
(12) pp85-9 Prefatiuncula Georgii Ripleij [Ripley] Canoni in Pupillam Oculi.
(13) -(14) [Medical recipes and magical rules.]
II. pp131-173 A treatise of the Numbers one and two, and of Unity and Chaos. 'Liber Christophori Taylour. 1600.'

III. pp1-106 A trestise of the elixir of the philosopher's stone.

1. pp1-34 The trewe coppie of an auncyent boke written in parchement by George Marrowe monke of Nostall Abbel in Yorke sheire anno D'ni 1437, and nowe coppied the first of July 1600.
2. pp36-77 Liber Librorum.
3. pp79-105 The coppie of an old manuscript written by Sr. Peter Percye, channon and priest of Maydestone in Kent. (He lyved anno 1486.) Augustij die 29 anno 1600.
4. pp106-194 Opus Rogeri Merrifoote monarchi, quod scriptum erat in pergamento vetustissimo. [Book of chemical receipts.]

519. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1407.
[9 MSS. bound together.]
I. 1. p1-10 [Various receipts.]
2. p10-16 'The Vission of John Dastine'.
3. f1-5 'An hundred and 29 expositions of Geber and Lully, set downe by an unknowne authour, for the better understanding of ther bookes.'
4. f5v-162v 'The first Dialogue, unfoulding the darke misticall speches of Geber in his bookes; [between] Demogorgon and Geber.'
5. f163 'Of the white Elixir.'

II. 1. pp1-8, f1 'The booke of our proceedinge in the workes [of alchemy in] 1611', by Thomas Robson.
2. f4-5 [13 receipts.]
3. f6-8 'A decleration of certaine Preceptes or commandements to be observed in the arte of alchimye, by all practitioners herin...'
4. f10 'The sayings of Guido.'
5. f10-16 'The Kye of Raymond Lully called his Apertory...'
6-114. f16v-70 [Alchemical receipts.]

III. 1.f76-8 'A medicine taken forth of Sr Edward Veer's booke.'
2. f79-80v Raymundus [Lully epistle] to King Edwarde of Woodstocke.
3. f81-83 [Receipts.]

IV. 1. p1-16 'Isake Holandes his great worke' [or the 'Vegetable Book'.]
2. p17-24 'Samner his worke of the white and red elixir.'
3. p24-27 'The vigitable of George Riplye to the Archbishop of Yorke.'

V. p1-23 'Here begeneth a part [namely chapters 27-39] of the booke of Mercuries, which I have read, of the Testament of Raymond Lully...'

VI. 1. p1-18 [Select passages concerning the working of the white and red stones, from the books of Dunstan, Ripley and S. Norton.]
2. p18-24 'The Elixir of lyfe, after Mr. Norton, forth of George Riplyes bosom-booke...'

VII. 1. p1-16 'To ye glorie of allmightie God hyer followeth the philosophers mercury...'
2. p17 [Receipt.]

VIII. 1. p1-11 'The Merrore of Philosophy of Mr John Dastin, beinge the Rosary of Arnoldus...'
2. p12-17 'The worke of Johannes Bubellus, Englisheman, who lived in the yeare of our Lord 1384' [concerning the elixir].

IX. 1. p1-13 [A tract of the working of the philosopher's stone.]
2. p13-20 'Prefatiuncula G. Ripley in Pupillam Alchimiae.' ['Practica'.]
3. p21-24 'This that followeth is taken forth of the uncutt boke of Ripley' [Receipts.]

520. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1408.
23 + 20 + 411 + 49 pages. Quarto. Early 17th Century.
[Seemingly part of R. Napier's collection.]
I. 1. f1-9 [Excerpts from Geber] De lapide philosophico.
2. f9-16 [Excerpts] Ex libro 2° Summae Perfectionis Geberi.
3. f16-20 Practica Magistri Odomari ad discipulum.
4. f20-1 Liber 12m Aquarum, ex libro Emanuel.
5. f21v-22 Frustum de lythargirio. Oleum album fixum philosophicum. Oleum rubicundum fixativum.
6. f22v-23 Reverendi Doctoris Edoardi Cradooci documentum. Lapis philosophicus est duarum materiam.
7. f33 Modus tingendi [Mercury]. Aqua [Mercur]ialis et perennis.
8. f23v Practica Caravantis Hispani. R. sulphuris vivi.
9. f23v-31v [Various alchemical experiments.]
10. f*14-*15 A collection out of certein [chemical] notes of John Maister gent sent to me.
11. f15 Notes on mine owne collection out of th' accurtacons of Raymonde Lulley.
II. 1. p4 [A charm for the stopping of blood.]
2. p5-19 [A collection of chemical receipts and experiments.]
3. p1 Here beginith the Antydotary of this present worke.
p2-17 Here beginith the makynge of the matterials of this Antydotarium beforesayd, written for the elexer, by Fryer F. of the order of the graye fryers.
4. f17-20 [An alchemical testament. "In the name of ...od so be itt. Exsilence by the gr... of God unto the sonne of Sallomone by the ...he I make my teastment."]
III. p1-14 [An alchemical tract written by T. Robson, see MS. Ashmole 1407.]
IV. 1. p1-13 Certeyne notes concerning the first matter of the philosophers' stone [collected from various old authors by T. Robson.]
2. p13-28,33-35 [A collection of chemical operations and experiments.]
3. p32 Notes gathered out of Guido de Monte-majore.
V. 1. p45-54 [Various alchemical operations translated from Latin.]
2. p60-61, 64 [Chemical operations, in the mixture of metals.]
VI. 1. p73-81 [Alchemical operations.]
VII. p93-119 [Collection of alchemical operations and experiments, translated form various old authors, including Roger Bacon.]
VIII. 1. p135-150 [An apology for the obscurity of alchemical books, and the secrecy observed by the professors of this art.]
2. p151-169 A Treatise and Journey of the most famous Mr Salomon Trismosini, togither with excellent tinctures.
3. p169-176 Copulature, or the first beginninge of Mettalls; which Mr. J.C. [Jerome Crinot] hath written and ordeyned to the entrance of the universall tincture.
4. p177-194 Universalis Tinctura, of Mr Hyeronimi Crinoti, translated out of this alphabet, and out of secrett writings, which are found amonge the treasure of the Aegyptian bookes by the writinges of Trismosin. I Georges Biltdorff Abbat at this time at S. Morin give witness that Hieronimus Crinot, Deuchman, which hath lived a long time in Aegypte amongst the heathen.
5. p195-204 Three augmentations out of the wrytings of Mr Jeorge Biltdorffer, which hath been Abbot at Sancte Morino.
6. p205-213 Elixir and tincture out of Theophraste, curing the leprie, the gout, the dropsie, opoplexie, and all other kinds of diseases.
7. p213 The tinctures of Paracelse.
8. p220-224 An augment with [Mercury] of [Lead] of Johannis Trithemij Abbot in Spanheim, the which D. Paracelsus hath receaved, and this is written out of his owne hand's writing.
9. p224-227 The testamente of Theophrasti Paracelsi, wherein the transmutation of the 7. metalles is declared, how they shall be turned into [gold].
10. p228-230 The spirituall Sonne, out of the booke of Carneson Bartholomaei Korndorffers. A tincture with Venus, Mars and Mercurye.
11. p231-3 [3 alchemical recipes.]
12. p234-6 A perpetual fier. An ancient processe wryten by a Carthusian Moncke before 100 years lefft, and affterward founde out, which is an mercurial water wherein luna is turned into [gold] in 8 houres.
13. p237-238 A vere ancient processe, wrytteb by a Carthusian Monke.
14. p238 An other tincture of a Moncke named Pater Gregorius, a discipel of Mr. Arnoldus de Villanova...
15. p239-244 Two eternall unquenchable burning temporal lights of Mr. Trittemio Abbat at Sponheim, described by the hande of Bartholomeus Korndorffer.
16. p245-246 A preface of the Aegyprian royall tincture dated in the year 1490.
p247-250 The tincture of the great Aegyptian King Xophar, King at Silon, wryten by Crinot.
17. p250-253 The booke Suforethon of Salomon Trismosin [about the tincture of the] Aegyptian King Xopholat [who] hath prolonged his life 300 yeares therewith! written by Crinot.
18. p254-270 The booke Cangenireron of Salomon Trismosin, wherein 9 tinctures are contayned which springe all out of the roote.
19. p270-278 The Red Eagle of Salomon Trismosine whearwith marvellous thinges are to be done in pretious stones and mettalls.
20. p278-283 Moratosan. The booke [of] Salomon Trismosin of 8 tinctures. I Salomon Trismosin wryte a secrette of the astrolicke tincture unto thee, this is the Blacke springled Eagle in his spirituality.
IX. p301-311 Rudimenta Chymica, cum selectioribus quibusdam ad quamlibet partem exemplis. A DD. F. Gillot.
X. 1. f343-4 A woorke of [silver] Mr Carnaby of Chichester.
2. p350-351 [The proportions of '20' drugs composing "Emplastrum sticticum".]
3. p353-6 Vasis dispositio ad opus nostrum conveniens...
4. p359-61 The Italian booke translated, of the perfit woorke of Camphora practised by Cherico Abbott of Colonenia.
5-13. p367-411 [Various alchemical recipes and processes.]
XI. 1. p1-2 [Alchemical recipe.]
2. p3-22 The like Key of Raymund Lully, a Spaniard of ye Majorican isle, wch is called ye Opener of ye Locke wherin all thinges wch are required in ye worke of alchymie, ar plainely set foorthe and declared.
p23-49 [Various alchemical recipes and processes.]

521. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1409.
146 folios. 17th Century.
[Alchemical tracts in Italian, by Roger Bacon, Aristotle, Avicenna, Raimund Lully.]
1. ff1-14 Lo Specchio dell' Alchimia di Ruggier Baccone Inglesi, tradotto della Lattina, nell lingua volgare Italiana.
2. ff15-25 Breve trattato d' Aristotile, sopra la pietra de filosophi.
3. ff26-51 Breve trattato d' Avicena, dell' arte e scienza dell' alchimia dove si tratta de tutto quel che si ricercha nell pratica di questo magisterio, tradotto d' Latino in volgare.
4. ff52-69 Apertorio di Raimondo della vera composition della pietra de filosofi.
5. ff70-96v Prattica de alchimia de Raimondo Lullo.
6. ff98-128 Trattato de alchimia de Raimondo Lullo, dove si contiene tutta l'arte compitamente.
7. ff129-132 Trattato de Raimondo Lullo de Mercurj.

522. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1415.
17th Century.
1. 'This coppy was found in the Abbay of Valeroyal in Cheshire, and is called the Chemist's Cumbate, or the contention betweene two Alchimists.'
2. 'The coppy of a learned letter written to an honourable freind' on alchemy, declaring that the art is real.
3. 'An Epistle apologeticall to a freind, concerning the author's practise', by John Donne.
4. 'Ripley his Compound of Alchimy expounded' by Sir Edward Kelley.
5. 'Tractatus de lapide Philosophico, Latinis versibus conscriptus, adjectis as marginem annotationibus que rem totam illustrant. Auctore Edoardo Cradocco'.
6. 'The Glory of Light: or a short treatise shewing Urim and Thummim to be made by art, and are the same with the universall spirit corporate and fixid'.
7. 'Translation of a book of the transmutation of metals, written in the time of Edward III by Cremer Abott of Westminster, a disciple of Raymund Lully'.
8. 'The Worke of Sir Robert Greene, Shewrly without any falshood the worke of alkamy is true, and not to be mocked and scorned att, as many a blind ass doth'.
9. 'Blundefielde his worke, to King Henry 8'.
10. 'A golden treatise of the great elixir, or stone of the philosophers'.
11. 'A Chimicall treatise of the ancient and highly illuminated philosopher, devine, and physitian, Arnoldus de Nova Villa,... printed in the yeare 1611', and here translated into English.
[Most of this MS. is in the hand of Ashmole.]

523. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1416.
158 folios. Paper. Quarto. 15th Century.
1. f3-7v Liber Rasis suo filio Merlino editus [in verse.]
2. f8-14v Liber Luminum Rasis super alkimia [in verse.]
3. f17-21v Liber Secretorum Alkymye ab Haly filio Salith.
4. f21v-2v Hic incipit Practica Haly philosophi.
5. f22v [An alchemical piece beginning "Dum nubilis aier impeditur".]
6. f22v-23 Responsio Inventoris juvenilis ad Peregrinum.
7. f23-24v Opus Hermetis [in verse.]
8. f25-26 Fixation amalgame. Take golde as moch as thow wylte.
9. f27-35v De 4or elementorum scientia.
10. f35v [two alchemical recipes.]
11. f37-40 De quatuor verbis.
12. f40-42 Iste liber, Rudiani liber est, liber Divinitatis, et est liber Trinitatis, id est Trium Verborum...
13. f42-3 [Work of Roger Bacon beginning "Cum ego Rogerus rogatus a pluribus de separacione ignis ab oleo..."
14. f43-44 [Another tract of Roger Bacon, beginning "Cum promisi tibi mittere 2as cedulas subsequentes...]
15. f44-51 [A third work of Roger Bacon, beginning "Cum de ponderibus utilis sit distinccio..."
16. f52-53v [Alchemical process.]
17. f54-9 Liber Abohali.
18. f59-60v [107 verses on the alchemical art.]
19. f60v-62v [Work on the making of amalgam, the method of multiplication, the elixir, the alchemical operations, and the rectification of various waters. In Latin.]
20. f64-66 [Commentary on the Emerald Tablet by Hortulanus.]
21-22. [Two fragments on the operation of the stone.]
23. f66v-68v Visio mirabilis Edwardi Philosophi.
24. f73-93 [Book on the transmutation of metals, ascribed in a later hand to John Dastin.]
25-30. f93v-100v [Various recipes and short extracts.]
31. f101-104 [Roger Bacon] Speculum Alchimiae [in 7 chapters.]
32-59 f104-148 [Various recipes, short pieces and extracts, ascribed to Plato, Solomon, Democritus, Dastin, Geber, Merlin among others. A few of these are in English.]
60. f148v-150v [A poem of the alchemist's work, called the work of Richard Carpenter.]
61-62 f150v-153 [Alchemical recipes.]

524. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1417.
17th Century.
[The first part is in Ashmole's hand.]
I. 1-3 p1-20 [Alchemical notes, including notes on Bloomfield, Chymische Hochzeit, T. Tymme, Cornelis Drebbel, Lull, and R. Bacon.]
4. f10-17 'The Testament of Adrian a German, upon the philosopher's stone'.
5-18 5-16. [Recipes and short tracts.]
II. p1-42 [Alchemical recipes.]
III. p1-95 'Narratio methodica trium Geberi medicinarum, in quibus continetur vera lapidis philosophici confectio'.
IV. p1-45v 'Aurora Sapientiae, or the Day-breake of Wisedome, written for the service of the sixt Church at Philadelphia, in the yeare 1629'.
V. 2. f2-4 'The true manner of making the philosopher's stone'.
VI. p1-51 'The I. Booke. The first part of this my booke, wherein in declared the first Inventors of this noble science [of Alchemy]'.

525. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1418.
60 + 111 + 17th Century [1606.]
[Three manuscripts written by Thomas Robson.]
I. 1. f1-10v The elixer vite and the elixer minerall.
2. f11-13 [Of the origin of the elixir.]
3. f13v-20v [A tract of the nature, formation, and uses of the philosopher's stone, in seven chapters, translated into English.]
4. f20v-22v A sayinge of Raymond [Lull].
5. f22v-23 [Two process of transmuting metal into gold.]
6. f24-27 "Here followeth the Seacrett of Seacretts done by the arte of philosophie."
7. f31-32v "For the keping of the stone or elixir."
8. f33-41v The famous worck of Mr Blundevild [i.e. Bloomfield's Blossoms.]
9. f47-60 [A treatise of the work of the philosopher's stone, in twelve chapters.]
II. 1. f1-48v "In the Uncutt Booke of Hermes and Aristotle, he sayth. Take anymall mynerall and vigitable stone wch is no stone" [references to Ripley.]
2. f49-111 "And here followeth the booke of Kinge Calid and Morienus the Roman hermett. The preface of Robertus Castrensis."
III. 1. f1-14 [Alchemical receipts and experiments.]
2. f17-30 "Verbis honoris primyssis, sic incipit tractatum suum de antimonio, ad Dominum Johannem Babtistam de Sepache, Alexander a Suchsten [Suchten]." [Translated into English.]
3-7. f31-38 [Various alchemical recipes and operations.]
8. f43v-47v "Cornelius Alvetanus Arus Rodius of makeinge the divine elixar, or the philosopher's stone."
9. f48-52 "Claritas Mundi. An excelent treatise giving light to the righte understandinge and practice of this science of alchimye."
10. f52v-54 "Speculum Veritatis. A disputation betwene Marie the sister of Moyses, and Aros kinge of the Grecians."
11. f55r [An alchemical riddle.]
12-24. f55r-77v [Various alchemical recipes and short extracts.]
25. f78v Raymundus [Lull] to Kinge Edward off Woorstocke.
26-27. f81v-86v [Alchemical processes.]
28. f86v-90v "A medicine take[n[ forth of Sir Edward Vere's booke" [with figures of the chemical vessels.]
29. f91-99v "Roger Bacon. Here is the second Cannan of the first boke, the wch sheweth the mastrye of quentessence..."
30. f101v-102v [An alchemical poem entitled "Elixir vite, Orlon et Rosarius".]
31. p103-124 [A commentary on the 'Ortolon et Rosarius'.]
32. p124-134 "Here begineth the worke of the stone". [For the most part in Latin.]
33. p135-150 [A translation of the 'Breviloquium']
34-36 p151-170 [Short pieces on the making of the stone.]

526. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1419.
17th Century.
[Transcripts in Ashmole's hand.]
1. 'Avicula Hermetic catholica. De mercurio, sulphure, et sale philosophorum, in una subjecto... autore Salomone Raphaele in mundo R. Londini, apud Thomam Harprum, 1638'.
'Elixir Vita... Londini 1638'.
'Leo rubens antipodagricus fixus'.
'Canticum Canticorum quod est Schelomonis, de medicina universali'.
2. 'Compendium Hermeticum de macrocosmo et microcosmo, totius philosophiae et medicinae cognitionem breviter et compendiose complectens. Auctore Pharamundo Rhumelio mathematico-medico'.
3. 'Manna' [supposedly ny Oldfield.]['I have seen this peece under the title of the Mirrour of Alchemy set forth by Robert Lane of Walgrave in Northampton' ashmole].
4. 'The epitome of the Treasure of all Welth, written by Edwardus Generosus Anglicus innominatus, qui vixit anno Domini 1562'. [True title is 'The Abridgment or Treasure of my Harte'.
5. 'An abridgment of a letter to a friend'.
6. 'Democritus Abderita de arte magna'.
7. Synesii ad Dioscorum epistola de Democrito et ejus opere.
8. 'Pelagii Philosophii de eadem magna arte'.

527. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1420.
373 pages. 17th Century.
1. p1-30 Incipit prologus in librum Alphidii philosophi, qui inventus est apud Iamnum Siciliae...
2. p33-39 Avicenna de origine lapidis.
3. p41-55 Hic incipiunt vocabula, et interpretaciones nominum Graecorum et Arabicorum in arte alchimica...
4. p56-61 Principium Rerum. Lege et expende.
5. p62-63 [Alchemical process of 'Maria'.]
7. p65-70 Hic incipit tractatus optimus in quo exponit et aperte declarat Plerus Philosophus, quit sit lapis philosophicus...
8. p70 [Verses of Charnock, as printed in Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, p426.]
9. p71-80 Bernardus de Gordonia de lapide philosophico.
10. p81-88 Hic incipit opus et practica Bernardi magni Alchimistae in album. Hic liber trium verborum Hermetis.
11. p89-91 [Edward Kelly] Modus tractandi vegitabilia.
12. p92-94 ['Transcripta ex missiva D'ni Edwardi Kelley missa D'no Rodulpho Romanorum Imperatori, anno 1590...']
13. p95-6 "Ad filios veritatis, aenigma philosophicum. Jam vobis filli scientiae."
14. p97 [Verse on the philosophic stone.]
15. p99 [A scheme revealing the conjunction of the four elements, called 'Cathena Aurea'.]
16. p101-104 [Fragment concerning the use of the stone Marcasite.]
17. p105-124 Johannis Dastin liber ad Neapoleontem Cardinalem.
18. p125-6 [Alchemical poem, repeated in prose.]
19. p128-174 Rosarius.
20. p177-268 "Incipit Speculum Philosophiae magistri Johannis Dastyne Anglici..."
21. p271-327 [Work of Edward Kelly on the hermetic science, or the elixir, beginning "Non immerito summus et divinus ille Plato".]
22. p328 [Abstract of a letter from Sir E. Kelly (?) dated 14th September 1595, about chemical amusements.]
23. p333-351 Speculum Elementorum.
24. p353-373 [Work of J. Dastin on the mastery of alchemy, beginning "Summa venerationis excellentissimo patri domino Neapoloneri sanct Adriani dignitissino Cardinali...". Article 17 seems to be an abridgement of this.]

528. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1421.
1. A collection of alchemical processes and experiments 'Taken forth out of the little Blacke Boke'.
2. 'The worke of cako', or a tract thus entitled 'de lapidem philosophicum, per Forman 1605'.
3. 'Thes [alchemical experiments wre taken] forth of the old booke with the thine parchement covers'.
4. 'The first operation of a great worke' of alchemy.
5. 'Aqua vitae. The true Mercury of the philosophers'.
6. 'seven condicions. 1. The first condicion is this, that yf ther be one kinde of argentum vive'.
7. The alchemical book of 'Multiphar' in seven chapters.
8. The praises of 'Sol, luna, sulphur, mercurie - Sulphur - Sol - Luna - Jubiter.
9. The vision of Johanis Dastine.
10. Two texts in short summary called 'Five Words'.
11. 'To try gould whether it be good or not good'.
12. 'Off what things the tinctures are made, or mercurye philosophorum'.
13. A 'parable' concerning the work of the elixir 'Of the Earle of Travisan'.
14. A large collection of alchemical secrets, receipts, experiments and processes.
15. 'Ymago' or the nature of planetary influence, subscribed 'per Forman'.
16. 'The best tymes for all preparations by astromyme, sett downe by Doctor Forman'.
17. Continuation of the select alchemical experiments and processes.
18. 'The Goulden Booke of Roger Bacon, the fryer of Osney, of thinges wheron we worke in the worke of sublymacion pro lapide philosopohico'.
19. 'A treatis of the most excelent Mr Dunstan Bishop of Canterburie, a true philosopher, concerninge the philosophers stone'.
20. 'Of the abrivation of the worke, wherin are contained almost all elixers and the manner of makinge them, out of them, out of Dunstan the Bishop'.
21. 'A white worke which Ripley usd before he had the great worke'.
22. 'George Ripleyes Mijter'.
23. 'John of Londons his work on vitrioll'.
24. 'A worke of the mineral Stone'.
25. 'For to gilt silver, copper, or latine'.
26. 'The Key of Alchimie' in eight treatises by Samuel Norton: with introductory verses, dedication to Q. Elizabeth date 'from St John's in Cambridge the 20th of July 1577.
27. Drawings of six furnaces used in alchemy.
28. 'George Ripley's Bosome-booke. The whole worke of the stone philosophicall, of the first solution of the grose bodye'.
29. 'George Rypleis practis by experience of the stone'.
30. 'Rypleis vigitable watter, viz., vigitable menstrue out of his philosum'.
31. 'A curtation to congell and fix mercury crud'.
32. Two notes of alchemical operations, by Robson, in 1614 and 1615.

529. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1423.
I. 'The trewe coppy of an ancyente booke [of alchemical experiments and processes] written in parchment by George Marrowe monke of Nostall Abeye in Yorkshier Anno Dom. 1437... and copied ... 1596'.
II. 'Opus Rogeri Merryfoot monarchi..'.
III. 'The coppye of an owlde manuscripte wryttnne by Sr Peter Percy, channon and preeste of Maydestone in Kente, he levede Ann. 1486.. and now written againe... 1595'.
IV. 'Librorum Liber. Anno 1579'. A collction of 64 antient alchemical receipt... written by Thomas Mountfort.
V. 1. 'Incipit opus commune Rogeri Baconi'.
2. 'Incipit opus S. Thome de Aquino'.
3. 'Aliud opus S. Tho. de Aquino'.
4. Sequitur capitumum utile bonum et probatum a quodam magistro Fredrico Bononie...'.
5. A collection of chemical secrets, experiment, and processes, collected and abridged out of the book named 'Speculum Luminum'.
6. 'Practica auctoris incogniti'.
7. 'Versus magistri Conradi de Hildenser. Anno 1474'.
8. 'To make most pretious oyells'.
9. 'Sequitur doctrina de ponderibus elixerij'.
10. 'Opus de limacibus'.
11. 'Dicta S. Thome de Aquino'.
12. 'Johannis de Rupiscissa, practica'.
13. 'To purge allome'.
V1. 'Incipit Liber Aureus. Elixir autem in hac scientia 2ter consideratur'.
1. Conradi de Hildenser carmen de secretis alchemiae.
2-7. Various alchemical recipes.
8. The testament nuncupatory of John Gybbys, showing how to treansmute mercury into silver.
9-12. Various alchemical recipes.

530. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1424.
Part I. A collection of tracts relating to the Mineral Stone. Written by Thomas Robson.
3. 'The Merrore of Philosophie, of Mr John Dastine, being the Rosary of Arnoldus'.
5. 'The Key of Raymund Lully, which is calld his Apertory'.
32. 'The most excelent and true boke of the reverente docter Alemant and Lord Barnard Earle of Travison, of the philsophers stone, beginninge with the third chapter'.
Part II. A collection of tracts relating to the Vegetable Stone. Written by Thomas Robson.
33. 'Here begineth te concordance between Guido and Raymond Lully'.
37. (1) 'A treatis of the most excelent Mr Dunstone Bishop of Canterbury, concerning the Philosophers stone'.
37. (2) 'George Riply his Bosome-booke. The wholle worke of the stone philosophicall'.
37. (3) 'Mr Samwell Norton's Key of Alchemy'.

531. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1426.
I. 1. 'Incipit prologus in libro qui vocatur Rosarius Philosophorum auctore Arnoldo de Villa Nova.
2. 'Secuntur quedam Glose super diversas sententias philosophorum, sicut scriptum est libro Novelle Margarite'.
II. 'Magnum opus Saturni, Johannis Isaaci, ex Flandrico sermone in Latinum translatum...'.
III. 'George Ripley his worke of breviation of the Philosophers stone'.
IV. 'The work of [Saturn of Lead] in the preparation of the philosophers' stone'.
V. 1. 'Here begynneth the boke conteyning myne opyneons in the scyence of this philozophy'. [Ripley is often quoted in this MS.].
2. 'The preparacyon of mercury is one of the ... secret poyntes of aule this scynce'.
3. 'Here folowth the declaracyon .. wark from the inhibicyons forthe to fermentacyon'.
4. 'Opus Henrici Cornelii Agrippe de occulta philosophia liber primus'.
5. 'Magisterium primum 2 Libri...Here begynneth the 2d boke of Bacon, that treatith of the generall remedise'.
6-8. Various medical recipes.
VI. 1. 'A treatise of the philosopher's stone, found in a Manuscript, written in ye old English tongue'.
2. Alchemistae cuiusdam antiqui Testamentum de arte sua.
3. 'To sublyme arsnicke, etc'.
VII. 'The Booke of Phelosophers mad by George Ripley of the possibillitee of this science'.
VIII. 1. Traite de l'oeuvre de la pierre philosophique.
2. 'Recapitulation, et briefe sommmaire de tout ce, qui est escrpt cy devant'.
3. Shapes of vessels used in this work.
4. 'Le forme et facon du double vaisseau, tant de celluy de verre contenant la matiere'.
IX. 1. 'Le secret philosophique'.
2. 'The werke of Sr Robert Grin'.
3. 'A notable Elixir'.
4. 'The warke of Nycolas Flamyng bowke prenter in Paris'.
5. 'Argus the phylosopher'.
6. 'A Calcination upon sol'.
7. Maister Arnaund de Villa Nova sayes in is Resayger wache or prey wysele and not fowlychely'.

532. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1430.
[Dr Simon Forman's commonplace book of Chemistry or Alchemy, and of occult Philosophy.]

533. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1433.
I. 1. 'Liber Dunstani Episcopi de lapide philosophico, rescriptus per S. Forman'.
2. 'De abreviatione operis, in qua continentur omnia fere elixera modusque conficiendi illa, ex Dunstano Episcopo'.
3. 'De lapide minerali ex Dunstano'.
4. 'Calcinatio corporum de Saturn et Jupiter et aliorum'.
5. 'Recapitulatio'.
6. 'In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis. Sequitur Practica menstrui animalis, quod a domino Raymndo...'.
II. 1. Alchemical notes by Dr Forman.
2. 'Angelorum opus, authore Hermete philosopho peritissimo'. ['Crowning of Nature'.]
3. Excerpt from a book which is called 'Consilium Conjugii'.
4. 'Tabula smaragdina Hermetic Trismegistus'.
5. 'Hortulani philosophi ab hortis maritimis Commentariolus in Tabulam smaragdinam..'.
6. Explanations of alchemical terms.
7. 'De mercurio vegitabili, et de quinta essentia'.
8. Short account of the process 'In composicione lapidis philosophicalis.
9. 'Via recta'.
10. Notes of the work of the 'Elixar' from Arnold and Lully.
11. 'Tempus faciendi lapidem'.
12. 'Ad faciendum ceram rubeam aut viridem'.
13. 'Forman de lapide philosophica'.
III. 1. Collectanea de nominibus et Natura Saturni'.
2. 'The whole sum of the Secretes of Philosophi in briefe gathered by S. Forman 1608.
3. Note from 'Geber in libro lapidum'.
IV. 'Liber trium verborum magistri R. Bacon'.
V. 'Miscellanea Chymica'.

534. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1440.
1. 'Excellent notes taken out of a booke of Guido De Montanor'.
2. 24 select passages or sayings of the Chief of the ancient alchemists.
3. 'A declaration of certaine philosophicall words or sayings'.
4. A nameless alchemical tract.
5. Another nameless alchemical tract.
6. 'Quercitan's Daughters's Letters.'
7. 'A discourse concerning the Three Words.'
8. 'The true makinge of the water of life, whereof ye quintessence is made'.
9. Of the composition of the lixir.
10. Nota de 'aqua vivente' et figura arcae... Schemata mystica tria, cum inscriptionibus.
11. 'De solutione corporum'.
12. 'De varijs solutionum modis secundum varios philosophos'.
13. 'The greate worke'.
14. Three letters or short discourses on the philosophers Stone written 'for his beloved friend' David Ramsay.
15. 'Additions expicatory, added to the end of Dr Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica, by Tho: Tym'.
16. 'The darke sentences and aenigmatical speeches of the Philosophers concerning the elixir and the stone.
17. 'Exposition or darke questions'.
18. 'Dr Everard's gloss upon the Smaragdine Table'.
19. 'Aphorisms or canons Hermeticall ascribed to Basilius Valentinus in the 4rth Vol of the Theatrum Chimicum'.
20. 'Thinges written by G. Ripley, found in the end of the Marrow'.
21. 'A letter sent by G. Ripley chanon of Brydlington to a friend'.
22. 'The following letter communicate to me by Prince Fredericke Duke of Holsatia and Slewick, relates things strange and unheard of.

535. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1441.
I. Liber collectaneorum de arte alchemica... Lullio praesertim.
II. A collection of alchemical papers and fragments by Ashmole, Charnock, Robson, the Napiers, Gravius, and other persons. [Last twelve lines of Norton's Ordinall.]
8. Latin 'Mottoes about the several opperacons in the vessels..and English verses 'Takn out of one of Riply's Scrowles lent me by Mr Elis'.
10. 'Questions propounded to Mr E.K by Mr G.S. de lapide philosophorum with Sir Edward Kelley's answers'.

536. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1442.
I. 1. 'Comes Nicolaus in a serten epistle.. as of callsination, dissolution etc'.
2. 'The worke of Senior Mereru from an owld coppy..'.
3. 'The Newe Light of Arnold de Villa NOva'.
4. 'Aenigma de lapide philos'.
5. Dr Dee's alchemical testament.
6. 'A ridell. a thing of small price which all men know'.
7. An Alchemical tract entitled 'Plinn upon the stone'.
II. 'Azoth, or the goulden secret Misterie of Philosophers... written by F. Basilius Vicentinus, M. Georgius Beatus the interpreter. At Frankfurt.. printed 1613'. Translated into English by Nowell.
III. Sir Robert Green's experience and defense of his art.
IV. An alchemical treatise in 28 chapter translated into English.
V. 'Das III Buch' or eleven chapter of a Dutch treatise on mystical philosophy, the secret nature of things and the philosopher's stone with notes by Theodoricus Gravius'.
VI. Various recipes and short extracts, etc.
4. 'Certaine notes taken out of the booke called the Rosarie of Ph'ors, fol 226'. p.9-12.
VII. 'Here beginneth the booke of the venerable doctor Bernarde Earle of the Marche Trevican'.
VIII. 1. 'Emendacons belonging to the worke of John Sawtre which Hermannus set forth which I [Elias Ashmole] compared to an old manuscript found in Thornley Abbey in Lincolnshire, and presumed to be the original'.
2. John Sawtre 'Epilogus operis'.
3. Alchemical compendium.

537. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1445.
I. 1. Ripley's Compend of Alchemy.
2. 'Celum Philosophorum' a scheme of the planetary orbs, and the twelve signs, with alchemical verses and mottos in and about the circles.
3. 'Here beginithe the Vade Mecum of the venerable Raymunde Lully, a compende of the art'.
4. 'A tract on 'Menstrues' collected from Lully and others.
5. 'The worke of Senior Mireris'.
6. 'The Newe Light of Arnold de Villa Nova'.
7. 'Of the fowre mastryes of this arte, scilicet solucion and congelacion, albifaction and rubifaction'.
II. 'Sir Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy'.
III. Various recipes.
IV. 'The Goulden Booke of Roger Bacon, of those thinges where on we werke in ye worke of sublimation'.
V. 1. 'Blomfeildes Blossoms'.
2. 'The best ferment of Raymond Lullye'.
3. Alchemical verses.
4. The poem called 'Pater Sapientiae'.
5. The Vision of Johannes Daustian.
6. Verses on the red and the white elixir.
7. 'Elixer Arnoldi de Villa Nova'.
8. 'A Practike'.
9. 'I am Mercury the mighty flos florum'.
VI. 1. 'A treatise in English verse uppon ye philosophers stone, written by Edward Cradocke'.
2. 'The argument betweene Morien the father and Merlin the sonne, how the philosophers stone should be wrought'.
VII. 1. 'A Dreame', or a discourse btween a Disciple, Reason and Knowledge, concerning the secrets of Nature, and the philosopher's stone'.
2. 'Certain chimycall workes, wth ye true practise, gathered unto a true method and turned into verse [by Edward Nowell].
3. The process of making the philosophers stone.
4-18. Various alchemical pieces.
VIII. A. 'Cantilena Georgii Riplaei'.
B. An imperfect alchemical poem, beginning 'I haveinge experience of things worldly'.
C. 1. The praise of Mercury.
2. Alchemical fragment in prose.
D. 1. English verses headed 'Non potest mens intellectualis, semperiternae fruitionis habere consortium, si aut cognitio fuerit sine amore, aut amor sine cognitione'.
2. Verses of Pearce of the Black Monk, upon the elixir.
E. 'Thomas Charnocks Breviary. The seventh and last chapter'.
F. 'Charnocke his true similitude'.
G. 'Other noates collected from Tho Charnock's owne handwriting'.
H. 'Cantilena Georgii Ripley de lapide philosophorum'.
I. Alchemical verses including 'Piearcie the Black Monke'.
K. 'De vita, aetate ac scripsis Johannis Dastin'.
L. 'Antitheton' trigenta trium alchemicorum collectio'.

538. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1446.
I. 'A treatise of the harmony and general constitucon of the true salt concealed of ye Philosophers... Collected by the Lo: of Nuisement'.
II. Liber de arte alchemica.
III. 1. 'Incipit epistola Johannis Dastine as Papam Johannem XXII transmissa'.
2. Libellus dictus Visio Edwardi Philosophi.
IV. 1. 'A Synopsis of the universall Entity of Ideas, or of ye systemes of the materiall and immaterial world'
2. 'Abstracts of lettres sent to Mr Stevens from Sr John Heydon'.
3. 'A material of the tincture of pearles, coralls, and of Sol, a very secret one, and was the secret of the Emperors Physician'.
V. 1. 'A booke intituled the Reformation or Errors, the authour whereof is not knowne, which treateth of Alchymie'.
2. Characterius 13 rariorum alchemicorum, explicatio per Ashmolium.
VI. Objections against Alchemy as a groundless science answered.
VII. Three tracts or epistles, addressed to Ashmole by W. Engler.
VIII. 'Propositio, quod lapis philosophicus ex sale, sulphure, et mercurio compositus, probatur, sic'.
IX. Mr Townsend's annotations on certain parts of Ashmole's Theatrum Chemicum.

539. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1448.
288 pages. Paper and vellum. 15th Century.
1. p1 [10 alchemical verses, in Latin.]
2. p1-25 [Roger Bacon] Liber de scientia alchemica.
3-11 p25-46 [Various verses, short pieces, and alchemical recipes.]
12. p47-73 [Albertus Magnus] Semita Recta.
13-18. p73-83 [Various short pieces and alchemical recipes.]
19. p84-105 [A chapter '17' which is entitled "Hermes".]
20. p105-115 [Chapter '18-25' which are entitled "Preparaciones".]
21. p115-118 [Chapter '26' which is entitled "Separaciones".]
22-34. p118-168 [Various short pieces, alchemical experiments and recipes.]
35. p169-187 Opus Morienes [Beginning "Ego veritatem dico vobis quoniam nil aliud est quod hujus magisterii auctores in errorem detrusit nisi varietas nominum".]
36. p187-193 Opus Aurifabri. Ad fundendum aurum sive argentum.
37. p193-196 "Hic incipit liber 12 Aquarum Alkemie, seu in Alkamia.
38-50. p197-212 [Various short pieces, alchemical and medical recipes.]
51. p239-44 [Alchemical tract under the name "Aresto" i.e. Aristotle, beginning " Arestotilus. Cum studii etc. Scias preterea quod propter longitudines".]
52-64. p244-288 [Various short pieces, alchemical recipes, astronomical diagrams, medical remedes, etc.]

540. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1449.
'Ex domini Oleviani Manuscripto Germanico insigniores quaedam operationes chemicae in latium translatae 1632, per Theodoricum Gravium'.

541. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1450.
66 + 31 + 86 + 95 folios + 86 pages. Paper. Quarto. 15th and 16th Centuries.
I. 1-24. f1-66 [Various short pieces, recipes, etc., by Bernard, Hali, Albertus Magnus, Arnold of Villa Nova, pseudo-Aristotle, Robert Holcot, Johan Dastin, Johannis Gallicii, Thomas Aquinas, Wilelmum Parisiensis, and others.]
II. 1. f1-31 "Liber quinte essencie. Primus liber de consideracione quinte essencie omnium rerum transmutabilium."
2. f31v "Incipit quidam tractatus de vii. herbis, vii planetis attributis. Alexius Affricus, discipulus Belbeis, Claudio Artheniensi epylogiticis studium continuare et finem cum laude. Post eciam antiquorum Kirannidarum volumina".
III. 1. f36r [Tables of unfortunate days.]
2. f37-47 "The third chapter [and other large passages] of Thomas Norton's booke" [The Ordinall of Alchemy.]
4. f49-71v Johannis Bubelli, or Bumbulem, "Stella Complextionis perfecti magisterii vel investigationis lapidis"
V. 1. f73-84v "Her begynyth the secunde boke of John Dastyn."
2-3. f85 [Alchemical verses and notes.]
4. f85-6 Visio Johannis Dastin [under the name Johannes de Sumbleton.]
5. f144 [Glossary explaining difficult alchemical terms.]
VI. 1. f55-62 [Fragment in English] Raymondes Curtacions.
2. f62v A note or knowlege howe the calcyned powders and waters shall be put and mixed to getheres.
3. f63-64 A curtacion of Raymund Lylle [Lull] the great phylosopher.
4. f64-76 In ye vertue of allmighti God, Jesu Criste, here I begyne ye grett and royall worke of ye 5a sens [quintessence] of mercurye, acordynge ye worke of master Arnold of ye New Towne.
5. f76-77v The elixer to be made after the worke of Mr Darvelle of Brystowe.
6. f78-80v The trewe compounde howe that the elixir shuld be made of wyne, after Jhon Corbit.
7-10. f80v-95 [Various short pieces and alchemical recipes.]
VII. 1. p1-16 Georg Riplyes Pulilla Alchemiae.
2. p17-23 Liber Lucis Mercuriorum Raymundi Lulii.
3. p23-30 [Pearce the Black Monk, or "Earth of earth".]
4-12. p31-86 [Various short pieces and alchemical recipes.]

542. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1451.
70 folios + 71-147 pages + 66 + 17 + 19 folios + 95 pages. 14th, 15th and 16th Centuries.
[Six MSS. bound together.]
I. (4). Distillatorium optimum pro aqua vite distillanda.
1. f1-57 Incipit liber de Famulatu Philosophie de quinta essentia.
2. f58-66 Incipit tractatus aquarum de Kyriana.
3. f66v-70v Sequitur tabula primi libri de famulatu philosophie... Sequitur tabula secundi libri de cura omnium egritudinum... Sequitur tabula tractatus aquarum de Kyriana.
4. p71-88 Sequuntur quedam secreta preciosissima a Secretis Secretorum extracta... Sunt autem tanquam summus thesaurus conservanda, quoniam sunt ex summis secretis secretorum Raymondi Lully.
5-11. p88-147 [Various recipes and notes, in Latin, French and English.]
II. [15th Cent. with marginal notes by John Dee.]
1-85. 66ff [Various recipes, alchemical experiments, and notes from works by Morienus, Ortolanus, Hermes, Johannes de Meun, Brixham, and others. In Latin and English.]
III. f3-12 [A 16th Century collection of extracts from divers authors, concerning the precepts of Alchemy, both in Latin and English, with some passages from Norton's Ordinall.]
IV. [14th Cent.]
1. p1-32 [An alchemical tract beginning "... than kende worchith in a Ml. ger. And nevertheles we makyn no metals but kende doth this".]
2. p32-36 [Twenty eight maxims of alchemy, beginning "Oure Philors ston hath non propre name, but he is clepid diverse namys".]
3. p37-39 [Nine 'consilia' of alchemy, of which the preface begins "In principio nostri tractamus e[s]t sciendum quod ars alkae nobilissima et multum periculosa.
V. [14th and 15th centuries. With some marginal notes by John Dee.]
1-30. p39-80 [Collection of recipes, alchemical experiments, notes, and short extracts from alchemical works, including some of Rasis, the Turba Philosophorum, Roger Bacon, Johannes Parisiensis. In Latin and English.]
VI. p85-95 [A tract in English describing the process of obtaining the white medicine, for transmuting copper into silver.]

543. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1452.
177 folios. 17th Century
[Transcriptions by Ashmole.]
1. f13-30v [Treatise on the philosopher' stone. Imperfect.]
2-4 f30v-33 [Receipts.]
5. f35-42v [Alchemical poem.]
6. f43-46 [Public records relative to alchemists.]
7. f47-55v G. Ripley 'The gracious science and blessed secret, hid of old philosophers'.
8. f56v-63 Tretys [of] the vertue of owre ston, and whereof he schulde be made, as well for mannes body as for metalle. [Under the name of Hermes.]
9. f64-68 [A short instruction in the secrets of alchemy.]
10. f69-71v [A sequel to the foregoing tract.]
11-20. f72-91 [Various alchemical recipes.]
21. f91v-93 [An alchemical poem entitled 'The worke of Dickinson'. 'When Phebus with his rayes bright' 108 lines.]

544. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1453.
I. Medical prescription. magical alchemical and Chemical secrets, and charms, collected and written by Mr Richard Napier.

545. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1456.
67 folios. Early 17th Century.
Sapientia Veterum, sive doctrina eorundem de summa et universale medicina, qua sanitas humana, adhuc integra in eodem statu conservatur, interrupta vero, pristino restituatur, et penitus amissa recuperetur. Nec non leprositas metallorum totaliter auferatur, quadraginta Hieroglyphicis explicata. Quibus accesserunt totidem eorem explanationes, sapientiam eorundem veterum, viz. Arabum, Chaldaeorum, Aegptiorum, de re medica (praecipue) adamussim delineantes. Cabala.
[67 coloured figures of the 'Crowning of Nature' series, with text.]
[Ashmole notes 'Mr Bochus booke'.]

546. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1458.
57 folios numbered 107-163 17th Century.
1-13. f107-130 [Various letters on alchemy, medicine and other matters, from or to Richard Napier, Ashmole and others.]
14. f131v [A catalogue of 12 alchemical and chemical operations.]
16. f136-138 [A preface of Pontanus, relating his long search after the true konwledge of the philosopher's stone, and the working thereof.]
17-22. f140-153 [Various fragments and short alchemical piece, one by Napier, another by Forman.]
23. f154 Howe the ellementes be subtylyated, and how they be ingrossed, by the circuler whelle [which] is called the gollden chayne of Raymonde Lullye, cap. 81. his theoricke.
24. f155r [Letter from Robert Thomson to Napier.]
25. f156 [The process of an alchemical experiment for a projection on gold and silver, written by Napier.]
26-28 [Letters, two in Latin, one in Dutch to Gravius.]

547. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1459.
28 folios +481 pages. 16th and 17th Centuries.
I. f3v-26v The supercelestiall, celestiall, and terrestriall Divine Light of Nature, describinge the creation of the world, by an enigmaticall figure of the trinitye in unitye out of Moses, agreeinge with divine and morall writers. The philosophers stone, and philosophicall worke, out of Moses agreeinge with the ancient philosophers. Dedicated to Charles I., by Henry Harrington.
f27v, f1v [Short alchemical notes.]

II. f28v, f1v [Short alchemical notes.]
1. p1-7 Aurea ars Alchymistarum. De ignibus nostris, sine quorum notica non perficitur magisterium, per G. R[ipley] Canonicum...
2. p7-32 Georgii Ripley liber experimentorum alchemicorum...
3. p33-34 Somnium Georgij Riplei.
4. p34 Visio Georgij Riplei Canonici Bridlingt.
5. p34v-53 Dialogue of the philosopher's stone, or figure of Three [in 30 questions and answers.]
6. p54-6 [A short tract of the philosopher's stone.]
7. p62-97 Stella Complexionis.
8. p98-194 A Naturall Chymicall Symbolum, or a short confession of Henry Kunwrath [Khunrath] of Lipsicke, concerning ye universall, naturall, triune, wondrous, marvelous operation of ye most misticall naturall chaos of alchimie, of the philosophers greate and universall stone, their naturall and proper subject, or their true and only matter.
p105-6 A philosophicall short song of the incorporating of the Spiritt of the Lord in salt... 'Doctor Kunwrath faciebat,... anno 1597.'
9. p107-116 A Vision which Ben Adam had in a dreame, in the raigne of Ruclaretz King of Adama, published by Floretus a Bethabor. Together with another treatise of the Journey of Frederick Gallus unto the hermitage of St Michaell in the year 1602.
10. p117-118 Certain Rules touching the philosophers' stone.
11. p118 The best ferment of Ramund Lullie.
12. p119-128 An epitomy of Ripley's 12 Gates.
13. p129-135 The camphire worke.
14. p136-161

548. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1460.
137 pages. Early 17th Century.
Liber Experimentorum Johannis Trithemij Abbatis Spanhemensis.

549. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1464.
4 + 44 + 62 folios.
I. ff1-44 The Ordinall of Alchymy, in old English verse, by Thomas Norton of Bristol: with the Latin prologue.
II. ff1-62 'Conste hoemen aele voerwen maeken sal, en hoemen die vryven sal, tsamen temperen... dach Januwarius Anno. 1612.'

550. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1467.
133 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th Century.
[Pieces copied by Sir Robert Greene.]
1. f1-30 Excerpta de libro Avicenne de Anima, i. de Majori Alkimia, per fratrem Togerum Bacun [Bacon].
2. f30-62 Hic incipit liber medicine philosophie extractus, et est supra omnium medicorum medicinas, et continet in se secreta secretorum.
3. f62-92 [Work of J. Dastin beginning "Cum 'gaudeant uti brevitate moderni', Verbum Abbreviatum verissimum et approbatum de transmutacione inferiorum planetarum [seu metallorum]...
4. f92-98 De Lapidibus preciosis. Ad dandam intelligenciam super illud quod declaravimus de effectiva potestate sulphuris albi et rubei...
5. f98-116v Liber Aquile.
6. f116v-120v Incipit quidam tractatus Hermetis de lapide philosophico....
7. f120v-131v Holcot de serpente
8. f133v-182v Incipit prologus in libro qui vocatur Rosarius Philosophorum [Arnold of Villa Nova.]
9. f182-202 [Treatise on the philosopher's stone written in 1390.]
10. f202v-208v Apocalypsis spiritus secreti.
11. f208v-213v Incipit Speculum Bachonis. Secreta Secretorum Bachonis de spiritu occulto.
12. f213v-215 Incipti liber de spiritu occulto, tractatus aureus.
13. f215-219 Incipit tractatus Plinii philosophi de interpretacione elixeris.
14. f219v-233 [Work on the alchemical art beginning "Et quoniam Geber paleas immiscuit arti."]

551. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1471.
199 folios. Vellum. Folio. Late 14th Century.
1. f1-48 Liber Mineralium, editus per Albertum Magnum.
2. f48v-49v Incipit Ludus Ritmimachie.
f49v Versus Ovidij de Vetula in primo libro, et concernunt Rithmarchiam.
3. f50-56 Quadripartitum Hermetis. Incipit liber Hermetis de 15 stellis 15 lapidibus 15 herbis et 15 ymaginibus.
4. f56-64 Incipit liber ad fundendum lapides bonorum colorum, et rotundandum gemmas pulcherimas, et colorandum gemmas de mehe et cristallo et vitro et vasis fictilibus, et multa alia, secundum philosophos...
5. f64v-65v Incipit liber Ptholomei de lapidibus preciosis et sigillis eorum.
6. f65v-67v Incipit liber Techel.
7. f68-71v Incipit liber Galieni de 12 Portis.
8. f71v-74 [Avicenna on Physiognomy.]
9. f74-81v Optimus tractatus Phisoniomie [ascribed to Aristotle.]
10. f82 Incipit are que Cyromancia intitulatur.
11-14. f83-96 [Various works on arithmetic.]
15. f97-98v Anima artis transmutatorie Raymundi [Lull].
16. f98v-100 [Lullian table.]
17. f102-104v [Piece by Johannis de Ashenden on the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1345.]
18. f105-113v Phisica Raymundi de Insula.
19. f114-116v Ars generalis Reymundi [Lull].
20. f117-118 [Lull ?] Tractatus de herbis 12 signorum et 7 planetarum.
21. f118-120 Epistola accurtacionis lapidis philosophorum ad Regem Robertum... Raymundus Lully....
22. f120 [Recipe.]
23-40. f121-193 [Works on Chiromancy, Physiognomy, cultivation of herbs, medicine and other related matters.]
41. f193 [Alchemical tract of Lull? which begins "Deus in virtute tua tractabo generacionem lapidum per artem..."]

552. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1472.
7 folios + pp24-917 + 26 folios. Paper. 17th Century.
1. f2r, 3r [Chemical process in 39 precepts.]
2. f5v [Simon Forman's memorandum to obtain 'our ladies rose that groweth on the sepulcre of Christe', which Mr Ant. Goddard of Plymouth had.]
3. f5v [Index of 'the names of the auctors mentioned in this booke, per Forman'.]
4. f6 [A poetical prologue composed by Simon Forman.]
5. f7a [Three 'principles of philosofi gathered by S. Forman.]
6. pp24-917 [A large Common-place Book of Alchemy, arranged for the most part under general heads, in alphabetical order, collected by Dr. Simon Forman.]
7. f1-14v [Alphabetical index of the things contained in this book.]
8. f16-19 Transitus rerum ab uno in alium, called the Kalender of the principle sof the earthly plannets. [Partly in English, partly in Latin.]
9. f19v Dialogus inter Hilardum nicromanticum, et quendam Spiritum, feliciter incipit.
10. f20v-24 [Alchemical notes by Forman, partly in Latin, partly in English.]
11. f26v [Short notes.]

553. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1478.
135 + 28 + 104 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th Century.
I. 1.39. f1-60v [Recipes, alchemical processes and experiments, notes and short extracts from alchemical works. In Latin and English.]
II. 1. f65-72 [An alchemical tract, beginning with 'Hermes wordes in the fourth chapiter'.]
2. f90b [Translation of Norton's Latin prologue to his Ordinall.]
3. f90v-94 Certayne principall Questions drawen oute of Raymundes Questyonary.
4. f94-96 Here beginith the Privitie or Secrete of Avicen upon the declaratione of the philosophers' stone, translated out of Latine into Yngyshe by Robert Freelove Clerke to the Marchaunt Adventures, in December Anno 1550.
5. f96-98v Of the phylosop[h]ers' mercury.
6. f98-99 Of the essence or beinge of thinges.
7. f99-100 The werke of syllver after Rasys.
8. f100-102 The Theoryck of Janus Lacinius declaryng ye sence of Raymunde in his Epistel of Accurtation.
9. f102-105v, 73-79v In the name of oure Jhesus Christe here beginneth the Lapydary of Raymunde Lullye.
10. f79v-89v, 106r [A translation or abridgement of a tract of Lull beginning, "In the beginninge you shall understand that olde ph'ors agreed to gethers to do by arte".]
11. f106v-108 Incipit epistola mistica et vera Magistri Arnoldi de Villa Nova, et dicitur Flos Florum super tuam artem.
12. f108-118 Here beginnith the mervelous Conninge of Astrology... by Ph[t]olomeus...
13. f120-121 To know ye intente of the querente... [Geomancy]...
III. f125-129 Fama Fraternitatis, or a discovery of the laudable Order of the Rosie Crosse... [and] Confessio Fraternitatis... [with] A preface to the wisedome desireous reader. [Written at the time of James or Charles I, on the last leaf is the name of Richard Joylife. Articles 28 and 29 of MS. Ashmole 1459 seem to have been transcribed hence by Ashmole.]
f131-135 [Recipe, alchemical notes by Forman, and summary of an alchemical work.]
IV. 1. f1-6v A Compend of Alchemie, of ye most learned English Philosopher Jhone Garland: or, his Comentaries about the mistrie, upon ye Smaragdine Table of Hermes Trismegistus. The prayer of Jhone Garland, or Hortulanus.
2. f6v-10v The expostione of Mr Arnold de Villa Nova, a very famous philosopher, upon ye Commentaries of Hortulane.
3. f10v-14 An expositione of divers words of one significatione in ye arte of Chemistrie, by Jhone Garland, a most learned English Philosopher.
4. f14v-16v A litle booke of Jhone Garland... concerning ye praeparatione of the elixir.
5. f17-27v The booke of Jhone Garland... concerning mineralls.
6. f27v-28v The lyfe of Jhone Garland, a most excellent philosopher [translated from Bale, 'De Scriptoribus Britannicis'.]
IV. f1-2 [Schema in which the coelum philosophorum is shown through circular figures. Ripley's Wheel diagram?]
f3 [Alchemical notes and fragments apparently by T. Charnock.]
f4 [Recipe.]
V. 1. f10-25 The French Alchimie. Wherein is contained the right and true composition of the elixers, both white and red, with the making of the great stone of the philosophers as it was trewlie taught in Paris by a father unto the son, and perfectlie conclude[d] many yeares past by John Fanuere, and now turned into English by a Lover of the said Science, to the honor of God and to the help of the poor.
2-3. f25-26 [Two recipes.]
4. f27-35v An extract out of Dr Homodeus MS. De Elixire Solis medicina universali. i.e. Of ye tincture of gold, separated from its body and turned to a celestiall and spirituall nature called a quintessence, wch is ye aurum potabile.
VI. f42-96v [Samuel Norton] Ramorum Arboris Philosophicalis [in three books]
[The author's own copy.]
f96v-102 [Samuel Norton] Tractatulus primus de considerationibus multiplicum verborum antiquorum philosophorum.
f102-104v [Samuel Norton] Trac[ta]tulus secundus, indicans methodum philosophorum operis Saturni.

554. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1479.
324 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th Century.
[The first unnumbered leaf has the autograph of 'Rychard Walton' the collector and writer of this manuscript.]
1. f1-30v The Philosophers Treasuer [in fact, G. Ripley's Twelve Gates, or Compound of Alchemy.]
2. f31 Her folowith the fygure contaynyng all the secretes of thys tretes, bothe great and small. Celum Philosophorum. [Ripley's Wheel?]
3. f32 Septem condiciones hujus materie.
4. f33 [Alchemical verses.]
5. f33-34 The true makyng of ye fyre of nature, ye wc ys a quyntessence... Collectyd be Rycc' Waultowne alias Walton, haburdassher... [and] An excellent makyng of rosa solis, ye wc may be browght to a quintessence.
6. f31-32 Incipit tractatus intitulatus Medulla Alchimie, honorando et pat[r]i et domino, domino N. et cc' compilatus.
7. f32-34 Here after folowythe thes versys in Ynglysshe and put in mytter, by Wyllam Bolosse.
8. f35-42v Here foloythe the treatyse [Marrow] of Allchymy, compyled by Georg Ryple anno 1476.
9. f43-44 Here begynythe yt Concordance bytwyne Guido and Raymonde Lully...
10. f44-51v Some men calle thys boke here foloyng the Perfet Mastry of Aristotle; but I know welle by Mr Norton, and by alle hys workes in the Greke, yt yt ys Anaxagoras of Conversyon[s] Naturall.
11. f52 Here foloythe a smalle worke of George Rypley, the wc sholld hawe bene sete next after the Concordance...
12. f52v Ye perfecte makyng of ye fyre agaynste nature, after Raymond.
13. f53-140v Here beginnith the Theoricke part of Raymonde Lullye his Testament [translated into English by W. Atherton 1558.]
14. f140v Here folowythe a short work, but ye autour I knowe not. The menstru minerall may be made.
15. f141-170 Here begynnyth the Practize of Raymonde Lullye, and fyrste the definition what alchymy ys.
16. f170v-178v The shorte and compendious Arte of Raymond Lully, in the whiche ys cuplid and knygh[tt] the flowers of all his bokes.
17. f179-215 The bok of Mercuries or of Elixir Mercuriall, beyng ye 2de parts of ye Practyze of Raymonde Lulli.
18. f215v-216v Sequitur Cantilena Raymundi Lullij.
19. f217-218 Here folowyth a work very schort, but not so schort as yt ys true [Printed in Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, p393-396.]
20. f218v-219 Here foloythe ye Exposytion of ye 4 Fyers, expounded by Rychard Walton...
21. f219-220 [Walton's observation upon 'the fygures upon the 191 page that ys the boke of Mercuries.]
22. f220-222, 300v-301 An order how to mak oylles, and ye nature of ye same oylles, and for what they be good.
23. f222v [Details of Walton's family.]
24. f223 An exposition worthy to be wrytten in letters of gollde.
25. f223 How to use ye rede medizyn for ye hellthe of manes body.
26. f223v-225v Sequitur Cantilena Ryplei [in Latin.]
27. f225v Here folowyth these versys in Ynglyshe.
28. f229-236 The prologue of George Rypleye unto hys treatyze wc ys intytulyd Philorsium of ye Alchymistes.
29. f237-242 The Epistle of Accortation of ye ph'ors stone sente by Raymond [Lully] to kyng Robert.
30. f242v-243 A good notte for alle syche as wylle presume to take in hand to practyze, before they be suffycyently instructyd.
31. f243 [The uses of the drug diapiganon, and a recipe.]
32. f254-298v [Thomas Norton's Ordinall of Alchemy.]
f298v-299v [Norton's Proehme.]
f299v-300 [A translation of Norton's Preface.]
33. f301v-302v The manner to tak owt ye sole of Saturne.
34. f305-311, 314 Here folowyth the Philorcium of George Rypley.
35. f314 An other worke, but ye author I know not.
36. f314v, 320-324v [Diverse remedies and medical prescriptions.]

555. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1480.
95 + 11 + 26 folios. Paper. Folio 15th and 16th Centuries.
I. [16th Century. Some of these items are in the hand of T. Robson.]
1. f2 [Anonymous alchemical work.]
2. f3 The worke of B. Take the bodye that you knowe and dissolve it.
3. f3v A Vision [G. Ripley.]
4. f3v-4 [Alchemical poem.]
5. f5-8 Heare I wyll unlok the dorys of grace wt the keyes of philosofi...
6. f8-9 [Recipe.]
7. f9 [Alchemical notions, in verse and prose.]
8. f9v-12 Visio [John Dastin.]
9. f12 [Recipe.]
10. f12v [Richard Carpenter] Off the sunne take the lyghght, The red gum yt ys so bryght.
11. f13 [An allegory of the white and the red stones.]
12-15. f13v-15r [Verses from the Ripley Scroll.]
16. f15r [Verses ascribed to 'Fryer Bacon'.]
17-20. f15r-16r [Various recipes.]
21. f16-18v The philosofers heaven [illustrated by circles, verses and descriptions.]
22-39. f19-45v [Various short works, recipes, short verses, etc.]
40. f46-48 Here foloweth ye Practysee of ye ryall flower.
41. f48 [Recipe.]
42. f48v-59 Philorcium of George Ripley.
43. 59v The making of our stone [part of Pearce the Black Monk's verses.]
44. f61r This is a perfect figure of the arte.
45. f61v-62 [The commendatuion of Mercury, part of Pearce the Black Monk.]
46. f62-68 [Dastin's Dream, translated into English.]
47. f68 [Recipe.]
48. f68v-81 [An alchemical poem, compiled from 'Raymonde Lulle in his Theoricke'.]
49. f81 [Recipe.]
50. f81v-82 [Fragment.]
51. f83-89 Nowe here flooowethe ye Mirrour of Alkemy, ye which speaketh of 4 wordes as here after foloweth.
52. f89-91 Prefatiuncula G. Ripelay in Pupillam Alchimiae.
f91-3 Practica.
53. f93v-95 Here followeth the Opening of the Secrets of Secrets, done by art of philosophie.
II. [15th Century. First 59 folios lost.]
1. f60 [Anonymous alchemical tract.]
2. f60v-61 [Treatise named as 'Turba Philosophorum'.]
3. f61v-64v In hac tabula sunt sex spere depicte [but with no 'table'.]
4. f65-69v Incipit epistola accurtacionis lapidis philosophorum, Raymundi [Lull], ad Regem Robertum...
5. f70-71 [Treatise concerning the operation for the elixir.]
III. [16th Century.]
A. 1. p1-2 [Sir Edward Kelly's verses to his friend.]
2. p3 [Extracts in English, from 'The Golden Chayne of Philosophie, per Raymonde Lullij'.]
3. p4 [Extract from Norton's Ordinall.]
B. 1. f1-2 [Fragment of a work by Lull.]
2. f2-5 Vade Mecum Raimundi Lullij artis compendiosae.
3. f5-6v Arcanum philosophorum ex saturno, ut facias aurum perfectum [with other experiment of Guilielmo Gratoroli.]
4-5. f7-8v [Translated extracts from the writings of Guido de Montano and Raymond Lull.]
6. f9-15v [George Ripley's Medulla Alchimiae, translated into English.]
7. f16-19 [Translation into English of 'Pupilla Alkimie Georgij Ripleye'.]
8. f19 Secretum secretorum, et lapis philosophorum.
9-16. f19v-26 [Alchemical recipes and experiments, also a table of the Moon.]

556. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1482.
I. ff1-196 Collectanea Chymica: seu operationes atque experimenta in arte distillandi, sublimandi, et variis modis medicamenta conficiendi; plerumque Latine, partim vero Hollandice; liber a Theodorico Gravio (ut videtur) conscriptus.
II. ff1-24 The Flower of Alchemy. 'The second part called the Antydotary'.
III. ff1367,138 Processus operis [An account of an alchemical process, written partly in a secret alphabet, partly in Latin, and partly in English, superscribed by the writer 'Liber Christopheri Taylour.']

557. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1483.
435 pages. Paper. Folio. 16th Century.
[Works of Raimon Lull. Vol I.]
1. f4-5 Alphabeta librorum in hoc volumine contentorum [Index, partly in Spanish.]
2. p1-132 Theorica Testamenti.
3. p137-189 Incipit secunda pars quae dicitur Practica, quam simul cum Testamento Raymundus Lullius complevit anno 1332.
4. p195-260 Liber de Mercurijs, seu Elixirium Mercuriorum, qui est secunda pars Practicae Testamenti.
5. p261-264 Incipit Cantilena Ray: lingua Catelonica.
p264-6 Incipit Cantilena Raymundi Latine.
6. p267-269 Expositio Cantilenae Raymundi Lullij doctoris illuminati.
7. p270-271 Capitulum de generatione et corruptione metallorum, extractum a praecedenti expositione.
8. p273-275 Liber Amphorismorum Raymundi Lullij.
9. p275-276 [Postscript to the 'Testamenti'.]
10. p277-367 Codicillus, sive Vade Mecum, Raymundi Lullii [divided into two parts, the 'Theorica' and 'Practica'.]
11. p371-6 In Dei nomine incipit conclusio summaria valde utilis ad intelligentiam Testamenti. Codicilli, et aliorum nostrorum libellorum. Nec non argenti vivi, in quem pendet intentio tota intentiva quae aliter Repertorium dicitur.
12. p379-391 Incipit compendium Artis Raymundi Lullij (in quo flores omnium suorum librorum uniuntur) super Testamentum Codicillum et Veni Mecum.
13. p395-405 In nomine Salvatoris, incipit tractatus bonus atque utilis, a Raymundo Lullio editus, qui Parvus Vade Mecum dicitur.
14. p409-428 Practica de Lapidibus, secundum Raymundum Lullium.
15. p429-435 Sequitur alia pars Practicae quae incipit de lapidibus preciosis.

558. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1484.
219 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th Century.
[Works of Raimon Lull. Vol. II.]
1. f1-83v Raymundi Lullii Quintae Essentiae libri quatuor [Which begins with] Prologus Monaldi monachi de Abbatia sancti Benedicti Parisijs, consolatoris Raymundi magni in libris de secretis naturae seu quintae essentiae, quem composuit idem Raymundus Abbati sancti Benedicti Parisijs.
2. f84-86v Disputatio Monaldi monachi cum Raymundo.
3. f89-144 Liber tertius Quintae Essentiae. Liber hic tertius, seu distinctio tertia, de Quinta Essentia, quia discrepat cum precedenti, hic appositus est.
4. f146-160v Anima artis transmutatoriae. Seu Diadema Roberti, supra Testamentum Codicillum, Vade Mecum, et Lapidarium, ad Robertum Ciciliae Regem.
5. f162-170 Anima artis transmutatoriae, seu Diadema Roberti, juxta Anglicanum exemplar.
6. f170r De generatione lapidum, ad Regem Robertum.
7. f172-178v De investigatione Secreti Occulti Raymundi Lullij, super opus majus.
8. f179-182v Epistola accurtationis Raymundi Lullij, ad Robertum Cicilae Regem.
9. f184-190 Apertorium abbreviatum, alias Experimentorium Raymundi Lullij.
10. f192-196v Compendium artis magicae Raymundi Lullij sequitur.
11. f198-199v Abstractum de compendio artis magicae Raymundi Lullij incipit.
12. f201-2 Extractum compendium ex libro intitulato Ymago Vitae Raymundi Lullij, pernecessarium et utile.
13. f204-206 Liber Prophetiarum Raymundi Lullij, seu Arnoldi de Villanova.
14. f208-211v Liber de cquis Raymundi Lullij, seu conversionis mercurii et saturni in solem et lunam.
15. f213-217 Raymundus Lullius in librum de aquis, partim beato Aegidio existenti in heremo, a domini Jesu revelatis, et partim ipsi Raymundo, ab ipso Deo, ob salutem fidelium etiam propalatis, ut postea in libri serie luculenter patebit.

559. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1485.
97 + 97 + folios. Paper. Folio. 16th and 17th Centuries.
[Over the first page is the autograph of 'Patricius Sanders, Londini, 1606.]
I. 1. p1-11 Breviloquium Baconis.
2. p11-12 Elixer album secundum Rogerum Bacon.
3. p17-60 Liber congelationis.
4. p60-69 Sermo in argento vivo.
5. p69-72 Dicta Hermetis.
6. p72-73 [Verses on the stone, and a verse from Rasis.]
7. p74-78 Incipit Centimetrum problematum occulti occultorum.
8. p78-81 [Six 'dispositions' or alchemical operations.]
9. p81-88 [A tract drawn from diverse books.]
10. p 89-93 Ad cognoscendum et eligendum argentum vivum pulcherrimum, artificiale et minerale, naturale, fixum et non fixum, utile ad hoc opus.
11. p93-108 Preparatio et mundificatio ar. vivi, secundum Practicam Auream. [And other works - 'Breviarium Joh. Pauperis', Arnoldi de Villa Nova 'Rosarium philosophorum', Philippi Ulstadii 'Celum philosophorum' and Geber.]
12. p117-129 Incipit liber qui dicitur Speculum de secretis secretorum secundum Rogerum Bacon.
13. p130-132 [Appendix to the book of Bacon, or a commentary on the same matter.]
14. p132-144 De tribus dimentionibus corporum .s. altitudo, latitudo, et profunditas. [Concerning the composition and transmutation of metals.]
15. p144-146 Incipit ratio secunda, cum Dei auxilio.
16. p147-172 Liber de separatione salium, secundum Rogerum Bacon.
17. p173-188 Liber Aquarum. Libelli hujus aquarum xii series hisce splendet titulis.
II. f1-97 [Alchemical and medical miscellany, transcribed from various books by Theodoricus Gravius, partly in latin and partly in Dutch. The contents includes 'Pupilla Riplaei', 'Epistola totam artem continens, G. Riplaei', 'Tractatus de terra terrarum Georgii Riplaei'.]
III. 1. f1v [List of 72 names of alchemical writers.]
2. f3-46 The 12 Gates of Sr George Ripplye Channon of Brillington, otherwise called his Compound of Alchymye.
3. f46v The Vision of Sr George Ripley channon of Briddlington.
4. f45-47 [Short verses on alchemical subjects.]
5. f47v-48 An Allegorye supposed to be made by Thomas Norton [actually a poem ascibed to Pearce the Black Monk.]
6. f48v-50 Verses of an unknowen author.
7. f51v-54v Ripley his booke unto King Edwarde ye iiijth.
8. f55 The Dreame of Sr George Ripley channon.
9. f55v-56v Certayne verses of an uncertayne aucthor.
10. f56v-58v Blumfield's {Bloomfield] Blossoms. [Incomplete copy.]
11. f59-68 Breviloquium Johannis Pauperis [in English.]
12. f69-88 The Marrowe of George Rippleye.
13. f88-90v [Alchemical precepts of Ripley. Same as MS. Ashmole 1486, V. 3.]
14. f91-93v Praefatiuncula Georgii Rippley in Pupillam Alchimiae.

560. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1486.
68 + 75 folios + 69 pages + 22 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th and 17th Centuries.
[Volume of six manuscripts bound together, "This is Robarte Garlandes booke, practizioner in the arte spagyricke, anno Do. 1596."]
I. 1. f1 Ad extrahendum sulphureum rubinum occultum - Sublimation argenti vivi in rubeum - Componere lutum - Mercury quickned.
2. f1-18v [A treatise of the preparation and uses of the Quintessence...]
3. f19r [Table of unfortunate and fortunate days.]
4. f19v-21v [Short treatise on quicksilver and the philosopher's stone.]
5-10. f22-27v [Medical receipts, and various alchemical recipes.]
11. f i-ii Elixir vite Orlon et Rosarius.
12. f ii-17 [A commentary on the foregoing alchemical poem, entitled "Ortolon et Rosarius".]
13. f17v-18v Nota: Orlon et Rosarius. Off the sune take the lyght."
14. f19-23v [A tract of aureum potabile and quintessence, partly extracted (in Latin) from Avicenna.]
15. f24-30v [A translation into English of the 'Breviloquium' of Johannes Pauper.]
16. f31-39 [A tract of the preparation of Quintessence.]
17. f40v [Recipe.]
II. 1. f1-3 [An alchemical fragment by Simon Forman.]
2. f4 Of the vegitable stone, the second chapter.
3. f6 Of our commixcion and working of caco, howe yt fell out...
4. f6 [The shepherd's invitation.]
5. f7-11v Of cacos philosophorum [Simon Forman.]
6-7. f12-20v [Two alchemical tracts, or fragments, subscribed "Finis 1598, Novemb. 10th. per S. Forman scirptor".
III. 1 f1 [Table of the rulers of the planets.]
2. f2-7 [Common calendar.]
3. f8 [Table of letters, with golden numbers and names of the signs.]
4. f9-14 Interrogaciones Regis Kalid, et responsiones Morieni philosophi, de thesauro thesaurorum in opere nature. Rex.
5. f15-21 Hic incipit [Ars?] arcium Alkanie. [In English. This tract contains many figures of furnaces and other vessels.]
6. f21v-24 Liber Turbe [?] philosophorum. capitulo primo. The sotel yt is fyrst mater of alle metalles mercurii and sulphour.
7. f24v-25v Septem Calves hujus sciencie. [in English.]
8. f26-27v [A work on the philosophers stone and the multiplication of the metals, in Latin.]
9. f28 [Five 'wordes' on the verse 'Gemma salutaris...']
10. f28v-29 Notabilia Philosophorum. Pictagoras saythe take ye combuste fugytyve.
11. f30 Septem condiciones hujus materie.
12. f31-38v Opera Aristotilis.
13. f39-40v [An alchemical tract in four chapters 'Ignotius. Wnderstonde. That when or mater felythe our sune anone he is losyd into water'.
14. f41 To know the nature off phylosophye. It is opyn and playne yt ye operacion of our medycyne is ye operacion of nature.
15. f42v-48r Liber Multipharie. Her begynnyth a compendyose abstract of Alkany, drauyn oute of Latyn, uppone whate wyse ye schalle werke wt oute erroure unto a trewe conclucyone of a perfyte elyxere for ye white and for ye rede.
16. f49v-71v Her begynnyth ye Compownd off Alkamy, made by chanon of Bryglyngtowne [George Ripley.]
17. f72v Blamekym [Superscribed "A conjecturall interpretacion of Rypley", but imperfect as f73 is missing.]
18. f74-75 [The alchemical Vision of John Dastin.]
IV. 1. f2 [Alchemical directions written in code.]
2. f3-11 [A translation into English of the fialogue between King Khalid and Morien the Philosopher.]
3. f12-14v Lyllies Blkfmk. Here beginneth ye exposytion upon the practice of a certeine booke called Lyllies Alkemy, by ye woorshipfull prence Sy Symond de Falksted Archbyschop of Treverens.
4. f15v-16 [Recipe.]
5. f17-18v A most true and perfict woorke of Fryer Roger Bacon.
6. f19-21 De arte alchemistica compendium.
7-9. f22 [Recipes.]
10. f23-32 [A translation of the alchemical work of John Sawter or Sawtre, monk of Thorney.]
11. f33-34v Opus particulare ex veris procedens principiis...
12. f34v [Two precepts concerning the alchemical work, of which the second is written in code.]
V. [This part of the MS. is written by the hand of John Dee.]
1. 2pp. [Journal of a process in John Dee's laboratory at Mortlake, from Friday the 4th of November 1607 to 21st January 1608.]
2. p1-18 George Ryppley's Bosome-booke or Vade-mecum.
3. p19-25 George Rypleis Practise by experience of the stone. [Same as MS. Ashmole 1485 III. 13.]
4. p25-27 Rypleye's vegetable water or vegetable menstruum, out of his Philorsium.
5-15. p28-44 [Various alchemical recipes and experiments.]
16. p45-51 Joannis Isaci tractatus de [antimony], ex Flandrico sermone in Latinum translatus per Jacobum de Semore, anno 1578 in honorem Mr Diee.
17. p52-54 [Alchemical recipe. Note at end by Dee says that the powder was found within the cover of a book, and projection was made with it, by the young Fleming, at Prague.]
18-27. p54-69 [Various alchemical receipts and experiments.]
VI. f3-10v Clavicula Raymundi Lullij Majoricani, que dicitur Apertorium [English translation.]
f20v [Recipe.]

561. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1487.
254 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th Century.
1. f40v-52v Philippus Theophrastus Paracelsus Bombastes, the philosopher, and doctor of bothe phissickes, intreating of hidden and secret philosophie.
2. f53-57v The seaven golden treatizes or chapters of Hermes Trismegistus.
3. f58r Hermes' Smaragden Table.
4. f58v-60v Hortulanus Commentarye upon the Smaragden Table of Hermes...
5. f61-2 Maryes Practize. Heer beginnethe the practice of Marye the prophetise upon the arte of alchymiae.
6. f62v-67v [Bloomfield's Blossoms, an alchemical poem written in 1557.]
7. f68-71 [A poem of the making of gold by the Hermetic art.]
8. f72 [Verses on the production of the Stone.]
9. f72 [A short poem of the work of the philosophers' stone.]
10. f72v-73v [An alchemical poem, on the preparing of the tincture.]
11. f73v-74 The Secrets of Philosophy [an alchemical poem beginning "Nowe shall I heer begynne, To teache thee a conclusion.]
12. f74v An other conclusion. First calcyne, and after putrifie.
13. f74v-75 An other conclusion. Take wynde, and waterm white and greene.
14. f75r Conclusio. I shall you tell withe hartie moode.
15. f76-81v A treatize of Thomas Aquinas, concerning the philosophers' stone.
16. f82-84v Laus Deo. A tractat of Thomas Aquinas, geven to his brother Raynald in the arte of alchymiae.
17. f90-98v An introduction to the devyne arte of alchimye, written by the wise and lerned Petrus Bonus Lombardus, Doctor of phissicke in the cittie of Feraria.
18. f100-106v A dialogue between Nature and a Disciple of Philosophie.
19. f107-110v A dialogue betwene the Master and the Disciple.
20. f112-114 Plinius upon the philosophers stone.
21. f115-119v A perfect booke of the stone.
22. f120-129 The epistle, or letter of Earle Nicholas.
23. f129v-171 Heer begynnethe the booke of the Rosarye of Phillosophers, and first the [23] names of suche as have byne artifficers in this arte, as Vincentius affirmethe in his booke intituled Speculum Naturale. The booke of the Rosarye of Philosophers, most dilligentlye compiled and brought into one volume.
[On f171v is a drawing of six men conversing, two of whom are kings. The 20 figures from the 'Rosarium Philosophorum' were pasted in the margins, but these have been removed.]
24. f172-180 The Marrowe of Alkemye, written to the Atchbisshopp of Yorke by George Ripley...
25. f180v-181v The Concordaunce between Raymond and Guido, made by George Ripley.
26. f182-196 The most excellent and tue booke of the ph'ers stone, compiled by Allamentae Lord Bernard Earle of the marsches of Treviers in Germanye, and was dedicated to the noble Doctor Thomas of Bononye, governour of France, and philosopher most learned, the 12 of Maij 1453.
27. f196r The mone is called of all things the first matter.
28. f196v-197 [A hypocritical apology for alchemical obscurity.]
29. f197v [Stockwell's Poem on the hiding of the elixir by Nature.

562. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1490.
358 folios. Paper. Large Folio. 16th and 17th Centuries.
A. f2-5v [Various recipes, some in Italian.]
B. f3-4v [Work of Raimon Lull, beginning "Tue in virtute Dei A. accipe aurum, et projice ipsum in aqua vegetabili, de qua loquuti sumus in nostro Codicillo".]
C. Accurtationes et Pra[c]tica Raymondi. [In English, 16th Cent.]
D. f8-10v De lapyde phylosofico. When Sol ys in Aries and Phebus shyning bryghte.
E. f12-14 [An epistle concerning the Hermetic philosophy, in Italian.]
1. f15-17 [Alchemical tract entitled 'Apcalypsis Spiritus Secreti'.]
2. f17v [Alchemical tract in Italian.]
3. f18-26 [Alchemical tract of eight chapters, in Latin.]

[A collection of transcripts, translations, and extracts of ancient alchemical treatises in the hand of Dr. Simon Forman, with many of his own notes and observations.]
1. f28-36v A dialogue of Egidius Devadius, betwene Nature and the Disciple of philosofie, of the serchinge out of the ph'ors stone.
2. f38r Notes, de lapide philosophico, out of Egidius Devadius.
3. f39r Optima sublimatio mercurij.
4. f40-41 Dicta philosophorum de lapide philosophorum.
5. f42-5 Anno Domini 1456. Mr. Robert Frimitor, otherwise called in Englishe Barkarborne in Sudfoke at Bungoy, begane this lyttle bocke, the wc is a treasure above treasures.
6. f46 Tractatus de mercurio ipso [English poem].
7. f46-7 Versus Aros.
8. f47 [Verses on the word which "Geber of Spain saith. Take the clear lighte, The red gum that shinethe brighte."]
9. f47 [Verses ascribed to "Arnold of the Newtoune [Villa Nova] on the great elixar".]
10. f49-52 [Alchemical processes.]
11. f53-54v Liber Ehenius [or] Opus de argento vivo solo.
12. f55v De ponderibus [Excerpts from a work written in 1487.]
13. f56 De rotatione rerum elementat. scriptum per Simonem Forman, 1593 [in English.]
14. f57-61v Incipit liber de Anaxagore, convertionis naturalis ["Copied out of Doctor Turners bocke, 1593... by Simon Forman.".]
15-16. f62 [Various alchemical processes.]
17. f66-74 Incipit tractatus intitulus Medulla Alkimiae, honorando patri et domino.. compilatus. [George Ripley.]
18. f74v Notes out of Anaxagoras de conversione naturali [in English and Latin.]
19. f75v [An unfinished glossary of the names of metals.]
20. f76v [Alchemical characters.]
21. f77r Tabula alpha[be]tic, sive charactera sign quam term. et verborum, et numerum.
22. f78-80 [Four chapters of work with alchemica processes.]
23. f81-84 [Dialogue between "Scoller and Master".]
24. f84 [A short instruction.]
25. f84v-86v Termes pertaininge unto the scyence of alkamy, here set in order, by the whiche youe shall the more perfectlyer knowe when yor worke is finished.
26. f87 Secreta secretorum.
27. f88 The wholl effecte in brife of this bock.
28-30. f89-92 [Recipes and alchemical processes.]
31. f93-100 [A translation of the Semita Recta of Albertus Magnus ?]
32. f101r [Extract from Albertus Magnus "De Sulphure".]
33-34. 94-97v [Alchemical recipes.]
35. f102-106 Incipit Prophetia Sibille.
36. f106 Precatio quae sequebatur [prophetiam Sibyllae].
37. f106v Prophecies found engraven in a marble stone of 8 cubits in breadth and 12 in length in St Dennis churchyard in Parris, in France, in Ebrue letters,... 1591.
38-42. f107-111 [Alchemical recipes.]
43. f112-113v Ad sciendum lapidem, ex quo philosophi faciunt lapidem philosophicum.
44. f 114-37v [Ripley's Compound of Alchemy.]
45. f137 Norton of magnesia.
46. f137 Howe thou shalte nip and shut up thi glas, so close that no ayer shall goe in nor out.
47. f138-139 De quatuor elementis et eorundem qualitatibus, et in se invicem permix[t]ionibus; ex Cornelii Agripae cap. 3...
48. f140-141 [A dialogue of the philosophers' stone between a 'Master' and 'Sonne'.]
49. f142-3 [Fragment of Pearce the Black Monk, and some other verses in English.]
50. f143v-148v In the vertue of allmighti God, Jesu Xrist, here beginneth the great and royall worke of the Quintessence of Mercury, thorowe the indusinge of Mr Arnold of Newtowne [Villa Nova].
51-60. f148v-153 [Various alchemical recipes and figures of alchemical apparatus.]
61. f154-157v Here followeth the Practice of Raymond Lully.
62. f161r [One of Lully's circular schemes with explanations by Forman.]
63. f162-3 Notes out of the bocke called Semita Recta, compiled by Raymon Lully.
64. f164 The saiinge of the Philo'rs, taken out of Norton's bock, in the which bocke they weare all pictured, and their posses.
65. f164 Vincent in his Naturall Glas [Extracts].
66. f165-166 The boocke and worke of Sr Robarte Greene, totchynge the ph'ors stone.
67-68. f167-170 The famouse worke of Mr Blundivele, of som called Sr Will'm Blundyvell, or Blomfild.
69. f171 Verses of Sr Edward Kelly 1589.
70. f173 Prologus Johannis de Meduno in cognicione lapidis occulti, quod librum sumo studio nequaquam florenti.
71. f176-178 [Excerpt from the first and second chapters of an alchemical book.]
72. f178 [Another excerpt.]
73. f179-180 Angelorum Opus, autore Hermete philosopho peritissimo.['Crowning of Nature' series, with circular spaces for the coloured figures. Note by Forman at the end, 'Every on of thes was collered in divers collers, even as the matter doth turne in to divers collers in workinge; but writtinge mor then is set downe her, was ther not'.]
74. f181-196 Primus liber loquitur de consideratione 5e escentiae omnium transmutabilium.
75. f196 [Appendix to the previous work.]
76. f196v [Alchemical experiments.]
77. f196v To cut a global glasse or any other glass of, and never breke it, but cut yt smooth.
78. f197-198v Incipit Medicina ad Rubeum, ex mercurio et sole similiter conjunctis.
79. f199-216 The 7 bookes of Aurelius Theophrastus Paracelsus, beinge a great student in philosofie and phisique, as totching the Nature of Thinges, and finally 2 bookes concerning man.
80. f217-220 The too bockes of Aurelius Paracelsus, as concerninge the nature of Man...
81. f221-236v The moste excellente and trewe boocke of the reverente doctor Almante and lord, Barnard Erell of Marche and Trevison, of the philossophers stone.
f237-240 [Various notes and short pieces by Forman.]
82. f242-276 The Testament of J.J. [John Jones, M.D. of Cambridge], D[octor] of Physick... devided into three principall bookes, that is to saye, Theorick, Phractick and Codecell.
83. f277-289 [The Ordinal of Alchemy by Thomas Norton.]
84. f291-293 [A large treatise on alchemy by Humfrey Lock, dedicated to "The right honorable and his singular goode lorde, Sr Will'm Cycill, Lord of Burg[h]lay [Burghley], knight of the order of the garter, and highe tresurer of England".]
85. f332-335v [Alchemical recipes collected by Forman.]
86. f336-342v [Alchemical poem entitled 'Pater sapientiae'.]
87. f343-345 Her followeth the Opininge of Secrets, done by the arte of ph'ye.
88. f350 A note of the bille and names of the thinges, that M' Parke was to bwy for Mulleneux, 1595...
89. f352 Forman. Preface, speaking in the bockes behaulfe.
f352 [Two alchemical experiments by Richard Napier.]

G. f348-349 The forme of an astronomical figure, wc was found uppon a stone diggd up amongst the old ruens at Missenden.
H. 1. f353 The coppy of a Dutch cypher, found inclosed in leade, and wrapped wthin many foulds of velvet; discyphered by Sr S: B: translated out of Dutch by Cornelius Dreble [Drebbel].
2. f354 Alchimisticum aenigma. We do give a comon thing of dere price unto a dragon.
I. f355 Explicatio aliquot verborum artis. 1. Liquor Altahest Paracelsi...
K. f357 [A descriptive catalogue of alchemical processes.]
L. f358 Dr. Whitmore's Receipt [a short process for making the stone.]

563. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1491.
755 pages numbered 670 to 1424. Paper. Large Folio. 17th Century.
[Volume two of a manuscript of alchemical and medical notes in alphabetical order, made by Simon Forman, the first part of which is in MS. Ashmole 1494.]

564. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1492.
109 pages + 18 + 14 folios + 211 pages. 16th and 17th Centuries.
I. p1-8 Opus expertum Parisijs: et ab [authore] ipso, Comiti Contigiano exhibitum: anno Domini 1540 [Concerning the projection and multiplication of the hermetic medicine, with notes by John Dee.]
II. 1. p17 Mr Casseei, a prisoner in the cownter in Woodstreet, who dothe make perfett silver at all trials.
2. p21-35 [An alchemical work in twelve chapters, beginning, "To make a copell in hast, for small workes.."]
III. p45-64 Accurtationes et Practica Reymundi [in English.]
IV. p77-96 [Alchemical verses, collections, observations, and recipes, in English and Dutch.]
V. 1-3. f3-5 [Recipes in English.]
4. f6v The true matter of our quintessence otherwise called our heaven.
5. f6v To gild without [gold].
6. f6-11 [An alchemical treatise in seven chapters by Johannes Semeeres.]
7. f11v-15 [Recipes.]
8. f16-17 [Alchemical processes or experiments.]
9. f18 [Explanations in cypher of 21 characters used in this and other alchemical books.]
VI. f1-7 Incipit liber Alphidii philosophi. Ut enucleatius intelligas me loquentem volo ut scias de qua [materia].
f9-14v [Notes of Richard Napier.]
p1-3 [Recipe.]
p5 [Catalogue of licenses for practicing the art of alchemy, made by Ashmole.]
p9-16 [Exact notices of 32 Latin alchemical tracts contained in 'Dr. Flood's MS.']
f19v [List of 55 'Authors cited in the [same] manuscript, Codex veritatis, vel Turba philosophorum.]
p17-18 A catalogue of severall manuscript peeces, bound up together, and marked number 4 in 4to; in which Charnock hath scattered many noates.
VI. 1. p29-39 De lapide philosophico, quas conditiones habet, et per quae signa cognosci possit [Addressed 'To Mtris Barkley'.]
2. p39-40 [Verses addressed to the same lady.]
VIII. p45-84 [Recipes, some collected and written by Richard Napier, with extracts from works of John Dastin. Includes a note in Latin by Theodorus Gravius.]
p85-93 Regulae seu canones aliquot philosophici, de lapide philosophico.
p93-5 Johannis Pontani, summi philosophi, epistola, in qua de lapide quem philosophorum vocant agitur.
p96 Philosophorum ignes sunt quatuor. Primus aqua.
p96 De aquis mercurialibus tractatulus. Vera aqua.
p103 [Preface to a certain work 'Hermeticarum musarum cultoribus'.]
p105-6 [Letter from Theodorus Gravius, to Dr G. Hakewell?]
p109 [Letter from Richard Napier, to Dr G. Hakewell?]
p107,111,113 [Chemical experiments, partly in German and partly in English.] p118-120 [Letter of Edm. Dean, to Gravius.]
p121-122 [Alchemical experiments in English.]
p123 To make al maner of coyned gold to come to his coolor without offence of the lawes.
p125 [A fragment of an epistle on alchemy, 'To the worshipful mayster Elles, Prior of Lyse'.]
p126 [Part of an English translation of the 'Visio' of John Dastin.]
p127-130 Pearce the Black Monk, upon the Elixir [Verse of 173 lines.]
IX. 1. p130 A vessell of circulation, with blind head of the owne. [In the handwriting of Christopher Taylour.]
2. p131-138 Tractatus compositus super lapidem philosophorum, per quendam philosophiae discipulum, et fuit missus excellentissimo domino Regi Aragon. Martino, anno 1349, et vocatur Liber Phoenicis.
3. p139-140 [Short work beginning "Notandum est quod lapis philosophorum vocatur mineralis vegetabilis et animalis".]
4. p140-144 Liber fratris minoris Vincentij. Imprimis te scire oportet quod 3 sunt lapides et 3 sales.
5. p144-145 This is the matter yt I tolde you of, Mountaguh. Take or stone white and cleere.
6. p145-146 An Exposition of 'Earth earthes brother' [Pearce the Black Monk.].
7. p146-7 [Mystical pen drawings.]
8. p148-150 [A practical commentary on the verse 'Lapis occultis, et in fonte sepultus']
9. p150 [Schema for the joining of sustances, which involves alchemy. In Latin.]
10. p151-154 [A piece translatated from the Practica of 'Raymundus' Lull.]
11. p155-157 [Short alchemical tract beginning "In principio creavit Deus coelum et terram ex una massa".]
12. p157-175 A booke entitluled the Marrow of Alchemy, compiled by George Ripley, chanon of Bridlington, and translated by John Mayre, parson of Chipsted, 1552. The Preface.
13. p176-189 Philorcium Georgij Riplej. An abstract of George Ripley, called Philorcium Alchemiae, of the possibility of this science.
14. p190-196 Pupilla Alkimiae Georgij Ripla[e]j. Hic incipit praefatiuncula Georgij Bridlingtonensis in Pupillam Alchemiae [in English.]
15. p197-205 The worke of Sr Robert Grene.
16. p211 [Work on alchemy by Frater Anthony. In Latin.]
[Various loose papers at the end of the MS. including, recipes by Napier, alchemical verses, excerpts from a work entitled "Palingenius Expositus, de lapide philosophorum, ut ego conjicio", a recipe "How to draw out the essence of man's blood", and the beginning and colophon to a work entitled "Verbum Abbreviatum majoris Raymundi", dedicated to Roger Bacon.]

565. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1493.
148 folios. Paper. Folio. 17th Century.
[Extracts written by Ashmole.]
1. f1-12v The Looking Glass of Philosophy [translation of Dastin's Speculum Philosophiae, see MS. Ashmole 1507.]
2. f13-48v God's Guift. The first booke; or ye booke of rootes. [Translation of John Dastin's alchemical treatise in four books.]
3. f49-51v [Translation of the 'Visio Johannis Dastine'.]
4. f52-60v The Starr of Complexion of ye perfect maistrie of ye art chimicall, of John Bunbelam of England. Written in anno 1384 [Translation.]
5. f61-62v Geber his Testament.
6. f63 The Instruction of a certaine Spiritt, delivered [to?] Scotus, concerning ye vertues or properties of ye toade, or ye phi[l]ors stone, or ye phoelix bird.
7. f64-66v De lapide philosophico, quas conditiones habet, et per quae signa cognosci possit. [In English.]
8. f67-72v The Parctise of Zachary, under an allegoricall speech.
9. f73-75 This booke following is of ye stone animall, the author unknowne.
10. f75-80v The philosophers gold and their silver are drawne of ye foule corrupt body wch they doe call tinctures, red and white.
11. f81-84v A Conference betweene the Maister and the Disciple.
12. f85-87 Of [Mercury] in generall - of crude and quicke [Mercury] - Of ye philo'ers [Mercury].
13. f87v The first parte of Minor's Booke.
f88-90 Here followeth the second parte of Minors Bookes.
14. f91-4 George Ripley's Bosome-booke.
15. f94-5 Accurtacion of ye Greate Worke, wch saveth halfe ye worke and labour in ye worke, revealed by Mr. Geo. Rippley.
16. f95v A white worke, being but a branch of the Great Worke, taken out of Mr George Ripleys Bosome-booke, very excellent and speedy.
17. f96 The prologue of George Ripley, unto his treatise wch is intituled Philorsium of the Alchymists.
f98v-105 Here followeth the Philorsium of George Rippley.
18. f105v-107v George Rippley his worke of Breviation of the philosopher's stone.
19. f109-127v Here beginneth the Booke of the Hand of the Philosophers, made by Maister John Isaac Hollandus, philosopher.
20. f128-132 Here followeth a true treatise of alchimy, entreatinge of urine. Written by Mr John Isaac Hollandus.
21. f132-134 Another treatise, or manner, of alchymy, which is the second manner.
22. f134v-138 Heere beginneth the third worke of the greate elixir, wch is the animall stone made of human dirde.
23. f138v-140 Heere followeth a preparation of urine, to draw the tincture out of many mineralls, like as you may se afore in the Booke of the Hande.
24. f140v-144v The greene vitrioll, called the greene lyon or elixir.
25. f145-148v This was written in the tyme of Lucius the first Christian king, and found in the Abbey of Ramsey, at the dissolucion, and since translated into English.

566. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1494.
644 pages. Paper. Large Folio. 17th Century.
[Volume one of a manuscript of alchemical and medical notes in alphabetical order, made by Simon Forman, the second part of which is in MS. Ashmole 1491.]

567. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1499.
17th Century.
f1-188 [Various medical works, probably in the handwriting of Dr Jospeh Webbe.]
13. f190-197 The First Dialogue. Of Nature; what shee is, and who they ought to be wch search into her.
25. f222v-229 Artis chemicae tabula synoptica, 80 aphorismos comprehendens; ubi sunt haec ostensa.
26-29. f230-246 [Various chemical process for refining of metals, annealing glass, etc.]
31. f251-262v The dialogue of Lewes Lazerell, a christian poete, to king Ferdinand, intituled the Bassin of Hermes: wher-in he handleth ye manner how to knowe God and himself.
33. f271-276 [Extracts (translated?) from some treatise on the elements and formation of meterial things.]
34. f279 "Epistola J.B. ad amicum" [Translation of a Dutch letter on the work of tinctures, by Jacob Böhmen (Boehme)]

568. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1503.
17th Century.
I. ff2-5 A short discourse of the original matter and formation of things, on hermetic principles; by 'J.W. Octo. 1679'.
II. ff7-40 Collectanea de re alchemica, a quodam 'Sawterman' ex auctoribus multis antiquis collecta et transcripta.

569. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1507.
254 folios.
1. ff6-81 'Speculum Philosophiae Johannis Dastini.'
2. ff82-109 Theriaca Divina Benedicti [Cirencestriensis].
3. ff109v-120 'Medulla Warchadumiae' [Ripley's Marrow of Alchemy, translated into English].
4. ff121-128v 'In the name of Christ it is begum on his day 1571. Glorious Lord with the vertue of thy high power and thy infinite goodness, I begin this Book of ye Secretes of Nature and of the Quintessence, which giveth doctrine of the drawing out thereof, and application to the bodies of men.' [Transcribed from a 'MS: penes Doctorem Floode [Fludd], N.2. fol.'.]
5. ff129-134v 'The Booke of Diffinitions of Raymonde [Lully]. Chaos is a generall confusion.'
6. ff135-149v 'A booke of the Arte Fusorie, very profitable and excellent to confounde the foolish sophisters and all such as will not beleive noe such science to be true, but with their doted heddes dispraise it.'
7. ff150-156v 'An Epistle of Barnard of Trevire to a reverend Dr. his learned freind in the Dutchie of Burgundie.'
8. ff158-181 'Benjamin Lock his Picklock to Riply his Castle' [With a preface by Dr. Arthur Dee.] 'This booke I received from Mr. Heriot, at Sion House, who for many yeares instructed the Earle of Northumberland in the mathematicks, when he lived in the Towre. Anno 1602: June 6.'
9. ff183-231 'Truth's Golden Harrow': a defense of alchemy, by Dr. Robert Flood [Fludd], against a book intitled 'The Tillage of Light'.

570. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1508.
275 folios. 17th Century.
I. Raymund Lully's larger work of alchemy, called his Testament, with the smaller tracts thereunto belonging; translated into English by William Atherton in 1558-9.
1. ff5-101v Here beginneth the Theoricke part of Raymond Lully his Testament.
2. ff109-136 Here beginneth the Practice of Raymonf Lully, and first the definition what alchymie is.
3. ff139-188 The Booke of Mercuryes, or of the elixir minerall, being the 2d parte of the Practice.
4. f188v Sequitur Cantilena Raymondi Lullij.
5. ff189-190v The exposicon of Raymond's Songe.
6. ff194-245v The Experiments of Raymond Lully of Majorca - wherein the operations of the true chymicall philosophers are plainly delivered.
7. ff248-252v A dialogue betweene Raymond, and a Monke of the Abbay of saint Benedicts in Paris, called Monaldus.
8. ff253-261v The short and compendious arte of Raymond Lully, in the wch is coupled and knitt the Flowres of all his bookes.
1. ff262-265v The Apertory of Key of Raymund Lully, wherein all things required in the worke of alchimy is plainly declared.
2. ff266-268v The Accurtation of Raymonde. To kinge Robert.
3. ff269-271v [An abridgement of] 'Raymond's Workes'.

571. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1515
112 folios. Large Folio. Late 16th Century.
1. f4r In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis incipit sanctissima Ars Notoria, qua[m[ Creator altissimus per suum angelum supra altare templi tradidit Salomoni dum oraret...
f4r-10r Incipit primus tractatus istius sanctissime artis notorie, et expositiones ejus et temporum exceptiones, quas Salomon et Apollonius flores aureous appellaverunt...
f4-10 [An English translation of this cabalistic book.]
2. f23-40 The Glosse of Apollonius upon the former treatise called Ars Notoria or Ars Memorativa...

572. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1730.
122 folios. Paper. 17th Century.
I. 1. ff1-84 [Collections and observations concerning Medicines composed of Metals and metallic substance, by Richard Napier M.A.]

573. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1790.
160 folios. Paper. 17th Century.
I. f1-19v [Spiritual actions of John Dee in Prague 1586.]
II. f22-33 [Original papers relating to Dr. Dee's Actions with spirits.]
III. f34-65 {Ashmole's observations and collections concerning Dee's magical or spiritual transactions, and collections concerning Dr. Dee, his son Arthur Dee and his associate Sir Edward Kelly.]
IV. f68-77 [Some of Ashmole's correspondencerelating to Dr Dee and his family.]
V. f78-103 [Extracts by Ashmole from astrological manuscripts of Dr S. Forman.]
VI. f104-111v [Notes from practice books of Dr R. Napier.]
VII. f112-125 [Various prayers and charms mostly by R. Napier.]
VIII. f127-135 [Private and other papers written by Ashmole.
IX. f138-143 "Catalogus Librorum Chemicorum", or a short catalogue of the chief contents of some of Ashmole's alchemical MSS, written by himself.
X. f152-160v [Notes from catalogues of flowers.]

574. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1807.
100 folios. 17th Century.
I. ff1-58 'Astrostereon, or a Discovery of the fallinge of the Planets... by Edward Gresham Mathematitian.'
II. ff59-97 'Artificiall alligations and suspentions shewing the conjunction of Art and Nature, making the process from the celestiall agent to the terrestiall patient, by the naturall mediums, or the Microcosme corecting the difficiency of the Macrocosme, and extenuating the phisi-magicall vertues of the vegitable kingdome to the extirpation of the naturall infirmities and diseases of the body of man, by externall contact. With an abreviation of the Aurum Potabile. By Wm Freeman, etat' 22. Student in phisicke and astrologie, abd the more occult sciences.'

575. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole Rolls 40. [Ashmole 1772.]
Paper. Beginning of 17th Century.
Ripley Scroll.

576. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole Rolls 52. [Ashmole 1535.]
Paper. End of 16th Century.
Ripley Scroll.

577. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole Rolls 53. [Ashmole 1530.]
Paper. 16th Century [c. 1600.]
Ripley Scroll.

578. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole Rolls 54. [Ashmole 1771.]
Paper. Second half of 16th Century.