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Ferguson Manuscripts 51 - 100

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MS. 51.
62 folios. 186x146mm. 18th Century circa 1765. In English.
[An extract from a copy of Dr William Cullen's (1710-1790) private lectures upon Chemistry as applicable to Medicine. ]

MS. 52.
84 folios. 181x122mm. 17th Century, in vellum binding. In French and Latin.
f1-3r Table des choses contenues en mon petit Cayer. [Index.]
f3v-4 Explicatio quorunda vocabulum.
f4-7 [Blank.]
f7-32 Arcano ducis florentiae.
f33-47 [Alchemical notes and recipes in Latin.]
f48-51 [Alchemical notes and recipes in French.]
f52-84 [Various Alchemical notes in French, in different hand from previous section.]

MS. 53.
174 folios of which 93 are blank. 237x177mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
De Ortu Aquarum
[Notes probably from an unidentified printed book possibly by Agricola. There are marginal references to page numbers with prefix "Agr".. The initial sections are entitled "De Ortu Aquarum", "De Thermis", "De Calore humerorum subterraneorum".]
[See Georg Agricola, De Ortu et causis subterraneorum, libri V, Basel 1546.]
[Bookplate of Hopetoun.]

MS. 54.
232 folios. 248x183mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Collection of alchemical treatises in Italian, Volume 1.]
f1-65 Dell' Opera Chimica secretissima Filosofica. Libro composito dal Generosissimo signore ilsique Conte Bernardo Trevisano Conte della Marca Trevisana, e piu' La di lui risposta a Tomasso di Bologna Medico del ché delle Gallie dalla Latina lingua nell' Italiana Favella traddotto 1735.
f66-94 Altro trattatello parimenti et Filaleta [Philalethes] intitolato Breve guida, che conduce et mano al ponesso del Rubino Celeste traddotto dalla Latina lingua nell' idioma Italiano.
[See Musaeum Hermeticum, 1674, p.775-798.]
f95-110 Altro trattato parimenti [di] Filaleta entitolato Il Fonte della Filosofia Chimica.
[See Musaeum Hermeticum, 1674, p.799-815.]
f114-136 Dimmostratione della Natura fatta de essa alli Chimici erranti nel mentre che essa si Lamenta d'un sofista e stolido Spiratore e Carbonario descritta da Gioanni a Mehung e dalla lingua Latina traddotta nell' Italiana favella.
[See Musaeum Hermeticum, 1674, p.145-171.]
f137-177r Libro delle dodici Porte del dottisimo Filosofo Ingelese Giorgio Ripleo Canonico Regolare Brittlintonerve intiero non imerrato traddotto dall' Idioma Latino nella' Volgare Italiana favella L'anno 1734.
f178-184 [Blank.]
f185-224 Fedelissima, e Gioconda instruttione tradotta dalla lingua Francese nella volgar Italiana, da un Manuscritto antichissimo d'un Filosofo Francese Adepto per la quale un Padre ad un Figlio dicchiara tutte le cose che sono necessarie alla composissione della Pietra filosofica. Visie' aggionta di piu la tradduttione del sommario Filosofico del Grande filosofo Adepto Nicolao Flamello ancovesso della Gloriosa Natione Francese.
f225- 232 Trattato Breve O sia Sommario Filosofico composto da Nicolao Flamello scritto dall' Autore in Latino idioma che poi si e'traddotto in lingua Italiana l'Anno 1734.
[See Musaeum Hermeticum, 1674, p.172-180.]

MS. 55.
208 pages + 35 unnumbered folios + 165 folios + 31 folios. 248x183mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Collection of alchemical treatises in Italian, Volume 2.]
p3-50 Dottrina Filosofica Vera della generazione delli Metalli e loro Origine tradota dal Tedesco in Latino l'anno 1423. E riddotta alla volgare favella Italiana l'anno 1735.
[See Musaeum Hermeticum, 1674, p.305-322.]
p51-120 La Luce inviluppata tra le tenebre, che senza violentare la Natura sen esce, e Mischiava.
p121-126 Vera Teoria della Pietra Filosofale.
p127-208 [+ 35 unnumbered folios.] Raggio dedotta dall' Ombra Osia Ristretto Teorico della moltiplicata delli nomi con le quali li Filosofi nascondono la materia e che Cosa sia la Materia delli Filosophi Opera d'Autore incerto traddotta dal latino alla volgare favella l'Anno 1735.
f1-60r [New numbering.] Le dodici chiavi della Filosofia scritte da Basilio Valentino Religioso dell' Ordine di san Benedetto, lequali trattano della vera medicina Metallica traduzione dall' Latino nella volgare Italiana favella l'Anno 1735.
f60v-71 Ora Scieguono [sic] altre Opera del Medesimo Basilio Valentino attinenti alla scienza delli Filosofi Ermetici traddotte dalla Tedesca lingua nella Italiana favella 1735.
f72-142 Tratatto dell' Azot Osia metodo per fabbricare l'Oro pascorto delli Filosofi esposto. Per l'attenzione e la Carita che tra delli studiosi dell' Arte il Frate Basilio Valentino dell' ordine de San. Benedetto.
f142-165 Idea Perfetta della Filosofia Ermetica O sia Abbreviazione Teorica, e Prattica della Pietro Filosofica vera Augmentata di osservazioni diversi per meglio intendere li principii, e le fondamenti della Natura e della Filosofia Composta da Giovanno Colleson Priore delli' Ordine di San Benedetto e dall' Idioma Latino tradotta nell' Italiana Favella l'Anno 1734.
f1-31 [Another new numbering.] Lettera di un certo Monaco Benedittino per nome Efferrario scritta ad un certo Apostolico, nella quale si tratta del vero modo Formare la Pietra delli Filosofi traddotta dalla lingua Lattina nell' Italiana Favella l'Anno 1735.

