John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - BibliographyBack to main page of Course.Suggested Readings
Albertus, Frater Alchemical Laboratory Bulletins 1960 - 1972 Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus Research Society. Albertus, Frater Essentia Magazine Winter 1980 - Fall 1983 Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus College Albertus, Frater Gently I Answered and Said. Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus Research Society. Albertus, Frater Parachemy Magazine 1973 - 1979 Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus Research Society. Albertus, Frater The Alchemist Handbook Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus Research Society, 1974 Albertus, Frater The Alchemist of the Rocky Mountains Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus research Society 1976. Albertus, Frater The Seven Rays of the QBL York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1985. Albertus, Frater From "One to Ten" Salt lake City, Utah: Paracelsus Research Society 1966 Babbitt, Edwin S. The Principles of Light and Color Citadel Press 1967. Barbault, Armand Gold of A Thousand Mornings. Robin Campbell. London: Neville Spearman, 1975. Bardon, Franz Initiation into Hermetics Dieter Ruggeberg 1981. Bardon, Franz The Key to the True Quabbalah Published by Dieter Ruggeberg 1986 Bardon, Franz: The Practice of Magical Evocation Dieter Ruggeberg 1984. Bardon, Franz: Frabato the Magician Dieter Ruggeberg 1982. Baron, Urbigerus The Golden Manuscripts "Circulatum Urbigerus" Para Publishing Inc. 1973. Cockren, A. Alchemy Rediscoverd and Restored Mokelumme Hill, CA.: Health Research 1963. Culpeper, Nicholas: Culpeper's Complete Herbal Chartwell Books, Inc. 1985. Fortune, Dion The Mystical Qabalah York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1984. French, John: The Art of Distillation Para Publishing 1978. Fulcanelli Master Alchemist Le Mystere des Cathedrales Mary Swoder Brotherhood of Life 1984. Fyfe, Agnes Moon and Plant Capillary Dynamic Studies Society for Cancer Research 1975. George, Llewellyn: The All New A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator Llewellyn Publications Gerber, Richard Vibrational Medicine Sante Fe, N.N.: Bear and Company 1988. Gluber, Valentine and others: A Compendium of Alchemical Processes York Beach, Main: Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1981. Grieve Mrs. M : A Modern Herbal in Two Volumes Neew York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1971. Grossinger, Richard The Alchemical Tradition in the Late Twentieth Century North Atlantic Books 1979. Hartman, Franz: The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th & 17th Centuries Occult Publishing Company 1969. Ingalese, Richard: The Golden Manuscripts "They Made the Philosophers Stone" Para Publishing Co, Inc. 1973. Junius, Manfred M.: Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy Inner Traditions International Ltd. 1985 Kaplan, Aryeh: Sefer Yetzirah The book of Creation York Beach, Main: Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1990 Kolisko, L. Gold and the Sun. The Total Eclipse of the Sun 20 May 1947 The Anthroposophic Press 1947. Kolisko, L. The Moon and the Growth of Plants Anthroposophical Agricultural Foundation 1936. Lacinius Janus The New Pearl of Great Price London England: Vincent Stuart LTD. 1963. Lust, John The Herb Book Bantam Books 1974. Mclean, Adam: A Commentary on the Mutus Liber Adam Mclean 1982. Pfeiffer Ehrenfried: Sensitive Crystallization Processes A Demonstration of Formative Forces in the Blood Anthroposophic Press 1975 Philalethis, Eirenaeus and others: Collectanea Chemica London England: Vincent Stuart LTD. 1963. Rulandus, Martinus: A Lexicon of Alchemy York Beach, Main: Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1984. Synesius: The Golden Manuscripts The True Book of the Learned Synesius Para Publishing Co, Inc. 1973. Valentinus, Basilus: The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony With a commentary by Theodore Kerckringius London England: Vincent Stuart LTD. 1962. Volpierre: The Golden Manuscripts The Hermetic Art Para Publishing Co, Inc. 1974. Waite, Arthur Edward: The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus in Two Volumes James Elliot and Company 1894. |