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Alchemical articles archive project

Over the past five years the Alchemy research library has grown considerably and now amounts to over 1850 books and articles in various languages. Due to the generosity of many authors, publishers and fellow researchers, this library has become a substantial collection of modern, i.e. 20th century works, complementing the two important collections of early alchemical books, the Ferguson and Young collections, here in Glasgow. I also have made a considerable collection of iconography from printed books and manuscripts on alchemy.
All this material constitutes a resource for scholars and others interested in researching the literature of alchemy, brought together into one place, Glasgow. You can see the most recent update of the alchemy research library at reslib.html
I have begun to systematically collect photocopies of scholarly articles in journals. At present I have over 750 items and now need people in other countries with access to good libraries to make photocopies of articles for this collection. Anyone with ready access to a major library with good collections of journals who is willing to help with this project please get in touch with me directly and I will try to sort out what needs to be done. Although I have access to many of the journals here in Glasgow there are many that will only be available in the USA or in Germany, France, or other continental European countries. If you are willing and able to help please get in touch. e-mail - Adam McLean

This is a listing of the 750+ articles in the archive on 28th June 2004.

  1. ARTICLE - 3000 ans d'histoire '3000 ans d'histoire. De l'alchimie a la chimie.' Sciences et avenir, December, 1996

  2. ARTICLE - Abraham, Lyndy. Arthur Dee, 1579-1651: A Life. Cauda Pavonis, Vol 13, 2, 1994, p1-14.

  3. ARTICLE - Abraham, Lyndy. The sources of Arthur Dee's Fasciculus chemicus (1631). Ambix 41, 1994, p135-141.

  4. ARTICLE - Abrahams, Harold J. Al-Jawbari on false alchemists. Ambix 31, (2), 1984. p84-88.

  5. ARTICLE - Afgani. An alchemist in the Pamirs. Discovery 5, 1924, p249-251.

  6. ARTICLE - Akerman, Susanna. The Gothic Kabbala: Johannes Bureus, Runic Theosophy, and Northern European Apocalypticism. pp177-198.

  7. ARTICLE - Åkerman, Susanna. Queen Christina's Lain Sefer-ha-Raziel manuscript. In Coudert, A.P., Hutton, S., Popkin, R.H., and Weiner, G.M., Judaeo-Christian Intellectual Culture in the Seventeenth Century, 1999. p13-25.

  8. ARTICLE - Akermann, Susanna. Christina of Sweden (1626-1689), the Porta Magica and the Italian poets of the Golden and Rosy Cross. [Alchemy web site. 2000.]

  9. ARTICLE - Akermann, Susanna. Queen Christina's Latin Sefer-Ha-Raziel manuscript. [In Coudert, Hutton, Pipkin and Weiner (eds) Judeo-Christian Intellectual Culture in the Seventeenth Century, p 13-25.]

  10. ARTICLE - Akermann, Susanna. Queen Christina's Latin Sefer-Ha-Raziel manuscript. [Typescript.]

  11. ARTICLE - Albrile, Ezio. Dall gnosi antica alla gnosi moderna. Le metamorfosi subite dallo o tardo-antico sone state molteplici...

  12. ARTICLE - Allen, Sally G., and Hubbs, Joanna. Outrunning Atalanta: Feminine destiny in alchemical transmutation. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol 6 #2 (Winter, 1980), p210-221.

  13. ARTICLE - Altazan, Marie A. Hayes. Drugs used by Paracelsus. Journal of Chemical Education. 37 (11) Nov 1960, p594-596.

  14. ARTICLE - Amourette, Gerard. Le Voiage des Jsles occidentalles et orientalles de Jean Vauquelin des Yveteaux (1651-1716). XVIIe Siecle, 120, 1978, p185-197.

  15. ARTICLE - Andreu, Rafael Folch. La Quimica. Alcala-Zamora, S.E. Don Niceto. Estudios sobre la ciencia Espanola del siglo XVII. Pages 337-393

  16. ARTICLE - Angebert, Michel. Les secrets d'un alchimiste ou la vie d'Arnaud de Villeneuve. Le Cahiers de l'etrange, No 4, Decembre 1976.

  17. ARTICLE - Appleby, John H. Some of Arthur Dee's associations before visiting Russia clarified, including two letters from Sir Theodore Mayerne. Ambix 26, 1979, p1-15.

  18. ARTICLE - Arion, Rosu. Mantra et Yantra dans la Medecine et l'achimie Indiennes. Journal Asiatique, Tome CCLXXIV, 1986. p203-268.

  19. ARTICLE - Armstrong, Eva V. and Deischer, Claude K. Johann Rudolf Glauber (1604-70): his chemical and human philosophy. Journal of Chemical Education 19 (1) Jan 1942, p3-8.

  20. ARTICLE - Armstrong, Eva V. and Lukens, Hiram S. Lazarus Ercker and his "Probierbuch". Sir John Pettus and his "Fleta Minor". Journal of Chemical Education 16 (12) Dec 1939, p553-562.

  21. ARTICLE - Armytage, W.H.G. The early Utopists and science in England. Annals of Science 12, 1956, p247-254.

  22. ARTICLE - Arnold, Johanna. Spagyrik in der Naturheilkunde. Vortrag auf dem Int. Symp. f. Alchemie, Salzburg, 1980. Naturheilpraxis 9/80, p1003-1012.

  23. ARTICLE - Atkinson, Edward R. and Hughes, Arthur H. The "Coelum Philosophorum" of Philipp Ulstad. Journal of Chemical Education March 1939, p103-107.

  24. ARTICLE - Aung, Maung Htin. Alchemy and alchemists in Burma. Folk-lore 44, 1933, p346-354.

  25. ARTICLE - Baker, Donald C. and Murphy, John L. Myles Blomefylde, Elizabethan physician, alchemist and book collector: A sketch of a life. Bodleian Library Record, Vol XI, 1982, p35-46.

  26. ARTICLE - Baker, Donald C. and Murphy, John L. The books of Myles Blomefylde. The Library, Fifth series, XXXI, 1976. p377-385.

  27. ARTICLE - Baldwin, Martha. Alchemy and the Society of Jesus in the seventeenth century: Strange bedfellows. Ambix 40, 1993. p41-64.

  28. ARTICLE - Bardeau, Fabrice. A propos de la pierre philosophale. [Web article 1999.]

  29. ARTICLE - Barnes, T. Alchemy (European). Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics. I, p292-298.

  30. ARTICLE - Barnes, William H. "The apparatus, preparations and methods of ancient Chinese alchemists", by Y. Y. Ts'ao; a review. Jounal of Chemical Education 11 (12) Dec 1934, p655-658.

  31. ARTICLE - Barnes, William H. Diagrams of Chinese alchemical apparatus. Journal of chemical education 13 (10) 1936, p453-457.

  32. ARTICLE - Barnes, William H. and Yuen, H. B. T'ao, the recluse (A.D. 452-536). Chinese alchemist. Ambix 2 (3-4) Dec 1946, p138-147.

  33. ARTICLE - Becco, Anne. Leibnitz et Francois-Mercure van Helmont: Bagatelle pour des Monades. Studia Leibnitiana 7, 1975, p119-141.

  34. ARTICLE - Beeston, A.F.L. An Arabic Hermetic manuscript. Bodleian Library Record, Vol VII, 1962, p11-23.

  35. ARTICLE - Beezer, Gerald R. Latin and Greek roots in chemical terminology. Journal of Chemical Education Feb 1940, p63-66.

  36. ARTICLE - Bell, C.C. A new study in alchemy. Chemist and Druggist 94 (25th June 1921), p877-883.

  37. ARTICLE - Beretta, Marco. The Role of Symbolism from Alchemy to Chemistry, in Beretta, Marco, The Enlightenment of Matter, 1993.

  38. ARTICLE - Bernus, Alexander von. Das Mysterium der Heilung. Erde und Kosmos 3/1985, p34-36.

  39. ARTICLE - Bernus, Alexander. "Goethe et l'alchimie", La Tour St-Jacques, n02, 1956, p.30

  40. ARTICLE - Berry, Herbert. Dr. Fludd's Engravings and their beholders. Shakespeare Studies 3, 1967, p11-21.

  41. ARTICLE - Bessmertny-Heimann, Bertha. L'Esprit modern chez Bernard Palissy. Archeion 18, 1936, p166-173.

  42. ARTICLE - Bett, W.R. Alchemist and astronomer : a note on John Dee (1527-1608).

  43. ARTICLE - Bett, W.R. Oswald Croll: an evangelist of the doctrine of signatures. Chemist and Druggist 171 (14 Feb 1959), p178.

