| Adrian Tarot
Artist: Adrian B. Koehli Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 135mm. Width: 67mm. Standard
Date: 1997. Publisher: AG Mueller. Country: Switzerland
 | Ägyptisches Tarot Karten
Artist: Bernt A. Mertz Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 99mm. Width: 62mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: mvg. Country: Switzerland Black pen drawings with areas in gold
 | A.F. Tarot Deck
Artist: Uncredited Designer:
42 cards Major arcana only nonstandard - Minor arcana only has aces and the four court cards of each suit. Back of each card has a different astrological symbol.
Height: 89mm. Width: 58mm. Miniature
Date: 1970. Publisher: Art Fair Inc.. Country: USA Line drawings based on Tarot of Marseilles. Interiors of drawings are in white and printed against a yellow background.
 | African Tarot Cards
Artist: Marina Romito Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 77mm. Width: 58mm. Miniature
Date: 1995. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA
 | Afro-Brazilian Tarot
Artist: Giuseppe Palumbo Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2006. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy Pen drawings in soft brown ink, coloured with watercolour or water based acrylic. The artwork is cartoon, almost manga, style. Palumbo has worked on various comic books including the well known 'Martin Mystere' series.
 | Akron Tarot
Artist: S. O. Huettengrund
Designer: Akron - Charles F. Frey
80 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 119mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: AGMueller-Urania Verlag
. Country: Switzerland
 | Tarocchi dell'Alba Dorata (Arte)
Artist: Giacinta Gaudenzi Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 144mm. Width: 77mm. Standard
Date: 1990. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo - Tarocchi d'Arte. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy Watercolours. Titles have been renamed but the symbolism of the major arcana are easily recognisable. |
 | Alchemical Tarot
Artist: Robert M. Place Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 1995. Publisher: Thorsons. Country: UK Line drawings coloured, imitating woodcuts.
 | Alchemical Tarot
Artist: Edward J. O'Donnelly Designer: Rafal T. Prinke
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: mm. Width: mm. Standard
Date: 1988. Publisher: Edition Ouroboros. Editor: Frank K. Jensen. Country: Denmark
 | Alcohol tarot
Artist: Uncredited Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips. Limited edition of 1000
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm.
Date: 2004. Publisher: Carta Mundi. Country: UK Photographs some with collage
 | Amado 777 Tarot
Artist: Amado Crowley Designer:
111 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic. nonstandard - Alpha pack is standard 22 + 56 cards.
Beta pack has five new major arcana and two new suits (28 cards) for the minor arcana.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2001. Publisher: Diamond Books. Country: Belgium Acrylics with airbrushing or similar effect.
 | Amano Yoshitaka
Artist: Amano Yoshitaka Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 115mm. Width: 64mm. Standard
Date: 2002. Publisher: . Country: Japan
 | Ananda Tarot
Artist: Ananda Kurt Pilz Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2001. Publisher: Urania. Country: Switzerland Computer graphics collage.
 | Ancestral Path Tarot Deck
Artist: Julie Cuccia-Watts Designer: Tracey Hoover
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 105mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 1995. Publisher: U.S. Games. Country: USA Acrylics.
 | Ancient Egyptian Tarot
Artist: Clive Barrett Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 119mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 1994. Publisher: Aquarian Press. Country: UK Oil paintings.
 | Ancient Italian Tarot
Artist: Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2000. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Country: Italy Engravings tinted with watercolour. Reproduction of Cartiera Italiana in Serravalle Sesia, 1880. |
 | Ancient Mysteries Tarot Deck
Artist: Roger Calverley Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: Lotus Press. Country: USA Manipulated photographic images.
 | Angel Tarot
Artist: Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 113mm. Width: 63mm. Standard
Date: 1980. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA
 | Angels Tarot
Artist: Robert Michael Place Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 127mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1995. Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco. Country: USA Line drawings coloured with watercolour.