MS. 56.
144 + 27 + 406 pages. 248x183mm. 18th Century. In Italian.
[Collection of alchemical treatises in Italian, Volume 3.]
p1-144 Disertazione della Filosofica Pietra, nella quale La Tomba di Semiramide da un certo Anonimo Fantasticamente, non Ermeticamente sigillata da don Ghebuardo Frischi si apre affineche se qual che sapiente entro d'essa rimivasse veramente vuota di quei Reggi tesori che promessi ni furono ritrovata sia. Traddotta dall idioma Latino nell' Italiana Favella l'Anno 1736.
[See Gebhard Frisch, Anatomia Alchymiae, Parmae, 1695.]
p1-27 [New numbering.] Seguitano le altre Opere di Frischi Cioe il Tumulo aperto di Cumete, Poi anco L'esame Alchimistico, indi al Biffolio Metallico e per ultimo, l'Anatomia dell'Alchimia Opere Composte dall' insigne Adepto in latino et ora traddotte da un suo scolatto nella vulgar favella 1737.
p1-115 [New numbering.] Discorso della Medicina Cattolica Composto in Tedesco Autor anonimo indi tradotto in Latino dall autore della sorti sibilline dippoi in Lingua volgare Italiana l'anno del sique 1737.
p117-209 Arcano della Ermetica Filosofia Opera Nella quale le cose occulte, che alla Pietra Filosofica appartengono tanto rigguardo alla Materia, quanto al modo di operare, ordinatamenta si Manifestano Tratato. Dell' autor Anonimo/ Espaniet/ Penes nos unda tagi.
[See Jean d'Espagnet (anagram 'Penes nos unda Tagi'), Arcanum hermeticae philosophiae opus, Paris, 1651.]
p210-211 [Line drawings of alchemical apparatus, vessels and furnaces.]
p213-406 [Alchemical notes in Italian.]

MS. 57.
28 folios. 256x191mm. 18th Century. In French and Latin.
f1-3r [Extracts in French on alchemy. Incomplete, begins with Chapter 8 and continues to chapter 11. Chapter 8 is entitled "Sa maniere de tirer l'Espirit du miel".]
f3r-20 [Continues in Latin with passages in French, following the title "Mundatio Salis Communis".]
f21-28 [Recipes in French, in different hand from previous section.]
[References to works by Ripley on f16v "Viaticum Georgii RiplÆii", and f18v "Opus valde bonum ex PiplÆii factum".]

MS. 58.
73 folios. 208x152mm. Late 16th or early 17th Century. In English, Latin, Dutch and French.
The compound of Sr George Ripley Chanon of Bridlington. Dedicated to K. Edw. ye 4th.
[Also contains a number of receipts in Latin, Dutch, French and English, and an account in English of experiments made on 20 April and 3 June, 1602.]
[See George Ripley, The compound of alchymy, London, 1591.]

MS. 59.
97 folios. 240x188mm. Late 18th or early 19th Century. In English.
The Codicil or Vade mecum of Raymund Lully that very learned Philosopher. In which the Fountains of the Alchimic art and more hidden Philosophy are most copiously laid open. The second Edition, in which innumerable places, by Collation of many Copies, are restored, and many things before omitted, supply'd. Cologn. To be had of the Heirs of Arnold Birckman 1572, with Special Grant of his Royal Majesty for ten years.
[Inscribed inside fly leaf]: "This manuscript was translated at the expense of Dr Sibley, and was never published in English."
[See Ramon Lull, Codicillus seu Vade mecum, Coloniae, 1572.]

MS. 60.
271 pages. 197x168mm. 17th Century. In German.
I[n]:N[omine]:S[acro] S[anctae]:Tr[initatis]: et ad M[aiorem]:B[eatae].V[irginis].M[ariae].G[loriam]: Praxis et Processus Der Edlen bluemen, Rubin, Rosen, und goldne Tinctur.
[Incipit]: "Recipe Erstlich des allerschönsten Goldes..."
[Recipes and notes in German on alchemical processes.]
[c.f. MS. 23 folios 116-131.]
[On spine]: "Arcana Chemica MS."

MS. 61.
188 pages. 208x160mm. 17th Century. In English.
[Book of recipes, mainly medical in nature, by Mary Harrison.]
1. To knitte a vaine; 2 For pising abed; 3 A remedy for an inward brusse; 4 For the wind and collicke; 5 For the dropsy ... etc.
[Personal notes relating to the writer are on pp. 16, 129.]
[On p1]: "1692"

MS. 62.
181 folios (of which 39 are blank). 182x120mm. 18th Century. In English.
[John Francis Vigani] Seignior Vigani's Course of chymistry at Cambridge, Coll. Regin. die Novembr. 19. 1705.
Materia medica by Seignr. Vigani
[Inscribed on binder's fly leaf]: "E libris Carol. S. Sherrington''.
[See also MSS. 165, 197 and 335.]

