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[Hartlib, Samuel.]
Chymical, medicinal, and chyrurgical addresses: made to Samuel Hartlib, Esquire. Viz. 1. Whether the Urim & Thummim were given in the Mount, or perfected by Art. 2. Sir George Ripley's Epistle, to King Edward unfolded. 3. Gabriel Plats Caveat for Alchymists. 4. A Conference concerning the Phylosophers Stone. 5. An Invitation to a free and generous Communication of Secrets and Receits in Physick. 6. Whether or no, each several disease hath a Particular Remedy? 7. A new and easie Method of Chirurgery, for the curing of all fresh Wounds or other Hurts. 8. A Discourse about the Essence or Existence of Mettals. 9. The New Postilions, pretended Prophetical Prognostication, Of what shall happen to Physicians, Chyrurgeons, Apothecaries, Alchymists, and Miners.
London, Printed by G. Dawson for Giles Calvert at the Black-spread Eagle at the west end of Pauls. 1655.
viii + 182 + xxiv pages.
p i [Title]
p iii-vii A Table of the Chymical, Medicinal, and Chirurgical Addresses, made to Samuel Hartlib, Esquire. [Short descriptions of contents.]
p1-18 Whether The Urim & Thummim Were given in the Mount, Or perfected by Art.
p19-47 Sir George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward unfolded.
p49-50 To the Readers... At Westminster, this 10. of March. 1643. Your loving Friend, G.P.
p51-88 A Caveat for Alchymists, or, A warning to all ingenious Gentlemen, whether Laicks or Clericks, that study for the finding out of the Philosophers Stone; shewing how that they need not to be cheated of their Estates, either by the perswasion of others, or by their own idle conceits.
p89-99 A Conference [by Monseur Renaudots] Concerning this Question: Whether or no each several Disease hath a particular and specifical remedy.
p101-112 A Conference [By Monseur Renaudots] Concerning the Philosophers-Stone.
p113-150 Philaretus to Empyricus.
p151-181 A Short and easie Method of Chirurgery, for the curing of all fresh Wounds, Or other Hurts... Newly translated out of Dutch, 1654.
p i-xiv The Appendix, Containing Mr. Gerard Malynes Philosophy, about the Essence or Existence of Metals. Delivered accidentally in one Chapter of his Book, called, Lex Mercatorium, or, The Ancient Law-Merchant.
p xv-xxiv A Translate of the Eleventh Chapter, taken out of a Theosophicall German Treatise, printed in the year 1655. under the Title of Postilion or a New Almanack; being an Astrological & Prophetical Prognostication.

Headrich, John.
Arcana Philosophia Or, Chymical Secrets, Containing The noted and useful Chymical Medicines [medical text.]

A Hermeticall banquet, drest by a Spagyricall Cook: for the better Preservation of the microcosme.
London, Printed for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in S. Pauls Church-yard. 1652.
xxxiv + 161 pages.

p ii- viiiTo the Right Honorable Isacke Wake Knight, Embassadour Extraordinarie in Savoy and Piemonte, Ordinarie for Italie Helvetia and Rhetia, Select for France, for his Majestie of Great Britain. [At end] Your Lordships Physician and most humbly Devoted Servant.
p ix-xiii Symposiates to his Sympotae [Patrons].
p xiv Epigramma Aenigmatica Tetrastichon Microcosmi Auctoris Benevolo Lectori.
To please a World I never can,
It being a Task too hard for Man.
I'de please but One. So shall you see
A World there will Contented be.
p xv- xxxv A Hemeticall Banquet, &c. An anthropogeographicall Grace before meat, wherein the Microcosme is Hermetically Analogiz'd to the Sublunary and Elementary Globes.
[This introduction draws a parallel between the outer forms in Nature and the inner organs and process of the human body. The human body is divided into four parts, the Stomaticall, Cephalicall, Hepatical and Cardiacal, and the author has prepared this book as if a banquet of four courses of spagyrical remedies. This metaphor is sustained throughout the main text of the book, with much humour and wordplay, together with the idea of visiting four lands or countries of the Earth, corresponding to to the four organs.]
p1-30 The First Course Stomaticall. [Here much advice is given on the stomach and various recipes are given, for the various distempers.]
p31-72 The Second Course Cephalicall. [This begins with an allegorical personification of the various senses. Next follows a section devoted to recipes using a number of herbs which act as remedies for distempers of the brain.]
p73-114 The Third Course Hepaticall. [This begins with a long poem in which ones health is perceived as a woman whom one must court carefully, and nourish the relationship. Then follows some remedies for diseases or distempers of the liver.]
p115-159 The Fourth and Last Course Cardiacall. [Here in the land of the Heart the author presents an extended allegory in which he meets a ferryman who discourses on many matters and takes him into world where he meets with Signors Ambitio and Aemulatio, Signora Confidentia, Lady Superbia, and a number of other characters, and enters into a number of humorous adventures. Then follows a series of recipes for distempers of the heart.]

Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van.
One Hundred Fifty Three Chymical Aphorisms. Briefly containing Whatsoever belongs to the Chymical Science. Done by the Labour and Study of Eremita Suburbanus. Printed in Latin at Amsterdam, Octob. 1687. To which are added, some other Phylosophick Canons or Rules pertaining to the Hermetick Science. Made English and published for the sake of the Sedulous Labourers in true Chymistry; by Chr. Packe, Philo-Chymico-Medicus.
London, Printed for the Author, and are to be Sold by W. Cooper at the Pelican in Little Britain; and D. Newman at the Kings-Arms in the Poultry, 1688.
viii + 64 pages.130x75mm.

