Artwork Tarot No. 29.

The Tarot of the Black Mountain
British artist Emily Carding's Tarot of the Black Mountain was included as tear out illustrations
for a book published in Croatia in 2009 of short stories on a tarot theme by Lena Ruth Stefanovic.
It is based on the landscape, people, myths, and history of Montenegro.
22 card Majors deck. Signed and numbered edition of 50.
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Artwork Tarot No. 27.

The Greater Mysteries Tarot
These 78 tarot designs were created by British surrealist artist Robert Ellaby between 1982 and 1984.
He undertook to make these images as part of a course of instruction in Western esoterics, and never intended these as a publicly available deck. I recently persuaded him to let me print this small edition of his designs, as I was very impressed by the imagery and the underlying structure of the deck. The Majors draw on the established images seen through Ellaby's particular focus, but for the Minors he created his own sequence of images, which are repeated with variations through the four suits which he tied closely to the four elements.
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Artwork Tarot No. 28.

The Golden Serpent Tarot
Between 2009 and 2013 Sebastian Haines created a series of oil paintings for his Tarot of the Golden Serpent.
These are wonderfully detailed and luminously coloured images, with a deep esoteric content to the symbolism.
For each of the cards Sebastian Haines has worked out a complex set of images which he constructs within a
symmetric structure. These are not free flowing impulsive paintings but are meticulously worked out, and
although dense with imagery there is nothing decorative, every symbol and its placement within the frame
of the image contributes to the meaning of the card.
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Artwork Tarot No. 25.

The Original Wirth Tarot
The tarot deck created by Oswald Wirth in 1889 was the first esoteric tarot to be published. Wirth had taken the designs from the familiar Marseilles decks and redrawn these so they expressed his esoteric ideas. The 1889 deck was printed as line engravings then coloured by hand. The colouring of the cards was often messy, with the colour overflowing the lines and often not entirely filling the areas, because the colour was applied using stencils and relatively unskilled labour. I have cleaned up the images, sensitively correcting these flaws, to produce a deck that reflected Wirth's original conception.
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Artwork Tarot No. 26.

W.T. Horton Tarot
William Thomas Horton (1864-1919) was an artist and mystic, friend of W. B. Yeats, part of the milleau of the Golden Dawn and
the various esoteric groups existing in the first decades of the 20th Century. He created many line drawn illustrations
for books. A few years ago Koretaka Eguchi was drawn to Horton's illustrations and began collecting books he had illustrated
and trying to develop interest in this neglected artist.
One day when pondering these, Koretaka Eguchi realised that, as many of these illustrations had imagery that paralleled
conventional tarot, it would be relatively easy and not at all artificial to construct a W. T. Horton Tarot, indeed the images fitted
the tarot archetypes without requiring reshaping or collaging.
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Artwork Tarot No. 23.

The Erotic Tarot of René Marcel Rivière.
The imagery of the Austrian artist René Marcel Rivière's Erotic Tarot is extremely powerful, surreal and inventive. One can look at one of his images for a considerable period of time and still find one has not seen all the details. For this limited edition the cards are printed as large as was possible in order to do the artwork justice. There are two decks included in the box, the original black and white pencil drawings and the set of coloured images.
Available now !
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Artwork Tarot No. 24.

The Fialko Tarot
Jeff Fialko is an artist and musician currently living in Fort Collins, Colorado. His art is usually rooted in something of an esoteric/occult/psychedelic nature, and he typically works with watercolors and ink. For the last year or so he has been exploring tarot imagery and has come to create this remarkable set of designs.
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Artwork Tarot No. 21.

Tarot ng Daigdig sa Balintataw by Lynyrd Narciso.
This is one of the wonderful designs of the prolific Philippine artist Lynyrd Narciso. It bears the title in old Filipino Tarot ng Daigdig sa Balintataw which translates to "The World inside the Pupil" (the black part of the eye). Narciso's art is anchored in strong underlying drawing, which he has coloured with subtle muted tones keyed to a tight palette. He adheres closely to the tarot archetypes, but presents them in a new stylised and entirely coherent manner, especially using leaf and feather forms.
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Artwork Tarot No. 22.