MS. 63.
98 folios. 174x84mm. 15th Century. In Latin.
f1-50 Incipit liber Turbe philosophorum. Arisleus philosophus. Inicium libri Turbe philosophorum. Qui dicitur Codex veritatis.
[See Singer No.1.]
f51-62 De quibusdam vegetabilibus congelativis et indurativis.
f67-71 Aliqua extracta et Practica Magistri Johannis de Nanis de Viterbo 1470.
f72-82 Liber Secretissimus secretorum Geberis de ordine in projectione aggregationis omnium corporum liquabilium purgatorum.
f83-89 Rosa Novella Magistri Arnaldi de Villa Nova 1435.
[At end f89]: "Explicit Rosa Novella Magisteri Arnoldi de Villa Nova. 1495."
f91-98 Triginta questiones Arnoldi de villa noua super opus maius.
[MSS. 63, 76, 135 and 192 are four uniform alchemical notebooks probably once bound together, written by a north Italian scribe identified in MS. 76 as "John Visio".]
[For full description see N.R. Ker, Medieval MSS in British Libraries, vol. 2 (1977) pp.884-5.]

MS. 64.
39 folios of vellum. 84x102mm oblong. 17th Century. In German.
Handbüchlein Zu welchem ordentlich beschriben ist Newe von mir/ nebst Göttlichen Hilfe/ ausgemachte Vniversal Tinctur, mit der ich alle unvollkommene Metall nach Verlangen Vniversliter ind das beste und feineste Golg tingirt und verendert habe, auch mich deren bis in die 33igste Jahr gebrauchet.
[8 fine watercoloured drawings.]
f15 [Empty flask.]
f20 [Red lion with flask with red liquid.]
f21 [Flask with red liquid.]
f24v [Crow with flask containing black liquid.]
f26 [Peacock with flask containing multi-coloured liquid.]
f27 [White swan with moon in beak, holding flask with white liquid.]
f29 [Crowned black king with flask containg red liquid.]
f30v [Crowned black queen holding sun and moon.]
[On f37 at end]: "Franciscus Dominicus Lukvni. Anno 1675".

MS. 65.
48 folios. 153x105mm. 16th Century. In Latin.
f1-27r (pp.1-53). Aegidius de Vadis anglici prologus in dialogum, naturam et filium philosophie super lapide philosophorum.
[See Aegidus de Vadis, Dialogus inter naturam et filium philosophiae, Francofurti, 1595.]
f27v-33v (pp.1-13). Tractatus de lapidibus preciosis.
f34-35v (pp.1-4) Telesmu Hermetis
[Tabula Smaragdina in Latin, with commentary.]
f35v-42 (pp.4-18) Epistola Ioannis Dastini de lapidi de philosoforum ad dominum stapilthon cardinale que quidem epistola est sale mixta qua nihil intanctum relinquat.

MS. 66.
247 folios. 191x130mm. 17th Century. In Italian.[Collection of alchemical receipts, with index.]

MS. 67.
xxxv + 182 folios. 174x108mm. 17th Century. In Latin and Italian.
Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri - che tratta di Alchimia con diverse figure, non solo di forni, uasi, et instrumenti chimici, ma altre figure intorno alle miniere di tutti i metalli.
fviii- xix Indice [List of contents.]
f xxvii [Coloured drawing of two flasks set upon furnaces.]
f xxviii [Coloured drawing of water bath apparatus.]
f1 - 40 [40 coloured drawings of alchemical process.]
[Figures 1-4 are symbolic of the four elements using allegorical animal symbolism, figures 5 and 6 are labelled "Arbor Solis" and "Arbor Lunae" respectively. Figures 7-10 show laboratory work and are labelled "Preparatio Lapidum", "Preparatio Metallorum", "Preparatio frugum vel plantarum", "Preparatio Animalium". Figures 11 and 12 are labelled "Perfecta Natura..." and "Perfecta Ars". Figures 13-37 show a series of different furnaces and laboratory processes. Figure 38 and 39 show a number of different types of alchemical vessels. Figure 40 shows a method of filtration using a cascade of dishes linked by capilliary wicks.]
[There are other coloured drawings of apparatus throughout the text on f53, 58v, 70v, 77, 79, 86v, 87, 88, 89, 90v, 92, 92v ,93, 135.]
[The text consists of short sections, which appear to be alchemical recipes for preparing certain substances or undertaking particular processes.]

MS. 68.
ii + 77 + iii folios. 184x144mm. 18th Century. In English and Latin with some Hebrew names.
[Christian Knorr Von Rosenroth]
f1-52 Aesch Mezareph: sive Ignis Purificans.
[Note added in later hand]: "collected out of the Kabbalah Denudata, abridged beginning at page 1"
[On inside front cover at top]: "in 1710 I first heard of this treatise" [and] "23 Augst 1712".
[Very similar to Westcott's edition Æsch Mezareph or purifying fire, London, 1894, but this manuscript breaks off partway through the last chapter.]
f53-69 [Quotations out of Kabbalah Denudata.]
[Notes in Latin with page references to Knorr von Rosenroth's Kabbala Denudata seu doctrina HebrÆorum..., Sulzbaci, Francofurti, 1677-84.]
f70-75 [Blank.]
f76 [Table at end as index to references to Cabbalistic Chemistry and the Philosophers' Stone in the Kabbalah Denudata.]
f77 [Table of Cabbalistic Tree of Life.]
[3 folios inserted "Collections out of Kunkel", notes in English.]

MS. 69.
119 folios. 161x102mm. 17th Century. In German.
[Petrus Kertzenmacher.]
[Transcript of 1613 edn. See Alchimia, das ist, alle Farben, Wasser, Olea, Salia und Alumina, damit man alle corpora, spiritus und calces, Praeparit, Sublimirt und Fixirt, zubereyten, Franckfurt am Mayn, 1613.]