  44. ARTICLE - Bishop, T. H. 350 years ago was born Johann Rudolph Glauber: the discoverer of "Sal Admirable". Chemist and Druggist 162 (27 Nov 1954), p555.

  45. ARTICLE - Boas, M. and Hall, A.R. Newton's chemical experiments. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences 11, (43) p113-152.

  46. ARTICLE - Boas, Marie. An early version of Boyle's Skeptical Chymist. Isis 45, 1954, p153-168.

  47. ARTICLE - Boaz, Marie. Quelques aspects sociaux de la chimie au XVIIe siecle. Revue d'histoire des sciences, 10, 1957, p132-147.

  48. ARTICLE - Boehm, Walter. John Mayow and his contemporaries. Ambix 11 1963. p105-120.

  49. ARTICLE - Bogatchikhin, M. [In Russian]. Alchemy of Tao. [Introduction to the Taoist concept of eternal life. Russian translation of Chan San Fan's tract 'About the work of Inner Cinnabar' plus commentaries.]

  50. ARTICLE - Bolton, H. Carrington. The Porta Magica, Rome. The Journal of American Folk-Lore, 1895, VIII.

  51. ARTICLE - Bolton, H. Carrington. The revival of alchemy in France. Chemical News, 77, 1898, p69-70, 73-74.

  52. ARTICLE - Bolton, H. Carrington. Recent progress of alchemy in America. Chemical News 76, 1897, p61-64.

  53. ARTICLE - Bonner, Anthony. What was Llull up to ?

  54. ARTICLE - Braby, N. The art of alchemy. Chemist and Druggist, 56 (56 (2 June 1900), p916.

  55. ARTICLE - Brande, W.T. A sketch of the history of alchemy. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts 9, 1820, p225-239.

  56. ARTICLE - Brann, Noel T. Alchemy and Melancholy in Medieval and Renaissance thought: a query into the mystical basis of their relationship. Ambix 32 (3), 1985, p127-148.

  57. ARTICLE - Brann, Noel. George Ripley and the Abbot Trithemius: An inquiry into contrasting medical attitudes. Ambix 26, 1979, p212-220.

  58. ARTICLE - Brehm, Edmund. Roger Bacon's place in the history of alchemy. Ambix 23, 1976, p53-58.

  59. ARTICLE - Breiner, Lawrence A. The Career of the Cockatrice. ISIS, 70, 1979, p30-47.

  60. ARTICLE - Brinkman, A.A.A.M. The influence of Brueghel's print 'The alchemist'. Janus, 1967, p141-145.

  61. ARTICLE - Brinkman, A.A.A.M. An unknown alchemical drawing probably by David Teniers II. Ambix 13 (3) Oct 1966, p187-188.

  62. ARTICLE - Browne, C. A. Rhetorical and religious aspects of Greek alchemy, parts I and II. Part I, Ambix 2 p129-137; Part II Ambix p15-25.

  63. ARTICLE - Browne, C. A. Henry Carrington Bolton: historian and bibliographer of chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 17 (10) Oct 1940, p457-461.

  64. ARTICLE - Browne, C.A. Gulian C. Verplanck's account of alchemy in old New York. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 16 (1) Jan 1924, p90-91.

  65. ARTICLE - Browne, C.A. The poem of the philosopher Theophrastos upon the sacred art: A metrical translation with comments upon the history of alchemy. The Scientific Monthly, 1920, Vol 10/11, p193-214.

  66. ARTICLE - Browne, Malcolm W. Alkemia Muutuu mystiikasta tieteeksi [Alchemy transfers from Mysticism to science.] Finnish translation of article in New York Times, published in Helsingin Sanomat, 4th May, 1990.

  67. ARTICLE - Browning, Philip E. Ezra Stiles, alchemist or chemist? Journal of chemical education 13 (5) 1936, p222-224.

  68. ARTICLE - Bruckner, J. A.W. Beyerland's Hermes translation. Modern Language Review 63, 1968, p911-913.

  69. ARTICLE - Buchka, Karl von. Angelus Sala. Archiv für dei geschichte der Naturwissenshaften und der Technik, 6, 1913, p20-26.

  70. ARTICLE - Bugaj, Roman. Bibliography of Sendivogius. In Michal Sedziwoj (1566-1636) Zycie i Pisma, Wroclaw, 1968. p280-315.

  71. ARTICLE - Buntz, Herwig. Heinrich von Mügeln als alcemistische Autorität. Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literature, 103, 1974, p144-152.

  72. ARTICLE - Buntz, Herwig. Das 'Buch der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit'. Sein Autor und seine Überlieferung. Anzeiger für deutsches Altertum, 10, 1972. p150-160.

  73. ARTICLE - Burnham, F.B. The More-Vaughan controversy: the revolt against philosophical enthusiasm. J Hist Ideas. 35 (1) 1974. p33-49.

  74. ARTICLE - Butler, Anthony R., Glidewell, Christopher, Needham, Joseph and Pritchard, Sharee. Mosaic gold in Europe and China. Chemistry in Britain Feb 1983, p132-135.

  75. ARTICLE - Calquist, Craig. Cooking for the Collective Unconscious : Alchemy, Ego and the One World. [Web article 1994.]

  76. ARTICLE - Cameron, H. Charles. The Last of the Alchemists. [James Price.] Notes Records of Royal Society 9, 1951, p109-114.

  77. ARTICLE - Canseliet, Eugene. "Un billet de J.-K. H.", Les Cahiers de La Tour St-Jacques, n08 "J.-K. Huysmans", 1962 (?), pp. 83-85.

  78. ARTICLE - Canseliet, Eugene. "Nicolas Flamel", La Tour St-Jacques, no 2, janfev. 1956, pp. 13-22.

  79. ARTICLE - Canseliet, Eugene. "L'alchimie au XVIIIe siecle", Les Cahiers de La Tour St-Jacques, n02-3-4 "Aspects de l'illuminisme au xviiie siecle", 1960, pp.15-25.

  80. ARTICLE - Canseliet, Eugene. Alchimie et magie. La Tour St-Jacques, 11-12, 1958, p172-179.

  81. ARTICLE - Carrouges, Michel. Revue of Fulcanelli 'Le mysteres de Cathedrales'. Etudes Carmelitaines, numero intitule "Polarite du symbole", edition Desclee de Brouwer, Paris, 1960.

  82. ARTICLE - Casini, Paolo. Newton, a Sceptical Alchemist? Bonelli, M.L.R. and Shea, W.R., Reason Experiment, and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution. p233-238.

  83. ARTICLE - Caven, R.M and Cranston, J.A. The beginnings of symbolism. Chapter 1 of Symbols and Formulae in Chemistry, London and Glasgow, 1928. p1-29.

  84. ARTICLE - Cervenka, Jaromir. Johann Amos Comenius und die Alchemie. Colloquia Comeniana 2, 1969, p43-58.

  85. ARTICLE - Cheesman, D.F. The triumph of alchemy. Science Journal of The Royal College of Science 8, 1938, p26-32.

  86. ARTICLE - Clucas, Stephen. The correspondence of a XVII-century 'chymical gentleman': Sir Cheney Culpeper and the chemical interests of the Hartlib circle. Ambix 40, 1993. p147-170.

  87. ARTICLE - Cluskey, James E. Goethe and chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 28 (10) Oct 1951, p536-538.

  88. ARTICLE - Cohen, M. R. and Drabkin, I. E. Chemistry and chemical technology. A source book in Greek Science. p352-373.

  89. ARTICLE - Cole, Brendan. Hidden metaphysics in Tom Quad: Hermeticism into landscape. Aede, Trinity, 1998. p4-8.

  90. ARTICLE - Cole, Brendan. Sacred Pageant. The great quadrangle, Christ Church, Oxford. 1998.

  91. ARTICLE - Colnort, Suzanne. Un traité de thérapeutique au XVIe siècle: Brouaut et la Panacée alcoolique. Revue d'histoire des sciences, 12, 1959, p301-313.

  92. ARTICLE - Cooper, Brian G. Three seventeenth-century mystics: religion and science in the thought of Everard, Helmont, and Felgenhauer. Aryan Path 35 (1) Jan 1964, 3-7; ibid (2) Feb 1964, p54-58.

  93. ARTICLE - Copenhaver, Brian P. Natural magic, hermetism, and occultism in early modern science. Lindberg, David C. and Westman, Robert S., Reappraisals of the scientific revolution.

  94. ARTICLE - Copenhaver, Brian P. Essay Review of Westman and McGuire Hermeticism and the Scientific Revolution. Annals of Science 35, 1978, p527-531.

