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Ferguson Manuscripts 300 - 338

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MS. 301.
252 pages. 230x186mm. 18th Century. In French.
The 9th Treatise of Starkey, or attributed to him.
Neuvieme Traité. Contenant toutes les opérationes qui se font sur le [Alchemical symbol] qui est le 3eme sel de nature, on plutot le 3eme corps dans lequel l'esprit universel se détermine à la métallique.
[51 articles with many alchemical receipts.]
[4 pages wanting 243-246.]
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal label on front with "No 118". Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 307, 312, 327, 331 and 332.]

MS. 302.
18 folios. 210x168mm. 18th Century. In French.
Urbigerus, Traites sur toute le Philosophie demonstrative 1694.
f2-3 [Dedication beginning ]: "Tu Serenissime Monseigneur Jean Guillaume Comte Palatin du Rhin".
f3 [At bottom]: "Le Baron d'Urbigerus, Dusseldorf le 4 Mais 1694".
f4-6 [Blank.]
f7-18 Abregé de toute la Philosophie Demonstrative Particulaire. Seconde partie. [Another part of this manuscript copy is found in MS. 295].
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal label on front with "No 2" and on f1 labelled "No 26". Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 307, 312, 327, 331 and 332.]

MS. 303.
6 folios. 206x166mm. 19th Century. In English.
The revolt of the Daughters.
[Signed at end]: "Pterodactyl".
[Essay on position of women in society, of no alchemical interest.]

MS. 304.
23 folios. 191x129mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
f1-16 Arnaldi Villanovani Magisterium et Gaudium, ad Inclytum Regem Aragonum quod quidem est Flos Florum, Thesaurus omnium incomparabilis et Margarita, in quo reperitur veri compositio, et perfectio elixir, tam ad album, quod ad rubeum componendum, videlicet ad solem et lunam sub compendio declaratum.
f17-19 Ex Morieno Basiliae 1572.
[Notes with references to chapters of printed book, probably Auriferae Artis, Basel 1572.]
f20-22. Ex libro secretor. Calid.
f23. Ex Rosario Arnaldi de proiectione cap: 31. pag: 296.

MS. 305. [Three items.]
Item 1. 40 folios. 236x192mm. 18th Century. In English.
Oriental Science or Elementary Philosophy demonstrated by Claudius Ptolemy. With the Notes and Observations of Proclus, Melancthon, methodized and arranged by Ebenezar Sibly, M.D. 1795.
Claudius Ptolomy together with the Arabian authors or the Doctrine of Nativities arranged by Andrew Argol Professor of the Mathematical Sciences in the Patavincian Patavinum Lyceum under the auspices of the most illustrious Knightly order of Senators. To which is added the calculation of the nativity of E. Sibly according to the canons of Placidus de Titus 1795. [Incomplete and the nativity is not included.]
[Dated on folio 3]: "began to write Preface Saturday Nov 14: 1795. 8.30 P.M."
Item 2. 14 folios. 218x168mm. 18th Century. In English.
Astronomy and Astrology according to M. Manilius.
[In the hand of Ebenezar Sibly.]
Item 3. 8 folios. 256x194mm. 18th Century. In English.
Philadelphia or Brotherly Love. By Eyreneus Philoctetes, Printed 1694. An Extract with Notes in Manuscript.
f1 Crumbs gathered as they fell from the Hermetic Table at Sophia's Feast in the Palace of the King, by Ebenezar Sibly M.D.
[In the hand of Ebenezar Sibly.]

MS. 306.
12 folios. 260x188mm. 18th Century. In Latin.
[22 full page crudely executed line drawings of alchemical process with labels and short pieces of text in Latin.]
[For other copies of this work see British Library MS. Sloane 1316, Biblioteca Medicinae-Laurenziana, Florence, MS. Ashburnham 1166, and MS. 123 in collection of Manly Palmer Hall ascribed to Claudio de Dominico Celentano de Vallis Novi, Naples 1606. Another copy of this work is in MS. 333, which is however of much finer execution, has a more complete text, and the images are in a different order.]