Other editions:-
An hundred and fifty-three chymical aphorisms, to which, what-ever relates to the science of chymistry may fitly be referred. Done by the labour and study of a country hermite, and printed in Latin at Amsterdam, Anno 1688. London: Printed for Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1690. [Text in English and Latin.] CLiii aphorisme chemici ad quos quicquid est scientiae chemice commode referri potest. Opera & studio Eremitae Suburbani. Amstelaedami, apud Janssonio Waesbergios, 1688.
C.LIII. Aphorismes Chymiques. Ausquels on peut facilement rapporter tout ce qui regarde la Chymie. Mis en ordre par les soins & le travail de L'Hermite du Fauxbourg. Nouvellement traduit du Latin en François, par M.S.D.R. A Paris, Chez Laurent d'Houry... M.DC.XCII [1692].
C.L.III. aphorismes chymiques, ausquels on peut facilement rapporter tout ce qui regarde la chymie. Mit en ordre par l'hermite du Fauxburg, nouvellement traduit du latin par MSDR [Maugin, sieur de Richebourg]. Paris, L. d'Houry, 1693.
Kurtze vorstellung der zur edlen chymie gehörigen wissenschaft, bestehend in CLIII, aphorismis oder sätzen dahin alles was zur alchymie gehöret gar(?) füglich gezogen werden kan.... Nordhausen, 1699.
In Kellner, David. Wohlangerichtetes Ærarium Chymicum Antiquo-Novum, oder Alt- erneuert- und reichlichst vermehrte Chymische Schatzkammer... 153. Aphorismis bestehenden Wissenschaft des jüngern Hn. von Helmont... Leipsig. 1702.

p ii [Opposite title page] "Imprimat Aphorism. Chymic. Th. Witherley, Praeses Coll. Med. Lond. Pe. Barwick, Jo. Elliot, Rob. Pitt, Joh. Bateman, Censores."
p v-vi To all the Lovers of the Chymical Art [by the translator Christopher Packe "From my House, at the Sign of the Globe and Chymical Furnaces in the Postern-street, near Moorgate. Decemb. the 8th. 1687."]
p vii-viii The Author to his Friend.
p1-24 CLIII Chymical Aphorisms; To which May be Commodiously referred whatsoever belongs to the Chymical Science.
[This is in fact a short treatise on alchemy, under the guise of a series of aphorisms. These 'aphorisms' rarely stand on their own but are phrases or sentences of a continuous text, which is however numbered as if separate aphorisms. The text discusses the nature of the seven metals. The author contends that the imperfect metals have a disposition for receiving the form of the perfect metals. The practise of alchemy consists of preparing the Mercury of the Philosophers and the composition of the Elixir or Medicine for metals.]
p25-26 To the Lovers of Hermetick Studies. [Signed at end "B.D.P." i.e. Bernard Penotus.]
p27-53 Some Phylosophick Rules or Canons, concerning the Stone of Phylosophers. What we seek, is either here, or no where.
[This work consists of 157 'canons', each of which is a complete statement or aphorism concerning alchemy, unlike the previous treatise. The content is both a physical and philosophical alchemy, and the whole makes a coherent statement.]
p54-63 Post-script to the Reader. [Here Christopher Packe outlines his plans to publish the collected works of Glauber in an English translation, and summarises the contents of the individual works. He here advertises for subscribers to pay in advance for the production of this work. This book was eventually published in 1689.]

Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van [1618-1699].
The Paradoxical Discourses of F. M. Van Helmont, Concerning the Macrocosm and Microcosm, or the Greater and Lesser World, And their Union. Set down in Writing by J.B. and now Published.
London: Printed by J.C. and Freeman Collins, for Robert Kettlewel, at the Hand and Scepter near S. Dunstan's church in Fleetstreet. 1685.
xiv + 127 + 215 pages. 177x110mm.

Other Editions:-
Paradoxal discourse; oder, Ungemeine meynungen von dem Macrocosmo und Microcosmo, das ist: Von der grossen und kleinern Welt und derselben Vereinigung mit einander, worinnen von der Sonnen, Mond und Sternen... Auf der Englischen in die Hochteutsche Sprache übersetzet. Hamburg, 1691.

p i-x The Preface to the Courteous Reader.
p xi-xiv A Low-Dutch Hymn of Adam Boreel, presented by him to the Author of this Book, who had it translated into English.
p1-122 Concerning the Macrocosme: Or, Great World.
[A dialogue in the form of question and response. In four chapters.]
Concerning the Lights of Heaven. - Concerning the Air. -Concerning the Water and Quick-Sand. - Concerning the Waters of the Seas. - Concerning the Earth, Stones, Minerals, and Metals. - Concerning Stones. - Concerning Metals, Minerals, and Salts.
p123-127 An Appendix. [Here discusses the extraction of tinctures of vegetables used for dyes and colours.]
p1-161 The Second Part Concerning the Microcosme: Or, Man As being the Little World. [Also a dialogue in the form of question and response. In four chapters.]
Of the Original and Essence of Man, and his Union with the Greast World. - Concerning the Spiritual and Bodily Conception and Birth of Man. - Concerning the Body of Man, of his Formation, and of some of his Parts. - Concerning the Forming of Man in his Mother's Womb. - Concerning the Senses of Man. - Concerning the Outward Members and parts of Mans Body; and lastly, concerning the Stomach. - Concerning the Revolution of Humane Souls.
p162-183 An Appendix.
p184-200 Christ's Hundred Commandments.
p201-205 Here follows the Cure of the Crooked and Hunch-back'd Childred, which was promised in the Second Part, and is performed very Naturally, and without trouble to the Patient.
p206-215 [Section in Latin, of dedications in concordance with the original edition, by N. Phillipus Nots.]

Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van.
Seder olam: or, the order of ages. Wherein the doctrin is historically handled. Translated out of Latin, by J. Clark...
London, printed for T. Howkins, in George-yard, Lumbard-street, 1694. Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van.
The spirit of diseases; or, diseases from the spirit: laid open in some observations concerning man, and his diseases. Wherein is shewed how much the mind influenceth the body in causing and curing of diseases. The whole deduced from certain and infallible principles of natural reason and experience... The first part.
London, printed for Sarah Howkins in George-Yard, in Lombard-street, 1694.

Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van.
Two hundred queries moderately propounded concerning the doctrine of the revolution of humane souls, and its conformity to the truths of Christianity.
London, printed for Rob. Kettlewell, at the Hand and Secpter over against St. Dunstans church in Fleetstreet. 1684.

Helmont, Johann Baptist van.
Deliramenta catarrhi: or, the incongruities, impossibilities, and absurdities couched under the vulgar opinions of defluxions. The author, that great philosopher, by fire... The translator and paraphrast Dr. Charleton...
London, printed by E.G. for William Lee at the signe of the Turks-head in Fleet-street. 1650.

Helmont, Johann Baptist van.
Oriatrike, or physick refined. The common errors therein refuted, and the whole art reformed and rectified: being a new rise and progress of phylosophy and medicine, for the destruction of diseases and prolongation of life. Written by that most learned, famous, profound, and acute phylosopher, and chymical physitian,... and now faithfully rendred into English, in tendency to a common good, and the increase of true science; by J.C...
London, printed for Lodowick Loyd, and are to be sold at his shop next the Castle in Cornhill. 1662. Helmont, Johann Baptist van.
Praecipiolum: or the immature-mineral-electrum. The first metall: which is the minera or mercury...
London, printed for William Cooper, at the Pelican in Little Britain. 1683.

Helmont, Johann Baptist van.
A ternary of paradoxes. The magnetick cure of wounds.Nativity of tartar in wine. Image of God in Man. Written originally by Joh. Bapt. Van Helmont, and translated, illustrated, and ampliated by Walter Charleton, Doctor in physick, and physician to the late King...
London, printed by James Flesher for William Lee, dwelling in Fleet-street, at the sign of the Turks head. 1650.

Helvetius, John Frederick [1625?-1709].
The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores and Desires: In which is handled The most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the intire Substance of Lead, was in one Moment Transmuted into Gold-Obrizon, with an exceeding small particle of the true Philosophick Stone. At the Hague. In the year 1666. Written in Latin by John Frederick Helvetius, Doctor and Practitioner of Medicine at the Hague, and faithfully Englished.
London, Printed for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleetstreet near Temple-Barr, 1670.
129 pages. 142x82mm.

Other editions:-
Vitulus aureus, quem mundus adorat & orat, in quo tractatur de rarissimo naturae miraculo transmutandi metalla, Nempe Quomodo Tota Plumbi substantia vel intra momentum ex quavis minima Lapidis veri Philosophici particula in Aurum obryzum commutata fuerit Hagae Comitis... Amstelodami: 1667.
Vitulus aureus, quem mundus adorat & orat, in quo tractatur de rarissimo naturae miraculo transmutandi metalla,... Hagae-Comitis [the Hague], 1702.
In William Cooper, The philosophical epitaph of W.C., esquire, for a memento mori on his tomb-stone... Also, A brief of The golden calf (the world's idol)... by Jo. Fr. Helvetius... London, 1673.
In Musaeum Hermeticum reformatum..., Francofurti, 1678.
In Musaeum Hermeticum reformatum..., Francofurti, 1749.
In Manget, Bibliotheca chymica... Tom. 1., 1702.
J.F. Schweitzers Guldenes Kalb..., in welchen gehandelt wird von einem sehr hohen Wunder der Natur die Metallen zu verändern... In Teutsch verfertiget und zum Druck befördert.... Nürnberg, 1668.
Guldenes Kalb, welches die gantze Welt anbetet und verehret; in welchen gehandelt wird von einem sehr hohen Wunder der Natur die Metallen zu zu verändern... in Teutsch verfertigt und zum Druck befördert. Nürnberg, [1675?]
Vitulus Aureus quem Mundus adorat et orat. Oder ein sehr Curieuses Tractätlein, In welchem Das rare und wundersame Werck der Natur in verwandelung derer Metallen Historice ausgeführet wird. Wie nemlich das gantze Wesen des Bleyes in einem Augenblick durch Hülffe eines sehr kleinen Stücklein des Steins der Weisen zu dem allerbesten Gold von obgenandten Hrn. Helvetio im Haag gemacht und verwandelt worden. Aus dem Lateinischen ins Hochteutsche übersetzet. Franckfurth, bey Philipp Wilhelm Stock. Anno 1726.
'Vitulus Aureus, oder Guldenes Kalb. Nach der andern Lateinischen vermehrten Auflage ins Hoch-teutsche übersetzt 1727', in Roth-Scholtz, F. Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum, Vol. 1, 1728.
'Vitulus aureus, oder guldenes Kalb', in Roth-Scholtz, Deutsches Theatrum chemicum, 1732.
Gouden Kalf, waar in aangetoond wordt hoe door middel van den philosophischen Steen het Lood in Goud is veranderd, Amsterdam, 1749.