  95. ARTICLE - Corbett, James. L'Alchimiste Leonard de Mauperg (XIVe Siecle): sa collection de recettes et ses voyages. Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des chartes, 97, (1936), 131-141.

  96. ARTICLE - Coudert, Allison. Renaissance alchemy. The encyclopedia of religion. 1, p199-202.

  97. ARTICLE - Crisciani, Chiara. The conception of alchemy as expressed in the Pretiosa margarita novella of Petrus Bonus of Ferrara. Ambix, 20, 1973. p165-181.

  98. ARTICLE - Crosland, M.P. Alchemical symbols. In Historical Studies in the Language of Chemistry, London 1962. p227-244.

  99. ARTICLE - Crosland, M.P. The language of alchemy. In Historical Studies in the Language of Chemistry, London 1962. p3-62.

  100. ARTICLE - Dains, F.B. Leo Africanus on alchemy. Journal of chemical education, 13 (6) 1936, p272.

  101. ARTICLE - Damon, S. Foster. Chaucer and Alchemy. Reprinted from the Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Vol XXXIX, No. 4.

  102. ARTICLE - Darmstaedter, Ernst. Liber claritatis totius alkimicae artis. Archeion 9, 1928, p191-208.

  103. ARTICLE - Darmstaedter, Ernst. Per la storia dell' "Aurum Potabile". Archivo di Storio della Scienza (later Archeion) 5, 1924, p251-271.

  104. ARTICLE - Darmstaedter, Ernst. Liber claritatis totius alkimicae artis. Archeion 9, 1928, p63-80.

  105. ARTICLE - Darmstaedter, Ernst. Liber Claritatis totius alkimicae artis. Archivo di Storio della Scienza (later Archeion) 7, 1926, p257-265.

  106. ARTICLE - Darmstaedter, Ernst. Liber Claritatis totius alkimicae artis. Archivo di Storio della Scienza (later Archeion) 6, 1925, p319-330.

  107. ARTICLE - Davidson, Jane P. "I am the poison dripping dragon": Iguanas and their symbolism in the alchemical and occult paintings of David Teniers the Younger. Ambix 34, 1987. p 62-80.

  108. ARTICLE - Davis Tenney L. The Autobiography of Denis Zachaire. Isis 8, 1926, p287-299.

  109. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L., and Wu, L.C. An ancient Chinese treatise on alchemy entitled Ts'un T'ung Ch'i. Isis 18, 1932, p210-289.

  110. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. The Text of alchemy and the Songe-Verd. Monist 30, 1920, p70-107.

  111. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. Roger Bacon's gunpowder and his secret wisdom. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 20 (7) Jul 1928, p772-774.

  112. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. The problem of the origins of alchemy. Scientific Monthly, 1936.

  113. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. The problem of the origin of alchemy. Scientific Monthly, 1936, XLIII, p551-558.

  114. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. Pulvis fulminans. Chymia 2, 1949, p99-110.

  115. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. Ko Hung (Pao P'u Tzu), Chinese alchemist of the fourth century. Journal of Chemical Education Sep 1934, p517-520.

  116. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. Primitive science, the background of early chemistry and alchemy. Journal of Chemical Education 12 (1) Jan 1935, p3-10.

  117. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. Count Michael Maier's use of the symbolism of alchemy. Journal of chemical education 15 (9) 1938, p403-410.

  118. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. The Chinese beginnings of alchemy. Endeavour Vol II 1943. p 154-160.

  119. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. and Lu-Ch'iang Wu. Ko Hung on the Yellow and the White. Journal of chemical education 13 (5) 1936, p215-218.

  120. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. and Lu-Ch'iang Wu. Ko Hung on the gold medicine. Journal of chemical education 13 (3) 1936, p103-105.

  121. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. and Nakaseko, Rokuro. The tomb of Jofuku or Joshi, the earliest alchemist of historical record. Ambix 1 (2) Dec 1937, p109-115.

  122. ARTICLE - Davis, Tenney L. and Yun-Ts'ung, Chao. Chang Po-Tuan, Chinese alchemist of the eleventh century. Journal of Chemical Education Feb 1939, p53-57.

  123. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. The Paracelsian compromise in Elizabethan England. Ambix 8 1960. p71-97.

  124. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. Guintherius, Libavius and Sennert: The Chemical Compromise in Early Modern Medicine. In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by Allen G. Debus. Vol 1, p151-165.

  125. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. The chemical philosophers; Chemical medicine from Paracelsus to van Helmont. History of Science 12, 1974, p235-259.

  126. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. The chemical debates of the seventeenth century: the reaction to Robert Fludd and Jean Baptiste van Helmont. Bonelli, M.L.R. and Shea, W.R., Reason Experiment, and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution. p19-47.

  127. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. Thomas Browne and the Discovery of Colour Indicators. Ambix 10 1962. p29-36.

  128. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. The significance of chemical history. Ambix, 32 (1), 1985, p1-14.

  129. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. The Medico-Chemical world of the Paracelsians. In Teich, M. and Young R., Changing perspectives in the history of science, London, 1972, p85-99.

  130. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. Gabriel Plattes and his chemical theory of the formation of the earth's crust. Ambix, 9 (3) 1961, p162-165.

  131. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. John Woodall, Paracelsian Surgeon. Ambix 10, 1962. p108-118.

  132. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. The Paracelsians in eighteenth century France: A Renaissance tradition in the age of the Enlightenment. Ambix, 28, (1), 1981, p36-54.

  133. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. A further note on Palingenesis: the account of Ebenezar Sibly in the Illustration of Astrology (1792). Isis 64 1973 p226-229.

  134. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen G. Palissy, Plat, and English Agricultural Chemistry in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Archiv Internationale d'histoire des science, 21, 1968, p67-88.

  135. ARTICLE - Debus, Allen. Fire analysis and the elements in the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. Annals of Science 23, 1967, p127-147.

  136. ARTICLE - Deischer, Claude K., Rabinowicz, Joseph L. The Owl of Heinrich Khunrath: Its origin and significance. Chymia 3, 1950, p243-250.

  137. ARTICLE - Del Re, Giuseppe. Technology and the spirit of alchemy. Hyle, Vol 3, (1977), 51-63.

  138. ARTICLE - Del Re, Giuseppe. Technology and the spirit of alchemy. [Hyle - An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol 3 (1997), p51-63.]

  139. ARTICLE - Desnos, Robert. Le mystère d'Abraham Juif", Documents, n05, 1929, p.233

  140. ARTICLE - Dickson, Donald R. Thomas Henshaw and Sir Robert Paston's pursuit of the Red elixir: An early collaboration between fellows of the Royal Society. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 51 (1), 1997, p57-76.

  141. ARTICLE - Disraeli, Isaac. Alchymy. In Curiosities of literature, 1859. Vol I. p283-287.

  142. ARTICLE - Dobbs, B.J.T. Newton's "Clavis": New evidence on its dating and significance. Ambix, 29, (3), 1982. p198-202.

  143. ARTICLE - Dobbs, Betty Jo. Studies in the natural philosophy of Sir Kenelm Digby. Part III. Digby's experimental alchemy - the Book of Secrets. Ambix, 21, 1974. p1-28.

  144. ARTICLE - Dobbs, Betty Jo. Studies in the natural philosophy of Sir Kenelm Digby. Part II. Digby and alchemy. Ambix, 20, 1973. p143-163.

  145. ARTICLE - Dubs, Homer H. The origin of alchemy. Ambix 9 (1) Feb 1961, p23-36.

  146. ARTICLE - Dubs, Homer H. The Beginnings of alchemy. ISIS, 38, 1947. p62-86

  147. ARTICLE - Dülmen, Richard von Daniel Mögling, "Pansoph" und Rosenkreuzer. Blätter für Württembergische Kirchengeschichte 72, 1972, p43-70.

  148. ARTICLE - Duncan, Edgar Hill. The alchemy in Jonson's Mercury Vindicated. Studies in Philology 39, 1942, p625-637

  149. ARTICLE - Duncan, Edgar Hill. Johnson's Alchemist and the literature of alchemy. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 61, 1946, 699-710.

  150. ARTICLE - Duncan, Edgar Hill. Donne's alchemical figures. Journal of English Literary History 9, 1942, p 257-285.

  151. ARTICLE - Dunleavy, Gareth W. The Chaucer ascription in Trinity College, Dublin Ms. D.2.8. Ambix 13 (1) Feb 1965, p2-21.

  152. ARTICLE - Duveen, Denis I., and Willemart, Antoine. Some seventeenth century chemists and alchemists of Lorraine. Chymia 2, p111-118.