MS. 307. [Three items.]
Item 1. 12 folios. 197x156mm. 18th Century. In French.
Des quatres operations de l'oeuvre par Dryathés.
Item 2. 12 folios. 233x187mm. 18th Century. In French.
Le traité de Philalethes. Les 7 Regimes du l'oeuvre. De premier Regime de l'oeuvre qui est Celuy du Mercure Philosophique.
Item 3. 6 folios. 218x170mm. 18th Century. In French.
Diverses operations du Livre de la Nature.
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal labels on front. Item 1 with "No 27", Item 2 "No 112", Item 3 "No 31" . Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298,299, 300, 301, 302, 312, 327, 331 and 332.]

MS. 308. [Three items.]
Item 1. 8 folios. 212x148mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Ex libro Vade Mecum de Numero philosophorum sive Clavicula, Testamenti, aut Codicillus Magistri Raimundi Lullii ad Adoardum [Edward] Regem Angliae.
Item 2. 8 folios. 203x140mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Ad notationes decerpte, ex libro Lucerna Salis Philosophorum.
Item 3. 8 folios. 206x145mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Ex Arcana Hermetice Philosophie Opus Auctoris Anonymi. Penes nos unda Tagi [i.e. Jean d'Espagnet].
[Notes from some of the sections of Jean d'Espagnet, Arcanum Hermeticae Philosophae Opus, 1638.]

MS. 309.
22 folios. 205x155mm. 18th Century. In English.
Panacea Opt[ ] Herculeum Arcanum.
[145 Medical and alchemical receipts, together with a list of remedies.]

MS. 310.
39 folios. 196x165mm. 18th Century. In English.
f1-15 [Imperfect treatise on Astrological medicine. Begins on a page numbered 63 "...with cold humours. But particularly they who are described by human figures, whether they consist of those in the Zodiac..."]
f16-39 The 4th Book of Ptolemy.
[This is in the handwriting of Ebenezar Sibly. Dated at end "Sunday Oct 25 1795".]

MS. 311. [Five items.]
Dr Bacstrom's Annotations on a MS. in folio entitled Alchimy, etc.
Item 1. 2 folios. 199x160mm. 19th Century. In English.
Translation of an old manuscript scrap in Latin, without name or date. Translated Jan 19. 1807.
Item 2. 2 folios. 199x158mm. 19th Century. In English.
Explication of the Drawing. [Which is not included in this MS.]
Item 3. 2 folios. 204x163mm. 19th Century. In German.
Process von T. Grosman.
Item 4. 1 folio. 210x165mm. 19th Century. In English.
A Particular Labour communicated to S.M. Belisario by the Jerusalem Rabby Isaac Calvo, and which was communicated to Calvo by a Rabby at Constantinople. The process was written in good old hebrew with points.
Item 5. 12 folios. 212x170mm. 19th Century. In English.
f1 Crocus Metallorum Rulandi ex . Bate's Dispensatory by Salmon. p.422.
f2-12 Annotations or Remarks on some good processes contained in a large folio Ms whose Title is Alchemy.

MS. 312.
In five notebooks 14+12+22+12+14 folios. 242x187mm. 18th Century. In French.
[Unidentified alchemical tract, possibly an extract from a work of Basil Valentine.]
[The notebooks are described on the outer thin paper cover as Nos. 1-5 "of some great work", however the work is incomplete at the beginning, and the original numbering 2-7 is on the top left of the first folio of each notebook. Notebook 3 contains as a second signature a section out of sequence numbered "7".]
[The text begins someway into chapter 1 of the work, with "La Seconde Clef mais remarque mon amy et prend cette chose a coeur comme tres importante..."]
[On f11 of the second notebook a new section opens with "Quatrieme partié du testament du frere Bazil Valentin de l'ordre dun Benoit..."]
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal labels numbered 54-58 on front. Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307, 327, 331 and 332.]

MS. 313.
7 folios. 325x204mm (f1-2), 203x127mm (f3-7). 19th Century. [c.1880]. In English.
[List of rare books on witchcraft, etc, drawn up by Miss Millard, a bookseller.]
[Loose leaves stapled together at top left.]

