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The Hermetic Research books
This series includes essays and new research on hermetic subjects and transcriptions and translations of hermetic texts. It was originally issued in paperback format in order to produce lower priced books to complement the hardcover Magnum Opus series.
This was not a successful strategy as sales were very low so I am now making this available as a download.
This contains eleven books in pdf format. This can be accessed by any computer system. These can be read on your computer screen or printed out onto paper if you prefer. To see details of the titles go to the Hermetic Research Series page.
No. 7. Sketches of Scottish Alchemists - John Small
No. 8. A Treatise on Salt
No. 9. Rupescissa - The Book of Quintessence
No. 10. The Book of the Composition of Alchemy
No. 11. Thomas Charnock's alchemical letter to Queen Elizabeth
No. 12. Jung, Alchemy and History by Jon Marshall
No. 13. The Book of Cratés
No. 14. The Compound of compounds
No. 15. Stahl - The Philosophers' Stone
No. 16. Paracelsus - Three Books of Philosophy written to the Athenians
No. 17. Tesson - The Green Lion
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