p3 [Dedication] To the most Excellent D. Theodorum Ketjes... Practitioner of Medicine at Amsterdam... also D. John Casparus Fausius, Counsellor, and Chief Physician of the most Serene Elector Palatine of Heidelberg... and D. Christian Mentzelius, Principal Physician in the Court of the most Serene Elector of Brandenburg...
p4-7 The Epistle Dedicatory.
p9-27 Chapter I.
p28-44 Chapter II. [Here the author collects together various quotations from Paracelsus, Henrich Khunrath's Amphitheatrum,and Van Helmont, which mention the Philosophers' Stone.]
p45-78 Chapter III. [The author describes in some detail the coming to his house of a stranger on the 27th of December 1666, who let him handle a small quantity of the Philosopher's Stone. An illustration is shown on page 53 of five pendants which the Dutch stranger wore under his shirt. After they had discoursed at length Helvetius requests the stranger to show him the effect of transmutation on impure metals. The stranger declines but promises to return in three weeks to show him the projection. When he comes again they discuss in some detail the transmutation and the preparation of philosophical medicines. Helvetius begs of the stranger a small piece of the Philosopher's Stone in order that he could try the transmutation. The stranger allows him a small fragment. Helvetius confesses that when, on the previous visit, he had held the stone in his hand, he had taken the liberty of scraping off a small piece under his fingernail, but this had not worked in transmuting molten lead. The stranger laughed at his theft, but told him that the stone must be wrapped in wax to protect it from the fumes of Lead, and that he would demonstrate the process on the following day. However, the stranger did not turn up, and Helvetius tried the transmutation himself, and was rewarded with transmuting a mass of Lead into the purest Gold.]
p78-129 Chapter IV. [This is a summary of the conversation between Helvetius and the stranger, Elias the Artist, in the form of a stylised dialogue.]

Heydon, John.
Elhavareuna or the English Physitians Tutor In the Astrobolismes of Mettals Rosie Crucian, Miraculous Saphiric Medicines of the Sun and Moon, the Astrolasmes of Saturne, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Zazel, Hismael, Barzabel, Sorah, Kedemel, Taphthartharath, and Hasmodai: All Harmoniously united and opperated by Astromancy and Geomancy, in so easie a method that a fine Lady may practise and Compleat incredible extraordinary Telesmes (and read her Gallants devises without disturbing her fancy) and cure all Diseases in young or old. Whereunto is added, Psonthonphanchia For information and satisfaction of the world, the Books being also an Appeal to the Natural faculties of the mind of man, whether there be not a God. By John Heydon, Gent. jilouomoV. A Servant of God, and Secretary of Nature.
London, Printed for William Gilbertson, at the Bible in Giltspur street. 1665.

Heydon, John [1629-].
Hampaaneah Hammegulleh: Or, The Rosie Crucian Crown: In which is set down the Angels of the Seven Planets, and their Occult Power upon the Seven Metals, and miraculous Vertues in the Coelum Terræ, or first matter of all things. Whereunto is added, A perfect full Discovery of the Pantavara, and Elixirs of Metals. By Eugenius Theodidactus. fologom??. A Servant of God, and Secretary to Nature.
London: Printed for the Author, and are to be sold at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet. 1664.
xl + 54 + ii +44 pages. 157x93mm.

