| Labyrinth Tarot
Artist: Luis Royo Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 110mm. Width: 60mm.
Date: 2005. Publisher: Fournier. Country: Spain Oil paintings. The pictures for the major arcana are imaginative and yet entirely traditional. There is an overall gothic style to the artwork, and though brooding and gloomy it does not have a sense of menace and angst. In his Labyrinth Tarot Royo touches on this dark gothic world with the delicacy of a sensitive, and aesthetic creativity. He delights in the beauty of the gothic style. |
 | Laura Damus
Artist: Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 127mm. Width: 75mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: . Country: France Computer graphics program. Abstract forms created in older style of computer graphics drawing program. The conventional images in Tarot de Marseilles order, are reduced to abstractions. |
 | Tarot Lenormand
Artist: Ernest Fitzpatrick Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2006. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy Detailed pen drawings in brown ink, coloured with watercolour. Soft delightful coloured drawings, based on the 'Madame Lenormand Fortune Telling Cards', but here recreated within a tarot context.
 | Lepidopteran People Tarot
Artist: Lynyrd Narciso Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 128mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2005. Publisher: Paraluman. Country: Philippines Acrylics.
 | Londa Tarot
Artist: Londa Marks Designer:
79 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1993. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA Oil paintings. All the figures in this tarot are stylized as thin androgynous Goths, and the imagery is based firmly on the Rider-Waite, having emblematic pip cards obviously derived from that classic deck.
 | Manga Tarot
Artist: Anna Lazzarini Designer: Pietro Alligo
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2006. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy Drawings coloured with watercolour or acrylic. Japanese manga (fantasy comic book) art began to be used in tarot in the 1990's. Lo Scarabeo here presents a highly polished tarot in manga style. |
 | Marilyn Manson Tarot
Artist: Designer: Marilyn Manson (Brian Warner)
10 cards Major arcana only
Height: 105mm. Width: 64mm. Standard
Date: 2000. Publisher: . Country: USA Computer modified photo collage. This partial deck of ten cards, which began to be issued with Marilyn Manson’s CD’s beginning with his ‘Holy Wood’ album of 2000, is a dark, gothic tarot. It is a rather well constructed photo collage deck. As one would expect from a rock music star, Manson’s face appears on most of the cards. He is the Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Emperor, Hierophant, Hermit, Justice, Death, the Hanged Man and no doubt he also lurks behind the ram’s head mask of the Devil. |
 | Tarot Médiéval
Artist: Pal Degome Designer: Nina Montangero
79 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: Indigo Montangero. Country: Switzerland Pen drawings coloured with watercolour.
 | Medieval Cat Tarot
Artist: Lawrence Tang Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 64mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA
 | MerryDay Tarot
Artist: Louisa Poole Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 117mm. Width: 72mm. Standard
Date: 1997. Publisher: Jackie and Rick McCabe. Country: USA Watercolour paintings with outlines heightened with pen. This deck is based on the Rider-Waite deck but shifted into a pagan mindset. Some of the Major Arcana have been renamed to reflect its pagan orientation. This deck presents a wonderfully romanticed view of an all-inclusive paganism. The Minor arcana hold close to the Rider-Waite emblematic forms, but in a pagan context. |
 | Tarocchino Bolognese di G.M. Mitelli
Artist: G.M. Mitelli Designer:
nonstandard - Limited edition of 150
Height: 127mm. Width: 65mm. Standard
Date: 1986. Publisher: Edizioni del Solleone. Country: Italy
 | Morgan Greer Tarot
Artist: William Greer Designer: Lloyd Morgan
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 71mm. Standard
Date: 1979. Publisher: Morgan Press. Country: USA Finely detailed pen drawings coloured with watercolour. One of the first tarots to print the image without a border. This is essentially a reworking of the Rider-Waite imagery in 1970's terms. |
 | Tarot Mystique
Artist: Alexandre Mourouzi Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only Limited edition of 2000
Height: 128mm. Width: 78mm. Standard
Date: 1983. Publisher: Samjac S.A. AGM Mueller. Country: Switzerland Oil paintings.
 | Namur Tarot
Artist: Martha Leyros Designer: Professor Namur
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 124mm. Width: 82mm. Standard
Date: 2000. Publisher: Academia de Cultura Arcana. Country: Brasil Ink drawings with coloured pencil.
