A241. Engraving of cubic stone from Maurisches Handbuch Leipzig, 1829. |

A242. Engraving of cubic stone from Maurisches Handbuch Leipzig, 1829. |

A243. Engraving from J.F. Henkel Unterricht von der Mineralogie Dresden, 1747. |

A244. Woodcut from Libavius Syntagma selectorum Frankfurt, 1611.

A245. Engraving from Malachias Geiger Microcosmus hypochondriacus, Munich, 1651. |

A246. Engraving from Barchusen Elementa chemiae Leiden, 1718. |

A247. Engraving from Barchusen Elementa chemiae Leiden, 1718. |

A248. Engraving on title page of Basil Valentine Revelation des mysteres Paris, 1668 |

A249. Engraving from J.J. Becher Actorum laboratorii chymici Monacensis Frankfurt, 1669. |

A250. Illustration from August Strindberg Inferno Berlin 1898 |

A251*. Woodcut from Ashmole Theatrum Chemicum Britaanicum, London, 1652. |


A253. Woodcut title page from Biringuccio De la Pirotechnia, 1540. |

A254. Engraving from Dorn, Gerhardt Aurora, Basel, 1577. |

A255*. From Athanasius Kircher Mundus Subterraneus, Amsterdam, 1665. |

A256*. Unknown original included in Albert Poisson Theories et Symboles de Alchimistes, Paris, 1891. |

A257. Engraving 16th century, Amsterdam. |

A258. Engraving from Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia universalis, 1650. |

A259.Frontispiece emblematic portrait engraving of J. Baptista della Porta. |

A260.Woodcut of distillation from Michael Puff von Schrick, Augsburg, 1478. |