MS. 314. [Six items.]
[Notes from various alchemical works by Sigismund Bacstrom in a series of 6 similarly bound volumes.]
Item 1. 32 folios. 208x166mm. 18th Century. Mostly in German but some in English.
[Notes from the following works]: Ettmuller/ Hamburger (1686)/ Bate's Dispensory/ Brandende salamander/ G. Rothe Chymie/ Digby's physical receipts [in English]/ Kerkringius/ Kesler's Chym: processe/ Basilius (1694)/ Zimara/ Curiöses Laboratorium process.
[See Lancilotti, Carlo De brandende salamander, ofte ontleedinge der chymicale stoffen..., Amsterdam, 1680, which was issued in German in the following year with the title Der brennende Salamander, oder Zerlegung, der zu der Chimie gehörigen Materien..., Frankfurt, 1681.]
Item 2. 30 folios. 228x185mm. 18th Century. Mostly in German but some in English.
[Notes from the following works]: Hodogeticus chymicus [...]Poppium/ Alexander von Suchten mysteria 1613/ Dr French Arts of Distillation/ Monte Snyder.
Item 3. 26 folios. 215x170mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Notes from the following works]: Urbigerus/ Becheri Chym: Concordante/ Hamburger/ Mariae Prophetissae Practica cum lapide dulci/ Experimenta/ Experimente Becker/ Experimente Hepar / De la Brie/ Ludus Puerorum Arnaldo de Villa Nova.
Item 4. 60 folios. 191x160mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Notes from the following works]: Experimenta [ ] Borax und D. Beuther/ Phoebus und Python/ Eschenreuters processe in Basilii Valentine/ Glauber/ Le Febure/ Corallen Tinctur/ Hadriani Mynsicht/ Pyrophorus Glauber/ Z.V. Wiedenbruck Combach.
Item 5. 66 folios. 208x162mm. 18th Century. In English and some in German.
[Notes from the following works]: Basilii Valentini/ Some good hints from a book called Jehor or the day dawning/ De la Brie process/ Baron de Tabor process upon Antimony/ Nebuchadnezar/ The spiritual sense of Hadamah by S.B./ King Hiram's Ship explained by J.B./ Ali-Puli on the regenerated salt of Nature/ Pyrophoros of Mr Jones/ Isaac Calvo/ Monte Raphaim.
Item 6. 34 folios. 198x160mm. 18th Century. In German and English.
[Notes from the following works]: Dialogue et procedé de Mons De La Brie/ De Cygno philosophico/ T. Hausens processe/ Wolframs process ii/ Medicinalia Vatia/ Abracad:/ Weigenknecht process/ Lutum for a furnace/ Cements for broken Glasses.

MS 315.
20+20+16+16+14+18+18+18+20+20+20+20+18+18+20+40(25 blank)+20(16 blank)+16+16+16+16+16+16 folios. 205x167mm (number 16 231x187mm). Late 19th Century. Mostly in German but some sections in Latin.
[A series of 23 uniform notebooks of Eduard Schubert consisting of bibliographical notes on Paracelus together with extracts from some works of Paracelsus and related alchemical material.]

MS. 316.
38 folios (23 blank). 147x84mm. 19th Century. In German.
[Notebook of Eduard Schubert.]
[List of books relevant to a study of Paracelsus in the Bibliothequé Imperialé and other libraries, together with other bibliographical notes on Paracelsus.]

MS. 317.
40 folios (11 blank) + 38 folios (11 blank). 235x190mm. 19th Century. In German.
[Two notebooks of Eduard Schubert.]
[Bibliographical notes on Paracelsus and other alchemical writers.]

MS. 318.
54 folios. 204x130mm. 19th Century. In Romany and English.
Vocabulary of Romany words collected from various books. 1859. John Purves.
[A Romany to English dictionary with references to the sources from which these were taken.]

MS. 319.
48 folios. 165x103mm. 18th Century. In German.
f1-29 [Imperfect at beginning, the first signature seems to be missing. Begins in middle of chapter 4 and continues to end at Chapter 10. Unidentified text in German but with Chapter headings in Latin.]
Ch V "Quid sit proprie Quinta Essentia".
Ch VI De Igne Philosophico seu Menstruo solvente aut liquore nostro Alkahest.
Ch VII An Menstruum solvens sit corrosivum.
Ch VIII De Practica Lapidis.
Ch IX De augmentatione Lapidis Benedicti.
Ch X De Usu Lapidis Medico interno e externo.
f30-45 Das Grab der Semiramidis hermetisch versielgelt... Erstlich Anno 1674...
[10 chapters in German with Latin chapter headings. See D, H.V. Tumba Semiramidis hermeticè sigillata, 1674. Also, D, H.V. The Tomb of Semiramis hermetically sealed, London, n.d.]
f45-48 [Blank.]