The Goth Tarot by Winny.
The strong and powerful drawings by Spanish artist Winny, are beautifully and delicately coloured. She explores the Goth theme from a more feminine perspective, and though avoiding the sometimes overly aggressive and extreme imagery we often find arising from artists working with the Goth theme, Winny, nevertheless, is uncompromising in her gaze. Hers is a strong yet engaging view.
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Artwork Tarot No. 19.

Taro by Ithell Colquhoun.
This amazing esoteric and art tarot was created by the occultist writer and surrealist artist Ithell Colquhoun (1906 - 1988). She was a painter and writer and along with Eileen Agar and Leonora Carrington, was one of the best-known English women surrealists. A friend of André Breton, she was also associated with Aleister Crowley. Her Taro is an example of a kind of abstract surrealism. For each card, she poured enamel paint onto a horizontal sheet of paper, allowing it to flow and mix. Sometimes she swirled it about with the pointed handle of a brush and sometimes she added dots or dabs of paint to emphasise certain features.
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Artwork Tarot No. 20.

Javanese Folktales Tarot by Andhika Wijaya.
Javanese culture is full of mysteries and wonder. Its sophisticated and elegant forms of art such as Wayang, batik and mask,
are well known but the rich tradition of Javanese folktales, which articulate and transmit its mythology
and legends and are often the stories used for Shadow Puppet (Wayang) performances, are not known outside the region.
Andhika Wijaya has created this beautiful imagery in luminous forms based on Javanese classic stories.
Her colours are wonderfully harmonious and keyed to a coherent set of tones.
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Artwork Tarot No. 17.

The Arto Tarot by Jane Estelle Trombley.
A beautifully coloured and structured series of tarot images. The intensity of the forms are so engaging that they almost jump off the cards and grab you.
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Artwork Tarot No. 18.

Diary of a Broken Soul by Ash.
This astounding tarot was created by Ash in exquisite pencil drawings. One has to see the printed images up close to fully appreciate them. There is a narrative underlying these images, in which Ash explores a journey of the soul through an allegorical landscape filled with intense experiences and inner trials. Ash achieves a wonderful marriage of vision and skill, neither dominating, and each at the service of the other.
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Artwork Tarot No. 15.

The Phantomwise Tarot by Erin J. McCauley.
This wonderfully atmospheric tarot is painted using a restricted palette of blacks and warm greys. Her art is influenced by myth, fable, fairy tales, the works of Lewis Carroll in particular and the phantasmagorical in general.
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Artwork Tarot No. 16.

The Lebanese Tarot by Caroline Mehlinger-Jawlakh.
These wonderfully luminous images celebrate the diversity of Lebanese culture.
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Artwork Tarot No. 13.

Fortuna's Wheel Tarot by Nigel Jackson who is well known for his Medieval Enchantment Tarot issued in 2000 and because of its popularity subsequently reprinted. He has now produced this Majors only
deck in a similar style. This deck is classic tarot imagery delightfully recreated.
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Artwork Tarot No. 14.

The Son Tarot by Chris Butler
This deck celebrates the more mysterious and mystical aspects of same sex love but this is only one of its faces.
On another level it expresses how the feminine Tarot archetypes express themselves through the lives of the male human being. The Mystic (card 2) and the Bountiful (card 3) show male embodiments of the High Priestess and Empress. They challenge men to connect with and express these feminine energies.
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Artwork Tarot No. 11.

The Quantum Tarot by Christopher Butler and Kay Stopforth. Set against backgrounds of photographs of stars and galaxies, this digitally manipulated photo collage deck explores tarot imagery through a filter of modern fundamental physics. In this deck a new approach to understanding tarot imagery through the ideas of modern physics merges with a truly creative artistic conception.
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Artwork Tarot No. 12.