 | Ansata Tarot
Artist: Paul Struck Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 129mm. Width: 90mm. Standard
Date: 1981. Publisher: AG Mueller. Country: Switzerland Oil paintings. Also known as the Mertz -Struck Tarot. The images by Paul Struck were originally published by Ansata Verlag with the book 'Astrologie und Tarot' by B.A. Metz, 1981. |
 | Antico Tarocco Italiano
Artist: Stefano Scagni Designer: Diego Meldi
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 125mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: . Country: Italy
 | Aperol Tarot - Tarocchi Mazzo Egizio Barbieri
Artist: F. Ili Barbieri Designer:
46 cards Major arcana only
Height: 108mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1973. Publisher: Aperol. Country: Italy Line drawings coloured with solid blocks of colour.
 | Aquarian Tarot
Artist: David Palladini Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 118mm. Width: 75mm. Standard
Date: 1970. Publisher: Morgan Press. Country: USA
 | Arcana for the New Dark Age
Artist: William Kirchner Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 163mm. Width: 121mm. Large
Date: 1994. Publisher: Pomegranate books. Country: USA Watercolour. Published as a book of postcards. Similar in style to the Postmodern Tarot. |
 | Arcani Occultati di Leonardo
Artist: Ernest Solari Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 139mm. Width: 75mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: Solari. Country: Italy Mixed. Some are coloured pencil drawings. Others are watercolours. While others use photographs and collage.
 | I 22 Arcani Fiabeschi
Artist: M . Elena Pecchio Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only Limited edition of 2500
Height: 115mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1986. Publisher: Osvaldo Meneghello. Editor: Osvaldo Meneghello. Country: Italy Pen drawings coloured probably with watercolour.
 | Archeon Tarot
Artist: Timothy Lantz Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 68mm. Standard
Date: 2005. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA Computer manipulated collage using painted textures and colouring.
 | Tarot des Archétypes
Artist: Bernard Chaumeil Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 153mm. Width: 77mm. Large
Date: . Publisher: Institut de Bio-Psycho-Synergie. Country: Crayon with pencil underdrawing. Cards are renamed with two polarised archetypal terms such as 'joy - sadness', 'light-shadow', 'love-hate', 'patience-impatience' etc., but have some imagery recognisably related to the tarot major arcana. |
 | Arco Iris
Artist: Marcela Garcia Rodriguez Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2001. Publisher: Editorial Sirio S.A.. Country: Spain Watercolour or acrylic with airbrushed effects.
 | Arica Tarot
Artist: James W. Hanlon Designer: Oscar Ichazo
79 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 278mm. Width: 142mm. Large
Date: 1978. Publisher: Arica Institute. Country: USA Pen line drawings. Card are supplied with tear off sections which have details about colouring, which the owner is supposed to do. The subtitle reads "Coloring cards for the Game of the Scarab". |
 | Art Nouveau Tarot
Artist: Matt Myers Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 111mm. Width: 61mm. Standard
Date: 1989. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA Oil on board.
 | Tarot Art Nouveau Mignon
Artist: Antonella Castelli Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 80mm. Width: 43mm. Miniature
Date: 2003. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Country: Italy Pencil drawings coloured with watercolour. This was also issued in a full sized version. It is also known as the Primavero Tarot. |
 | Art of Tarot
Artist: Emma Garner Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 2001. Publisher: Cico Books. Country: UK Watercolour with collage.
 | Arthurian Tarot
Artist: Miranda Gray Designer: Caitlin and John Matthews
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 1990. Publisher: Aquarian Press. Country: UK
 | Astral Tarot
Artist: Yurica Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 71mm. Standard
Date: 1969. Publisher: Mont-Saint-Johns. Country: USA Pen drawings, black on white.
 | Astrological Mandala
Artist: A.T. Mann Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 90mm. Width: 90mm. Square Standard
Date: 1987. Publisher: Interbook. Country: Germany Watercolour drawings.
 | Atavist Tarot
Artist: Sally Annett Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 127mm. Width: 88mm. Standard
Date: 2003. Publisher: Foulsham. Country: UK Computer manipulated collage of acrylic paintings and photographic material.
 | Aura Soma
Artist: Phyllis Mahon Designer:
100 cards Major and Minor arcana. nonstandard - Extra set of Major arcana
Height: 130mm. Width: 90mm. Standard
Date: 1997. Publisher: Aura-Soma. Country: UK
 | Australian Contemporary Dreamtime Tarot
Artist: Dr Keith Courtney-Peto Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 1991. Publisher: Goldrope Pty. Ltd.. Country: Australia
 | Avalon Tarot
Artist: Joseph Viglioglia Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2002. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy Pen drawings with watercolour or acrylic.