MS. 320. [Six Items.]
Item 1. 148 folios. Different sizes. 19th Century. In German.
[Bundle of bibliographical and biographical notes on Paracelsus, together with some of Dr Eduard Schubert's correspondence with bookdealers, etc.]
Item 2. 12 folios. 350x255mm. 19th Century.
[Printed pages 82-194 from the British Museum catalogue of printed books, with the entries under Bombastus von Hohenheim... called Paracelsus, annotated with marginal notes.]
Item 3. 48 folios 161x100mm. 19th Century. In German.
[Notebook with notes by Schubert on Paracelsus.]
Item 4. 302 folios (1-172 sewn in signatures). 210x165 (approx)+15 small notes on printed cards etc. 19th Century. In German and Latin.
[Bundle of papers in leather pouch constituing bibliographic and biographical notes on Paracelsus.]
Item 5. 21 loose folios + 6 folios in signature. 19th Century. In English, German, some French.
[Notes on alchemy, with some extracts from treatises].
[There is a piece by Bacstrom here, which seems to relate to the contents of MS. 22.]
Item 6. 695 folios (record cards). 174x105mm. 19th Century.
[Catalogue of Titles of Alchemical and Hermetic books mainly from Paracelsus. These would seem to be the record cards of Dr Schubert's Library.]
[Dr Eduard Schubert (1822-1892) assembled the most complete collection ever formed of the writings of Paracelsus. After his death his Library was sold in 1893 in London. Ferguson seems to have acquired many of the items including Schubert's own research notes. See Bibliography of the Paracelsus Library of the Late E. Schubert M.D. ... to be sold by William Wesley & Son... London, 1893.]

MS. 321.
Item 1. 28 folios. Various formats. 19th Century. In English and French.
[Correspondence and newspaper cuttings on Egyptian archaeological excavations in 1877-78, involving Dr F. Mook, Dr W. Reil.]
Item 2. 8 folios. 200x163mm. 18th Century. In German.
Experimenta von der Vorbereitung des Mercurii der Weisen zum Stein durch denn Regulum Martis Antimoniatum et Lunam.
Item 3. 16 folios. 197x156mm. 18th Century. In German.
Vademecum Philosophicum.
Item 4. 10 folios. 205x165mm. 18th Century. In German.
Aureus Ignis ex quo Perennis vitae et necis emicat Lampas. Lebens und Thodes Leuchte.
Item 5. 30 folios. 179x156mm. 18th Century. In German.
f1-13 Gott und Warheit liebendes Seelen gemischte.
f14-27 Gott ergebener Jesus liebender, und Christlicher Weissheit begieriger.
[7 small circular drawings 35mm in diameter on vellum tipped into the text.]
Item 6. 6 folios. 204x165mm. 18th Century. In German.
Testamentum Cremeri Abbatis Westmonasteriensis Angli, Ordinis Benedicti. D. Michaelis Mayeri... Authorem...
Item 7. 16 folios. 208x170mm. 19th Century. In German.
[Translation into German of extracts from Heinrich Khunrath, Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae, Hanoviae, 1609.]
Item 8. 24 folios. 135x75mm. 18th Century. In German.
Sonderbarer Anhang bey dem Probier Stein der güldenen Natur... Setrimonte communiciert Johann-August.
Item 9. 107 folios. 168x113mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Recipes, notes and extracts from unidentified alchemical works. In disbound folios and on small scraps of paper.]
Item 10. 96 folios. 197x163mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Translation into German of Michael Maier, Atalanta fugiens, Oppenheimii 1617, 1618. This translation does not include the musical scores, nor copies of the emblems from the printed book, though a space is left in the text for the emblems.]
Item 11. 94 folios. 150x95mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Series of recipes and extracts from unidentified work on alchemy.]
Item 12. 24+32+27+8+40+16+51+8+24+16+39+11+1+1+48 folios. 200x158mm. 18th Century. In German.
[Notes and unidentified extracts from alchemical works. Disbound signatures and individual sheets.]

