A061. 'Ora et labora' woodcut from Medicinisch-chymisch- und alchemistische Oraculum, Ulm 1755. |

A062. The Invisible college of the Rosicrucians, Theophilus Schweighardt Speculum sophicum rhodo-stauroticum, 1618.

A063. Section of Ripley Scroll from engraving in David Beuther, Universal und particularia, Hamburg, 1718. |

A064. Frontispiece from Jacob Boehme, 'Signatura Rerum' in Theosophische Werken, Amsterdam, 1682.

A065. Engraving from I.C. H., Das Hermes Trimegists, Leipsig, 1782. |

A066. Woodcut from Johann Sternhals Ritter-Krieg, Erfurt, 1595. |

A067. Engraved title from John Dee, Monas hieroglyphica, Antwerp, 1564. |

A068. Woodcut of triple-headed dragon from Giovanni Battista Nazari Il metamorfosi metallico, Brescia, 1564. |

A069. Vitriol acrostic (originally from Basil Valentine) in Johann Neithold Aureum Vellus; oder Güldenes Vleiss, Frankfurt, 1733. |

A070. Woodcut from Geber De alchimia libri tres, Strassburg, 1631. |

A071. Peering through the cosmic sphere - illustration from 'L'atmosphere: meteorologie populaire',Paris 1888, by Camille Flammarion.

A072. The Divine monochord Utriusque Cosmi Historia, 1617 by Robert Fludd. |

A073. Hermetic silence - emblem from Achille Bocchi Symbolicarum quaestionem de universo genere, 1574. |

A074. Masonic/alchemical image from Die Theoretischen Brüder oder zweite Stufe der Rosenkreutzer, 1785.

A075. Mercury emerging from the sea, J.E Muller Wunder-Materie, 1707.

A076. Engraving from Ashmole's Theatrum Chemcicum Britannicum, 1652. |

A077. Alchemical heraldry from D. Lagneau Harmonie chymique, 1636.

A078. Engraving from Sabine Stuart de Chevalier, Discours philosophique, 1781.

A079. Engraving from Michael Maier, Tripus aureus, 1618.

A080. . Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla, Portae lucis, 1516.