p i-iv To the Most Excellently Accomplished the truly honourable learned wise vertuous, etc, Bevis Lloyd Esq, Eternal Health be wished. [Dedicatory Epistle by Heydon.]
p v-xv An Apologue for an Epilogue [by Heydon.]
p xvi-xvii To the most accoplisht [sic] Philosopher and leaned Secretary of Nature, Mr John Heydon... [English verse by "Sir. Kepple Drue Baronet".]
p xviii-xix To the Admirable Philosopher and Law-yer Mr. John Heydon. [English verse by "Thomas Revell Esq."]
p xx To his most Honour'd friend Mr. John Heydon upon his most Excellent Philosophy. [English verse by "Charles Potter Esq."]
p xxi To the most accomplisht Philosopher and learned Secretary of Nature, Mr. John Heydon... [English verse by "Thomas Tillien a philosopher by fire to the Duke of Buckingham".]
p xxii To his Loving Ingenious friend Mr John Heydon... [English verse by "Frederick Talbot Esq."]
p xxiii To his honour'd Friend Mr. John Heydon... [English verse by "W. Smith Master of Arts of Clare Hall in Cambridge".]
p xxiv A Catalogue of those things contained in these books [Table of contents.]
p xxv-xl The Life of John Heydon [by "Frederick Talbot Esq."]
p1-40 The Rosie Crucian Crown Set with Angels, Planets and Mettals, etc. The First Book. [In seven chapters.]
Of the Gold Mercury or Argent vive. Purification. Sublimation. Calcination. Exuberation. Solution. Separation. Conjunction. Putrefaction into Sulphur. Fermentation. Multiplication in vertue. Multiplication in quantity. - Luna. Pure Silver. Calcination. Solution. Putrefaction. The Sulphur. The Liquor of the Sulphur. White Ferment. - Vivum. Sublimation. Calcination. Precipitation. Solution. Fixed oyl. Inceration. Desiccation. Contrition. Fermentation. The Red Elixir. The third Table. - Gold Sol. Purged Gold. Calcination. Solution. Putrifaction. Filius, Solis Coelestis. Filia Lunae Coelestis. - The Liquor of the red sulphur. Fermentation. - The Body. The Spirit. The Lion. The Eagle. The Phylosophers Lead. Antimony. Antimony Mercury. The Glue of the Eagle. Solution of the red Lion into Blood. Solution of the Glue of the Eagle. Solution of the Blood of the red Lion. Conjunction. Putrifaction. The Stone. Fermentation. In the Trinity of The Phisical and Alchimical Tincture. The Soul is the Unity of the Medicine. - Elixir. Conjunction. Seperation. The Stone. Fermentation. The Earth. Spirit oyl, Blood of the Lambe. Distillation. Resolution. Putrifaction. Solution. Vitrioll. Calcination. Copper.
5 pages [following after p40 and before p48]. To the truly honourable and excellently Accomplished the most Renowned, John Lloyd Esq. [A Dedicatory Epistle to the second book.]
p44-54 The Rosie Crucian Crown Set with Angels, Planets and Mettals, etc. The Second Book.
2 pages. To the Worthy, Learned, Noble, and Valiant Colonel Samuel Sandys, late Governor of his Majesties Garrison in the Famous City of Worcester, and now one of the Right Honourable Members of Parliament, etc. [Dedicatory Epistle to third book.]
p1-44 The Third Book. Of Saturne or Lead the first Direction. [In nine chapters.]
Of the Elixar, Putrefaction into Sulphur, the Oyl of the Sulphur, of the Conjuntion of the Salt and Oyl of the Spirit, or Salt of Saturne, which containeth the Oyl or soul of the Menstruum of white Mercury and red water of Paradice, Resolution, Solution, distillation, Hyl, Purgation, resolution of Sericon, of the Gum of Sericon, of the solution of the Minium or Adrop, of Calcination of Minium into Adrop and red Lead, of Calcination of Lead with Aqua Fortis. - The Medicine, Elixir, Fermentation, Imbibition Precipitation, Quick-silver, Saturne, Lead, The Toad. - The Crucible, the Furnace, the Hole in the Top of the Furnace, the Tongues, the Coals. - The third Table of the Elixir of Iron. - The fourth Table of the Physical and Alchymical Tincture out of the red Lyon and Glue of the Eagle, drawn out from the Authors experience. - The fifth Table, of making of Pearls. - The sixth Table of the Magistery of Carbunckles. - The seventh Table denoting the composition of Minerall Electrum or Amber, as well natural as Artificiall; and also speaketh of a Bell made of Amber used by Tritemius. - The eighth Table, which explaineth the meaning of the Philosophers when they speak of the tenth Number wherein the Elixir is finished: And also sheweth the wonderfull secret of the Animal stone, out of George Riply, with two other of his workes.

Heydon, John.
The harmony of the world: being a discourse wherein the phaenomena of Nature are consonantly salved and adapted to inferiour intellects. By...
London: printed for Henry Brome, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-lane, 1662.

Heydon, John.
The holy guide: leading the way to the wonder of the world: (a compleat phisitian) teaching the knowledge of all things, past, present, and to come; viz. of pleasure, long life, health, youth, blessedness, wisdome and virtue; and to cure, change and remedy all diseases in young and old. With Rosie Crucian mediciens, which are verified by a practical examination of principles in the great world, and fitted for the easie understanding, plain practice, use and benefit of mean capacities...
London, printed by T.M. and are to be sold by Thomas Whittlesey at the Globe in Cannor-Street, near London-Stone, and at all other booksellers shops, 1662.

Heydon, John.
A new method of Rosie Crucian physick: wherein is shewed the cause: and therewith their experienced medicines for the cure of all diseases,... freely given to the inspired Christians, by... And in obedience fitted for the understanding of mean capacities by the Adorer, and the most unworthy of their love, John Heydon, a servant of God, and secretary of Nature...
London, printed for Thomas Lock, 1658.

Heydon, John.
ononancia: or, a quintuple Rosiecrucian scourge for the due correction of that pseudo-chymist and scurrilous emperick Geo. Thomson. Being in part a vindication of the learned Society of Physitians. By...
London: printed anno domini, 1665.

Heydon, John [1629-].
The Rosie Crucian Infallible Axiomata, or, Generall Rules to know all things past, present, and to come. Usefull, pleasant and profitable to all, and fitted to the understanding of mean capacities. By John Heydon [A.1]Gent. FilonomoV a Servant of God, and Secretary of Nature. Penes nos unda Tagi.
London, Printed in the Year, 1660.
xl pages + 1 folio engraving +126 pages. 305x80mm.