MS. 322.
[10 items in various formats, 17th and 18th Centuries, some with a number of individual parts.]
Item 1. 6 folios. In Italian.
f1-4 Observatio in Marchasitas.
f5-6 Liber de Alchemia.
Item 2. 13 folios. In Latin.
Praxis Miscellanea Chemicae Romae.
13 folios.
Item 3. 14 folios. 17th Century. In English.
A Curious Collection of Receipts.
Item 4. 38 folios. 17th Century. In English.
[Alchemical notebook of experiments conducted during the period December 4th, 1687 till December 7th 1689. Much of this involves notes on hints given the writer by Sir Joseph *** of Loughton. Apart from the diary entries there are other notes on alchemical experiments.]
Item 5. 2 folios. 17th Century. In German.
Anno 1667 den 1 Maij H:Brig: R:Vogt. [Receipts.]
Item 6. 2 folios. 17th Century. In Latin.
[Alchemical notes.] De sale. De Elixir. De Materia Solvenda.
Item 7. 8 folios. In French.
[Alchemical receipts.]
Item 8. 3 folios. 17th Century. In English.
[50 numbered paragraphs of notes on alchemical substances and recipes. See MS. 274 which is in same hand.]
Item 9. 13 folios. In Latin.
At top of f1. "P. Saunders 1606".
f1 Anima Saturni. [Recipes in Latin.]
f1v-f3r Ex libro secretorum de la signora Isabella Cortese.
[In Italian.]
f3r-3v Ex quodae Libro manuscripto ubi est etiam tractatus Nicolas comitis et aliorum. [Alchemical Notes in Latin.]
f4-13 Ex Libro manuscripto ubi erat Medulla Riplaii, et commentarius in Hermetem et Aristotelis, et alia.
[At end] : "Soli Deo omnis honor, laus, & Gloria, nunc et in omne aevum, Amen, 1572, January 26".
Item 10. 8 unbound folios. In English.
[Alchemical notes. One folio is dated at top "Tuesday Novr. 1st. 1808".]

MS. 323.
12 folios. 294x198mm. 16th Century. In English.
f1 [Receipts for bruised blood, sores, etc.]
f1v [Diagram of "arbor radicis elementalis".]
f2 The first distinction of the letters of the alphabeta of Raymond Lullye.
f5 [Alchemical verses.]
[Begins]: "Coitus: There is a well in slyme
whose serpent is hyd therein"
[At end f12]: "The End of the Theoricke".

MS. 324.
5 folios (thick card). 320x234mm. 19th Century.
[Five large symbolic drawings in watercolour.]
[Figure 1. Green Lion devouring Sun. In ornate yellow gold circular frame.]
[Figure 2. Severed hand with sigils of planetary archangels on the fingers and palm. Ornate frame not completed but sketched in pencil.]
[Figure 3. Male and female being wedded by Mercurius-Bishop, as in the sixth of Basil Valentine's Twelve Keys. Ornate frame not completed.]
[Figure 4. Death in form of skeleton, with target in background, and corpse and crow, with skulls labelled Salt, Sulphur, Mercury. Moon eclipsing Sun in the heavens. In ornate frame Echoes the symbolism of the eighth of Basil Valentine's Twelve Keys.]
[Figure 5. Man standing in form of pentacle, bearing symbols for Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter on the limbs, which have the corresponding planetary colours. The figure, who is crowned also stands on the Sun and Moon, and has Mercury symbol in many colours, crowned and on a disc, at his navel. Two fumes come from his mouth one labelled Salt the other Sulphur.]

MS 325.
12 folios. 335x226mm. 18th Century. In French.
La Livre hermetique ou l'harmonie des philosophes.
[768 numbered lines of verse.]
[At end]: "Sur un traité de l'oeuvre hermetique qui correspond aux susdits 768 vers et dessus intitule testament Solaire qui ma esté envoye de Leyden parun amy de coeur le 4 Septembre 1736 qu'on [...] estre fait par paracelse mais auparaument il sera mis icy le veau d'or de Mr Helvecieux qui y correspond."
f1r [Layout of alchemical symbols under the title "Agence hermetiques", consisting of some printed engravings of retorts pasted down on the folio together with pen drawings of the symbols of the four elements, Mercury and the seven planets set in a hexagram within the circle of the zodiac signs.]