MS. 70.
37 folios on vellum. 172x121mm. 16th Century. In Latin, text in black ink with titles and initial letters of paragraphs in red.
Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes.
De natura lapidum.
[Manual of precious stones with verses and descriptions.]
[The verses corresponding to the gems are the same as are found in Marbodus, De lapidibus pretiosis enchiridion, Friburgi, 1531.]
[Inscribed on f1v]: "Marbodeus gallus autor".
[Added in later hand]: "1530".

MS. 71.
iii + 104 folios. 186x132mm. 18th Century. In French.
f ii Table des Traites.
f1 Lettre d' Ephistion a Alexandre contenant l' Entretien, d' Heraclite, Democrite et Ephestion, sur la Nature er les Effets. Traduite sur L' Original grec qui est dans la Biblioteque du grand seigneur.
f12r Extrait d' une autre Lettre sur Lacier et layman du Cosmopolite.
f13v Extrait du veau dor de Jean Frederic Helvetius.
f31 Chapitre IV. De la generation des pierres [dierres] minerales ou matrices des metaux, et comment la nature prepare le Souphre Solaire.
f38 Des agens metaliques Livre II. Chapitre I. Du moyen d'Extraire l' Esprit Mineral.
f46 Chapitre II. Du Souphre Moteur.
f53 Extrait de quelques endroits tires de Chortolasse docteur Endroit sindie [sic] D' Estralzund et grand philosophe, ou le grand et petie peysan.
f59 Practique de l' hauteur dit Cortolasse.
f60 Claire Explication de lapiere des Philosophes.
[These last two may be only subheadings.]
f65 Fragmens du Mistere de la Nature oculte, de Valkius, Disciple de Chortolasse.
f70 Extrait de quelques endroits de l' Epitre Ecrite par de Chortolasse á l' Electeur de Cologne pour servir des recapitulation et Conclusion, au petit traité precedent.
f74 Extrait de quelques autheurs qui sont dans le Théatre Chimique.
[Extrait de la Tourbe, Rosarium Philosophorum, Ludus Puerorum, Isaac Holland, etc.]
f79 Remarques d' un anonyme. Extrait de Larmoinie Mistique de Lagneau.
f81 L' autheur de traité du Sel estoit un medecin de Copenhague qui se nommoit Harprecht.
f85 Questions Essentielles de Boniface VIIIe a maitre Arnault de Villeneufue.
f94v Questions accidentelles du dit Boniface au mesme autheur.
f102 Lettre d' un philosophe anonime a son file.

MS. 72.
78 folios (vii folios + 142 numbered pages). 155x104mm. 18th Century. In Latin.
Thesaurus pauperum Petri Hispani pontifici Romani philosophi et medici doctissimi de medendis morbis humani corporis.
[Medical treatise.]
[See Pope John XXI, Thesaurus pauperum, Venetia, 1531.]

MS. 73.
91 folios. 160x100mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Catalogus librorum duumvirorum Joh. Westreng et Had. Beverlandi.
[Printed and MSS. Printed catalogue in Latin dated 1692, numbered as pages 3-46. Manuscript catalogue in Latin dated 1693.]
[Bookplate of Hadrian Beverland.]

MS. 74.
100 folios (vi folios + 193 numbered pages). 186x120mm. 18th Century. In French.
Le rosaire des philosophes.
[With 21 line drawings, copies of the woodcuts in the printed work the Rosarium Philosophorum, which was first published in De Alchimia opuscula complura veterum philosophorum, Francoforti, 1550. Ferguson in his Bibliotheca chemica, II, p. 287, writes: "...there is a translation in French, which as far as I know, was not printed, but of which I have seen a copy in manuscript with the pictures finely executed with pen and ink".]
[See also MSS. 6, 29, 96, 149, 210.]

MS. 75.
38 folios (5 blank). 161x112mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Triarchia siue Triplex imperium planetarum & artium metallorum in tractatus seorsim disjunctos divisa scarabeus sequatur Aquilam ego noctuam. Oxoniae. 1597.
[With dedicatory epistles to Sir Thomas Walmesley, signed "R.A."]

MS. 76.
80 folios. 179x88mm. 15th Century. In Latin with some notes in Italian.
f1-26r Incipit tractatus Rugierii Baconis medici et fundamentum suum et summarium perfecta putrefacto rei...
[See Singer No.69.]
f26r Explicit libri finis de Bachoni ordinis minorum Lib 2.
f26v-28v Tractatus Marie Prophetisse.
f29-33 [Recipes.]
f33v-40 [Blank.]
f41-80 [Various treatises and recipes in Latin, with some notes in Italian.]
[MSS. 63, 76, 135 and 192 are four uniform alchemical notebooks probably once bound together, written by a north Italian scribe identified in MS. 76 as "John Visio".]
[For full description see N.R. Ker, Medieval MSS in British Libraries, vol. 2 (1977) pp.885-6.]