  153. ARTICLE - Duveen, Denis I. Two unrecorded eighteenth century French chemists and an early Italian alchemical 'Unicum'. Ambix 2 (3-4) Dec 1946, p192-195.

  154. ARTICLE - Duveen, Denis. Le livre de la Tres Sainte Trinite. Ambix 3 (1-2) May 1948, p26-32.

  155. ARTICLE - Duveen, Denis. Arthur Dee doctor and alchemist. Chemistry and Industry 65 (2) 12 Jan 1946, p16-17.

  156. ARTICLE - Duveen, Dennis. Some symbols used by the alchemists. Endeavour Vol VII 1948. p 116-121.

  157. ARTICLE - Duveen, Dennis. Notes on some alchemical books. (Khunrath, Reusner, Kertzenmacher). The Library, 5th Series, Vol. 1., 1947, p56-61.

  158. ARTICLE - Duveen, Dennis. James Price (1752-1783) Chemist and Alchemist. Isis 41, 1950. p281-283.

  159. ARTICLE - Duveen, Dennis. The Duveen alchemical and chemical collection. Book collector, 5, 1956, p331-342.

  160. ARTICLE - Eigeldinger, Marc. "Poésie et langage aichimique chez André Breton", Mélusine, n08, 1981, p.22.

  161. ARTICLE - Eisler, Colin. The alchemical dimension in 'The Master of the Unicorn: The life and work of Jean Duvet', New York, 1979.

  162. ARTICLE - Eliade, Mircea. Alchemy - an overview. The encyclopedia of religion. 1, p183-186.

  163. ARTICLE - Elkins, James. Four ways of measuring the distance between alchemy and contemporary art. Hyle, Vol 9, No.1 (2003), 105-118.

  164. ARTICLE - Esposito, M. Alchemical treatises in Old French. Modern Language Review 26, 1931, p87-91.

  165. ARTICLE - Fabricius, J. The symbol of the self in the alchemical 'projectio'. Journal Analytical Psychology 18 (1) 1973, p47-58.

  166. ARTICLE - Fabricius, J. The individuation process as reflected by the 'Rosary of the Philosophers' (1550). Journal Analytical Psychology 16 (1) 1971 p31-47.

  167. ARTICLE - Faivre, Antoine. Questions of Terminology proper to the Study of Esoetric Currents in Modern and Contemporary Europe. In Western Esotericism and the Science of Religion. Selected Papers presented at the 17th Congress of the International Association for thre History of Religions, Mexico City, 1995. Peeters, Leuven, 1998.

  168. ARTICLE - Feisenberger, H.A. The libraries of Newton, Hooke and Boyle. In Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 1966, p42-55.

  169. ARTICLE - Ferguson, John. Pierre Thibaut. Archiv für dei geschichte der Naturwissenshaften und der Technik, 6, 1913, p82-96.

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  346. ARTICLE - Lange, Erwin F. Alchemy and the sixteenth century metallurgists. Ambix 13 (2) Jun 1966, p92-95.

  347. ARTICLE - Lanninger-Bolling, Dagmar. "Solve et coagula" : Das alchemistische Ritual des 'Stirb und werde'. Raum und Zeit 1/94, p19-21.

  348. ARTICLE - LaWall, Charles H. St. Cosmos and St Damian, patron saints of medicine and pharmacy. Journal of Chemical Education Oct 1934, p555-557.

  349. ARTICLE - LaWall, Charles H. The Virgin Mary as the patroness and protectress of pharmacy. Journal of Chemical Education Aug 1934, 463-466.

  350. ARTICLE - LaWall, Charles H. Christ as apothecary of the soul. Journal of Chemical Education Feb 1934 p77-81.

  351. ARTICLE - Lazarev, E. [In Russian]. Unknown Cleopatra. Science and Religion No. 10. [Concise historical background plus Russian translation of the 'Book of Cleopatra' based on Berthelot's edition. Some commentaries.]

  352. ARTICLE - Lazarev, E. [In Russian]. The Mystery of Dragon. Science and Religion, No 10, 1992, p55. [Russian translation of ancient manuscript from Alexandria about Ouroborus plus short commentary. The text is based on Berthelot's version published in his 'Collection des ancient alchimistes grecs'.]

  353. ARTICLE - Lazarev, E. [In Russian] Alchemy of Divine Mary. Science and Religion, nos 3 and 4, 1993. [Biography of Mary the Prophetess. Russian translations of Mary's works 'Of the Philosophers' Stone', 'About Copper', 'Tincturing the Stones', 'How to treat Divine Water', 'Of the Round Alum', plus some commentaries.]

  354. ARTICLE - Lazarev, E. [In Russian]. The Key to Mysteries of Atlantida? Science and Religion, No. 4, 1991, p 53-55. [Commentaries and afterword to 'Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz' published in the same magazine in isuues 2 and 4. Suggested explanation of the symbolism of numbers in the 'Chemical Wedding'. ]

  355. ARTICLE - Lazzeroni, Marino. Vom Schauen im Lichte der Natur. Spagyrik heute: Alexander von Bernus. Info3 12/93, p6-10.

  356. ARTICLE - Lazzeroni, Marino. Im Lichte der Natur schauen zu können (A.v.Bernus, Alchemie). Naturheilpraxis 6/93 1993, p 662-674.

  357. ARTICLE - Leicester, Henry M. Biochemical Concept Among the Ancient Greeks. Chymia, 7, 1956, p9-35.

  358. ARTICLE - Leiris, Michel. Michel Leiris, uLe «Caput Mortuum» ou la femme de l'alchimiste", Documents, n08, 1930, p.461.

  359. ARTICLE - Leiris, Michel. A propos du "musée des sorciers", Documents, n02, 1929, p.109.

  360. ARTICLE - Lenz, G. Thölde, Johann. Proces Buch. Transkription des als Manuskript in der Kasseler Murrhardischen Bibliothek stehenden Werks. [Part of Dissertation.] p94-191.

  361. ARTICLE - Levey, Martin. The earliest stages in the evolution of the still. Isis 51, 1960, 31-34.

  362. ARTICLE - Levey, Martin. L'Argent dans la litterature ancienne de Mesoptamie. Revue d'histoire des sciences, 10, 1957, p197-204.

  363. ARTICLE - Liedtke, Ralph. Hermetik - die andere philosophische Tradition.

  364. ARTICLE - Linden, Stanton J. Reading the Ripley Scrolls: Iconographic Patterns in Renaissance Alchemy

  365. ARTICLE - Linden, Stanton J. Alchemy and eschatology in Seventeenth-century poetry. Ambix, 31, (3), 1984, p102-124.

  366. ARTICLE - Linden, Stanton J. Francis Bacon and Alchemy: The reformation of Vulcan. Journal of History of Ideas, 35, 1974, 547-560.

  367. ARTICLE - Linden, Stanton J. Jonson and Sendivogius: Some new light on Mercury vindicated from the alchemists at court. Ambix 24, 1977, p39-54.

  368. ARTICLE - Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Chemisches und technologisches bei Dante. Archivo di Storio della Scienza (later Archeion) 3, 1922. p45-56.

  369. ARTICLE - Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Chemisches und Alchemisches aus Aristotles. Archiv für dei geschichte der Naturwissenshaften und der Technik, 2, 1909-10, p233-300.

  370. ARTICLE - Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Chemisches aus dem "Papyrus Ebers". Archiv für dei geschichte der Naturwissenshaften und der Technik, 1, 1909, p87-102.

  371. ARTICLE - Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Some remarks on Hermes and Hermetica. Ambix 2 (1) Jun 1938, p21-25.

  372. ARTICLE - Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Chemical and technological references in Plutarch. Ambix 3 (1-2) May 1948, p1-15.

  373. ARTICLE - Lister, R.P. Light Metallurgy: the Philosophers' Stone. Metal Progress 64 (5) 1953, p89-91.

  374. ARTICLE - Lu Gwei-Djen. The Inner Elixir (Nei Tan): Chinese physiological alchemy. In Teich, M. and Young R., Changing perspectives in the history of science, London, 1972, p68-84.

  375. ARTICLE - Ludendorff's gold maker and his magic powder. Lit Digest 109 1931 p36-40.

  376. ARTICLE - Luhrmann, T. M. An interpretation of the Fam fraternitatis with respect to Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica. Ambix, vol 33 (1), 1986, p1-10.

  377. ARTICLE - Maack, Dr. Ferdinand. Das Wesen der Alchimie. Die Okkulte Welt 18. p3-39.

  378. ARTICLE - Mackenzie, B. W. S. (Lord Amulree) James IV. and the Abbot of Tungland. Scots Magazine 46 (5) Feb 1947, p353-360.