MS. 326.
Item 1. 12 folios. 296x225mm. 18th Century. In French and Latin.
Solidonius Dominator Elementorum Autor rarissimus et excellentissimus. Cet Auteur est entier et il est tres rares.
Ce qui est en quelques endroits de ce livre figure de caracteres non communs, est un chiffre qui a esté de chiffré par un amy et de puis transcrit au net avec l'alphabet mis a la fin du livre sur la copie de M Prudhomme.
[Latin and French translation in parallel.]
[18 full page watercolour drawings in the text. See Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal MS. 973 Solidonius, Figurarum Aegyptiorum Secretarum, Bibliothèque Nationale MS. Français 14765, Livre des figures hiéroglyphiques, and M.P. Hall MS. 216. See also C.G. Jung, Psychology and Alchemy and Mysterium Coniunctionis where he illustrates a similar manuscript in his own collection.]
[See also MSS. 130 and 220.]
Item 2. 4 folios. 233x178mm. 18th/19th Century. In French.
[Short description of three manuscripts, together with detailed description over 3 folios of a fourth manuscript. No sources are given for these manuscripts.]

MS. 327.
28 folios. 350x235mm. 18th Century. In French.
f1-2 [Notes.]
[On f1.] "A Mr Gerome Castelnove a la Tete Noire a Lauderman".
f3-18 [Alchemical Journal covering the period 11th June 1752 to 20th September 1752. With 31 small pen drawings of alchemical apparatus, flasks, furnaces etc in margins.]
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal labels on front. Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307, 312, 331, and 332.]
[On cover]: "No 119 a very fine MS in which the whole process of transmutation is given at length with drawings of all the instruments used."
f18-28 Recette des remedes de M Jeanne Stephena pour Guereu la prere la gravelle.

MS 328.
20 folios. 358x240mm. 18th Century. In French.
Dialogue de l'art Chimique Chrysophile Theophraste.
[In same hand and format as MS. 329 and 330.]

MS. 329.
16 folios. 365x245mm. 18th Century. In French.
Discourze. Dans le quel on fait connoitre que La Chimie est veritablement une science tres certainne et solide, et que les remedes quon emprunte d'elle sont parconsequent tres assures dans lequel on refute et condamne le sentiment de ceux qui les des aprouvement.
[In same hand and format as MS. 328 and 330.]

MS 330.
8 folios. 356x244mm. 18th Century. In French.
Le Miroir d'Alchimie du tres docte Roger Bacon.
[In same hand and format as MS. 328 and 329.]
[There is an early printed French translation of Le Miroir d'alquimie... traduict... par un gentilhomme du Dauphiné, le Guillaume Rabot, Lyon 1557.]

MS. 331.
26 folios. 342x220mm. 18th Century. In French.
[On cover]: "French Manuscript intitled 'The Dragon' choice recueil of the Philosophers, on Transmutation."
f1 Discours Préliminaire.
f4 Suit La Concordance... Lauthour hebreu qui a pour libre la maison de Melkissadech.
f9 Concordance Phisico-Mitho-Cabalo-hermetique.
f15 Analise du mercure mithologiste.
f17 Texte d'Emeraude d'Hermé Trismegiste.
f18 Interprétation La table d'Emeraude. qui Est une pierre Verte. [Hortulanus?]
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal labels on front, numbered "86". Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298,299, 300, 301, 302, 307, 312, 327 and 332.]

MS. 332.
20 folios. 320x193mm. 18th Century. In French.
Le Texte d'alchimie et le Songe verd a Parise Chez laurent D'Houry rue Saint Jacques devant La fontaine St Severin au St Esprit. 1695. avec privilege du Roy.
[See Jean Maguin Richebourg de Bibliotheque des Philosophes Chimiques, Paris, 1790. Vol II, p437.]
[On cover]: "Le texte d'Alchymie et 'le Songe Vert' a Paris 1695. A very beautiful manuscript, entitled the Text of Alchemy et 'the Green Dream' in which the secrets of nature are unfolded."
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal labels on front, numbered "102". Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307, 312, 327 and 331.]
[Octagonal label no "102".]
[f1 has pen drawing in an upright rectangle. A Mercury symbol is set within a triangle, which is circumscribed by a circle set in a square. Above this are interlaced triangles with a sun disc bearing a face. Some short phrases in Latin. This is possibly a rough copy of a title page or frontispiece illustration from the printed edition from which this manuscript is copied.]