MS. 77.
132 folios. 210x168mm. 18th Century. In French.
[Various alchemical treatises in French.]
f1 [Engraving of Copernican sun centred cosmos entitled "le Systeme du Monde" bearing date 1638, has been pasted in.]
f2 Le Vrai Principe pour la transmutation, des metaux de Planis Campy. A Paris. Transcrit par Jean [—] en l'Annee 1787, et finis en 1788.
f3 (p i -ix) Préface.
f8 (p1-34) La lumière Sortie des ténèbres, où l'interpréte pour la Transmutation des métaux, poudre de Projection, Médicine Universelle, et la Pierre Filozofale.
f24 (p35-52) De la Matière que les filozofes doivent prendre. Et de toutes ses Circonstances. Section Seconde.
f33 (p53-75) Des Opérations, Feux, Fourneaux, Vazes, Poins, Tems, Couleurs, Perfections, Naissance, Augmentation & Projection de la pierre. Section 3.
f44v (p76) Table des Chapitres & Annotations ou Explications Contenuès en ce Traité filozofique.
f45 (p77) La Pierre Filozofale.
f46 (p79-92) Petit traité sur le Trézor Filozofique de la Médecine Métallique Traduit de l'Italien en Français.
f52v (p92-95) Oeuvres admirable, appellée lumière des lumieres.
[Inscribed at end of p96]: "Par R. Pere Gabriel de Castaigne Docteur en Theologie, Conseiller, aumonier du Roi & couventuel d'Avignon".
f55-62 [Seven circular engravings from the Musaeum Hermeticum are pasted onto the folios with a commentary below. Four emblems from Daniel Stolcius Hortulus Hermeticus are pasted above an engraving of 'La Resurection de Jesus' crudely coloured. Also there are six engravings of alchemical apparatus, and a copy in pen of a table from the Calendarium Naturale Magicum.]
f63 (p1-19) Traité de l'Or Potable. L'Or Potable Rendu en Liquer où Beame De Vie des Anciens Chimistes, dévoilé de Toutes Figures Cachées desdits; lequel à été Trouvé parmi les Ecrits de Raymon Lulle Ainsi que dans ceaux de Nicolas Flamel.
f72v (p20-42) Traité du sel des filozofes en faveur des curieux et des adeptes. En forme de Dialogues.
f84 Maniere de recueillir La véritable Matière première de la Pierre Filosofale Pour la Transmutation des métaux, la Poudre de Projection & la Medicine Universele. Le privilège du Roi... 1628.
Secret des secrets Dans lequel est Dévoilé les plus profonds Mistères, comme aussi [auffi?] les Similitudes les plus obscures, des Philosophes suivis par Lettres Alphabethiques à ne pouvoir sy méprendre. [ineprendre?.] Cet ouvrage vient de Nicolas Flamel.
f128 Table des matière contenuès, & entenduès en Cette Partie, par Lettres Alphabetiques [Table of content of this vast item.]
f131v [Circular drawing with "Mors in Me, Vita in Me".]
[Dated at bottom]: "ce Manuscrita été fini de Jourd'huy Vingt Juin 1788".
f132 [Drawing of caduceus with kabbalistic correspondence of letters and numbers.]

MS. 78.
123 folios. 162x100mm. 17th Century. In Latin and German.
Theatrum philosophorum chymicum Venetiis impressum.
[Short extracts and notes, in Latin and German, from alchemical tracts. Index to pieces on f117-121.]

MS. 79.
86 folios. 192x145mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
[Nicholas Staphorst] Officina Chymica Londinensis Sive Exacta notitia Medicamentorum Spagyricorum, Quae apud Aulam Societatis Pharmaceuticae Londin. praeparantur, et venalia prostant. Consilio Pharmacopoeorum et Approbatione Collegii Medicorum Londinensium exhibitum. Opera et Studio Nicolai Staphorst, oper. Chym. dict. Societatis. Prostant venales apud Guiliel. Miller, ad Insigne Glandis Aureae in Coemeterio D. Pauli. MDCLXXXV.
[See Nicolas Staphorst Officina chymica Londoniensis, London 1685.]
[Armorial Bookplate of Hugh W. Diamond, F.S.A., surgeon.]
[Inscription]: "Amicitiae erga D.D.J.Y. Akeman 26° die Januarii MDCCCXL."

MS. 80.
69 folios (of which 1 and 10 are wanting). 189x111mm. 15th Century. In Latin.
[Geber] Summa perfectionis magisterii.
[See Jabir ibn Haiyan (Geber) Summa perfectionis magisterii, Venetiis 1475, RomÆ 1513-1520.]
[For full description see N.R. Ker, Medieval MSS in British Libraries, vol. 2 (1977) pp.886.]

MS. 81.
viii folios + 423 pages. 172x110mm. 18th Century. In French.
f i Characteres Chimiques. [List of alchemical symbols.]
f iv [Index of contents of volume.]
p1 [Notes on transmutation of metals.]
p5-423 Les Clefs de la philosophie occulte. [Alchemical recipes in French, taken from various texts]:—
Huyle d'Antimone de Roger Bacon.
L'Oeuvre de Paracelse.
La Magie naturelle & La Clavicule de Remond Lulle.
Oeuvre philosophique de Jean Sanier.
Secrets tirez du liure intitule Sapientia Universalis De Jean Pierre Fabre Medicin a Montpellier.
Ce qui suit est pris de oeuvres minerales & vegetables de M Jean Isaac Holandois.
L'Oeuvre de Nicolas Flamel..

MS. 82.
502 pages. 182x115mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
Historia experimentalis Chemicae...
[213 Alchemical processes, divided into sections]:—
Experimenta in Vegetab.
Experimenta in Animalib.
Experimenta in Fossil.
Experimenta de Effervescentia.
Historia Praecipitationis, Historia Odorum.
Historia Saporum.
Historia Colorum.