p i-v To the most Honourable, Valiant and Successfull, his Highness, James Duke of York. Externall, Eternall, and Internal happiness be wished.
p vi-xxixThe Preface.
p xxxi-xxxii Illustrissimis, & vere Renatis Fratribus, I.H. R.C. [A.2]pwlotokwn. Ecclesiae in tumultuosa hoc seculo Apostolis Pacificis, Salutem a Centro Salutis. [Latin verse. At end "Ambr. Waters, A.M. Coll. Ex. Oxon".]
p xxxiii To his most Ingeniously accomplish'd friend, Mr. John Heydon, on his Rosie Crucian Infallible Axomata [sic], the excellent and secret use of Numbers. [English verse by "Jo. Gadbury".]
p xxxiv-v To the Reader in behalf of the ingenuity of my friend the Author, Master John Heydon. [English verse by "Jo. Booker".]
p xxxvi To his much honoured friend the Author Mr. John Heydon upon the Rosie Crucian Infallible Axiomata. [English verse by "John Fyge Minister of the Gospell".]
p xxxvii-xxxviii Erudito Johanni Heydon (amicitiæ gratiâ) hæc dedicat. [Verse in Greek and English by "Tho. Fyge".]
p xxxix-xl To the most excellent Philosopher and Lawyer Mr. John Heydon, upon the Rosie Crician Infallible Axiomata. [English verse by "Fred. Talbot".]
[Tipped in sheet 228x170mm with circular engraving of twelve concentric circles with names of God, Greek Roman and Hebrew alphabets and numbers, angelic names and planets.]
p1-123 [Text in seventeen chapters.]
Of the wonderfull Secrets of Numbers, of their Signification, how Moses shewed so many signs by them, How Joshua made the Sun stand still by Numbers, How by Numbers Elijah called down fire from Heaven upon his enemies, How by these following Numbers the Rosie Crucians foreknow all future things, command whole Nature, have power over Devills, and Angells, and do miracles, etc. How by this Number a River spake to Pythagoras. - Of the Power and Vertues of Hebrew, Greek, and Latine Letters, when the Numbers are Attributed to them. - The Pythagorick Names or Nature of a Monad or Unite, applied to the first dayes work, what are the upper waters: And that souls that descend ei genesin, are the Naiades or Water Nymphs, in Porphyrius, That matter of it self is unmoveable R. Bechai his Notation of [Hebrew Sh M Y V M] very happy explained in my new Method of Rosie Crucian Physick; of the number One, and the signification. - That universall Matter is the second days Creation, fully made good by the Names and Property of the Number two. - The Nature of the Third days work set off by the Number 3. That the most learned do agree that the Creation was perfected at once, The Notation of [ Hebrew n y n n] strangely agreed with the Notorious conclusions of the Temple of Wisedom of the significations of the Number 3.] - Of the signification of the Number 4, how the Corporeall world was universally erected into forme and Motion on the fourth day, is most notably confirmed by the Titles and Property of the Number 4. The Infallible Rosie Crucian or Pythagorick Oath wherein they swore by him that taught them the Mystery of the Tetractis, that the Tetrastis [sic] was a Symbole of the whole Rosie Crucian Infallible Axiomata, that lay couched in Numbers and Letters. - Of the signification of the Number 5. And what Angels may be called by it, and how they may appear. - Of the signification of the Number six, and why the whole Creation was comprehended within it. - The signification of the Number 7. And that 7 is a fit Symbole of the Sabbath or rest of God. - Of the signification of the Number 8, and what Angels may be called by it, and how they appear. - Of the signification of the Number 9; how that by 9, Julius Caesar called up Spirits, and did what he pleased: how Galleron by 9 went invisible, and had the society of a Familiar Spirit. - Of the signification of the Number 10, how by this Number 10, Socrates in a Monitory Vision had a Swan in his lap, and of Plato's birth and education. - Of the signification of the Number 11, how by it we know the bodies of Divels, and their natural constitutions: o iwneu in Pherecydes Syrus; [[A.3]Hebrew], names of Spirits haunting fields and desolate places: of Theophilus Fulwood, who had the continual Society of a Guardian Genius: Of Plotinus and Olympius. - Of the signification of the Number 12, of its natural vertue: 12 Magical Aphorismes of Ianbosher.... - Of what Angels appear by the vertue and power of Numbers above 12. - Of Kings, Lords, or other people that fight, or go to Law one against another, which shall have the victory. - The Resolution of all manner of Questions.

Heydon, John.
Theomagia, or the Temple of Wisdome. In Three Parts, Spiritual, Celestial and Elemental. Conteyning the occult powers of the angels, of astromancy in the telesmatical sculpture of the Persians and Egyptians. The misterious virtues of the characters of the stars with the genii idea's and figures of geomancy upon Gamaher, &c. to which is added the resolution of all manner of questions, past, present, and to come. The knowledge of Rosie Crucian physicke and the miraculous secrets of Nature, by which is performed incredible extraordinary things, all verified by a practical examination of principles in the great world, and fitted to mean capacities. By... a servant of God and sceretary of Nature...
London, printed for Henry Brome. 1663.

Heydon, John.
The wise-mans crown: or, the glory of the Rosie Cross. Shewing the wonderful power of Nature, with the full discovery of the true Coelum Terrae, or the first matter of metals, and their preparations into incredible medicines or elixirs that cure all diseases in young or old: with the Regio Lucis, and holy houshold of Rosie Crucian philosopher. Communicated to the world by... A servant of God, and secretary to Nature...
London: printed for the author; and are to be sold by Samuel Speed at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet. 1664.

Hortulanus Junior.
The golden age: or, the reign of Saturn review'd. Tending to set forth a true and natural way, to prepare and fix common mercury into silver and gold.Intermix'd with a discourse vindicating and explaining, that famous universal medicine of the ancients, vulgarly called, the Philosophers Stone, built upon four natural principles. An essay. Written by Hortulanus Junior.Preserved and published by R.G. [Richard Gardiner]...
London, printed by J. Mayos, for Rich. Harrison, at New-Inn, without Temple-Bar, 1698.

Kunkel, Johann.
Pyrotechnical Discourses.

Lambye, John Baptiste.
A revelation of the Secret Spirit. Declaring the most concealed secret of Alchymie. Written first in Latine by an unknowne Author, but explained in Italian, by Iohn Baptista Lambye, Venetian. Lately translated into English, by R.N.E. Gentleman.
London, Printed by Iohn Haviland for Henrie Skelton, and are to be sold at his shop a little within All-gate. 1623.
x + 80 pages.