MS. 333.
Item 1. 32 folios. 265x219mm. 18th Century in Latin with some Italian.
f1-32 (numbered 95-126) [26 full page pen drawings.]
[For other copies of this work see British Library MS . Sloane 1316, Biblioteca Medicinae-Laurenziana, Florence, MS. Ashburnham 1166, and MS. 123 in collection of Manly Palmer Hall ascribed to Claudio de Dominico Celentano de Vallis Novi, Naples 1606. Another copy of this work is in MS. 306.]
Item 2. 67 folios.(numbered 127-193) 270x219mm. 18th Century. In Latin and Italian.
Contradictoria Disceptatio in indigatione Hermetici Magistrii per Episolas inter Pamphilum et Pancratium ut sine [inv]idia Deteguntur aperte Materia et Ignis Sine Istum Arcanum ab Anonymus Auctore in Lucem...[in various sections and different hands.]
Item 3. 12 folios. (numbered 194-205). 18th Century. In Latin with a short section in Italian.
f1 Falx in Bifolium. Processus contra Examen Alchimisticum. Tumulatio Tumuli Hermetici Pantaleonis ab Anonimo Auctore edita in comodum Filiorum Artis ut Caveant ab eiusdem iactabundi Pantaleonis interpellatis erroribus et imposturis.
[See Pantaleon Bifolium Metallicum in Manget, Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa 1702, Vol II, p718, Examen Alchimisticum, op. cit. Vol II, p736, and Noribergae, 1676, Disceptatio de lapide physico, in qua Tumbam Semiramidis, op. cit. Vol II. p744.]
f11-12 [Two tables analysing some alchemical terms.]
Item 4. 20 folios (numbered 206-225). 292x206mm. 18th Century. In Italian and Latin.
[Notes and extracts from various unidentified alchemical works.]
Item 5. 12 folios. 280x208mm. 18th Century. In Latin.
Non Plus Ultra Veritatis. Hoc est Scrutiniun Scientiae Hermeticae Sine Invidia brevis libellus Francisci Sebastiani Fulvi Melvolodemet...
[See Hermetisches A.B.C. derer ächten Weisen alter und neuer Zeiten vom Stein der Weisen..., Berlin 1778, Vol II. p. 269. Also included in the appendix to Georg von Welling, Opus Mago-Caballisticum et Theosophicum, p.556.]
[All five items were originally bound together but have now become separated.]

MS. 334.
176 folios. 322x208mm. 18th Century. In German.
Der BaV(I)M [Baumm] des DreIfaChen Wissens Nemblich Wie Man mit Godt Magisch im LIChte (I)agIsCh Mit den EngeLn durch ein Wunderbahres LIebe [Feuer] CabaLIstIsCh und mit der NatVr durch den SaLtz bVnDs PhILosophIsCh KVnstLICh reden soll, Nunmehr nach dem Fall aufwachsend aus dem Ba(I)M der erKäntnVs Böses und GVTTEs Bringende die frucht des Lebens am BaV(I) des CREITZES. Zeigende dehnen Heiden, wie sie Godt durch die NatVr und ihre Werke, wie auch durch die in ihr gegründete Künste, sie in die Bibel zu den Revelationibus Divinis, als zur Erkenntniß des wahren Gottes und seines Willens weiset. Denen Juden und Christen aber wird darinnen angezeiget, wie die revelationes divinae in der Bibel solch zu den Werken und Künsten der Natur von Gott eingeschaffen weisen...
[The roman numbers form a chronogram (I)=M=1000.]
[Figure 1. Crucifixion with vine growing around the cross. Below is a skull with snake entwining its body through the eye sockets.]
[Figure 2. A plant grows out of a stone.]
[Figure 3. Two philosophers are seen in a flask. One is seated with a book bearing seven seals linked to the planets.]
f13 [3 small diagrams in the margins.]
[Spaces are left in the text for a further set of figures 4-44.]
f133v "...Medicinalischen Basiliscum [...] magische Speculum Rhodostauroticum..."
[This seems to be a copy of another manuscript or printed book, as notes of various page numbers are mentioned in the margins of the text. The margins also contain many references to biblical texts.]
[Incomplete. Breaks off after the space left for illustration 44.]

MS. 335.
198 folios. 241x188mm. 18th Century. In French.
Medulla Chymicae à Jo. Franc. Vigani.
[See Giovanni Francesco Vigani Medulla Chemicae, Gedani, 1682 (and later editions London, 1685, 1688, Leiden 1693, Nurnberg 1718).]
[See MSS. 62 and 165 for other works by Vigani.]