MS. 83.
240 folios. 211x150mm. 15th Century. In Latin.
[Works of Ramon Lull.]
f1-148 Incipit theorica Raimundi Lulii. In arte maiori. Que est prima pars testamenti.
[See Singer No.244.]
f149-160 [A number of circular diagrams in red and black ink.]
f162-212 Thesaurus infinitus Raimondi vel Codicillum vel vade mecum de numero philosophorum.
[Inscribed at end on f212]: "Explicit thesaurus infinitus deo gratias 1468, mensi februarrii, die nona omnibus incomplens hora 2nd Amen."
[See Singer No.252.]
f212v-214 Incipit afforismii. Aurum philosophorum lapis est...
[Inscribed at end on f214]: "Explicit practica raimundi lullii..."
f214v-215r [Two diagrams in red and black ink.]
f216-231 Compendium Practica magistri raimundi de compositione lapidis philosophorum.
[See Singer No.253 Anima artis transmutacionis.]
f236-240v Incipit epistola magistri raimundi...
[See Singer, No. 250.]
[For full description see N.R. Ker, Medieval MSS in British Libraries, vol. 2 (1977) pp.887-8.]

MS. 84.
536 pages (of which 34 are blank). 165x100mm. 18th Century. In English.
[A collection of recipes for painting, japanning, etching, varnishing, cosmetics, agriculture, gardening, etc.]
[With a few diagrams in line and wash.]
[A 20 page index is on pages 505-524.]
[Notes on page 457 on calculating annuities suggests a date of 1735 for this manuscript.]

MS. 85.
71 folios. 183x115mm. 17th Century. In English and Latin.
p1-80 Sir George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward unfolded. [English.]
[In later hand]: "From D. of Marlborough's Library (Octr. 28. 1819.) F Stewart Ch Ch [Christ Church college] Oxon 1821."
p81-128 Another copie of the same (from Mr Sympson) 1669 More perfect, and (as it seems) more genuine. [English.]
p129-139 Praeparatio Mercurij ad lapidem per Regulum tum & Lunam ex Mss Philosophi Americani. [Latin.]
[A translation of this was published in Eirenaeus Philalethes, Ripley Reviv'd, London,1618, with the title: 'Experiment for the preparation of the sophick mercury, by Luna, and the Antimonial-Stellate-Regulus of Mars, for the Philosopher's Stone'. One of the experiments given in the printed version has here been inserted in the margin, in Latin, by a different hand, and is said to be from 'Mr. Cooper's copy 1677', presumably Willam Cooper, the publisher of Ripley Reviv'd.]
p141-163 A Breviary of Sr George Ripleys Compound of Alchemy Or a Paraphrasticall Epitome of his Twelve Gates.
[This second version is almost the same as that published in Ripley Reviv'd, with the title: 'An exposition upon Sir George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward IV'.]
p164-174 Epta amici [drawing of key] loco in Anonyma. Vidi Lib Mistrel 4to...
[Latin, in different hand. Mentions Sendivogius on p. 170.]
p176-180 [Bibliographical notes by F. Stewart, the owner of this manuscript in 1821.]

MS. 86.
iv folios + 166 pages. 190x152mm. 18th Century. In Latin and English.
The Works of Samuel Hieron.
[167 horoscope charts of named individuals with index, and some with notes in Latin or English.]
f ii-iv [Index.]

MS. 87.
92 folios. 172x114mm. 17th Century. In Italian.
Libro di diversi segreti, avertisca bene, chi li vorra mettere in opera, ci manca la chiave della chiave.
[Alchemical recipes, with index.]

MS. 88.
89 pages. 213x160mm. 19th Century. In English.
Memorandum mineralogica.
[Notes on minerals, with an index.]

MS. 89.
240 folios. 212x150mm. 17th Century. In Spanish.
Libro de Varios secretos Naturaleza. Del Maestro Francisco Aymar, Bachiller en Medicina, Natural de Valencia.
[From the Biblioteca Pública de Lima. De Doctor Juan Francisco de Ayala.]
f1 Een el nombre de iesuchristo. Aqui comjenca vn libro que hordeno maestre francisco aymar bachiller en medezina deualensia natural elqual libro habla delos secretos de philosophia tornados de griego enlatin, y delatin en romanse, y el dicho maestre francisco los declara como dicho es...
f4 [Curious Genealogy of the scientific tradition:] ...E Aristoteles escomenso a descubrir los grandes y largos secretos escondidos, E depues remon [Lull] resibio los otros secretos de aristoteles, E pedro despaña [Petrus Hispanus] resibiolos de remon, E fray juan deroca cisa [Johannes de Rupescissa] resibio los de pedro despaña y el maestre francisco aymar resibiolos de fray juan de rosasisa, E yo mastre francisco alonso el mayor de los dicipulos, criado del dicho maestro francisco aymar resibio los dichos secretos del en caridad siempre lansando los antepasados y otros muchos autores philosophos los resibieroin destos sobre dichos sabios, y la sentencia es esta: a gloria y honra y loor de nuestro Señor iesuchristo.

MS. 90.
125 folios. 172x108mm. 17th Century. In Latin and English, with some Greek.
[Various tracts on Alchemy, Theology, Logica Peripatetica, in Latin and English.]
f1 [Notes in English.]
f2-3 Nota Metaphysica ex Schublero. [Latin.]
f4-5r De Alchimia, ex Prolegomenis Grataroli. [Latin.]
f5v-10r Chrysorrhoas: sive Dialogus de Arte Chymica huius Auctore Osiander Gratarolo videtur.
f10v-27r Dialogus cui nomen Lignum Vitae:Autore Johanne Brachoser. Lingua Italica ab ipso authore primum fixit: his in Latinam a Gratarolo conversus.
[See Gratarolo, Verae Alchimiae Artisque Metallicae, Basileae, 1561.]
f27v-125 [Theological tract in English.]
[Reversed at end of Manuscript] f125 Logica Peripatetica ex optimis quibusquam Aristotelicis intelligentibus viam Peripateticam insistentibus certis systematibus definitionibus divisionibus corollariis contenta. [Text in Latin with some notes in Greek.]