 | Tarocchi Napoletani
Artist: Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 106mm. Width: 64mm. Standard
Date: 2005 ?. Publisher: Muoio Carte. Country: Italy Pen drawings coloured using graphics software. Rider Waite style Majors with a Italian style pip Minors. |
 | Necromantic Tarot
Artist: Leilah Wendell with additional works by George Higham Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only Limited edition of 1000
Height: 90mm. Width: 50mm. Miniature
Date: 1994. Publisher: Westgate Press. Country: USA Paintings and photo collage. The Necromantic Tarot was issued to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the business venture Westgate Press that Wendell had set up in 1979 to market her books, artwork and prints. She incorporates various elements into her paintings - beings of darkness and beings of light, skeletal figures, lightning strikes, graves and cosmic spaces. Some of the artwork for this deck is photo collage. |
 | New Palladini
Artist: David Palladini Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 117mm. Width: 76mm. Standard
Date: 1996. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA Oil or acrylic paintings. David Palladini here reworks his 1970 Aquarian Tarot in a similar art deco style, but here the figures are not so flatly represented, but are beautifully modelled with intense and dramatic colours. |
 | Nimue Tarot
Artist: Vivien J. Stewart-Jones Designer:
79 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 117mm. Width: 72mm. Standard
Date: 2002. Publisher: Self published. Country: UK Pencil drawings scanned into a computer and then coloured using a graphics program. This deck was created by Vivien Stewart-Jones who uses the pseudonym 'Nimue'. It does not appear to have any direct conection to Celticism. A few card images follow closely the standard Rider-Waite symbolism, but most of the cards are entirely freshly created in a charming and coherent style. |
 | Oracle Tarot
Artist: Melinda Pearson Designer: Lucy Cavendish
62 cards Major arcana only nonstandard -
Height: 126mm. Width: 88mm. Standard
Date: 2003. Publisher: Hay House. Country: USA Oil paintings (or acrylic with medium). Non-standard tarot, with 22 Majors (some renamed), and 40 pip cards (standard 10 each suit), but without the court cards. Each card bears keywords for readings. The artist has provided wonderfully expressive paintings as the basis for this deck. |
 | Paragon-Reiss Tarot
Artist: Uncredited Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 118mm. Width: 69mm. Standard
Date: 1983. Publisher: Paragon-Reiss Inc. Country: USA Redrawn versions of Rider-Waite deck, but with altered and ideosyncratic colouring. Line drawings with watercolour.
 | Parrott Tarot
Artist: Margaret Parrott Designer: Thom Parrott
82 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 108mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1995. Publisher: S.S. Adams Co. Country: USA Soft watercolour paintings probably on pencil drawings, with some lines stengthened probably using a pen. Although seeming naive and childlike, the artwork for this deck is full of complex emblematic symbolism and magical correspondences. The pip cards though not using emblems such as in the Rider-Waite, are nevertheless each given a distinctive form. The Mentor card of each suit, is inserted between the Prince and the Queen. The Major arcana are uniquely associated with a small cluster of notes of the musical scale. |
 | Tarot de Patrick Jeau
Artist: Patrick Jeau and Sklaerenn Imbeaud Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 112mm. Width: 59mm. Standard
Date: 2003. Publisher: Heron. Country: France Watercoloured drawings.
 | The POMO tarot - a Postmodern deck
Artist: Brian Williams Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 151mm. Width: 95mm. Standard
Date: 1994. Publisher: Harper SanFrancisco. Country: USA Fine line pen drawings coloured with watercolour.
 | La Regina del Sole
Artist: Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 111mm. Width: 60mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: . Country: Italy
Promotional deck seemingly given away by an Italian telephone tarot reading service. A fresh and colourful reworking of the Tarot of Marseilles designs. |
 | Robin Wood Tarot
Artist: Robin Wood Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 117mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1991. Publisher: Llewellyn. Country: USA Pen drawn outlines coloured with coloured pencils. Well-crafted clone of Rider-Waite shifted into a more 'pagan' or 'New Age' style. |
 | Ronitarot
Artist: Ronit Hartmann Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 120mm. Width: 80mm. Standard
Date: 2006. Publisher: Arun-Verlag. Country: Germany Pen drawings with watercolour and some photocollage. The Ronitaro by the artist Ronit Hartmann is exquisitely romantic in style. The main figures in the artwork are finely drawn
in pencil, then the artist creates a web of coloured forms
with some small amount of photocollage. This is a very
engaging and well crafted art tarot.
 | Royal Tarot
Artist: Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 129mm. Width: 74mm. Standard
Date: 1995. Publisher: Kuo Kau Paper ProductsCo. Ltd. Country: Taiwan Thick pen outlines coloured with water based pigments. Sensitively coloured popular deck. The artwork is not challenging, but is an easy deck for beginners. |
 | Samantha's Tarot
Artist: Samantha Kocsis Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 71mm. Width: 53mm. Miniature
Date: 2005. Publisher: Dolphin Daze. Country: USA Ink, watercolour and acrylics.
 | El Tarot de la Y - Tarot of the Pilgrimage of Santiago
Artist: Juan Martinez Casasus Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 120mm. Width: 74mm. Standard
Date: 2004. Publisher: Aleu, s.a.. Country: Spain Drawings coloured with watercolour.
 | Tarot of Saqqara
Artist: Donald G. Beaman Designer:
cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: mm. Width: mm.