MS. 336.
6 folios. 210x167mm. 18th Century. In Latin.
Oratio Salomonis Regis petentis a Deo Sapientiam habita, Christopho Friderico Benjamine Kauffmann, Cüstrinensi Neo Marchico. die 26 Augusti MDCCXXIX.

[337] MS. Fragments.
Item 1. 1 folio. 165x40mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Notes on Alchemy in narrow column. The name " Paracelso" is mentioned.]
Item 2. 3 folios. 200x133mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Notes on Alchemy.]
Item 3. 26 folios. 203x144mm. 18th Century. In Latin with one section in Italian.
f1-5 [Excerpts in Latin from Theatrum Chemicum Vol 5 pages 567 to 794 or manuscript.]
f7-17 [Notes from various tracts in Latin on alchemy including a copy of the Tabula Smaragdina.]
f19-24 Adnotationes excerptes ex Dialogo Demogorgonis et Geberi.
f25-26 [Verse in Italian on Alchemy.]
Item 4. 56 folios (20 blank). 192x135mm. 19th Century. In French.
f1-56 [Notes in the collection of Dr E. Schubert, from various works of Paracelsus including '10me Livre des archidoxes de paracelse', 'De Generatione'.]
Item 5. 1 folio. 202x135mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[List of titles of sections of a book or manuscript, under 6 " Divisiones".]
Item 6. 28 folios. 199x156mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
[Unidentified work, which contains a number of lists of herbs, minerals, aromatic gums, etc.]
[Begins]: "Canon in quo continentur scientia ad extrahendum quintam essentiam..."
Item 7. 1 folio. 260x183mm. 18th or 19th Century. In German.
[This appears to be a copy of a text, presented in the form of a letter, on Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, dated at end 29 Sept 1553.]
Item 8. 4 folios. 208x162mm. 18th Century. In English.
[Extracts apparently from from Gabriel Plattes A Discovery of Subterranean Treasure..., London, 1639.]
Item 9. 8 folios. 247x189mm and 190x123mm. 19th Century. In French.
[Notes on Geomancy, with some tables and diagrams.]

[338] MS. addition to printed book Ferguson Am-b.9.
Petrus Severinus. Idea medicinæ philosophicæ, fundamenta continens totius doctrinæ Paracelsiæ, Hippocraticæ, et Galenicæ. Basileae, ex officina Sixti Henricpetri, 1571.
314 pages. Paper. 16th Century. In Latin and German.
p1-21 B. G. Londrada a Portu, Aquitanvus in librum experimentorum Paracelsicorum, praefatio apologetica: in qua probatur, aegrorum corpora seminibus morborum referta sine metallicis medicamentis vix sanari posse contra quorundam virorum scripta neoantium metalla quoquo modo parentur humana naturae prodesse.
p23-49 Philippi Theophrasti Paracelsi Philosophi summi et utriusque medicinæ Doctoris præstantissimi 115 experimenta curationesque sua propria manu Germania lingua conscripta quæ Conradus Steinberg illius famulus inter alias Paracelsi schedulas invenit.
p51-72 Regulae seu Canones aliquot Philosophici de lapide Philosophico.
p75-92 Tractatus Quorundam Particularium Quorum omnium primum est marcasitæ plumbeæ præparatio tum ad metalla tum ad humana corpora transplantanda sequitur.
p101-130 Praeparatio Aquae vittæ de qua omnes philosophi loquuntur. [Recipes and alchemical operations in German.]
p131-195 De Auro Potabili Theophrasti Paracelsi [Recipes in German.]
p197-211 Von de Krafft undt Wirkhangs auch Rechtem Nutzlichene gebrauch des perrlichen Antidoti so man Aurum Potabile nemret. [At end "Jacobus Montanus Medicinae Doctor, dess Konigsbrug... Anno Dni 1595."]
p213-234 Vom Vitrioll. Oleum Vitrioli Zubereiten.
p243-268 Tractatus de Quinta Essentia Herbarum Philippi Theophrasti ab Hohenheim. [In another hand. In German.]
p275-299 Secretum operis vegetabilis Theophrasti Paracelsi de Melle seu quinta essentia mellis. [In the second hand. In German.]
p303-314 Isaaci de Tritico. [In the second hand. In German.]