  379. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S Alchemy: its three important terms and their significance. Medical Journal of Australia 48, 1961, p228-229.

  380. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Kekule's dream of the ouroboros and the significance of this symbol. Scientia 96, 1961, p187-195.

  381. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Significance of the four elements in alchemy. Janus, 1964, p303-313.

  382. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Alchemy as descending from herbalism or Kimiya versus Soma. Scientia 99, 1964, p132-136.

  383. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Dualistic symbolism in a medieval work on pharmacy. Janus, 1964, p49-61.

  384. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Alchemy and its connection with Astrology, Pharmacy, Magic and Metallurgy. Janus, 1957, p81-103.

  385. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Alchemy, with the egg as its symbol. Janus 63, 1976, p133-153.

  386. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. The probable origin of Kekule's symbol of the benzene ring. Scientia 95, 1960, p48-53.

  387. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Landmarks in the history of alchemy. Scientia 98, 1963, p25-29.

  388. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Basic terms of Greek alchemy in historical perspective. Janus 57, 1970, p42-52.

  389. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Alchemy in the light of its names in Arabic, Sanscrit and Greek. Janus, 49, 1961, p79-100.

  390. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Elixirs of mineral origin in Greek alchemy. Ambix 24, 1977, 133-142.

  391. ARTICLE - Mahdihassan, S. Colloidal gold as an alchemical preparation. Janus 58, 1971, p112-118.

  392. ARTICLE - Maillard, Jean-Francois. Litterature et alchimie dans le Peruviana de Claude-Barthelemy Morisot. In XVIIe Siecle 120. 1978. p171-184.

  393. ARTICLE - Manly, John Matthews. Roger Bacon and the Voynich MS. Speculum 6, 1931. p345-391.

  394. ARTICLE - Manzalaoui, Mahmoud. John Dastin and the pseudo-Aristotelian 'Secretum Secretorum'.Ambix 9 1961. p166-167.

  395. ARTICLE - Marquet, Jean-Francois. Litterature et alchimie dans le Peruviana de Claude-Barthelemy Morisot. XVIIe Siecle, 120, 1978, p171-184.

  396. ARTICLE - Marquet, Jean-Francois. Beroalde de Verville et le roman alchimique. In XVIIe Siecle 120. 1978. p157-170.

  397. ARTICLE - Martin, Luther H, Jr. A history of the psychological interpretation of alchemy. Ambix, 22, 1975. p10-20.

  398. ARTICLE - Matton, Sylvian. L'Egypte chez les 'philosophes chimiques' de Maier à Pernety. Etudes Philosophiques, 1987, no 2-3, p207-226.

  399. ARTICLE - McCallum, R.I. Antimony in Medicine. The Scottish Society of the History of Medicine, Report of Proceedings 1992-93.

  400. ARTICLE - McCallum, R.I. The Ripley Scroll of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Vesalius, II, 1, 39-49, 1996.

  401. ARTICLE - McCallum, R.I. Observations upon antimony.

  402. ARTICLE - McCallum, R.I. Sir George Erskine of Innerteil (c. 1570-1646) and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 2002, 32, pp 214-225.

  403. ARTICLE - McCrae, J. Gold and alchemy. South African Industrial Chemist, June and July 1950. p102-107, 122-128.

  404. ARTICLE - McGuire, J.E. and Rattansi, P.M. Newton and the 'Pipes of Pan'. In Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 1966, p108-143.

  405. ARTICLE - McKie, Douglas. Macquer, the first lexicographer of chemistry. Endeavour Vol XVI 1957. p 133-136.

  406. ARTICLE - McKie, Douglas. Newton and alchemy. Endeavour 1, 1942. p141-144.

  407. ARTICLE - Merkur, Dan. Stages of Ascension in Hermetic Rebirth. [Web article from Esoterica 1/1/ (1998, 67-84.]

  408. ARTICLE - Merkur, Daniel. The study of spiritual alchemy: mysticism, gold-making and esoteric hermeneutics. Ambix, 37, 1990, p35-45.

  409. ARTICLE - Meynell, Guy. Locke and Alchemy. His notes on Basilius Valentinus and Andreas Cellarius. Locke Studies (2002) vol 2. p 177-197.

  410. ARTICLE - Mieli, Aldo. Review of Giovanni Carbonelli 'Sulle fonti storiche della chimica e dell'alchimia in Italia. Archivo di Storio della Scienza (later Archeion) 6, 1925, p245-260.

  411. ARTICLE - Miles, Wyndham. Sir Kenelm Digby, alchemist, scholar, courtier, and man of adventure. Chymia 2, 1949, p 119-128.

  412. ARTICLE - Miller, Clarence. Christ as the philosopher's stone in George Herbert's 'The Elixir'. [Notes and Queries 45:1, p 39-41. 19/03/1998.]

  413. ARTICLE - Milt, Clara de. Christopher Glaser. Journal of Chemical Education Feb 1942, p53-60.

  414. ARTICLE - Milt, Clara de. Robert Hooke, chemist. Journal of Chemical Education Nov 1939, p503-509.

  415. ARTICLE - Milt, Clara de. Early chemistry at Le Jardin du Roi. Journal of Chemical Education Nov 1941, p503-509.

  416. ARTICLE - Molland, A.G. Roger Bacon as magician. Traditio 30, 1974, p445-460.

  417. ARTICLE - Montgomery, John Warwick. Cross, constellation, and crucible. Lutheran astrology and alchemy in the age of the Reformation. Ambix 11, 1963, p 65-86.

  418. ARTICLE - Moran, Bruce T. Privilege, communication, and Chemiatry: The Hermetic-Alchemical circle of Moritz of Hessen-Kassel. Ambix, 32, 1985, p110-126.

  419. ARTICLE - More, Louis Trenchard. Boyle as alchemist. Journal of History of Ideas, 2, 1941, p61-76.

  420. ARTICLE - Muir, M.M.P. Alchemy and the absolute. Mind [ns] 22 (85) 1913, p48-61.

  421. ARTICLE - Müller-Jahncke, Wolf Deiter. The attitude of Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) towards alchemy. Ambix, 22, 1975. p134-150.

  422. ARTICLE - Multhauf, Robert P. The significance of distillation in Renaissance medical chemistry. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 30, 1956, p329-346.

  423. ARTICLE - Multhauf, Robert P. John of Rupescissa and the growth of medical chemistry. Isis 45, 1954, p359-367.

  424. ARTICLE - Multhauf, Robert P. The constitution of Saltpeter, According to Becher and Stahl. In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by Allen G. Debus. Vol 2, p213-225.

  425. ARTICLE - Munch, John. Fathers of science - or phoneys? John Munch looks at attempts to improve the largely unsavoury reputation of the alchemist. Financial Times, Weekend, July 18/July 19 1998.

  426. ARTICLE - Nagel, Michael. Alchemistische Metall- und Mineralauszüge. HP-Aktuell 1997, p14-16.

  427. ARTICLE - Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Alchemy and other occult sciences. In Islamic Science an illustrated study, World of Islam Festival Publishing Company, 1976, p193-208.

  428. ARTICLE - Neville, Roy G. Christophle Glaser and the Traite de la Chymie, 1663. Chymia 10, p25-52.

  429. ARTICLE - Newman, William. Prophecy and alchemy: The origin of Eirenaeus Philalethes. Ambix, 37, 1990, p97-115.

  430. ARTICLE - Newman, William. Newton's Clavis as Starkey's Key. Isis 78, 1987, p564-574.

  431. ARTICLE - Newman, William. Thomas Vaughan as an interpreter of Agrippa von Nettesheim. Ambix, 29 (3), 1982, p125-140.

  432. ARTICLE - Newman, William. The genesis of the Summa perfectionis. Archiv Internationale d'histoire des science, 35, 1985. p240-302.

  433. ARTICLE - Nierenstein, M. Helvetius, Spinoza and transmutation. Isis 17, 1932, p408-411.

  434. ARTICLE - Nierenstein, M. A Bristol alchemist. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 53, 1931, p265-266.

  435. ARTICLE - Nierenstein, M. and Chapman, P.F. Enquiry into the authorship of the Ordinall of Alchimy. Isis 18, 1932, p290-321.

  436. ARTICLE - Nierenstein, M. and Price, F.M. The identity of the manuscript entitled "Mr Nortons worke, de lapide ph'orum" with the Ordinall of Alchimy. Isis 21, 1934, p52-56.

  437. ARTICLE - Nieuwenburg, C.J. van. The chemical composition of the Philosopher's Stone. The South African Industrial Chemist, June 1963. p132-133.