Dedication to John Thorburgh, Bishop of Worcester, by R.N.E.
Note to the reader.
The revelation of the secret spirit. The author sets out to describe that secret spiritual substance which can remove all corruptions, renew youth and prolong short life.
The Preamble to the Exposition of the secret spirit. [This is a summary of the following section.]
[The exposition of the revelation of the secret spirit, is divided into eight chapters, each of which consists for the most part of quotations from alchemical authorities, intended to support and amplify the ideas and thesis of the authors text. The first chapter indicates that the secret spirit, or the Philosophers' Stone, may be taken out of only one thing. The second chapter tries to show what this one thing is, and most of the references point to light as the source of the stone. The third chapter shows that the body must be reduced to its first matter in order that the elements may become separated. The fourth chapter attempts to demonstate what this first matter is, and most of the references chose indicate salt as the prime matter. The fifth chapter deals with the separation of the elements. The sixth chapter declares the nature of the fifth appearance of the secret spirit in a glorified body, at the end of the process. The seventh chapter shows how to make the Elixir or medicine to conserve the life of man. The final chapter deals with the various workers in this alchemical science. This exposition quotes extensively from pseudo-Lully, Geber, Hermes, Arnold of Villa Nova, the Rosarium, among others.]

Le Fèvre, Nicolas. [1610-1674?]
A Compendious Body of Chymisty, Which will serve As a Guide and Introduction both for understanding the Authors which have treated of The Theory of this Science in general; And for making the way Plain and Easie to perform, according to Art and Method, all Operations, which teach the Practice of this Art, upon Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, without losing any of the Essential Vertues contained in them. By N. le Fèbure Apothecary in Ordinary, and Chymical Distiller to the King of France, and at present to his Majesty of Great-Britain.
London, Printed for Tho. Davies and Theo. Sadler, and is to be sold at the sign of the Bible over against the little North-door of St. Pauls-Church, 1662.

A Compendious Body of Chymistry: Wherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to the curious knowledge of this Art; Comprehending in general the whole practice thereof: and teaching the most exact preparation of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, so as to preserve their essential Vertues. Laid open in two Books, and dedicated to the use of all Apothecaries, &c. By Nicasius le Febure, Royal Distiller to his Majesty of England, and Apothecary in Ordinary to His Honourable Houshold. Translated into English by P. D. C. Esq. one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Privy Chamber. Part. I.
London, Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for Octavian Pulleyn Junior, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible in St. Paul's Church-yard near the little North-door. 1664.
[The second part has a separate title page.]
[With four inserted engraved plates.]

A Compleat Body of Chymistry: Wherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to the Curious Knowledge of this Art; Comprehending in General the whole Practice thereof: and Teaching the most exact Preparation of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, so as to preserve their Essential Vertues. Laid open in two Books, and Dedicated to the Use of all Apothecaries, &c. By Nicasius le Febure, Royal Professor in Chymistry to his Majesty of England, and Apothecary in Ordinary to His Honourable Household. Rendred into English, by P. D. C. Esq; one of the Gentlemen of His Majesties Privy-Chamber. Part I. With additions.
London, Printed for O. Pulleyn Junior, and are to be sold by John Wright at the Sign of the Globe in Little-Brittain, 1670.
[The second part has a separate tile page.]

Other Editions:-
Original French edition. Traicté de la Chymie. Tome Premier. Qui servira d'instruction & d'introduction, tant pour l'intelligence des Autheurs qui ont traité de la theorie de cette science en general: qui pour faciliter les moyens de faire artistement & methodiquement les operations qu' enseigne la pratique de cét Art, sur les animaux, sur les vegetaux & et sur les mineraux, sans le perte d'aucune des vertus essentielles qu' ils contiennent - Tome Second. Qui contient la suite de la preparation des sucs qui se turent des Vegetaux, comme aussi celle de leurs autres parties, & cells des Mineraux. A Paris, Chez Thomas Jolly, Libraire Iuré, ruë S. Iacques, aux Armes d'Hollande. 1660. [Engraved frontispiece and 8 double plates.]
Traicté de la Chimie... Qui servira d'Instruction & d'Introduction, tant pour l'intelligence des Autheurs... Corrigé de plusieurs fautes. Suivant la Copie imprimé à Paris. Et se vendent à Leyde, chez Arnoud Doude, Marchand Libraire proche l'Accadamie, 1669.
Also other editions issued at Paris in 1669, 1696 and two in 1751.
Cours de chymie, pour servir d'introduction a cette Science... [4th edition], Paris, Du Monstier, 1751.
Cours de chymie, pour servir d'introduction a cette Science... [5th edition], Paris, Du Monstier, 1751.
German editions. Chymischer Handleiter, und guldnes Kleinod: Das ist: Richtige Anführung, und deutliche Unterweisung, so wol, wie man die chymische Schrifften, welche von chymischer Wissenschafft ins gemein handeln... Nürnberg: C. Endter, 1676.
Neuvermehrter Chymischer Handleiter, und Guldnes Kleinod: Das ist: Deutliche Unterweisung, wie man die von Chymischer Wissenschafft ins gemein handelende Schrifften recht verstehen.... Nürnberg, In Verlegung Joh. Andreæ Endters Sel. Söhne. 1685.
Another German edition appeared in 1688.

Le Fèvre, Nicolas. [1610-1674?]
A Discourse upon Sr. Walter Rawleigh's Great Cordial: by N. le Febre... Rendred into English by Peter Belon...
London, Printed by J.F. for Octavian Pulleyn junior... 1664.
[This was a translation of the work originall written in French, though not published till 1665.]

