A141. Engraving one from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |

A142. Engraving two from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |

A143. Engraving three from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |

A144. Engraving four from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |

A145. Woodcut from Petrus Bonus, Pretiosa margarita novella, Venice, 1546, |

A146. Frontispiece from Geber, Summa perfectionis Magisteri, Danzig, 1682. |

A147. Engraving from Vincentius Koffsky, Hermetische schriften, Nurnberg, 1786. |

A148. Engraving from G. B. Diana Paleologo, Sacra Universal Filosofia, Lucca, 1713. |

A149. Engraving from Valentine's 'Twelve Keys' in the Musaeum hermeticum, Frankfurt 1678. |

A150. Emblem 2 from Barchusen, Elementa chemiae, Leiden, 1718. |

A151. Reisch, Margarita Philosophica, Freiburg 1504. |
A152. From titlepage of J.B. Van Helmont Opera Omnia, Franckfurt, 1682. |

A153. Engraving from Robert Fludd, Summum bonum, Frankfurt 1629. |

A154. Engraving from later edition of Flamel in Jean Maugin de Richenbourg, Bibliotheque des philosophes chimiques, Paris, 1741. |

A155. Engraved title page from Michael Maier, Viatorium, hoc est, de montibus planetarum septem seu metallorum, Rouen, 1651. |

A156. Engraving, 19th Century. |

A157. Frontispiece engraving from Johann Michael Faust Philalethes Illustratus Frankfurt, 1706. |

A158. Woodcut from Ramon Lull, Liber de ascensu et descensu intellectus, Valencia, 1512. |

A159. Engraving from Christian Friedrich Sendimir von Siebenstern Chymischer Monden-schein, Frankfurt, 1739. |

A160. Engraving from De Hooghe, Hieroglyphica oder Denkbilder der alten Völker, Amsterdam, 1744. |