  438. ARTICLE - Obrist, Barbara. Cosmology and alchemy in an illustrated 13th century alchemical tract: Constantine of Pisa "The Book of the Secrets of Alchemy". Micrologus 1, 1993, pp 115-160.

  439. ARTICLE - Obrist, Barbara. Alchemie und medizin im 13. jahrhundert. Archiv Internationale d'histoire des science, 43 , 1993. p209-246.

  440. ARTICLE - Obrist, Barbara. Visualization in Medieval Alchemy. Hyle, Vol 9., No. 2. (2003)pp 131-170.

  441. ARTICLE - Ockenden, R.E. Alchemical terms: early examples. Notes and Queries 169, 1935, p115-116.

  442. ARTICLE - Oesper, Ralph E. Berthold Schwarz. Journal of Chemical Education July 1939, p303-306.

  443. ARTICLE - Ogrinc, Will H.L. Western society and alchemy from 1200 to 1500. Journal of Medieval History 6 (1980) p103-132

  444. ARTICLE - Oldroyd, D.R. Some Neo-Platonic and Stoic influences on minerology in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Ambix, 21, 1974. p128-156.

  445. ARTICLE - Oppenheim, A.L. Mesopotamia in the early history of alchemy. Revue d' Assyriologie Archaeologie Orientales 60 (1) 1966, p29-45.

  446. ARTICLE - Opsopaus, John. The Rotation of the Elements. [Web article 1995.]

  447. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter and Winder, Marianne. The higher elements and prime matter in Renaissance naturalism and in Paracelsus. Ambix, 21, 1974. p93-127.

  448. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. Paracelsus and the neoplatonic and Gnostic tradition. Ambix 8 (3) Oct 1960, p125-166.

  449. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. The history of mineral termonology. History of Science 12, 1974, p70-76.

  450. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. The "Wild Spirit" (Gas) of J. B. van Helmont (1579-1644) and Paracelsus. Ambix 10 1962. p1-13.

  451. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. Jung's views on alchemy. Isis, 39, 1948, p44-48.

  452. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. Recent Paracelsian studies. History of Science 12, 1974, p200-211.

  453. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. The prime matter of Paracelsus. Ambix 9 (3) Oct 1961, p117-135.

  454. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. Paracelsus and Techellus the Jew. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 34, 1960, p274-277.

  455. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. The "Wild Spirit" (Gas) of John Baptist van Helmont (1579-1644) and Paracelsus. Ambix 10 (1) Feb 1962, p1-13.

  456. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. The Paracelsian Elias Artista and the Alchemical Tradition. Medizinhistorisches Journal, 16 (1981), pages 6-19.

  457. ARTICLE - Pagel, Walter. The spectre of van Helmont and the idea of continuity in the history of chemistry. In Teich, M. and Young R., Changing perspectives in the history of science, London, 1972, p100-109.

  458. ARTICLE - Paneth, F. Albertus Magnus as chemist. Nature 129, 1932, p612.

  459. ARTICLE - Paneth, F. Ancient and modern alchemy. Science 64, 1926, p409-417.

  460. ARTICLE - Paneth, F.A. Paracelsus and 'Basil Valentine'. Nature 150, 1942, p380.

  461. ARTICLE - Paneth, Fritz. Über eine alchemistische Handschrift des 14 Jahrhunderts und ihr Verhältnis zu Albertus Magnus' Buch "De Mineralibus". Archiv für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, 12, (1929-30), p33-45.

  462. ARTICLE - Paneth, Fritz. Über die Schrift Alberts des Grossen "De Alchimia". Archiv für Geschichte der Mathematik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik. 1929-30, Vol III, p408-413.

  463. ARTICLE - Paoli, Umberto Julio. Il metallurgista Spagnola Alvaro Alonso Barba de Villa Lepe [1569-1662]. Archivo di Storio della Scienza (later Archeion) 3, 1922. p150-168.

  464. ARTICLE - Papathanassiou, Maria. Stephanus fo Alexandria: Pharmaceutical notions and cosmology in his alchemical work. Ambix 37, 1990. p121-133.

  465. ARTICLE - [Robert E. Schlueter Collection.] The Paracelsus Collection of the St Louis Medical Society. [Robert E. Schlueter Collection.] In Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1941, p544-579.

  466. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. Chemistry in the ancient world. In Science, Medicine and History. Essays in honour of Charles Singer. Oxford, 1953.

  467. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. Albertus Magnus on alchemy. Ambix 1 (1) May 1937, p3-20.

  468. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. Joan Baptista van Helmont. Annals of Science 1, 1936, p359-384.

  469. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. Trithemius and alchemy. Ambix 2 (2) Sep 1938, p53-59.

  470. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. The discovery of Mosaic Gold. Isis, 2, p203-206.

  471. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. Paracelsus (1493-1541). Nature 148, 1941, p332-334.

  472. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. Bygone chemical technology. Chemistry and Industry 42 (36) 1923, p636-641.

  473. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. The Kerotakis apparatus. Nature 159, 1947, p784.

  474. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. The origin of the planetary symbols for the metals. Ambix 1 (1) May 1937, p61-64.

  475. ARTICLE - Partington, J.R. The chemistry of Razi. Ambix 1 (3) Mar 1938, p192-196.

  476. ARTICLE - Partington. J. R. The concept of substance and chemical element. Chymia 1, 1948, p109-121.

  477. ARTICLE - Patai, Raphael. Maria the Jewess - founding mother of alchemy. Ambix 29, (3), 1982, p 177-197.

  478. ARTICLE - Patai, Raphael. An unknown Hebrew medical alchemist: A medieval treatise on the Quinta essentia. Medical history, 1984, 28. p308-323.

  479. ARTICLE - Patterson, T.S. Jean Beguin and his Tyrocinium Chymicum. Annals of Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1937, 243-298.

  480. ARTICLE - Patterson, T.S. and Loudon, J.D. Robertus Vallensis' De vertitate et antiquitate artis chemicae. Annals of Science, 1948, p1-23.

  481. ARTICLE - Paulus, Julian. Alchemie und Paracelsismus um 1600 Siebzig Porträts. Analecta Paracelsica, herausgegeben von Joachim Telle, Stuttgart, 1994.

  482. ARTICLE - Payen, J. Flos Florum et Semita Semite. Deux traités d'alchimie attribués à Arnaud de Villeneuve. Revue d'histoire des sciences, 12, 1959, p289-300.

  483. ARTICLE - Paymans, Theo. Het meest mysteriuze manuscript ter wereld. [Voynich manuscript].

  484. ARTICLE - Payne, Richard K. Sex and gestation, the union of opposites in European and Chinese alchemy. Ambix, 36, 1989, p66-81.

  485. ARTICLE - Pean, Charles. Aspects scientifiques de l'Alchimie.

  486. ARTICLE - Peng-Yoke, Ho. Alchemy in Ming China (AD 1368- AD 1644). In Actes du Congres International d'histoire des Sciences 12, IIIa, p119-123.

  487. ARTICLE - Penk Yoke, Ho; Thean Chye, Goh and Parker, David. Po Chu-i's poems of immortality. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 34, 1974, p163-186.

  488. ARTICLE - Percy, Keith. "Signatura Rerum"; correspondence and signature. Aryan Path 8 (12) Dec 1937, p557-562.

  489. ARTICLE - Pereira, Michela. Alchemy and the use of vernacular languages in the late Middle Ages. Speculum 74, 1999, p336-356.

  490. ARTICLE - Pereira, Michela. Sulla tradizione testuale del Liber de secretis Naturae attribuito a Raimondo Lullo: le due redazioni della Tertia distinctio. Archiv Internationale d'histoire des science, 36, 1986. p1-16.

  491. ARTICLE - Peters, Hermann. Kunckels Verdienste um die Chemie. Archiv für dei geschichte der Naturwissenshaften und der Technik, 4, 1912, p178-214.

  492. ARTICLE - Pilcher, Richard B. 'Boyle's laboratory'. Ambix 2 p17-24.

  493. ARTICLE - Ping-Yu, Ho and Needham, Joseph. The laboratory equipment of the early mediaeval Chinese alchemists. Ambix 7 (2) Jun 1959, p57-115.

  494. ARTICLE - Plass, Paul. A Greek alchemical formula. Ambix, 29, (2), 1982, p69-73.

  495. ARTICLE - Plessner, M. Hermes Trismegistus and Arab science. Studia Islamica, II, 1954. p45-59.

  496. ARTICLE - Plessner, M. Jabir ibn Hayyan. Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 1970-.

  497. ARTICLE - Plessner, M. The place of the Turba Philosophorum in the development of alchemy. Isis 45, 1954, p331-338.

  498. ARTICLE - Plessner, M. The Turba Philosophorum: a preliminary report on three Cambridge mss. Ambix 7 (3) Oct 1959, p159-163.