 | Tarot of the Ayrshire Witches
Artist: Line art by John Upton, colouring by K. Frank Jensen Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 85mm. Width: 51mm. Miniature
Date: 2000. Publisher: K. Frank Jensen. Country: Denmark Pen drawings, watercoloured. This set of tarot designs was apparently made by John Upton for use within a witches coven in Ayrshire in Scotland. The pen drawings were later coloured by K. Frank Jensen and printed in an edition of only six copies. The artwork is naive and in many places explicitly erotic. The designs reflect imagery of importance in late 20th century wicca or witchcraft practices. Thus the Fool, naturally to a pagan witch, is shown as a Bishop. |
 | Balbi Tarot
Artist: Domenico Balbi Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 110mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1992. Publisher: Fournier. Country: Spain
 | Barbara Walker Tarot
Artist: Barbara G. Walker Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 100mm. Width: 61mm. Standard
Date: 1986. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA
 | Basic Tarot
Artist: Gudrun Dobratz Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 140mm. Width: 94mm. Large
Date: 1997. Publisher: AG Mueller. Country: Switzerland Collage. Photographs with paint.
 | Euskal Tarot Mitikoa - Basque Mystical Tarot
Artist: Angel Elvira Designer: Maritxu Guler
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 110mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: Fournier. Country: Spain Line drawings coloured with oils or acrylics.
 | Baumtarot
Artist: Tilman Michalski Designer: Illustrations for the book 'Madru - oder Der Grosse Wald' by Frederik Hetmann
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 91mm. Width: 58mm. Miniature
Date: 2000. Publisher: Koenigafurt Verlag. Country: Germany
 | Tarot de Belmont
Artist: Françoise Corboz Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 130mm. Width: 100mm. Large
Date: 1995. Publisher: Lang, SRL. Country: Switzerland Fine line pen drawings, coloured with watercolour.
 | Beth's Floral Ellipse
Artist: Beth Crawford Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Ovals Standard
Date: 1994. Publisher: Self published Blinbeth Enterprises.. Country: USA Acrylic or watercolour paintings. Oval in form.
 | Black Tarot
Artist: Luis Royo and Pilar San Martin Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 109mm. Width: 60mm. Standard
Date: 1998. Publisher: Fournier. Country: Spain Oil paintings
 | Black Flamingo Tarot
Artist: Maria Kruse Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 115mm. Width: 85mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: Self published Maria Kruse. Country: USA Mostly acrylic paintings but with some cards porduced using computer graphics.
 | Book of Kaos Tarot
Artist: Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule Designer:
80 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 140mm. Width: 94mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: Self published. Country: Autralia
 | Bosch Tarot
Artist: A. Atanassov Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 119mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2000. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy Coloured pencil drawings.
 | Dovilio Brero - Vivere una vita
Artist: Dovilio Brero Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 127mm. Width: 68mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: Centre d'art VAAS. Country: France 18 oil paintings and 4 images from sculptures.
 | Bruegel Tarot
Artist: Guido Zibordi Marchesi Designer: Pietro Alligo
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 120mm. Width: 61mm. Standard
Date: 2003. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Country: Italy
 | Brotherhood of Light
Artist: Uncredited Designer: CC Zain (Elbert Benjamine)
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 107mm. Width: 63mm. Standard
Date: 1936. Publisher: Church of Light. Country: USA
 | Tarot das Bruxas
Artist: Rodval Matias Designer: Alexandre Rampazo
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 138mm. Width: 76mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: Alemdalenda. Country: Brasil
 | Buckland Romani
Artist: Lissanne Lake Designer: Michelle Dillaire and Raymond Buckland
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 117mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2001. Publisher: Llewellyn Publications. Country: USA Guache or water based acrylic.
 | Buddha Tarot
Artist: Robert M. Place Designer:
79 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 117mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: LLewellyn. Country: USA Thick line drawings coloured, probably using computer graphics.
 | B.O.T.A.
Artist: Uncredited Designer: Paul Foster Case
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 105mm. Width: 63mm. Standard
Date: 1931. Publisher: Builders of the Adytum. Country: USA