Date: 1985. Publisher: . Country: USA Pen drawings. Detailed line drawn Egyptian style tarot - Saqqara is a temple complex in Egypt. Originally designed in 1985 but in 2006 issued on a CD-Rom, with the Minor arcana also provided as a coloured version. |
 | Savage Tarot
Artist: MichelleX Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic. Limited edition of 100
Height: 121mm. Width: 87mm. Standard
Date: 2005. Publisher: Self published. Country: USA Computer generated photo-collage. Among the darkest conceptions of tarot to date. |
 | Sedona Vortex Tarot
Artist: Bryan Richards Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 152mm. Width: 101mm. Large
Date: 1996. Publisher: Sedona Vortex. Country: USA Collage. Photographic backgrounds with cartoon figures making up the foreground imagery.
 | El tarot de Sirio
Artist: Marcela Garcia Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 119mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 2001. Publisher: Editorial Sirio S.A.. Country: Spain Acrylics.
 | Solleone Tarot
Artist: Elisabetta Cassari Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 149mm. Width: 83mm.
Date: 1983. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Editor: Vito Arienti. Country: USA Fine pen drawings coloured with tempera and watercolour. Cassari brings a beautiful and original conception to the tarot images. In places her designs depict violence and we are shown many scenes of people cynically exploiting one another, but this hardness of tone melts in the wonderfully flowing line and colour of the artwork. Cassari's emblematic designs for the pip cards are primarily original rather than being reworkings of the familar Rider-Waite images. |
 | Tarot of the Southwest Sacred Tribes
Artist: Violeta Monreal Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 117mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1996. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA Drawings with watercolour.
 | Spiritual Tarot
Artist: Marie-Claire Wilson Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 120mm. Width: 75mm. Standard
Date: 1996. Publisher: Self published. Country: USA Line drawings coloured with watercolour or coloured inks.
 | Spiro Tarot
Artist: Gail Kettleson Designer: Gail Kettleson
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips. Limited edition of 100
Height: 116mm. Width: 67mm. Standard
Date: 2006. Publisher: Self published. Country: USA Computer generated abstract forms. This tarot has abstract shapes created using a computer software program called SpiroRama, which is an implementation of the ever popular spirograph. The forms created are primarily circular or elliptical, rather than linear. |
 | Star that never walks around - Native American Tarot
Artist: Stella Bennett Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 101mm. Width: 101mm. Round Standard
Date: 2002. Publisher: Weiser. Country: USA Coloured pencil.
 | Stone Tarot
Artist: Alison Stone Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 126mm. Width: 82mm. Standard
Date: 2000. Publisher: Self-published. Country: USA Oil paintings. The artwork here is in wonderful radiant colour, probably through the application of thin glazes of transparent oils on a brilliant white ground. The reds are especially luminous. The figures adopt cool expressions and usually fix us with a cold remote gaze, which gives them a otherworldly almost archetypal nature. |
 | Tarocchi Stop
Artist: Designer:
22 cards Major arcana only
Height: 110mm. Width: 59mm. Standard
Date: . Publisher: . Country: Italy Pencil drawings with watercolour. Simple tarot de Marseilles designs, in naive style with subtle watercolour drawings.
Probably produced as a promo deck for some Italian magazine. |
 | Tarot the Ancient Prophecy
Artist: Uncredited Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 121mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1973. Publisher: Dynamic Games - Dynamic Design Industries. Country: USA Pen line drawings coloured with watercolour or coloured inks.
 | Transformational tarot
Artist: Arnell Ando Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 68mm. Standard
Date: 2005. Publisher: U.S. Games systems. Country: USA Photocollage
 | Tarot of Transition
Artist: Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 111mm. Width: 60mm. Standard
Date: 1983. Publisher: U. S. Games Systems. Country: USA Pen drawings coloured with watercolours. Ideosyncratic Egyptian themed tarot by an unknown artist. The artwork is a modern recreation of Egyptian tomb wall carvings or images in papyri. |
 | 20th Century
Artist: Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm. Standard
Date: 1970. Publisher: Skor-Mor Corp.. Country: USA Pen drawings.
 | Universal Goddess Tarot
Artist: Antonella Platano Designer: Maria Caratti
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2006. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy
This tarot attemps to reflect the different Goddesses found throughout the many mythologies - including those in Classical, Celtic, North American Indian, Norse, Japanes, Chinese, Hindhu, Maori, and many other traditions. |
 | Vampire Tarot
Artist: Nathalie Hertz Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic.
Height: 120mm. Width: 70mm.
Date: 2002. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems. Country: USA Acrylic paintings. This deck adopts a light and gently humorous approach and presented us with thin, gaunt figures who are clearly vampires with sharp, pointed eye-teeth fangs. They all sport incredible hair styles. The backgrounds to most of the cards are dark, but style overwhelms any sense of the sinister and we have here an entirely entertaining deck. |
 | Tarot of White Cats
Artist: Severino Baraldi Designer: Pietro Alligo
cards Major and Minor arcana. Minor arcana are emblematic. Minor arcana are pips.
Height: 120mm. Width: 66mm. Standard
Date: 2005. Publisher: Lo Scarabeo. Editor: Pietro Alligo. Country: Italy
 | Yeager Tarot of Meditation
Artist: Marty Yeager Designer:
78 cards Major and Minor arcana.
Height: 109mm. Width: 79mm. Standard
Date: 1975. Publisher: U.S. Games Systems 1982. Country: USA Paintings probably in oils.