  499. ARTICLE - [In Russian]. Powerful King- Benedictine monk. Sweet Angel, No. 1, 1991. [No authorship mentioned - perhaps editorial. Biography of Basil Valentine. Short explanations of his main concepts. Russian translation of 'Tract of Microcosm' with commentaries.]

  500. ARTICLE - Poynter, F.N.L. Nicholas Culpeper and the Paracelsians. In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by Allen G. Debus. Vol 1, p201-220.

  501. ARTICLE - Price, Harry. Five hundred years of magic. The Best Magical Monthly, 1921, p113-115. [Includes information on some alchemical manuscripts.]

  502. ARTICLE - Priesner, Claus. Defensor Alchymiae zur beweis- und rechtfertigungsstrategie bei Gabriel Clauder und Friedrich Wilhelm Scroeder. Archiv Internationale d'histoire des science, 41, 1991, p13-56.

  503. ARTICLE - Principe, Laurence. "Chemical translation" and the role of impurities in alchemy: Examples from Basil Valentine's Triumph-Wagen. Ambix 34, 1987. p21-30.

  504. ARTICLE - Prinke, Rafal T. Operatie Elixiris Philosophici. English translation of Michael Sendivogius, Traktat kamieniu filozoficznym. [Web site edition of text first published in Essentia, Vol. 5, Winter 1983 / Spring 1984.

  505. ARTICLE - Pritchard, Allan. Thomas Charnock's book dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. Ambix 26, 1979, p56-73.

  506. ARTICLE - Purcell, Melanie. What are the relationships between infinity and zero? The implications of a cyclic universe and the diagonally woven single jointed thread Klein bottle. Department of Philosophy, Newcastle University, Australia.

  507. ARTICLE - Rahim, Habibeh. Islamic alchemy. The encyclopedia of religion. 1, p196-199.

  508. ARTICLE - Rattansi, P.M. Paracelsus and the Puritan revolution. Ambix 11 (1) Feb 1963, p24-32.

  509. ARTICLE - Rattansi, P.M. Newton's Alchemical Studies. In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by Allen G. Debus. Vol 2, p167-182

  510. ARTICLE - Rattansi, P.M. Alchemy and natural magic in Raleigh's "History of the world". Ambix 13 (3) Oct 1966, p122-158.

  511. ARTICLE - Ray, P.C. Chemical knowledge of the Hindus of old. Isis 2, p322-325.

  512. ARTICLE - Read, John. Scottish alchemy in the seventeenth century. Chymia 1, 1948, p139-151.

  513. ARTICLE - Read, John. William Davidson of Aberdeen; the first British Professor of Chemistry. Ambix 9 (2) Jun 1961, p70-101.

  514. ARTICLE - Read, John. Alchemy and alchemists. Nature, 1951, p759-762

  515. ARTICLE - Read, John. Alchemy and Art. Nature, 1952, p479-481.

  516. ARTICLE - Read, John. Alchemy: instrument of culture. Manchester Literary Philosophical Society Memoirs and Proceedings 104, 1961-62, p14-20.

  517. ARTICLE - Read, John. William Davidson of Aberdeen. Ambix 9 1961. p 70-101.

  518. ARTICLE - Read, John. Alchemy and alchemists. Folk-lore 44, 1933, p251-278.

  519. ARTICLE - Read, John. Alchemy and alchemists. Scientific American 187, 1952, p72-76.

  520. ARTICLE - Read, John. Alchemy under James IV of Scotland. Ambix 2 (2) Sep 1938, p60-67.

  521. ARTICLE - Read, John. Gold making galore. New Scientist 4 (101) 23 Oct 1958, p1117-1119.

  522. ARTICLE - Read, John. Teniers' alchemists. Endeavour Vol IV 1945. p 94-99.

  523. ARTICLE - Read, John. Science, literature, and human thought. Journal of Chemical Education 37 (3) Mar 1960, p110-117.

  524. ARTICLE - Read, John. The Pope collection of alchemical paintings and engravings. Nature, Feb, 1941, p 243.

  525. ARTICLE - Redgrove, H. Stanley. Roger Bacon. Aryan Path 5 (1) Jan 1934, p49-51.

  526. ARTICLE - Redgrove, H. Stanley. On alchemy. Aryan Path 11 (8) Aug 1940, p414-415.

  527. ARTICLE - Rees, Graham. Francis Bacon's semi-Paracelsian cosmology. Ambix, 22, 1975. p81-101.

  528. ARTICLE - Rees, Graham. Francis Bacon's semi-Paracelsian cosmology and the Great Instauration. Ambix, 22, 1975. p161-173.

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  555. ARTICLE - Ryding, Karin C. Islamic alchemy according to Al-Khwarizmi. Ambix 41 (3) Nov 1994, p121-134.

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  577. ARTICLE - Shackleford, Jole. Rosicrucianism, Lutheran Orthodoxy, and the Rejection of Paracelsianism in Early Seventeenth-Century Denmark. Bulletin for History of Medicine, 1996, 70, pp181-204.

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  584. ARTICLE - Sheppard, H.J. The origin of the Gnostic-alchemical relationship. Scientia 97, 1962, p146-149.

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  591. ARTICLE - Sigerist, Henry E. Laudanum in the works of Paracelsus. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1941, p530-544.

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  596. ARTICLE - Singer, Dorothea Waley. Alchemical texts bearing the name of Plato. Ambix 2 (3-4) Dec 1946, p115-128.

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  599. ARTICLE - Sivin, Nathan. Chinese alchemy. The encyclopedia of religion. 1, p186-190.

  600. ARTICLE - Sleeper, Helen Joy. The alchemical fugues in Count Michael Maier's Atalanta fugiens. Journal of chemical education 15 (9) 1938, p410-415.

  601. ARTICLE - Smith, Cyril Stanley and Hawthorne, John. G. Mappae clavicula. A little key to the world of medieval techniques. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Vol 64, part 4, 1974. p1-128.

  602. ARTICLE - Smith, Edward H. Some early chemical symbols. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 16(4) Apr 1924, p406-408.

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  604. ARTICLE - Spargo, P. E. Newton's library. Endeavour Vol 31 (112) 1972. p 29-33.

  605. ARTICLE - Spence, Lewis. Scotland's Only Alchemist. Scots Magazine {ns} 44 (2) Nov 1945, p 119-128.

  606. ARTICLE - Spooner, R.C. Chang Tao Ling, the first Taoist pope. Journal of Chemical Education 15 (11) 1938, p503-507.

  607. ARTICLE - Srigley, Michael. Henry and Thomas Vaughan and the 'Extract of tears'. Swansea Review, 15, 1995, p52-70.

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  685. ARTICLE - Vaughan, R. Alfred. The story of Nicholas Flamel, the alchemist. The National Magazine 1, 1857, p408-413.

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  687. ARTICLE - Versluis, Arthur. Alchemy and Christian theosophic literature. Selected Papers presented at the 17th Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Mexico City, 1995. Peeters, Leuven, 1998.

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  689. ARTICLE - Vladimír Karpenko HYLE Book Reviews - Hans-Werner Schütt: Auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen. Die Geschichte der Alchemie, Verlag C. H. Beck, München, 2000, 602 pp. HYLE, Vol. 8, No.1 (2002), pp. 69-74

  690. ARTICLE - Vladimír Karpenko HYLE Book Reviews. - Lawrence M. Principe, The Aspiring Adept. Robert Boyle and His Alchemical Quest (Including Boyles Lost Dialogue on the Transmutation of Metals), Princeton University Press, Princeton/NJ, 1998, -xiv, 339 pp. (ISBN 0-691-01678-X). HYLE-, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2000), pp. 181-186.

  691. ARTICLE - Voss, Karen-Claire. The Hierosgamos Theme in the Images of the Rosarium Philosophorum. In Alchemy Revisited: Proceedings of the International Conference on the History of Alchemy at the University of Groningen, 17-19 April 1989, ed. by Z.R.W.M. von Martels. E.J. Brill: Leiden, 1990.

  692. ARTICLE - Voss, Karen-Claire. Spiritual Alchemy: Interpreting Representative Texts and Images. Presented to the Amsterdam Summer University: "Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times." August 15-August 19, 1994. This is a slightly revised and augmented version of what appeared in Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times, ed. by R. van den Broek and W.J. Hanegraaff. State University of New York Press: New York, 1998.

  693. ARTICLE - Voss, Karen-Claire. A Response to Dan Merkurs "Methodology and the Study of Western Spiritual Alchemy". Theosophical History VIII No. 9, July 2002.