MS. 91.
117 folios. 192x140mm. 17th Century. In Latin.
f1-2 Collectanea ex Nortonii Angli Originali istius qui scripsit Anno 1477. Regni Edw. 4 an. 17. [English and Latin.]
f4-8 Iohannis von Letzen Doctoris. Tractat von dem steine der Philosophen.
f10-16v Lapidis Philosophici Theoria Philippi a Ravillasco Piemontani Magi et Philosophi sui Temporis incomparabilis. [In English.]
f16v-18r Practica Philippa à Ravillasco Piemontani. [In Latin.]
f19-27v This is taken out of the second chapter out of the bouk intitulated the whole compound of Alchymie of Elixir of Philosophers.
[English with some sections at end in Latin.]
f27v-35 The Mystery of Alchymy compiled by George Riply chanon Regular of Bridlington. [English verse.]
f36 [Recipe in Latin.]
f37-52 Medulla Alchymiae Georgii Riplaei Angli. [Latin.]
f53-65 Philorcium Alchymistarum Georgii Riplaei Angli. [Latin.]
f66v [Diagram of Ripley's Wheel. Some text in Latin, and some in English.]
f66-70 Pupilla Philosophiae Georgii Riplei Angli. [Latin.]
f71-73 Accipe terram de terra et fratrem terrae quae non aliud est qua aqua, et terra est ignis de terra praetiosissima... [Latin.]
f74-87r Concordantia Raymundi Lullii & Guidonis Philosophi Graeci per Georgium Riplaeum Anglum. [Latin.]
f87v-89 Cantilena G. Riplei. [Latin.]
f90-92 Visio Georgii Riplaei Canonici de Bridlington. [Latin.]
[With 4 pen drawings of furnaces.]
f93-106 Clavis Aureae Portae Georgii Riplaei Angli. [Latin.]
f107-108r Argumenta contra Alchymiae veritatem pugnantia.
f108v-113r Etsi quidem haec missa nec Riplaeum nec alium certum. [Latin.]
f113r-115 The Work of Dickinson. [English verse.]
"When Phoebus with his Rayes bright
Through the Rayne takes his flight
His heate is then for norishinge
To the earth and every other thing
That Sapp and roote doth then revive
By Phoebus heat attractive
f116 A Preparation for Mushrooms [English.]
f117 [Verse in English and German.]

MS. 92.
371 pages. 163x203mm (oblong). 18th Century. In French.
p1-183 Extrait des Lettres de Michil Sendivogius, ou de Jean Joseph Dumont Ida, nommé Cosmopolite. [Sixty letters addressed to "A tres Excellent, et tres digne associe a l'academie cabaliste des philosophes Inconnus. T.V.Z."]
p185-234 Le Sceau ou hieroglifique De la Societe des philosophes Inconnus. Le Statuts et ordonnances des Philosophes Inconnus. [Seal on a piece of paper here inserted.]
p235-371 Crosparmier. Abrege de Toute la Philosophes [Inconnus].
[See Michael Sendivodius Traitez du Cosmopolite nouvellement decouverts ou apres avoir donne unde idee d'une Societe de Philosophes..., Paris 1691.]

MS. 93.
92 folios. 196x152mm. 17th Century. In English.
[Christoph Reibehand] Filium Ariadnes or The New Chymick Discourse of the horrible seducing errours of Chymists, whereby they deceive and are deceived and of the True sole way of the Ancient for to get the Great Secret, how to proceed and how the Particulars are to bee wrought upon experimental knowledge set forth in love to the Neighbour, which hitherto have not been revealed By Henry of Batsdorff, Hermundurus printed the 2d time. Anno 1639.
[Heinrich von Batsdorff was the pseudonym of Christoph Reibehand. See Reibehand, Filium Ariadnes das ist, newer chymischer Discurs von den grawsamen verführischen Irrwegen der Alchymisten..., 1639.]
[On the reverse of the flyleaf, there is a note critical of this work in pencil by S.B. i.e Sigismund Bacstrom.]

MS. 94.
190 folios (of which 54 are blank). 201x145mm. 17th Century. In French.
[Alchemical and astrological notebook of A. Mereau.]
[On f1]: "Cepressant livre apartieu a moi Jacques Choulteis Cavaillier au Regiment Royalle Roussillon Compagnie De Lorenceute en garnisson a Saumur en anjoux fait a Berrus le Deux fevriev l'ane De grace 1791 Choulteis".
[Text has some sections in code, the key to which has been pasted onto the inside front and end rear covers of the MS. There are two pen portraits of Mereau, and numerous drawings of alchemical apparatus, furnaces, etc. There is a section devoted to astrology which has a number of horoscope charts. A section at the end has a number of symbolic alchemical drawings in black and red ink.]
[On cover there are some words in code followed by] : "Elvoh a servez a la gloire de Dieu et au salut de [ ] ame A.M."

MS. 95.
202 pages. 252x188mm. 18th Century. In French.
p3-31 Advis d'un pere a son enfant.
Le son de la trompette. Des poids du ferment.
p35-79 Le jardin des richesses et toute la sapience divine de George Aurach Allemand grand philosophe.
p83-202 Livre de la fontaine perilleuse avec La chartre d'amours autrement intitule Le songe du verger... avec commentaire de J. G[ohory] P[arisien.] Paris; Jean Ruelle, 1572. [In verse.]
[See Jacques Gohorry, Livre de la fontaine perileuse..., Paris, 1572.]