Other editions:
Original French edition. Discours sur le grand cordial de Sr Walter Raleigh,
Examen oder Erklärung der votrerflichen grossen Hertz-Stärckung des Hoch- und Wehl-gebornen Herrn Walter Rawleighs, contained in Digby, Sir Kenelm, Medicina experimentalis, Franckfurt, 1672-6, part II pages 257-328.

[Limojon de Saint Disdier, Alexandre Toussaint].
The Hermetical Triumph: or, The Victorious Philosophical Stone. A Treatise more compleat and mor intelligible than any has been yet, concerning the Hermetical Magistery. Translated from the French. To which is added, The Ancient War of the Knights. Translated from the German Original. As also, some Annotations upon the most material Points, where the two Translations differ. Done from a German Edition.
London; Printed and Sold by P. Hanet, at the Sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle, near Somerset-House in the Strand. 1723.
xxvi + 2+ 147 + 2+ 39 pages.

Other editions.
The Hermetical Triumph: Or, the Victorious Philosophical Stone... London, Printed for Thomas Harris, at the Looking-Glass and Bible, on London Bridge [n.d.]
The Hermetical Triumph: Or, the Victorious Philosophical Stone... London: Printed by F. Noble, at Otway's-Head, in St. Martin's-Court, near Leicester-Fields. 1740.
Le Triomphe Hermétique, ou La Pierre Philosophale Victorieuse. Traitté plus complet et plus intelligible, quil y en ait eu jusques ici, touchant le Magistère Hermétique. Amsterdam, Chez Henry Wetstein, 1689.
Le Triomphe Hermétique, ou La Pierre Philosophale Victorieuse... A Amsterdam, Chez Henry Wetstein, 1699.
Der Hermetische Triumph oder der Siegende Philosophische Stein, Ein Tractat völliger und verständlicher eingerichtet als einer jemals bischer gewesen, handelnde von der Hermetischen Meisterschaft, hiebevor in Französischer Sprache gedruckt, zu Amsterdam bey Heinrich Wetstein anno 1689, nunmehro gegenwärtig ins Deutche versetzt. Franckfurt und Leipsig, bey Johann Paul Krauss, 1765.

[Engraved plate opposite title page, showing two caves of the metals, with a fire burning below the Earth. Rising above this fire is a crowned flask into which the rays of the sun and moon pour, above the neck of which is a mercurial caduceus of two serpents with a double crown and surmounting this is the symbol of sulphur, crowned with a triple crown. In the heavens above are the zodiacal signs of Gemini, Taurus and Aries.]

p i-xiv To the Reader.
p xv-xxvi The Preface Of the Author of the Commentary, Translated from the French.
p [1] - [2] The General Explication of the Embleme, Translated from the French.
p1-25 The Ancient War of the Knights: Or, A Discourse between the Stone of the Philosophers, and Gold, and Mercury. Concerning the true Matter from whence those who are acquainted with the Secrets of Nature. may make the Philosophical Stone, according to the Rules of a proper Practice, and by help of Lunatick Vulacan. Composed Originally in the German Tongue by a very able Philosopher, and newly translated from the Latin into French, now from the French render'd into English.
p26-115 A Discourse between Eudoxus and Pyrophilus, upon the Ancient War of the Knights.
p116- 147 A Letter To the true Disciples of Hermes, containing Six principal Keys of the secret Philosophy.
p [1] To the Reader.
p1- 20 The Ancient War of the Knights, Being a short Alchymistical Dialogue Betwixt our Stone, Gold and Mercury, Of the true Matter, of which those who have traced Nature, do prepare the Philosopher's Stone, by Means of a due Management, with Help of Lunar Vulcan. Describ'd by an Experienc'd Philosopher. Translated from the German Original.
p21-39 Annotations Upon the most Material Passages, Where the French Translation of The Ancient War of the Knights, differs from the German Original. From a German Edition.

[This is a dialogue between Gold and the Philosophers' Stone. It begins when Gold and Mercury set out to do battle with and subdue the Stone. Gold asserts his superiority as chief of the metals and disputes the qualities of the Stone, asserting that he is only a worm swollen with poison. Both characters draw on the opinions of the ancient philosophers to support their case, and the Stone seems to win the argument. Gold becomes enraged and decides with his friend Mercury to fight the Stone but the Stone overcomes them both and swallows them up without trace.]
[The discourse between Eudoxus and Pyrophilus, is a dialogue in which these two characters discuss the nature of the philosopher's stone. Eudoxus takes the role of the more senior figure in the dialogue, responding to the questions of Pyrophilus on the nature of alchemy. To some extent it follows up on points raised in the previous dialogue between Gold and the Stone.]
[The letter to the true disciples of Hermes, is an alchemical instruction by means of six keys. The first key is that which opens the dark prison of matter in which the Sulphur is shut up. "In the caverns of the metals there is hidden, the Stone which is venerable, bright in colour, a mind sublime, and an open Sea". The second key dissolves the compound, or the Stone and begins the separation of the elements in a philosophical manner. The third key is a complex train of operations leading to the perfection of Mercury. The fourth key is the beginning of the second work, which reduces our Water into Earth. The fifth key is the fermentation of the Stone with the perfect body, to make the medicine of the third order. The sixth key teaches the multiplication of the Stone by the reiteration of the same operation. At the end of this tract, the name of the author is hidden in an anagram "Dives sicut Ardens S***".]