  694. ARTICLE - Voss, Karen-Claire. Imagination in Mysticism and Esotericism: Marsilio Ficino, Ignatius de Loyola, and Alchemy. Studies in Spirituality No. 6, 1996, 106-130.

  695. ARTICLE - Voss, Karen-Claire. The Tabula Smaragdina Revisited. A paper presented at Inscriptions in the Sand, an Arts and Culture Conference and Festival. The Sixth International Literature and Humanities Conference at Eastern Mediterranean Uuniversity, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, June 4-6, 2003.

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  697. ARTICLE - Walden, P. What can the modern chemist learn from the old alchemy? Science 66, 1927, p407-417.

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  700. ARTICLE - Walker, Frederic. Saint Vincent de Paul and the alchemist. Journal of chemical education 13 (8) 1936, p353-357.

  701. ARTICLE - Walters, R.H. Henry Vaughan and the alchemists. Review of English Studies 23, 1947, p107-122.

  702. ARTICLE - Walzer, Richard. Aflatun (Plato).

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  704. ARTICLE - Warren, L.E. Chemistry and chemical arts in ancient Egypt. Journal of Chemical Education March 1934, p146-153; April 1934, p297-302.

  705. ARTICLE - Watson, Andrew G. Robert Green of Welby. Alchemist and Count Palatine. Notes and Queries 32, 2985, p312-313.

  706. ARTICLE - Webster, C. Water as the ultimate principle of nature: the background to Boyle's Sceptical Chymist. p96-107.

  707. ARTICLE - Weeks, Mary Elvira. An exhibit of chemical substances mentioned in the Bible. Journal of Chemical Education Feb 1943, p63-76.

  708. ARTICLE - Weimann, Karl-Heinz. Leibnitz und die medizinischen Strömungen seiner Zeit. Studia Leibnitiana 7, 1975, p155-165.

  709. ARTICLE - Welborn, M.C. The errors of the doctors according to Friar Roger Bacon on the Minor Order. Isis, 18, 1932, p26-62.

  710. ARTICLE - Welles, Elizabeth B. The unpublished alchemical sonnets of Felice Feliciano: an episode in science and humanism in 15th century Italy. Ambix, 29, (1), 1982, p1-16.

  711. ARTICLE - Wellesz, Egon. Music in the treatise of Greek Gnostics and alchemists. Ambix 4 (4) 1951, p145-158.

  712. ARTICLE - West, Geoffrey. Paracelsus. Aryan Path 5 (2) Feb 1934, p75-79; Mar p157-160.

  713. ARTICLE - West, Muriel. Notes on the importance of alchemy to modern science in the writings of Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle. Ambix 9 (2) Jun 1961, p102-114.

  714. ARTICLE - Westfall, Richard S. Alchemy in Newton's Library. Ambix 31, (3), 1984, p97-101.

  715. ARTICLE - Westfall, Richard S. Isaac Newton's Index chemicus. Ambix, 22, 1975. p174-185.

  716. ARTICLE - Westfall, Richard S. Newton and the Hermetic Tradition. In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by Allen G. Debus. Vol 2, p183-198

  717. ARTICLE - Westfall, Richard S. The role of alchemy in Newton's career. Bonelli, M.L.R. and Shea, W.R., Reason Experiment, and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution. p189-232.

  718. ARTICLE - Weyer, Jost. Neuere Interpretationsmöglichkeiten der Alchemie. Chemie in unserer Zeit, 1973 (6), p178-181.

  719. ARTICLE - Whitaker, Thomas R. Yeats's alembic. Sewanee Review 68, 1960, p576-594.

  720. ARTICLE - White, David Gordon [Translation and introduction] "The Ocean of Mercury: An Eleventh-Century Alchemical Text" (in Donald S. Lopez Jr. ed., 'Religions of India in Practice' Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1995 pp. 280-287)

  721. ARTICLE - White, David. Indian alchemy. The encyclopedia of religion. 1, p190-192.

  722. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, R. S. New England's last Alchemists. Ambix 10 1962. p128-138.

  723. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. A further note on Eirenaeus Philalethes. Ambix, 13, 1965, p53-54.

  724. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. The Hartlib papers and seventeenth century chemistry. Part II. George Starkey. Ambix, 17, 1970, p85-110.

  725. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. The alchemical library of John Winthrop Jr (1606-1676) and his descendants in Colonian America. Ambix, 11, 1963 p33-51.

  726. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. The problem of the identity of Eirenaeus Philalethes. Ambix 12 (1) Feb 1964, p24-43.

  727. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. The alchemical library of John Winthrop, Jr. (1606-1676) and his descendents in Colonial America. Ambix 11 (1) Feb 1963, p33-51.

  728. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. "Hermes Christianus": John Winthrop, Jr. and Chemical Medicine in Seventeenth Century New England. In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by Allen G. Debus. Vol 1, p221-241.

  729. ARTICLE - Wilkinson, Ronald Sterne. George Starkey, physician and alchemist. Ambix, 11, 1963, p121-152.

  730. ARTICLE - Williams, A.R. The production of saltpetre in the Middle Ages. Ambix, 22, 1975. p127-133.

  731. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Mystical developments of alchemy. Ciba Symposia 3 (11) 1942, p1153-1155.

  732. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. The Background of Chinese alchemy. Ciba Symposia 2 (7) 1940, p594-599.

  733. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Relation of Alchemy to Other Greek Sciences. Ciba Symposia 3 (5) 1941, p958-960.

  734. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. The Greek Alchemical Manuscript Tradition. Ciba Symposia 3 (5) 1941, p954-957.

  735. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Later developments of Chinese alchemy. Ciba Symposia 2 (7) 1940, p610-617.

  736. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Relation of Chinese alchemy to that of other countries. Ciba Symposia 2 (7) 1940, p618-621.

  737. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Robert Child's chemical book list of 1641. Journal of Chemical Education 20 (3) Mar 1943, p123-129.

  738. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Chronology of Greco-Egyptian Alchemy. Ciba Symposia 3 (5) 1941, p926 .

  739. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Historical Background of Greco-Egyptian Alchemy. Ciba Symposia 3 (5) 1941, p938-946.

  740. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Leading ideas of early Chinese alchemy. Ciba Symposia 2 (7) 1940, p600-604.

  741. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Traditional Background of Greco-Egyptian Alchemy. Ciba Symposia 3 (5) 1941, p926-937.

  742. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. The Greek Alchemical Papyri. Ciba Symposia 3 (5) 1941, p947-953.

  743. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Biographies of early Chinese alchemists. Ciba Symposia 2 (7) 1940, p605-609.

  744. ARTICLE - Wilson, William Jerome. Bibliography of Chinese alchemy. Ciba Symposia 2 (7) 1940, p622-624.

  745. ARTICLE - Winderlich, Rudolf. Ruska's researches on the alchemy of Al-Razi. Journal of chemical education 13 (17) 1936, p313-315.

  746. ARTICLE - Wright, F.M. The "Aenigma de Nominis Virginis" from the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. Metropolitan College Transactions, 1897-8, p9-11.

  747. ARTICLE - Wujastyk, Dominik. An alchemical ghost: the Rasaratnakara by Nagarjuna. Ambix 31, (2), 1984. p70-83.

  748. ARTICLE - Philosophers' wool, Neoplatonism and the Bacchus

  749. ARTICLE - Zacharias, Procopios D. Chymeutike: the real Hellenic chemistry. Ambix 5 (3-4) Oct 1956, p116-128.

  750. ARTICLE - Zamecki, S. Wlodzimierz Hubicki, 1914-1977. In Memoriam. Archiv Internationale d'histoire des science, 32 , 1982. p97-98.

  751. ARTICLE - Zapffe, C.A. Metallurgy in the days of alchemy. Metal Progress 66, 1954, p89-95.

  752. ARTICLE - Zetterberg, J. Peter. Hermetic Geocentricity: John Dee's Celestial Egg. Isis 70, 1979, p385-393.

  753. ARTICLE - Zimmermann, Rainer E. The structure of mythos: On the cultural stability of alchemy. Ambix, 31, (3), 1984, p125-137.

  754. ARTICLE - Zinguer, Ilana. Alchemy, "locus" of renewal for writing in the Moyen de parvenir of Beroalde de Verville (1600).

People who have helped to date by providing articles include:

Armelle Hudelot
Urs Leo Gantenbein
Ron Fletcher
George Leake
Samten de Wet
Gleb Butuzov
Dusan Djordjevic Mileusnic
Rafal Prinke
Heikki Lehtosaari
Jerome E. Tamul
Michaela Rung-Kraus

My apologies to anyone I have neglected to mention.