MS. 96.
183 folios. 206x145mm. 17th Century. In German.
Rosengarten der Philosophen, [d.i.] zwei[ter] theil der Alchimie, von der warhafftigen weise, Den philosophischen Steyn zu bereitenn, Jnhaltende den rechten vorganck derselbigen kunst, mit schönen figuren (welche auch die vollckhomenheit diser sachen gruntlich aufweise) vertzeret.
[Text originally included 21 woodcuts, taken from a copy of the Latin edition of the Rosarium Philosophorum 1550, partly coloured pale yellow and pasted in. The last two plates have been lost though the original space they were pasted in is still visible.]
[Inscribed on title page]: "Bartholomaeus Thomas A° 1622."
[See also MSS. 6, 29, 74, 149 and 210.]

MS. 97.
viii + 165 pages. 238x167mm. 18th Century. In French.
[Alchemical Notebook c. 1729.]
[Inside front cover]: "Urannoscopus ou bien tapecon massiliente."[sic]
p i-vi Extrait d'un livre intitule Le parfait exemplaire de l'art chimique et philosophique de la sience naturelle. Imprime a Paris en 1635.
p vii Recipes. Pour lutter les vazes de creusets et autres.
p1-50 Remarques sur l'oeuvre hermetique.
[An annotation reads]: "tiree de divers autheurs latins par M. de Barlaimont ches moy a Geneve."
p51-64 Brieve method pour extraire de notre mercure.
[Letter from M. De Barlaimont to M. Colladon de La Pallud, Geneva, dated Nantua, 12 October 1729.]
p55-64 Extrait du chevalier Digby: De la preparation du soleil ou sel ammoniac.
p65-151 [Recipes, etc.]
p152-154 L'enigme par ramonneur Voisty les vers quy nous onst[sic] esté envoyé la Jesus.
p155-164 Recipes.

MS. 98.
71 folios. 242x180mm. 17th Century. In French.
f2-50 Repertoire alphabetique de Christophe Parisien.
f 52-54r Preface de l'oeuvre secret de la Philosophie Hermes... Penes nos Unda Tagi. 1651. Aux Professeures de la Philosophie d'Hermes.
f54v-55r Declaration sincere de tout l'oeuvre phisique touchant la matiere, et le Feu, par un amateur de la verité.
f55v-56r [Two emblemmatic pen drawings.]
f57r-58r [Pen drawings of alchemical furnaces and apparatus.]
f59-71 Pratique ouverte de l'oeuvre abrégé des Philosophes.
[See Jean d'Espagnet (pseudonym 'Penes nos Unda Tagi') La philosophie naturelle restabile en sa pureté. Où l'on voit à découvert toute l'Ïconomie de la nature... Avec le traicté de l'ouvrage secret de la philosophie d'Hermez..., Paris, 1651.]

MS. 99.
117 folios. 207x162mm. 18th Century. In English and Latin.
f1 [Title]: "An Alchimical Nosegay Gathered from the Hesperides Garden by Ebenezer Sibly. M.D. 1793."
f4-6 [Allegorical text on Green dragon.]
f8 [Emblematic pen drawing with four elements and planetary symbols.]
f11-12r Anima Magica Abscondita [Incomplete.]
f15 [Emblematic pen drawing. On the left an owl stands under a thundercloud from which descend bolts of lightning. On the right is a plant whose roots have a triangular form impressed on them. It grows under a sky with Moon and stars. The stem of the plant grows towards a cross at the centre of the drawing and entwines around this. At the tip of the plant stem are three triangular earth symbols.]
f18 Lucis Physicae Studiosis S. [8 lines of Latin. Incomplete fragment.]
f19-23 [Blank.]
f24 [Title only.]: "The Philosophical Nosegay composed of many Choice and rare Flowers Gathered Out of the Wilderness and Labyrinth of Alchemical Books. J.C. 1767."
f26-27 [Catalogue of Books.]
f29-41 Euphrates or the Waters of the East, being a short Discourse of that secret Fountain, whose water flows from Fire; and caries in it the Beams of the Sun and Moon. ... E.P. [i.e. Thomas Vaughan] 1655.
f42-48 Aula Lucis or The House of Light... S. Norton 1651.
f49-51 Necessary Instructions relating both to Theory and Practice gathered from different Authors. 1763.
f52-68 Lumen de Lumine or A new Magical Light written by Eugenius Philalethes.
f69 Aphorismi Magici Eugeniani. [Latin.]
f70-94 Three Treatises of Eireneus Philalethes. the Celestial Ruby, the Chymical Fountain and Ars Metallorum Metamorphosis. 1694.
[f73r has a coloured pen drawing showing seven crosses standing upon small hills connected with the planets and alchemical substances. This is set within a square of the four elements.]
f95-111 Sanguis Naturae or A Manifest Declaration of the Sanguine and Solar Congealed Liquor of Nature. By Anonimus 1696.
f113-130 Centrum Naturae Concentratum or The Salt of Nature Regenearated. Written in Arabick by Alipuli a Mauritian. Published first in low Dutch, afterwards in English... 1696.
[f113v has emblemmatic pen drawing.]
f131-166r A New Light of Alchymy by Michael Sandivogius.
[f131v has emblematic pen drawing.]
f166v-167r [12 drawings or descriptions of Orthelius's commentary on Sendivogius, see Theatrum Chemicum Vol 6, p. 404. See MS. Ferguson 45.]
f167f [Emblematic coloured pen drawing, green dragon sun and moon tree, flask, etc.]
f168 [Notes on alchemical experiments.]

MS. 100.
120 pages. 168x110mm. 17th Century. In French.
Livre de Secrets.
[Bound into this volume are some medical recipes in French.]