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P.O.N. Seminars 1992

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1992 P.O.N. (Philosophers of Nature) SEMINAR #1


Transcribed by Anthony M. House

The contents of the transcription offered here were presented by L.P.N. France from October 1st - 4th, 1992. As a hard copy it's intended to facilitate the scope and approach of the seminar by illustrating and printing the extent of the philosophy and theory lectures shared by L.P.N. France. Please note that the practical demonstrations should be observed not read, so those segments were not replicated. Watch them to learn the technique.

Preparation of this transcript proved once again that technicalities of recording such events are demanding, therefore, subjective to the ear. As you'll discover by reading this document, parts of sentences appear to be missing, while other words are in parenthesis connoting the transcriber's notion in the context of the sentence or paragraph.

Thus: 3 to 5 or more dashes ----- symbolizes perhaps several words missing that were either difficult to hear or undistinguishable, mainly because of heavy French accent of the translator(s), microphone problems, or outside noise.

Words appearing with parenthesis ( ?) or ( ) with a question mark or without, mean that it sounds like that word but not sure. When an orator points to the wall or screen there are various instances where a close-up would have been desired, however, this was not the case every time. So, the accuracy of the transcriber on these indications will be understandably subjective at best. Perhaps with some astute viewing, you the reader can glean the point and make the connection.

One last thing, the booklet of handouts, including illustrations and graphs supplied by L.P.N. France during the seminar is included, interspersed among the transcribed article. In some places it repeats itself, but overall it enhances the oral teaching and allows access to some information not presented orally.

Besides, quoting Jean Dubuis "I just make the lectures when I'm inspired, with direct contact, and when I cannot follow the programs of the earth." For the rest, it's only the written word, which can never fully express the Ineffable Voice of the wise Grandfather.


Anthony M. House C.H.

Seattle, Washington

April 1993