The Ascension Tarot by Elizabeth Berg. Elizabeth Berg's totally positive view of the spiritual evolution of the human soul is pictured through her strong and detailed pen drawings for her tarot created in 1999. She presents a journey of the soul from the initial card of Faith where the fool is seen following the dove of the spirit, through to the final card of Exalted Consciousness where the soul itself becomes the dove of peace ascending into the divine light.
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Artwork Tarot No. 9.

The Aleph Tarot by Rossetta Woolf. These are the remaining 40 copies of this wonderful deck based on Rossetta's watercolour paintings, and signed by the inspirer of the imagery, Aleph Kamal. 250 copies of this deck were produced in 1994 and it is almost unknown to the tarot community. The remaining stock of around 40 copies is now offered for sale in the Art Tarot series.
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Artwork Tarot No. 10.

Tarot Obscura by Chris Bivins. This deck is a beautiful example of computer collage and digital image manipulation. Each card has, within its complex texture, a powerful photograph chosen to reflect the tarot imagery, and is subtly colour toned. There are many people today doing digital manipulated photo collage, but Chris Bivins is certainly one of the most skilled and expressive artists in this medium.
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Artwork Tarot No. 7.

The Chalice Tarot is a beautifully coloured deck whose images seem to glow with inner life. It was painted by Lynda Stevens and is quite well known through images seen on some web sites. But now the Major arcana have been issued as an actual deck.
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Artwork Tarot No. 8.

The Rotin tarot is intriguing and enigmatic. It reduces and focusses the familiar tarot images to minimal forms which retain the archetypal structure, indeed, Peter Rotin's artistic condensation seems to have given the tarot arcana even more powerful expression. An amazing black and white deck by this artist based in Malta.
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Artwork Tarot No. 5.

The Tarot of the Sidhe by the British artist Emily Carding was inspired by the sigil of the Great Glyph of the Sidhe. The Sidhe (pronounced 'shee') is the ancient Irish name for the Faery race. The artist has used this glyph, together with her personal attunement to those energies, to aid in the creation of this deck of wonderful flowing colours.
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Artwork Tarot No. 6.

The Corneal Edema Tarot by John R Dybowski leads us into a dark and mysterious gothic world. The artwork here is strong, coherent and with a delightful beauty of style.
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Artwork Tarot No. 3.

The Alchemical Wedding tarot is a very unusual and powerful tarot deck. Its imagery is strong and disturbing. The artist, David Aronson, uses the tarot form to explore images that are both unsettling and at the same time so beautifully crafted that they engage us and perhaps this is the nature of the alchemical wedding which he is inviting us to join.
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Artwork Tarot No. 4.

The Sylph tarot was created by the american artist, singer, composer writer and translator Tyran Grillo who was born in 1978 in California. He created this deck because he had yet to see a butterfly themed tarot. In addition to this being a personally significant symbol for him, the butterfly, as a symbolic gesture at least, he thinks suits the rather full spectrum of human experience in all facets of life, from the mundane to the esoteric.
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Artwork Tarot No. 1.

The Alchemical Emblem tarot was designed by F. J. Campos who lives in Barcelona. He is well known for the many
tarot decks he has designed for the Orphalese Tarot system. For this deck he selected some of alchemical emblems which have been coloured by Adam McLean, and which seemed to resonate with the particular tarot card symbolism.
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Artwork Tarot No. 2.

Marie-Claude Purro, a self-taught artist, was born on in 1962 in
Fribourg, Switzerland. From 1993 to 1994, she lived in the small town of
Praia de Mira, Portugal where she painted the 22 major arcanes of the Tarot.
She says: "I studied and understood each arcane before painting it. This
is how I found treasures of symbolisms about everyone's daily life, experiences,
unhappiness, happiness, fears, power, spirituality; every day, one or more
cards, 'appeared' to me according to what I was about to say or do. Each of
those 22 cards corresponds to a different feeling, a highly enriching experience."
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